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Athlete Name: Tyler Whitmore
School Name: Upper Moreland ( WILLOW GROVE, PA)
Class: 2015

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2015 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-01 B-200 22.00 US#35 PA#2 PFTCA Indoor State Championships (#2)
2015-02-07 B-200 22.82 TFCA of GP Meet #8 (#1)
2015-03-01 B-400 49.60 US#74 PA#3 PFTCA Indoor State Championships (#2)
2015-02-21 B-400 50.98 TFCA of GP Meet of Champions (#5)
2015-01-31 B-400 51.61 TFCA of GP Meet #7 (#1)

2014 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-10 B-100 10.67 NWISOL American Conf Championships (#2)
2014-05-10 B-200 21.55 pre NWISOL American Conf Championships (#1)

2014 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-03-01 B-60 6.96 US#57 PA#5 pre PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#2)
2013-12-30 B-60 6.99 Robert J Burdette Classic (#1)
2014-03-01 B-60 7.01 pre PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#3)
2014-03-01 B-60 7.01 PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#5)
2014-02-14 B-60 7.05 TFCA of GP Last Chance Meet (#2)
2013-12-30 B-60 7.15 pre Robert J Burdette Classic (#3)
2014-02-14 B-60 7.16 pre TFCA of GP Last Chance Meet (#4)
2014-03-01 B-200 21.80 US#21 PA#2 PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#2)
2013-12-30 B-200 22.40 Robert J Burdette Classic (#1)
2014-02-15 B-200 22.42 PTFCA Indoor Track Carnival (#1)
2014-01-18 B-400 50.76 PA#13 TFCA of GP #5 (#1)

2013 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-18 B-100 10.90 PA#6 pre w(0.3)PA AAA District 1 (#4)
2013-05-18 B-200 21.96 PA#3 pre w(-0.1)PA AAA District 1 (#2)
2013-05-18 B-200 22.12 w(-0.2)PA AAA District 1 (#4)
2013-05-18 B-200 22.39 pre w(-1.6)PA AAA District 1 (#7)
2013-04-06 B-200 22.48 NWICouncil Rock Kiwanis Invitational (#2)

2013 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-02-23 B-60 7.02 PA#10 pre PA PTFCA State Champs (#10)
2013-02-16 B-60 7.10 TFCAofGP Meet of Champions (#4)
2013-02-16 B-60 7.15 pre TFCAofGP Meet of Champions (#6)
2012-12-08 B-60 7.16 TFCA of GP Meet #1 (#2)
2013-01-05 B-60 7.19 TFCA of GP Meet #4 (#1)
2013-01-05 B-60 7.25 pre TFCA of GP Meet #4 (#1)
2012-12-08 B-60 7.34 pre TFCA of GP Meet #1 (#2)
2013-02-23 B-200 22.19 US#48 PA#3 PA PTFCA State Champs (#2)
2013-03-10 B-200 22.63 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#37)
2013-02-16 B-200 22.70 TFCAofGP Meet of Champions (#2)
2013-02-02 B-400 51.80 PA#34 TFCAofGP Meet #7 (#2)

2012 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-12 B-100 10.88 pre NWISOL American Conference (#1)
2012-05-12 B-100 10.92 PA#10 w(0.4)SOL American Conference (#1)
2012-05-19 B-100 10.95 pre w(-0.8)PA AAA District 1 (#4)
2012-05-19 B-100 10.96 w(2)PA AAA District 1 (#6)
2012-04-07 B-100 10.99 pre NWICouncil Rocks Kiwanis Invitational (#2)
2012-05-12 B-200 21.89 PA#10 w(0)SOL American Conference (#1)
2012-05-12 B-200 22.08 pre NWISOL American Conference (#1)
2012-05-19 B-200 22.08 pre w(2)PA AAA District 1 (#3)
2012-05-19 B-200 22.19 w(1.8)PA AAA District 1 (#7)
2012-04-14 B-200 22.39 NWITFCAGP Spring Invitational (#3)
2012-05-03 B-200 22.42 NWIMontgomery Memorial Meet (#3)

2012 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-01-21 B-60 7.08 PA#15 pre Kevin Dare Memorial PA (#1)
2012-02-25 B-60 7.08 pre PA Indoor State Meet (#6)
2012-02-25 B-60 7.08 PA Indoor State Meet (#7)
2012-01-21 B-60 7.13 Kevin Dare Memorial PA (#4)
2012-02-25 B-60 7.13 pre PA Indoor State Meet (#7)
2012-01-21 B-200 22.35 US#91 PA#13 Kevin Dare Memorial PA (#5)
2012-02-25 B-200 22.46 PA Indoor State Meet (#14)

