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Athlete Name: Michaela Preachuk
School Name: Lakeville North ( Lakeville, MN)
Class: 2015

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2015 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-30 G-100H 14.24 US#89 MN#1 w(1.6)MN Section 1AA Championships (#1)
2015-05-20 G-100H 14.49 NWISouth Suburban Conference Championships (#1)
2015-06-06 G-100H 14.50 w(-2.5)MN 2A State Meet (#2)
2015-05-02 G-100H 14.54 NWIHoward Wood Dakota Relays (#1)
2015-04-24 G-100H 14.56 NWIHamline Elite Meet (#3)
2015-06-06 G-100H 14.63 pre w(-1.2)MN 2A State Meet (#3)
2015-04-28 G-100H 14.68 NWISouth Suburban Conference Relays (#1)
2015-05-02 G-100H 14.78 pre NWIHoward Wood Dakota Relays (#1)
2015-05-30 G-100H 14.87 pre w(-2.4)MN Section 1AA Championships (#1)
2015-05-20 G-100H 14.91 pre NWISouth Suburban Conference Championships (#1)
2015-05-02 G-100H 15.08 pre w(1.5)Howard Wood Dakota Relays (#1)

2015 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-08 G-60H 9.12 MN#2 USATF Minnesota Indoor Championships (#2)

2014 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-04-26 G-100H 14.62 NWIHamline Elite Meet (#2)
2014-06-07 G-100H 14.66 MN#4 w(0.4)MN AA State Meet (#3)
2014-06-07 G-100H 14.83 pre w(0.9)MN AA State Meet (#5)
2014-05-31 G-100H 15.02 w(-4.2)MN AA Section 1 (#1)
2014-05-31 G-100H 15.13 pre w(-1.9)MN AA Section 1 (#1)

2014 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-03-29 G-55H 8.41 US#98 MN#1 All-American Invitational (#1)
2014-03-29 G-55H 8.44 pre All-American Invitational (#1)
2014-03-22 G-60H 9.13 MN#1 SCSU HS Classic (#1)
2014-03-22 G-60H 9.15 pre SCSU HS Classic (#1)

2013 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-04-06 G-55H 8.64 MN#1 All-American Invitational (#1)
2013-04-06 G-55H 8.68 pre All-American Invitational (#1)
2013-06-08 G-100H 14.61 MN#2 w(-0.8)MN Class AA State Champs (#2)
2013-06-08 G-100H 14.89 pre w(0)MN Class AA State Champs (#1)

2012 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-03-31 G-55H 8.97 MN#2 All American Invitational (#2)

Performances by Event
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-03-29 G-55H 8.41 US#98 MN#1 All-American Invitational (#1)
2014-03-29 G-55H 8.44 pre All-American Invitational (#1)
2013-04-06 G-55H 8.64 MN#1 All-American Invitational (#1)
2013-04-06 G-55H 8.68 pre All-American Invitational (#1)
2012-03-31 G-55H 8.97 MN#2 All American Invitational (#2)
2015-03-08 G-60H 9.12 MN#2 USATF Minnesota Indoor Championships (#2)
2014-03-22 G-60H 9.13 MN#1 SCSU HS Classic (#1)
2014-03-22 G-60H 9.15 pre SCSU HS Classic (#1)
2015-05-30 G-100H 14.24 US#89 MN#1 w(1.6)MN Section 1AA Championships (#1)
2015-05-20 G-100H 14.49 NWISouth Suburban Conference Championships (#1)
2015-06-06 G-100H 14.50 w(-2.5)MN 2A State Meet (#2)
2015-05-02 G-100H 14.54 NWIHoward Wood Dakota Relays (#1)
2015-04-24 G-100H 14.56 NWIHamline Elite Meet (#3)
2013-06-08 G-100H 14.61 MN#2 w(-0.8)MN Class AA State Champs (#2)
2014-04-26 G-100H 14.62 NWIHamline Elite Meet (#2)
2015-06-06 G-100H 14.63 pre w(-1.2)MN 2A State Meet (#3)
2014-06-07 G-100H 14.66 MN#4 w(0.4)MN AA State Meet (#3)
2015-04-28 G-100H 14.68 NWISouth Suburban Conference Relays (#1)
2015-05-02 G-100H 14.78 pre NWIHoward Wood Dakota Relays (#1)
2014-06-07 G-100H 14.83 pre w(0.9)MN AA State Meet (#5)
2015-05-30 G-100H 14.87 pre w(-2.4)MN Section 1AA Championships (#1)
2013-06-08 G-100H 14.89 pre w(0)MN Class AA State Champs (#1)
2015-05-20 G-100H 14.91 pre NWISouth Suburban Conference Championships (#1)
2014-05-31 G-100H 15.02 w(-4.2)MN AA Section 1 (#1)
2015-05-02 G-100H 15.08 pre w(1.5)Howard Wood Dakota Relays (#1)
2014-05-31 G-100H 15.13 pre w(-1.9)MN AA Section 1 (#1)

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