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Athlete Name: Alexys Taylor
School Name: Osbourn Park ( MANASSAS, VA)
Class: 2016

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2015 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-06-06 G-100 11.74 w(2.5)VA 6A State Meet (#2)
2015-04-18 G-100 11.85 NWIThe Running Store City-County Championship (#1)
2015-06-21 G-100 12.07 VA#9 pre w(-0.6)NB Outdoor Nationals (#14)
2015-05-29 G-100 12.12 w(1.1)VA 6A North Region (#1)
2015-06-06 G-100 12.12 pre w(1.5)VA 6A State Meet (#3)
2015-04-04 G-100 12.14 NWIDunbar Crimson Tide Invitational (#2)
2015-07-12 G-100 12.15 pre NWIUSATF JO Region 3 Qualifier (#2)
2015-07-12 G-100 12.16 NWIUSATF JO Region 3 Qualifier (#3)
2015-05-29 G-100 12.22 pre w(-0.3)VA 6A North Region (#1)
2015-04-04 G-100 12.33 pre NWIDunbar Crimson Tide Invitational (#2)
2015-05-08 G-100 12.33 w(1.9)Southern Track Classic (#2)
2015-04-11 G-100 12.39 NWINorthern Virginia Invitational (#1)
2015-06-06 G-200 24.73 VA#6 pre w(0.7)VA 6A State Meet (#3)
2015-05-08 G-200 24.74 w(0)Southern Track Classic (#3)
2015-06-21 G-200 24.90 pre w(-0.3)NB Outdoor Nationals (#18)
2015-06-06 G-200 25.03 w(-1.4)VA 6A State Meet (#4)
2015-05-29 G-200 25.16 w(0.9)VA 6A North Region (#1)
2015-04-11 G-200 25.18 NWINorthern Virginia Invitational (#1)
2015-07-12 G-200 25.23 pre NWIUSATF JO Region 3 Qualifier (#2)
2015-05-29 G-200 25.28 pre w(-0.4)VA 6A North Region (#1)
2015-04-04 G-200 25.39 NWIDunbar Crimson Tide Invitational (#1)
2015-04-18 G-400 56.84 VA#17 The Running Store City-County Championship (#1)
2015-05-09 G-400 57.05 Victor Cahoon Classic (#3)
2015-05-29 G-400 57.06 VA 6A North Region (#1)
2015-05-29 G-400 57.57 pre VA 6A North Region (#2)

2015 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-10 G-55 7.04 pre VA 6A Indoor State Meet (#1)
2015-03-15 G-55 7.04 US#17 VA#3 semi inr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#11)
2015-03-15 G-55 7.11 pre enr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#20)
2015-03-10 G-55 7.11 VA 6A Indoor State Meet (#4)
2015-01-24 G-55 7.12 St. Christopher's Invitational (#1)
2015-01-10 G-55 7.17 Montgomery Invitational (#1)
2015-01-31 G-55 7.17 pre Virginia Tech HS Invitational (#5)
2015-01-31 G-55 7.18 Virginia Tech HS Invitational (#6)
2015-01-24 G-55 7.21 pre St. Christopher's Invitational (#1)
2015-02-19 G-55 7.21 VA 6A North Regional Indoor Championships (#1)
2015-01-10 G-55 7.27 pre Montgomery Invitational (#1)
2015-02-19 G-55 7.32 pre VA 6A North Regional Indoor Championships (#1)
2015-03-15 G-60 7.66 US#60 VA#2 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#20)
2015-03-15 G-60 7.70 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#26)
2015-03-15 G-200 25.50 VA#7 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#33)
2015-01-31 G-300 40.01 US#31 VA#7 Virginia Tech HS Invitational (#6)
2015-01-24 G-300 40.27 St. Christopher's Invitational (#1)
2015-03-10 G-300 40.36 VA 6A Indoor State Meet (#4)
2015-01-10 G-300 40.62 Montgomery Invitational (#2)
2015-02-19 G-300 41.34 VA 6A North Regional Indoor Championships (#1)

