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School Name: Saint Augustine, CA

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-16 Brussard, Darrell (2017) B-100 10.74 NWIQuad Meet at Patrick Henry (#1)
2015-05-30 Brussard, Darrell (2017) B-100 10.98 CA#91 w(0.6)CIF-SDS Finals (#2)
2015-04-16 Johnson, Myles (2016) B-100 10.99 NWIQuad Meet at Patrick Henry (#2)
2015-05-02 Brussard, Darrell (2017) B-100 11.08 NWIDick Wilkins Frosh-Soph Invitational (#1)
2015-05-23 Brussard, Darrell (2017) B-100 11.09 w(1.8)CIF-SDS Prelims (#4)
2015-05-15 Brussard, Darrell (2017) B-100 11.21 pre NWIWestern League Prelims/Finals (#2)
2015-04-16 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-100 11.30 NWIQuad Meet at Patrick Henry (#3)
2015-03-28 Brussard, Darrell (2017) B-100 11.32 NWIASICS Mt. Carmel Invitational (#22)
2015-04-01 Brussard, Darrell (2017) B-100 11.38 NWISt. Augustine and OLP at Cathedral Catholic (#1)
2015-05-23 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 51.16 CIF-SDS Prelims (#7)
2015-05-30 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 51.27 CIF-SDS Finals (#7)
2015-05-15 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 51.79 Western League Prelims/Finals (#1)
2015-04-30 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 52.19 Our Lady of Peace and St. Augustine at University City (#1)
2015-03-28 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 52.23 ASICS Mt. Carmel Invitational (#26)
2015-05-15 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 52.50 pre Western League Prelims/Finals (#2)
2015-05-15 Johnson, Malcolm (2015) B-110H 16.06 NWIWestern League Prelims/Finals (#2)
2015-04-16 Johnson, Malcolm (2015) B-110H 16.17 NWIQuad Meet at Patrick Henry (#1)
2015-05-23 Johnson, Malcolm (2015) B-110H 16.17 w(2.3)CIF-SDS Prelims (#5)
2015-05-30 Heid, Nick (2016) B-HJ 6'5" CA#45 CIF-SDS Finals (#1)
2015-05-23 Heid, Nick (2016) B-HJ 6'4" CIF-SDS Prelims (#1)
2015-04-01 Heid, Nick (2016) B-HJ 6'4" St. Augustine and OLP at Cathedral Catholic (#1)
2015-05-15 Heid, Nick (2016) B-HJ 6'3" Western League Prelims/Finals (#1)
2015-03-21 Heid, Nick (2016) B-HJ 6'2" Elmer Runge Classic (#1)
2015-03-28 Heid, Nick (2016) B-HJ 6'0" ASICS Mt. Carmel Invitational (#4)
2015-05-30 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 24'2" US#15 CA#4 w(0.8)CIF-SDS Finals (#1)
2015-03-28 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 23'8.75" NWIASICS Mt. Carmel Invitational (#2)
2015-05-15 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 23'5" NWIWestern League Prelims/Finals (#1)
2015-04-30 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 23'2.5" NWIOur Lady of Peace and St. Augustine at University City (#1)
2015-05-23 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 23'2" w(0.4)CIF-SDS Prelims (#1)
2015-04-01 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 22'4.5" NWISt. Augustine and OLP at Cathedral Catholic (#1)
2015-05-15 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 22'1.5" pre NWIWestern League Prelims/Finals (#1)
2015-03-21 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 22'0.5" NWIElmer Runge Classic (#1)
2015-04-16 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 21'6.5" NWIQuad Meet at Patrick Henry (#1)
2015-06-05 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 21'4" pre w(0.7)CA State Prelims (#17)
2015-05-30 Johnson, Myles (2016) B-LJ 21'2.5" CA#97 w(1)CIF-SDS Finals (#5)
2015-05-15 Baker, Jacob (2016) B-LJ 21'2" pre NWIWestern League Prelims/Finals (#2)
2015-04-30 Baker, Jacob (2016) B-LJ 20'10.5" NWIOur Lady of Peace and St. Augustine at University City (#2)
2015-05-15 Johnson, Myles (2016) B-LJ 20'8.5" NWIWestern League Prelims/Finals (#2)
2015-05-15 Baker, Jacob (2016) B-LJ 20'6" NWIWestern League Prelims/Finals (#4)
2015-04-30 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 46'3" NWIOur Lady of Peace and St. Augustine at University City (#1)
2015-05-30 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 46'2" CA#27 w(1.3)CIF-SDS Finals (#2)
2015-04-01 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 45'3" NWISt. Augustine and OLP at Cathedral Catholic (#1)
2015-06-05 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 45'1.5" pre w(-0.1)CA State Prelims (#14)
2015-05-15 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 45'0.25" NWIWestern League Prelims/Finals (#1)
2015-05-23 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 44'11" NWICIF-SDS Prelims (#2)
2015-05-23 Heid, Nick (2016) B-TJ 43'1.5" NWICIF-SDS Prelims (#4)
2015-03-21 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 43'1" NWIElmer Runge Classic (#1)
2015-04-16 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 43'0.5" NWIQuad Meet at Patrick Henry (#1)
2015-05-15 Heid, Nick (2016) B-TJ 42'8.5" NWIWestern League Prelims/Finals (#3)
2015-05-30 Heid, Nick (2016) B-TJ 42'6.75" w(1.1)CIF-SDS Finals (#5)
2015-04-01 Heid, Nick (2016) B-TJ 42'4.5" NWISt. Augustine and OLP at Cathedral Catholic (#2)
2015-04-16 Dagastino, Frankie (2015) B-PV 12'6" Quad Meet at Patrick Henry (#2)
2015-04-01 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 48'1.5" St. Augustine and OLP at Cathedral Catholic (#1)
