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Athlete Name: Justin Collins
School Name: Carson ( CARSON, CA)
Class: 2015

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2015 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-06-20 B-110H 13.84 w(3.5)Brooks PR Invitational (#3)
2015-04-18 B-110H 13.95 w(2.7)Mt. SAC Relays (#3)
2015-06-27 B-110H 13.97 US#32 CA#3 pre w(1.7)US Junior Nationals (#11)
2015-06-05 B-110H 13.97 pre w(-0.7)CA State Prelims (#1)
2015-05-21 B-110H 14.04 pre w(3.1)CIF-LA City Prelims (#1)
2015-06-06 B-110H 14.15 w(1.1)CA State Finals (#3)
2015-05-28 B-110H 14.38 w(-1)CIF-LA City Finals (#1)
2015-04-11 B-110H 14.38 w(0.4)Arcadia Invitational (#1)
2015-04-25 B-110H 14.63 NWIOrange County Meet of Champions (#1)
2015-06-06 B-300H 36.67 US#7 CA#1 CA State Finals (#1)
2015-05-21 B-300H 36.76 pre CIF-LA City Prelims (#1)
2015-05-28 B-300H 37.13 CIF-LA City Finals (#1)
2015-04-11 B-300H 37.13 Arcadia Invitational (#2)
2015-04-18 B-300H 37.44 Mt. SAC Relays (#1)
2015-06-05 B-300H 37.56 pre CA State Prelims (#2)
2015-06-27 B-400H 53.93 US#58 CA#1 US Junior Nationals (#6)
2015-06-27 B-400H 54.10 pre US Junior Nationals (#8)

2015 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-02-16 B-55 6.58 CA#8 pre CA Indoor Championships (#5)
2015-02-16 B-55 6.59 CA Indoor Championships (#9)
2015-02-21 B-60 7.10 CA#2 Simplot Games (#10)
2015-02-21 B-60 7.19 pre Simplot Games (#10)
2015-02-16 B-55H 7.56 US#49 CA#2 CA Indoor Championships (#1)
2015-02-16 B-55H 7.70 pre CA Indoor Championships (#2)
2015-02-21 B-60H 8.05 US#32 CA#2 Simplot Games (#2)
2015-02-21 B-60H 8.21 pre Simplot Games (#2)

2014 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-03-29 B-100 11.10 w(-0.6)Pasadena Games (#5)
2014-03-29 B-200 22.16 CA#83 w(0.6)Pasadena Games (#2)
2014-06-06 B-110H 14.21 US#74 CA#12 pre w(2)CA State Championships- Prelims (#11)
2014-05-28 B-110H 14.39 w(0.6)CIF-LA City Finals (#1)
2014-03-22 B-110H 14.43 pre w(2.4)California Relays (#3)
2014-05-02 B-110H 14.52 w(2.1)Reedley Invitational (#1)
2014-03-29 B-110H 14.66 w(1.6)Pasadena Games (#4)
2014-04-12 B-110H 14.67 w(1.8)Arcadia Invitational (#6)
2014-03-22 B-110H 14.80 w(1.9)California Relays (#3)
2014-04-05 B-110H 14.82 w(1.8)Palos Verdes Invitational (#1)
2014-05-22 B-110H 14.91 pre w(-0.3)CIF-LA City Prelims (#1)
2014-03-14 B-110H 15.83 w(2.1)Redondo Nike Invitational (#14)
2014-06-07 B-300H 37.33 US#27 CA#6 CA State Championships- Finals (#5)
2014-06-06 B-300H 37.44 pre CA State Championships- Prelims (#2)
2014-03-22 B-300H 37.53 California Relays (#1)
2014-05-02 B-300H 38.53 Reedley Invitational (#1)
2014-04-12 B-300H 38.91 Arcadia Invitational (#6)
2014-05-22 B-300H 39.00 pre CIF-LA City Prelims (#1)
2014-05-28 B-300H 39.41 CIF-LA City Finals (#1)

2014 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-02-17 B-55 6.62 CA#17 pre CA Indoor Championships (#17)
2014-02-15 B-60 7.21 CA#5 Simplot Games (#16)
2014-02-15 B-60 7.26 pre Simplot Games (#15)
2014-02-17 B-55H 7.62 US#62 CA#5 CA Indoor Championships (#5)
2014-02-17 B-55H 7.76 pre CA Indoor Championships (#5)
2014-02-15 B-60H 8.18 US#65 CA#3 Simplot Games (#3)
2014-02-15 B-60H 8.45 pre Simplot Games (#7)