2014 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-03 G-200 25.81 NWIGar-Field Invitational (#1)
2014-05-30 G-400 57.92 VA#35 pre VA 6A North Region (#4)
2014-06-07 G-400 58.04 VA 6A State Meet (#7)
2014-05-14 G-400 58.70 VA 6A Conference 8 Championships (#3)
2014-05-10 G-400 58.87 Victor Cahoon Track Classic (#1)

2013 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-24 G-100 11.92 US#83 VA#2 w(-1.1)VA AAA Northwest Region Champs (#1)
2013-06-01 G-100 12.02 w(-0.3)VA Group AAA State Champs (#3)
2013-06-01 G-100 12.15 pre w(-0.9)VA Group AAA State Champs (#6)
2013-05-24 G-100 12.23 pre w(0.3)VA AAA Northwest Region Champs (#1)
2013-04-12 G-100 12.36 NWIGojekian Twilight Meet (#3)
2013-05-24 G-200 24.64 VA#5 w(1.4)VA AAA Northwest Region Champs (#2)
2013-06-01 G-200 24.92 pre w(-1.5)VA Group AAA State Champs (#3)
2013-06-01 G-200 25.31 w(-1.8)VA Group AAA State Champs (#7)
2013-05-04 G-400 57.88 VA#32 Gar-Field Invitational (#2)
2013-04-06 G-400 59.22 The Running Store City-County Championship (#3)

2013 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-12-22 G-55 7.22 VA#14 PR Holiday Invitational (#1)
2013-01-12 G-55 7.34 Montgomery Invitational (#5)
2012-12-29 G-55 7.35 pre Friends of Indoor Track (#3)
2012-12-29 G-55 7.35 Friends of Indoor Track (#3)
2013-01-12 G-55 7.40 pre Montgomery Invitational (#5)
2012-12-29 G-300 41.56 VA#27 Friends of Indoor Track (#3)
2013-01-12 G-300 41.93 Montgomery Invitational (#9)
2012-12-22 G-300 42.13 PR Holiday Invitational (#2)

