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Athlete Name: De'Ana Forbes
School Name: George Washington ( DANVILLE, VA)
Class: 2013

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2013 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-10 G-100 12.21 w(2.1)Southern Track Classic (#5)
2013-04-13 G-100 12.33 NWIColonel Classic (#2)
2013-04-13 G-200 25.62 NWIColonel Classic (#3)
2013-05-10 G-100H 14.53 w(3.1)Southern Track Classic (#4)
2013-04-13 G-100H 14.78 NWIColonel Classic (#1)

2013 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-01-05 G-55 7.25 VA#20 VA Bulldog Invitational (#1)
2013-01-12 G-55 7.26 Heritage Invite (#1)
2012-12-15 G-55 7.28 Liberty Elite Meet (#3)
2013-02-02 G-55 7.30 Virginia Tech Inv (#3)
2012-12-15 G-55 7.31 pre Liberty Elite Meet (#2)
2013-02-02 G-55 7.35 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#4)
2013-02-09 G-55 7.37 VA Western Valley District Champs (#1)
2013-02-09 G-55 7.43 pre VA Western Valley District Champs (#1)
2013-01-12 G-55 7.48 pre Heritage Invite (#2)
2013-02-02 G-55H 8.25 US#39 VA#6 Virginia Tech Inv (#3)
2013-01-05 G-55H 8.29 VA Bulldog Invitational (#1)
2012-12-15 G-55H 8.32 Liberty Elite Meet (#2)
2013-02-09 G-55H 8.35 VA Western Valley District Champs (#1)
2013-02-02 G-55H 8.36 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#4)
2012-12-15 G-55H 8.40 pre Liberty Elite Meet (#2)
2013-01-12 G-55H 8.90 pre Heritage Invite (#1)

2012 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-01-20 G-55 7.32 VA#31 Mid Area Track Classic (#3)
2012-02-11 G-55 7.35 Western Valley District Championships (#1)
2012-02-15 G-55 7.36 pre VA Northwest Region Championships (#4)
2012-02-11 G-55 7.40 pre Western Valley District Championships (#1)
2012-01-14 G-55 7.44 pre Flames Invitational (#10)
2012-02-25 G-55 7.44 pre VA AAA State Meet (#25)
2012-01-28 G-55 7.47 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#17)
2012-01-14 G-55H 8.55 VA#17 Flames Invitational (#1)
2012-01-28 G-55H 8.61 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#7)
2012-01-20 G-55H 8.64 Mid Area Track Classic (#1)
2012-01-28 G-55H 8.64 Virginia Tech Inv (#7)
2012-01-14 G-55H 8.72 pre Flames Invitational (#1)
2012-02-15 G-55H 8.81 VA Northwest Region Championships (#3)
2012-02-11 G-55H 8.83 pre Western Valley District Championships (#1)
2012-02-11 G-55H 8.83 Western Valley District Championships (#1)
2012-02-15 G-55H 8.88 pre VA Northwest Region Championships (#3)
2012-02-25 G-55H 8.90 pre VA AAA State Meet (#21)
2012-02-11 G-TJ 33'5.5" Western Valley District Championships (#3)

2011 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-05-27 G-100 12.24 pre w(2.8)VA 3A Region Northwest (#2)
2011-05-27 G-100 12.35 w(2.8)VA 3A Region Northwest (#3)
2011-06-04 G-100 12.39 pre w(2.9)VA 3A State Meet (#14)
2011-05-19 G-100 12.40 pre NWIVA 3A Dist Western Valley (#1)
2011-05-19 G-100 12.41 NWIVA 3A Dist Western Valley (#1)
2011-05-19 G-200 25.55 NWIVA 3A Dist Western Valley (#1)
2011-06-04 G-200 25.63 VA#37 pre w(1.3)VA 3A State Meet (#20)
2011-04-30 G-200 25.67 NWIJoe Curcio Invitational (#2)
2011-05-27 G-200 25.69 w(1.9)VA 3A Region Northwest (#6)

2011 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-02-12 G-55 7.33 VA Western Valley District (#1)
2011-01-15 G-55 7.33 VA#31 pre Flames Invitational (#6)
2011-01-08 G-55 7.34 Bulldog Invitational (#2)
2011-02-16 G-55 7.34 VA AAA Northwest Region (#2)
2011-01-29 G-55 7.35 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#10)
2011-02-16 G-55 7.36 pre VA AAA Northwest Region (#2)
2011-02-12 G-55 7.44 pre VA Western Valley District (#1)

2010 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-05-20 G-100 12.31 NWIVA 3A District - Western Valley (#1)
2010-05-28 G-100 12.35 VA#18 w(0.7)VA 3A Region - Northwest (#2)
2010-04-03 G-100 12.46 w(2.6)Vince Bradford Relays (#1)
2010-05-28 G-200 25.51 VA#29 w(1)VA 3A Region - Northwest (#6)
2010-05-20 G-200 25.73 NWIVA 3A District - Western Valley (#2)