2015-04-30 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 149'4" Our Lady of Peace and St. Augustine at University City (#1)
2015-04-16 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 148'6" Quad Meet at Patrick Henry (#1)
2015-04-01 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 144'2" St. Augustine and OLP at Cathedral Catholic (#1)
2015-04-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.65 Quad Meet at Patrick Henry (#1)
2015-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.95 Western League Prelims/Finals (#1)
2015-04-30 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.27 Our Lady of Peace and St. Augustine at University City (#1)
2015-04-01 Boys Relay B-4x100 45.08 St. Augustine and OLP at Cathedral Catholic (#1)
2015-04-30 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:35.93 Our Lady of Peace and St. Augustine at University City (#1)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-01-17 Johnson, Myles (2016) B-60 7.33 CA#7 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational #1 - D1 (#9)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-04-16 Doan, Paul (2014) B-100 10.84 NWISt. Augustine and Our Lady of Peace at University City (#1)
2014-05-19 Doan, Paul (2014) B-100 10.91 NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-05-31 Doan, Paul (2014) B-100 10.93 CA#63 w(-0.5)CIF-SD Finals (#1)
2014-05-13 Doan, Paul (2014) B-100 10.96 pre NWIWestern League Prelims (#1)
2014-05-19 Doan, Paul (2014) B-100 10.96 pre NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-03-29 Doan, Paul (2014) B-100 10.96 w(1.7)ASICS Mt. Carmel Invitational (#4)
2014-03-22 Doan, Paul (2014) B-100 10.98 NWIElmer Runge Classic (#1)
2014-05-24 Doan, Paul (2014) B-100 11.04 w(0.7)CIF-SDS Prelims (#5)
2014-05-24 Brussard, Darrell (2017) B-100 11.13 w(2.1)CIF-SDS Prelims (#8)
2014-04-16 Brussard, Darrell (2017) B-100 11.31 NWISt. Augustine and Our Lady of Peace at University City (#2)
2014-05-03 Brussard, Darrell (2017) B-100 11.33 NWIDick Wilkins Frosh-Soph Invite (#3)
2014-05-19 Brussard, Darrell (2017) B-100 11.34 NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#3)
2014-04-16 Doan, Paul (2014) B-200 21.76 NWISt. Augustine and Our Lady of Peace at University City (#1)
2014-05-19 Doan, Paul (2014) B-200 21.92 NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-05-19 Doan, Paul (2014) B-200 21.92 pre NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-05-13 Doan, Paul (2014) B-200 21.92 pre NWIWestern League Prelims (#1)
2014-05-31 Doan, Paul (2014) B-200 22.12 CA#75 w(0.7)CIF-SD Finals (#3)
2014-03-22 Doan, Paul (2014) B-200 22.18 NWIElmer Runge Classic (#1)
2014-05-24 Doan, Paul (2014) B-200 22.22 w(1)CIF-SDS Prelims (#3)
2014-03-29 Doan, Paul (2014) B-200 22.22 w(0.6)ASICS Mt. Carmel Invitational (#4)
2014-05-19 Cohen, Mitch (2014) B-200 22.98 pre NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#4)
2014-05-13 Cohen, Mitch (2014) B-200 22.98 pre NWIWestern League Prelims (#4)
2014-05-24 Cohen, Mitch (2014) B-200 23.28 w(1)CIF-SDS Prelims (#17)
2014-05-19 Brooks, Jordan (2016) B-200 23.32 NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#4)
2014-05-19 Cohen, Mitch (2014) B-200 23.34 NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#5)
2014-05-24 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 51.50 CIF-SDS Prelims (#9)
2014-05-13 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 51.51 pre Western League Prelims (#1)
2014-05-19 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 51.51 pre Western / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-05-31 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 51.60 CIF-SD Finals (#7)
2014-05-03 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 52.25 Dick Wilkins Frosh-Soph Invite (#6)
2014-05-19 Bordelon, Nick (2016) B-400 52.36 Western / Central League Finals (#3)
2014-03-22 Barr, Chris (2014) B-800 1:59.57 Elmer Runge Classic (#2)
2014-05-13 Heid, Nick (2016) B-HJ 6'3" pre Western League Prelims (#1)
2014-05-19 Heid, Nick (2016) B-HJ 6'3" pre Western / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-05-19 Heid, Nick (2016) B-HJ 6'3" Western / Central League Finals (#2)
2014-05-31 Heid, Nick (2016) B-HJ 6'3" CIF-SD Finals (#5)
2014-05-24 Heid, Nick (2016) B-HJ 6'1" CIF-SDS Prelims (#2)
2014-05-13 Johnson, Myles (2016) B-HJ 6'0" pre Western League Prelims (#2)
2014-05-19 Johnson, Myles (2016) B-HJ 6'0" pre Western / Central League Finals (#3)
2014-05-31 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 22'8.5" w(2.4)CIF-SD Finals (#1)
2014-05-19 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 22'0" NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-05-24 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 21'10" CA#76 w(0.3)CIF-SDS Prelims (#4)
2014-05-03 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 21'9.75" NWIDick Wilkins Frosh-Soph Invite (#1)
2014-06-06 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 21'5.5" pre w(1.6)CA State Championships- Prelims (#18)
2014-05-13 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 21'1" pre NWIWestern League Prelims (#1)