Performances by Event
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-10 G-55 7.04 pre VA 6A Indoor State Meet (#1)
2015-03-15 G-55 7.04 US#17 VA#3 semi inr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#11)
2015-03-15 G-55 7.11 pre enr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#20)
2015-03-10 G-55 7.11 VA 6A Indoor State Meet (#4)
2015-01-24 G-55 7.12 St. Christopher's Invitational (#1)
2015-01-10 G-55 7.17 Montgomery Invitational (#1)
2015-01-31 G-55 7.17 pre Virginia Tech HS Invitational (#5)
2015-01-31 G-55 7.18 Virginia Tech HS Invitational (#6)
2015-01-24 G-55 7.21 pre St. Christopher's Invitational (#1)
2015-02-19 G-55 7.21 VA 6A North Regional Indoor Championships (#1)
2012-12-22 G-55 7.22 VA#14 PR Holiday Invitational (#1)
2015-01-10 G-55 7.27 pre Montgomery Invitational (#1)
2015-02-19 G-55 7.32 pre VA 6A North Regional Indoor Championships (#1)
2013-01-12 G-55 7.34 Montgomery Invitational (#5)
2012-12-29 G-55 7.35 pre Friends of Indoor Track (#3)
2012-12-29 G-55 7.35 Friends of Indoor Track (#3)
2013-01-12 G-55 7.40 pre Montgomery Invitational (#5)
2015-03-15 G-60 7.66 US#60 VA#2 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#20)
2015-03-15 G-60 7.70 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#26)
2015-06-06 G-100 11.74 w(2.5)VA 6A State Meet (#2)
2015-04-18 G-100 11.85 NWIThe Running Store City-County Championship (#1)
2013-05-24 G-100 11.92 US#83 VA#2 w(-1.1)VA AAA Northwest Region Champs (#1)
2013-06-01 G-100 12.02 w(-0.3)VA Group AAA State Champs (#3)
2015-06-21 G-100 12.07 VA#9 pre w(-0.6)NB Outdoor Nationals (#14)
2015-05-29 G-100 12.12 w(1.1)VA 6A North Region (#1)
2015-06-06 G-100 12.12 pre w(1.5)VA 6A State Meet (#3)
2015-04-04 G-100 12.14 NWIDunbar Crimson Tide Invitational (#2)
2015-07-12 G-100 12.15 pre NWIUSATF JO Region 3 Qualifier (#2)
2013-06-01 G-100 12.15 pre w(-0.9)VA Group AAA State Champs (#6)
2015-07-12 G-100 12.16 NWIUSATF JO Region 3 Qualifier (#3)
2015-05-29 G-100 12.22 pre w(-0.3)VA 6A North Region (#1)
2013-05-24 G-100 12.23 pre w(0.3)VA AAA Northwest Region Champs (#1)
2015-04-04 G-100 12.33 pre NWIDunbar Crimson Tide Invitational (#2)
2015-05-08 G-100 12.33 w(1.9)Southern Track Classic (#2)
2013-04-12 G-100 12.36 NWIGojekian Twilight Meet (#3)
2015-04-11 G-100 12.39 NWINorthern Virginia Invitational (#1)
2013-05-24 G-200 24.64 VA#5 w(1.4)VA AAA Northwest Region Champs (#2)
2015-06-06 G-200 24.73 VA#6 pre w(0.7)VA 6A State Meet (#3)
2015-05-08 G-200 24.74 w(0)Southern Track Classic (#3)
2015-06-21 G-200 24.90 pre w(-0.3)NB Outdoor Nationals (#18)
2013-06-01 G-200 24.92 pre w(-1.5)VA Group AAA State Champs (#3)
2015-06-06 G-200 25.03 w(-1.4)VA 6A State Meet (#4)
2015-05-29 G-200 25.16 w(0.9)VA 6A North Region (#1)
2015-04-11 G-200 25.18 NWINorthern Virginia Invitational (#1)
2015-07-12 G-200 25.23 pre NWIUSATF JO Region 3 Qualifier (#2)
2015-05-29 G-200 25.28 pre w(-0.4)VA 6A North Region (#1)
2013-06-01 G-200 25.31 w(-1.8)VA Group AAA State Champs (#7)
2015-04-04 G-200 25.39 NWIDunbar Crimson Tide Invitational (#1)
2015-03-15 G-200 25.50 VA#7 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#33)
2014-05-03 G-200 25.81 NWIGar-Field Invitational (#1)
2015-01-31 G-300 40.01 US#31 VA#7 Virginia Tech HS Invitational (#6)
2015-01-24 G-300 40.27 St. Christopher's Invitational (#1)
2015-03-10 G-300 40.36 VA 6A Indoor State Meet (#4)
2015-01-10 G-300 40.62 Montgomery Invitational (#2)
2015-02-19 G-300 41.34 VA 6A North Regional Indoor Championships (#1)
2012-12-29 G-300 41.56 VA#27 Friends of Indoor Track (#3)
2013-01-12 G-300 41.93 Montgomery Invitational (#9)
2012-12-22 G-300 42.13 PR Holiday Invitational (#2)
2015-04-18 G-400 56.84 VA#17 The Running Store City-County Championship (#1)
2015-05-09 G-400 57.05 Victor Cahoon Classic (#3)
2015-05-29 G-400 57.06 VA 6A North Region (#1)
2015-05-29 G-400 57.57 pre VA 6A North Region (#2)
2013-05-04 G-400 57.88 VA#32 Gar-Field Invitational (#2)
2014-05-30 G-400 57.92 VA#35 pre VA 6A North Region (#4)
2014-06-07 G-400 58.04 VA 6A State Meet (#7)
2014-05-14 G-400 58.70 VA 6A Conference 8 Championships (#3)
2014-05-10 G-400 58.87 Victor Cahoon Track Classic (#1)
2013-04-06 G-400 59.22 The Running Store City-County Championship (#3)

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