Performances by Event
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-03-01 B-60 6.96 US#57 PA#5 pre PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#2)
2013-12-30 B-60 6.99 Robert J Burdette Classic (#1)
2014-03-01 B-60 7.01 pre PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#3)
2014-03-01 B-60 7.01 PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#5)
2013-02-23 B-60 7.02 PA#10 pre PA PTFCA State Champs (#10)
2014-02-14 B-60 7.05 TFCA of GP Last Chance Meet (#2)
2012-01-21 B-60 7.08 PA#15 pre Kevin Dare Memorial PA (#1)
2012-02-25 B-60 7.08 pre PA Indoor State Meet (#6)
2012-02-25 B-60 7.08 PA Indoor State Meet (#7)
2013-02-16 B-60 7.10 TFCAofGP Meet of Champions (#4)
2012-01-21 B-60 7.13 Kevin Dare Memorial PA (#4)
2012-02-25 B-60 7.13 pre PA Indoor State Meet (#7)
2013-12-30 B-60 7.15 pre Robert J Burdette Classic (#3)
2013-02-16 B-60 7.15 pre TFCAofGP Meet of Champions (#6)
2012-12-08 B-60 7.16 TFCA of GP Meet #1 (#2)
2014-02-14 B-60 7.16 pre TFCA of GP Last Chance Meet (#4)
2013-01-05 B-60 7.19 TFCA of GP Meet #4 (#1)
2013-01-05 B-60 7.25 pre TFCA of GP Meet #4 (#1)
2012-12-08 B-60 7.34 pre TFCA of GP Meet #1 (#2)
2014-05-10 B-100 10.67 NWISOL American Conf Championships (#2)
2012-05-12 B-100 10.88 pre NWISOL American Conference (#1)
2013-05-18 B-100 10.90 PA#6 pre w(0.3)PA AAA District 1 (#4)
2012-05-12 B-100 10.92 PA#10 w(0.4)SOL American Conference (#1)
2012-05-19 B-100 10.95 pre w(-0.8)PA AAA District 1 (#4)
2012-05-19 B-100 10.96 w(2)PA AAA District 1 (#6)
2012-04-07 B-100 10.99 pre NWICouncil Rocks Kiwanis Invitational (#2)
2014-05-10 B-200 21.55 pre NWISOL American Conf Championships (#1)
2014-03-01 B-200 21.80 US#21 PA#2 PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#2)
2012-05-12 B-200 21.89 PA#10 w(0)SOL American Conference (#1)
2013-05-18 B-200 21.96 PA#3 pre w(-0.1)PA AAA District 1 (#2)
2015-03-01 B-200 22.00 US#35 PA#2 PFTCA Indoor State Championships (#2)
2012-05-12 B-200 22.08 pre NWISOL American Conference (#1)
2012-05-19 B-200 22.08 pre w(2)PA AAA District 1 (#3)
2013-05-18 B-200 22.12 w(-0.2)PA AAA District 1 (#4)
2013-02-23 B-200 22.19 US#48 PA#3 PA PTFCA State Champs (#2)
2012-05-19 B-200 22.19 w(1.8)PA AAA District 1 (#7)
2012-01-21 B-200 22.35 US#91 PA#13 Kevin Dare Memorial PA (#5)
2012-04-14 B-200 22.39 NWITFCAGP Spring Invitational (#3)
2013-05-18 B-200 22.39 pre w(-1.6)PA AAA District 1 (#7)
2013-12-30 B-200 22.40 Robert J Burdette Classic (#1)
2014-02-15 B-200 22.42 PTFCA Indoor Track Carnival (#1)
2012-05-03 B-200 22.42 NWIMontgomery Memorial Meet (#3)
2012-02-25 B-200 22.46 PA Indoor State Meet (#14)
2013-04-06 B-200 22.48 NWICouncil Rock Kiwanis Invitational (#2)
2013-03-10 B-200 22.63 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#37)
2013-02-16 B-200 22.70 TFCAofGP Meet of Champions (#2)
2015-02-07 B-200 22.82 TFCA of GP Meet #8 (#1)
2015-03-01 B-400 49.60 US#74 PA#3 PFTCA Indoor State Championships (#2)
2014-01-18 B-400 50.76 PA#13 TFCA of GP #5 (#1)
2015-02-21 B-400 50.98 TFCA of GP Meet of Champions (#5)
2015-01-31 B-400 51.61 TFCA of GP Meet #7 (#1)
2013-02-02 B-400 51.80 PA#34 TFCAofGP Meet #7 (#2)

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