2014-05-19 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 21'1" pre NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-03-29 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 20'10" w(1)ASICS Mt. Carmel Invitational (#5)
2014-03-22 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-LJ 20'9" NWIElmer Runge Classic (#4)
2014-05-19 Johnson, Myles (2016) B-LJ 20'6.5" NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#3)
2014-05-24 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 43'9" CA#85 w(0.5)CIF-SDS Prelims (#2)
2014-05-31 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 43'5" w(1.8)CIF-SD Finals (#3)
2014-05-19 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 42'5" NWIWestern / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-05-13 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 42'5" NWIWestern League Prelims (#1)
2014-05-03 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 42'2.25" NWIDick Wilkins Frosh-Soph Invite (#2)
2014-05-19 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 49'4" Western / Central League Finals (#2)
2014-05-13 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 49'4" Western League Prelims (#2)
2014-03-22 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 48'11" Elmer Runge Classic (#1)
2014-05-24 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 48'8" CIF-SDS Prelims (#2)
2014-05-31 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 47'6.5" CIF-SD Finals (#3)
2014-05-19 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 144'7" Western / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-05-24 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 142'0" CIF-SDS Prelims (#3)
2014-05-19 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 137'6" pre Western / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-05-13 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 137'6" pre Western League Prelims (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event

Previous 125 performances
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-03 Battikha, Tanner (2016) B-TJ 42'2.25" NWIDick Wilkins Frosh-Soph Invite (#2)
2015-04-16 Dagastino, Frankie (2015) B-PV 12'6" Quad Meet at Patrick Henry (#2)
2013-04-27 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 49'7" Dick Wilkins Frosh-Soph Invite (#2)
2014-05-19 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 49'4" Western / Central League Finals (#2)
2014-05-13 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 49'4" Western League Prelims (#2)
2014-03-22 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 48'11" Elmer Runge Classic (#1)
2014-05-24 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 48'8" CIF-SDS Prelims (#2)
2015-04-01 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 48'1.5" St. Augustine and OLP at Cathedral Catholic (#1)
2014-05-31 Alves, Mike (2016) B-SP 47'6.5" CIF-SD Finals (#3)
2015-04-30 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 149'4" Our Lady of Peace and St. Augustine at University City (#1)
2015-04-16 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 148'6" Quad Meet at Patrick Henry (#1)
2014-05-19 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 144'7" Western / Central League Finals (#1)
2015-04-01 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 144'2" St. Augustine and OLP at Cathedral Catholic (#1)
2014-05-24 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 142'0" CIF-SDS Prelims (#3)
2014-05-19 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 137'6" pre Western / Central League Finals (#1)
2014-05-13 Alves, Mike (2016) B-DT 137'6" pre Western League Prelims (#1)
2010-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.95 CA#92 CA SDS Western League Finals (#2)
2014-05-19 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.19 Western / Central League Finals (#1)
2010-03-27 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.55 Mt. Carmel Invitational (#1)
2015-04-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.65 Quad Meet at Patrick Henry (#1)
2015-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.95 Western League Prelims/Finals (#1)
2015-04-30 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.27 Our Lady of Peace and St. Augustine at University City (#1)
2014-04-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.31 St. Augustine and Our Lady of Peace at University City (#1)
2014-03-22 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.45 Elmer Runge Classic (#4)
2015-04-01 Boys Relay B-4x100 45.08 St. Augustine and OLP at Cathedral Catholic (#1)
2014-05-19 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:30.73 Western / Central League Finals (#1)
2015-04-30 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:35.93 Our Lady of Peace and St. Augustine at University City (#1)
2011-11-08 Saad, Joseph (2013) B-5k_XC 16:24.00 CA Western League Final (#9)
2011-11-08 Kaderabek, Max (2012) B-5k_XC 16:26.00 CA Western League Final (#10)

Barr, Chris Gonzaga University, WA (West Coast Conference)

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