Performances by Event
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-01-05 G-55 7.25 VA#20 VA Bulldog Invitational (#1)
2013-01-12 G-55 7.26 Heritage Invite (#1)
2012-12-15 G-55 7.28 Liberty Elite Meet (#3)
2013-02-02 G-55 7.30 Virginia Tech Inv (#3)
2012-12-15 G-55 7.31 pre Liberty Elite Meet (#2)
2012-01-20 G-55 7.32 VA#31 Mid Area Track Classic (#3)
2011-02-12 G-55 7.33 VA Western Valley District (#1)
2011-01-15 G-55 7.33 VA#31 pre Flames Invitational (#6)
2011-01-08 G-55 7.34 Bulldog Invitational (#2)
2011-02-16 G-55 7.34 VA AAA Northwest Region (#2)
2012-02-11 G-55 7.35 Western Valley District Championships (#1)
2011-01-29 G-55 7.35 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#10)
2013-02-02 G-55 7.35 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#4)
2011-02-16 G-55 7.36 pre VA AAA Northwest Region (#2)
2012-02-15 G-55 7.36 pre VA Northwest Region Championships (#4)
2013-02-09 G-55 7.37 VA Western Valley District Champs (#1)
2012-02-11 G-55 7.40 pre Western Valley District Championships (#1)
2013-02-09 G-55 7.43 pre VA Western Valley District Champs (#1)
2011-02-12 G-55 7.44 pre VA Western Valley District (#1)
2012-01-14 G-55 7.44 pre Flames Invitational (#10)
2012-02-25 G-55 7.44 pre VA AAA State Meet (#25)
2012-01-28 G-55 7.47 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#17)
2013-01-12 G-55 7.48 pre Heritage Invite (#2)
2013-05-10 G-100 12.21 w(2.1)Southern Track Classic (#5)
2011-05-27 G-100 12.24 pre w(2.8)VA 3A Region Northwest (#2)
2010-05-20 G-100 12.31 NWIVA 3A District - Western Valley (#1)
2013-04-13 G-100 12.33 NWIColonel Classic (#2)
2010-05-28 G-100 12.35 VA#18 w(0.7)VA 3A Region - Northwest (#2)
2011-05-27 G-100 12.35 w(2.8)VA 3A Region Northwest (#3)
2011-06-04 G-100 12.39 pre w(2.9)VA 3A State Meet (#14)
2011-05-19 G-100 12.40 pre NWIVA 3A Dist Western Valley (#1)
2011-05-19 G-100 12.41 NWIVA 3A Dist Western Valley (#1)
2010-04-03 G-100 12.46 w(2.6)Vince Bradford Relays (#1)
2010-05-28 G-200 25.51 VA#29 w(1)VA 3A Region - Northwest (#6)
2011-05-19 G-200 25.55 NWIVA 3A Dist Western Valley (#1)
2013-04-13 G-200 25.62 NWIColonel Classic (#3)
2011-06-04 G-200 25.63 VA#37 pre w(1.3)VA 3A State Meet (#20)
2011-04-30 G-200 25.67 NWIJoe Curcio Invitational (#2)
2011-05-27 G-200 25.69 w(1.9)VA 3A Region Northwest (#6)
2010-05-20 G-200 25.73 NWIVA 3A District - Western Valley (#2)
2013-02-02 G-55H 8.25 US#39 VA#6 Virginia Tech Inv (#3)
2013-01-05 G-55H 8.29 VA Bulldog Invitational (#1)
2012-12-15 G-55H 8.32 Liberty Elite Meet (#2)
2013-02-09 G-55H 8.35 VA Western Valley District Champs (#1)
2013-02-02 G-55H 8.36 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#4)
2012-12-15 G-55H 8.40 pre Liberty Elite Meet (#2)
2012-01-14 G-55H 8.55 VA#17 Flames Invitational (#1)
2012-01-28 G-55H 8.61 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#7)
2012-01-20 G-55H 8.64 Mid Area Track Classic (#1)
2012-01-28 G-55H 8.64 Virginia Tech Inv (#7)
2012-01-14 G-55H 8.72 pre Flames Invitational (#1)
2012-02-15 G-55H 8.81 VA Northwest Region Championships (#3)
2012-02-11 G-55H 8.83 pre Western Valley District Championships (#1)
2012-02-11 G-55H 8.83 Western Valley District Championships (#1)
2012-02-15 G-55H 8.88 pre VA Northwest Region Championships (#3)
2013-01-12 G-55H 8.90 pre Heritage Invite (#1)
2012-02-25 G-55H 8.90 pre VA AAA State Meet (#21)
2013-05-10 G-100H 14.53 w(3.1)Southern Track Classic (#4)
2013-04-13 G-100H 14.78 NWIColonel Classic (#1)
2012-02-11 G-TJ 33'5.5" Western Valley District Championships (#3)

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