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Athlete Name: Trenton Guy
School Name: West Charlotte ( CHARLOTTE, NC)
Class: 2007

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2007 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2007-05-03 B-100 10.33 US#4 NC#1 w(0)Meca 6-NC conf OUT (#1)
2007-08-04 B-100 10.36 w(2.3)AAU JO Ntl YM/YW OUT (#2)
2007-06-16 B-100 10.41 w(0.1)Nike Outdoor Nat (#1)
2007-06-02 B-100 10.47 w(3.1)Golden South OUT (#2)
2007-05-19 B-100 10.49 w(2.5)NC State 4A OUT (#1)
2007-03-17 B-100 10.54 w(2.6)Shamrock OUT (#3)
2007-06-02 B-200 21.02 w(3.4)Golden South OUT (#1)
2007-03-24 B-200 21.24 US#28 NC#3 w(1.5)LeRoy Walker OUT (#1)
2007-05-03 B-200 21.30 w(0)Meca 6-NC conf OUT (#1)
2007-06-16 B-200 21.32 w(-0.8)Nike Outdoor Nat (#5)
2007-04-14 B-200 21.36 w(2.2)Taco Bell OUT (#1)
2007-05-19 B-200 21.37 w(1)NC State 4A OUT (#1)
2007-03-17 B-200 21.52 w(0.3)Shamrock OUT (#3)

2007 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2007-01-27 B-55 6.30 US#4 NC#1 Virginia Tech Inv (#1)
2007-01-20 B-55 6.31 Eastern Challenge (#1)
2007-02-10 B-55 6.32 NC State 4A IN (#1)
2007-03-11 B-60 6.74 US#5 NC#1 National Scholastic (#1)
2007-02-17 B-60 6.78 Simplot Games (#1)
2006-12-02 B-60 6.85 Clemson Opener IN (#10)
2007-01-13 B-60 6.88 UNC Opener IN (#7)
2007-03-11 B-200 21.09 US#1 NC#1 National Scholastic (#1)
2007-02-17 B-200 21.52 Simplot Games (#1)
2007-01-13 B-200 21.94 UNC Opener IN (#1)
2007-01-27 B-300 34.17 US#2 NC#1 Virginia Tech Inv (#2)
2007-02-03 B-300 34.43 New Balance College IN (#2)
2007-02-10 B-300 34.62 NC State 4A IN (#1)
2007-01-20 B-300 34.99 Eastern Challenge (#1)

2006 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2006-07-29 B-200 21.49 US#66 NC#3 w(-0.3)AAU JO Ntl (#3)

2005 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2005-05-14 B-LJ 23'10.5" NWIState Meet 4A (#1)

2005 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2005-02-12 B-55 6.32 US#4 NC#3 State Meet (#3)
2005-02-12 B-300 35.09 US#19 NC#2 State Meet (#1)
2005-02-12 B-LJ 23'6" US#11 NC#1 State Meet (#1)

2004 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2004-03-31 B-100 10.54 h NWIHonor Roll (#)
1899-12-30 B-100 10.54 US#22 NC#4 p w(0)4A Region (#2)
1899-12-30 B-200 21.51 US#54 NC#4 p w(0)4A Region (#1)
2004-03-31 B-LJ 23'8.75" NWIHonor Roll (#)

2004 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2004-02-15 B-55 6.45 US#33 NC#5 State Meet (#4)
2004-01-31 B-55 6.48 Clemson HS Inv (#2)
2004-01-23 B-60 6.94 US#36 NC#4 Clemson All Comers (#2)
2004-01-23 B-LJ 23'8" US#8 NC#3 Clemson All Comers (#1)
2004-01-31 B-LJ 23'8" Clemson HS Inv (#1)
2004-02-15 B-LJ 22'3.5" State Meet (#4)

2003 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2003-02-15 B-LJ 21'11.75" NC#5 State Meet (#5)

Performances by Event
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2007-01-27 B-55 6.30 US#4 NC#1 Virginia Tech Inv (#1)
2007-01-20 B-55 6.31 Eastern Challenge (#1)
2007-02-10 B-55 6.32 NC State 4A IN (#1)
2005-02-12 B-55 6.32 US#4 NC#3 State Meet (#3)
2004-02-15 B-55 6.45 US#33 NC#5 State Meet (#4)
2004-01-31 B-55 6.48 Clemson HS Inv (#2)
2007-03-11 B-60 6.74 US#5 NC#1 National Scholastic (#1)
2007-02-17 B-60 6.78 Simplot Games (#1)
2006-12-02 B-60 6.85 Clemson Opener IN (#10)
2007-01-13 B-60 6.88 UNC Opener IN (#7)
2004-01-23 B-60 6.94 US#36 NC#4 Clemson All Comers (#2)
2007-05-03 B-100 10.33 US#4 NC#1 w(0)Meca 6-NC conf OUT (#1)
2007-08-04 B-100 10.36 w(2.3)AAU JO Ntl YM/YW OUT (#2)
2007-06-16 B-100 10.41 w(0.1)Nike Outdoor Nat (#1)
2007-06-02 B-100 10.47 w(3.1)Golden South OUT (#2)
2007-05-19 B-100 10.49 w(2.5)NC State 4A OUT (#1)
2004-03-31 B-100 10.54 h NWIHonor Roll (#)
1899-12-30 B-100 10.54 US#22 NC#4 p w(0)4A Region (#2)
2007-03-17 B-100 10.54 w(2.6)Shamrock OUT (#3)
2007-06-02 B-200 21.02 w(3.4)Golden South OUT (#1)
2007-03-11 B-200 21.09 US#1 NC#1 National Scholastic (#1)
2007-03-24 B-200 21.24 US#28 NC#3 w(1.5)LeRoy Walker OUT (#1)
2007-05-03 B-200 21.30 w(0)Meca 6-NC conf OUT (#1)
2007-06-16 B-200 21.32 w(-0.8)Nike Outdoor Nat (#5)
2007-04-14 B-200 21.36 w(2.2)Taco Bell OUT (#1)
2007-05-19 B-200 21.37 w(1)NC State 4A OUT (#1)
2006-07-29 B-200 21.49 US#66 NC#3 w(-0.3)AAU JO Ntl (#3)
1899-12-30 B-200 21.51 US#54 NC#4 p w(0)4A Region (#1)
2007-02-17 B-200 21.52 Simplot Games (#1)
2007-03-17 B-200 21.52 w(0.3)Shamrock OUT (#3)
2007-01-13 B-200 21.94 UNC Opener IN (#1)
2007-01-27 B-300 34.17 US#2 NC#1 Virginia Tech Inv (#2)
2007-02-03 B-300 34.43 New Balance College IN (#2)
2007-02-10 B-300 34.62 NC State 4A IN (#1)
2007-01-20 B-300 34.99 Eastern Challenge (#1)
2005-02-12 B-300 35.09 US#19 NC#2 State Meet (#1)
2005-05-14 B-LJ 23'10.5" NWIState Meet 4A (#1)
2004-03-31 B-LJ 23'8.75" NWIHonor Roll (#)
2004-01-23 B-LJ 23'8" US#8 NC#3 Clemson All Comers (#1)
2004-01-31 B-LJ 23'8" Clemson HS Inv (#1)
2005-02-12 B-LJ 23'6" US#11 NC#1 State Meet (#1)
2004-02-15 B-LJ 22'3.5" State Meet (#4)
2003-02-15 B-LJ 21'11.75" NC#5 State Meet (#5)

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