2013 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-22 B-110H 14.74 CA#37 w(0.4)CIF-LA City Finals (#3)
2013-03-23 B-110H 15.03 w(2.8)California Relays (#5)
2013-04-26 B-110H 15.10 NWIReedley Invitaional (#2)
2013-05-31 B-110H 15.10 pre w(1.3)CIF State Prelims (#6)
2013-04-20 B-110H 15.15 w(0.8)South Bay Championships (#2)
2013-03-23 B-110H 15.36 pre w(2.4)California Relays (#5)
2013-04-06 B-110H 15.39 w(-0.3)Arcadia Invitational (#3)
2013-05-16 B-110H 15.42 pre w(-0.2)CIF-LA City Prelims (#4)
2013-03-09 B-110H 15.53 w(0.2)Grizzly Invitational (#1)
2013-03-02 B-110H 15.59 w(-0.3)Oaks Christian Invitational (#3)
2013-03-02 B-110H 15.60 w(-0.3)Oaks Christian Invitational (#3)
2013-03-16 B-110H 15.63 NWIRedondo Nike Invitational (#5)
2013-04-13 B-110H 15.65 NWITorrance Frosh/Soph Meet (#1)
2013-04-20 B-300H 38.37 CA#20 Mt. SAC Relays (#1)
2013-04-26 B-300H 39.24 Reedley Invitaional (#1)
2013-04-20 B-300H 39.39 South Bay Championships (#1)
2013-03-16 B-300H 39.77 Redondo Nike Invitational (#3)
2013-04-06 B-300H 39.99 Arcadia Invitational (#4)
2013-05-16 B-300H 40.13 pre CIF-LA City Prelims (#2)
2013-03-23 B-300H 40.56 California Relays (#4)
2013-03-09 B-300H 41.00 Grizzly Invitational (#1)
2013-04-13 B-300H 41.55 Torrance Frosh/Soph Meet (#1)
2013-05-22 B-300H 41.62 CIF-LA City Finals (#7)
2013-03-02 B-300H 41.94 Oaks Christian Invitational (#2)

2012 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-19 B-110H 15.61 w(1.1)CIF-SS Divisional Finals-SS (#7)
2012-05-03 B-110H 15.63 NWIDel Rey Lg Finals-SS (#3)
2012-04-14 B-110H 15.68 NWIMaurice Greene Invitational (#1)
2012-05-12 B-110H 15.99 pre w(1.5)SS Division 4 Prelims-SS (#8)
2012-05-19 B-300H 40.18 CIF-SS Divisional Finals-SS (#6)
2012-05-12 B-300H 40.60 pre SS Division 4 Prelims-SS (#6)
2012-05-03 B-300H 40.89 Del Rey Lg Finals-SS (#2)
2012-04-30 B-300H 41.20 pre Del Rey Lg Prelims-SS (#2)

