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Athlete Name: Tori Thompson
School Name: Rush-Henrietta ( HENRIETTA, NY)
Class: 2016

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2015 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-06-13 G-100 12.25 w(2.4)NY State Championships (#8)
2015-06-13 G-100 12.33 NY#19 w(1.5)NY State Championships (#4)
2015-06-06 G-100 12.38 NWINY Section 5 State Qualifier (#2)
2015-05-23 G-100 12.43 NWIMonroe County Championships (#2)
2015-05-16 G-100 12.48 NWIRoyal Comet (#2)
2015-06-13 G-100 12.48 pre w(-1.8)NY State Championships (#5)
2015-05-09 G-200 25.49 NY#25 pre w(1.1)Loucks Games (#10)
2015-05-16 G-200 25.64 NWIRoyal Comet (#2)

2015 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-02-19 G-55 7.17 US#70 NY#9 NY Section 5 AB Championships (#2)
2015-03-14 G-55 7.20 pre enr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#10)
2015-02-13 G-55 7.25 NY Section 5 RWTL - ACE (#2)
2014-12-29 G-55 7.25 Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#4)
2015-01-30 G-55 7.26 NY Section 5 RWTL @ Brockport - BCF (#2)
2015-03-07 G-55 7.28 pre New York State Indoor (#3)
2015-02-28 G-55 7.29 NY Section 5 State Qualifier (#2)
2015-02-28 G-55 7.31 pre NY Section 5 State Qualifier (#2)
2015-01-10 G-55 7.31 pre Dartmouth Relays (#3)
2015-02-28 G-55 7.33 pre NY Section 5 State Qualifier (#2)
2015-03-07 G-55 7.33 pre New York State Indoor (#6)
2015-01-17 G-55 7.34 Trent Jackson-Cedric Walker Invitational (#3)
2014-12-29 G-55 7.35 pre Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#4)
2014-12-13 G-55 7.36 NY Section 5 RWTL-Central #2 (#2)
2015-01-10 G-55 7.37 pre Dartmouth Relays (#5)
2015-01-10 G-55 7.39 Dartmouth Relays (#6)
2015-01-17 G-55 7.43 pre Trent Jackson-Cedric Walker Invitational (#2)
2015-03-15 G-60 7.77 NY#7 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#11)
2014-12-05 G-60 7.99 NY Section 5 RWTL #1 - Grp ACE (#2)
2014-12-29 G-200 26.33 NY#32 pre Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#12)
2015-02-13 G-300 42.61 NY Section 5 RWTL - ACE (#1)
2015-01-03 G-300 42.99 NY Section 5 RWTL- Groups CF (#3)
2015-01-23 G-LJ 17'8.25" NY#21 NY Section 5 RWTL - BCF (#1)
2015-02-19 G-LJ 17'4.5" NY Section 5 AB Championships (#2)
2015-02-28 G-LJ 16'9.75" NY Section 5 State Qualifier (#6)

2014 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-24 G-200 25.73 NWINY Section 5 Class Championships (#3)

2012 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-04-20 G-200 25.73 NWIRed Raider Relays (#1)
2012-05-24 G-200 25.98 NWISection 11 Girls Division 2 Championships (#3)

2012 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-01-14 G-55 7.38 NY#32 Molloy Stanner Games (#2)
2011-12-30 G-55 7.46 North Shore Invitational (#2)
2012-01-03 G-55 7.47 pre Section XI Large School Championships (#4)
2012-01-03 G-LJ 16'7.25" NY#52 Section XI Large School Championships (#6)

Performances by Event
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-02-19 G-55 7.17 US#70 NY#9 NY Section 5 AB Championships (#2)
2015-03-14 G-55 7.20 pre enr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#10)
2015-02-13 G-55 7.25 NY Section 5 RWTL - ACE (#2)
2014-12-29 G-55 7.25 Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#4)
2015-01-30 G-55 7.26 NY Section 5 RWTL @ Brockport - BCF (#2)
2015-03-07 G-55 7.28 pre New York State Indoor (#3)
2015-02-28 G-55 7.29 NY Section 5 State Qualifier (#2)
2015-02-28 G-55 7.31 pre NY Section 5 State Qualifier (#2)
2015-01-10 G-55 7.31 pre Dartmouth Relays (#3)
2015-02-28 G-55 7.33 pre NY Section 5 State Qualifier (#2)
2015-03-07 G-55 7.33 pre New York State Indoor (#6)
2015-01-17 G-55 7.34 Trent Jackson-Cedric Walker Invitational (#3)
2014-12-29 G-55 7.35 pre Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#4)
2014-12-13 G-55 7.36 NY Section 5 RWTL-Central #2 (#2)
2015-01-10 G-55 7.37 pre Dartmouth Relays (#5)
2012-01-14 G-55 7.38 NY#32 Molloy Stanner Games (#2)
2015-01-10 G-55 7.39 Dartmouth Relays (#6)
2015-01-17 G-55 7.43 pre Trent Jackson-Cedric Walker Invitational (#2)
2011-12-30 G-55 7.46 North Shore Invitational (#2)
2012-01-03 G-55 7.47 pre Section XI Large School Championships (#4)
2015-03-15 G-60 7.77 NY#7 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#11)
2014-12-05 G-60 7.99 NY Section 5 RWTL #1 - Grp ACE (#2)
2015-06-13 G-100 12.25 w(2.4)NY State Championships (#8)
2015-06-13 G-100 12.33 NY#19 w(1.5)NY State Championships (#4)
2015-06-06 G-100 12.38 NWINY Section 5 State Qualifier (#2)
2015-05-23 G-100 12.43 NWIMonroe County Championships (#2)
2015-05-16 G-100 12.48 NWIRoyal Comet (#2)
2015-06-13 G-100 12.48 pre w(-1.8)NY State Championships (#5)
2015-05-09 G-200 25.49 NY#25 pre w(1.1)Loucks Games (#10)
2015-05-16 G-200 25.64 NWIRoyal Comet (#2)
2012-04-20 G-200 25.73 NWIRed Raider Relays (#1)
2014-05-24 G-200 25.73 NWINY Section 5 Class Championships (#3)
2012-05-24 G-200 25.98 NWISection 11 Girls Division 2 Championships (#3)
2014-12-29 G-200 26.33 NY#32 pre Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#12)
2015-02-13 G-300 42.61 NY Section 5 RWTL - ACE (#1)
2015-01-03 G-300 42.99 NY Section 5 RWTL- Groups CF (#3)
2015-01-23 G-LJ 17'8.25" NY#21 NY Section 5 RWTL - BCF (#1)
2015-02-19 G-LJ 17'4.5" NY Section 5 AB Championships (#2)
2015-02-28 G-LJ 16'9.75" NY Section 5 State Qualifier (#6)
2012-01-03 G-LJ 16'7.25" NY#52 Section XI Large School Championships (#6)

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