Performances by Event
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-02-16 B-55 6.58 CA#8 pre CA Indoor Championships (#5)
2015-02-16 B-55 6.59 CA Indoor Championships (#9)
2014-02-17 B-55 6.62 CA#17 pre CA Indoor Championships (#17)
2015-02-21 B-60 7.10 CA#2 Simplot Games (#10)
2015-02-21 B-60 7.19 pre Simplot Games (#10)
2014-02-15 B-60 7.21 CA#5 Simplot Games (#16)
2014-02-15 B-60 7.26 pre Simplot Games (#15)
2014-03-29 B-100 11.10 w(-0.6)Pasadena Games (#5)
2014-03-29 B-200 22.16 CA#83 w(0.6)Pasadena Games (#2)
2015-02-16 B-55H 7.56 US#49 CA#2 CA Indoor Championships (#1)
2014-02-17 B-55H 7.62 US#62 CA#5 CA Indoor Championships (#5)
2015-02-16 B-55H 7.70 pre CA Indoor Championships (#2)
2014-02-17 B-55H 7.76 pre CA Indoor Championships (#5)
2015-02-21 B-60H 8.05 US#32 CA#2 Simplot Games (#2)
2014-02-15 B-60H 8.18 US#65 CA#3 Simplot Games (#3)
2015-02-21 B-60H 8.21 pre Simplot Games (#2)
2014-02-15 B-60H 8.45 pre Simplot Games (#7)
2015-06-20 B-110H 13.84 w(3.5)Brooks PR Invitational (#3)
2015-04-18 B-110H 13.95 w(2.7)Mt. SAC Relays (#3)
2015-06-27 B-110H 13.97 US#32 CA#3 pre w(1.7)US Junior Nationals (#11)
2015-06-05 B-110H 13.97 pre w(-0.7)CA State Prelims (#1)
2015-05-21 B-110H 14.04 pre w(3.1)CIF-LA City Prelims (#1)
2015-06-06 B-110H 14.15 w(1.1)CA State Finals (#3)
2014-06-06 B-110H 14.21 US#74 CA#12 pre w(2)CA State Championships- Prelims (#11)
2015-05-28 B-110H 14.38 w(-1)CIF-LA City Finals (#1)
2015-04-11 B-110H 14.38 w(0.4)Arcadia Invitational (#1)
2014-05-28 B-110H 14.39 w(0.6)CIF-LA City Finals (#1)
2014-03-22 B-110H 14.43 pre w(2.4)California Relays (#3)
2014-05-02 B-110H 14.52 w(2.1)Reedley Invitational (#1)
2015-04-25 B-110H 14.63 NWIOrange County Meet of Champions (#1)
2014-03-29 B-110H 14.66 w(1.6)Pasadena Games (#4)
2014-04-12 B-110H 14.67 w(1.8)Arcadia Invitational (#6)
2013-05-22 B-110H 14.74 CA#37 w(0.4)CIF-LA City Finals (#3)
2014-03-22 B-110H 14.80 w(1.9)California Relays (#3)
2014-04-05 B-110H 14.82 w(1.8)Palos Verdes Invitational (#1)
2014-05-22 B-110H 14.91 pre w(-0.3)CIF-LA City Prelims (#1)
2013-03-23 B-110H 15.03 w(2.8)California Relays (#5)
2013-04-26 B-110H 15.10 NWIReedley Invitaional (#2)
2013-05-31 B-110H 15.10 pre w(1.3)CIF State Prelims (#6)
2013-04-20 B-110H 15.15 w(0.8)South Bay Championships (#2)
2013-03-23 B-110H 15.36 pre w(2.4)California Relays (#5)
2013-04-06 B-110H 15.39 w(-0.3)Arcadia Invitational (#3)
2013-05-16 B-110H 15.42 pre w(-0.2)CIF-LA City Prelims (#4)
2013-03-09 B-110H 15.53 w(0.2)Grizzly Invitational (#1)
2013-03-02 B-110H 15.59 w(-0.3)Oaks Christian Invitational (#3)
2013-03-02 B-110H 15.60 w(-0.3)Oaks Christian Invitational (#3)
2012-05-19 B-110H 15.61 w(1.1)CIF-SS Divisional Finals-SS (#7)
2012-05-03 B-110H 15.63 NWIDel Rey Lg Finals-SS (#3)
2013-03-16 B-110H 15.63 NWIRedondo Nike Invitational (#5)
2013-04-13 B-110H 15.65 NWITorrance Frosh/Soph Meet (#1)
2012-04-14 B-110H 15.68 NWIMaurice Greene Invitational (#1)
2014-03-14 B-110H 15.83 w(2.1)Redondo Nike Invitational (#14)
2012-05-12 B-110H 15.99 pre w(1.5)SS Division 4 Prelims-SS (#8)
2015-06-06 B-300H 36.67 US#7 CA#1 CA State Finals (#1)
2015-05-21 B-300H 36.76 pre CIF-LA City Prelims (#1)
2015-05-28 B-300H 37.13 CIF-LA City Finals (#1)
2015-04-11 B-300H 37.13 Arcadia Invitational (#2)
2014-06-07 B-300H 37.33 US#27 CA#6 CA State Championships- Finals (#5)
2015-04-18 B-300H 37.44 Mt. SAC Relays (#1)
2014-06-06 B-300H 37.44 pre CA State Championships- Prelims (#2)
2014-03-22 B-300H 37.53 California Relays (#1)
2015-06-05 B-300H 37.56 pre CA State Prelims (#2)
2013-04-20 B-300H 38.37 CA#20 Mt. SAC Relays (#1)
2014-05-02 B-300H 38.53 Reedley Invitational (#1)
2014-04-12 B-300H 38.91 Arcadia Invitational (#6)
2014-05-22 B-300H 39.00 pre CIF-LA City Prelims (#1)
2013-04-26 B-300H 39.24 Reedley Invitaional (#1)
2013-04-20 B-300H 39.39 South Bay Championships (#1)
2014-05-28 B-300H 39.41 CIF-LA City Finals (#1)
2013-03-16 B-300H 39.77 Redondo Nike Invitational (#3)
2013-04-06 B-300H 39.99 Arcadia Invitational (#4)
2013-05-16 B-300H 40.13 pre CIF-LA City Prelims (#2)
2012-05-19 B-300H 40.18 CIF-SS Divisional Finals-SS (#6)
2013-03-23 B-300H 40.56 California Relays (#4)
2012-05-12 B-300H 40.60 pre SS Division 4 Prelims-SS (#6)
2012-05-03 B-300H 40.89 Del Rey Lg Finals-SS (#2)
2013-03-09 B-300H 41.00 Grizzly Invitational (#1)
2012-04-30 B-300H 41.20 pre Del Rey Lg Prelims-SS (#2)
2013-04-13 B-300H 41.55 Torrance Frosh/Soph Meet (#1)
2013-05-22 B-300H 41.62 CIF-LA City Finals (#7)
2013-03-02 B-300H 41.94 Oaks Christian Invitational (#2)
2015-06-27 B-400H 53.93 US#58 CA#1 US Junior Nationals (#6)
2015-06-27 B-400H 54.10 pre US Junior Nationals (#8)

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