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School Name: Apollo, AZ

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2015 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-10-30 Lopez, Diego (2016) B-5k_XC 15:55.00 AZ#23 AZ Division 2 Section 4 Championship (#1)
2015-10-02 Lopez, Diego (2016) B-5k_XC 16:07.30 Desert Twilight XC Festival (#50)
2015-09-05 Lopez, Diego (2016) B-5k_XC 16:13.00 Chandler Invitational (#5)
2015-11-07 Lopez, Diego (2016) B-5k_XC 16:14.20 AZ D2 State Meet (#1)
2015-10-02 Smith, Tai (2016) B-5k_XC 16:21.90 AZ#73 Desert Twilight XC Festival (#66)

2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-22 Krimmel, Nathaniel (2016) B-200 22.48 NWIGUHSD District Meet (Prelims) (#2)
2015-04-22 Cunningham, Shantinique (2015) G-LJ 17'5.5" NWIGUHSD District Meet (Prelims) (#1)
2015-05-09 Cunningham, Shantinique (2015) G-LJ 17'2.75" AZ#22 w(-0.5)AZ D2 State Meet (#7)

2014 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-10-03 Smith, Tai (2016) B-5k_XC 16:26.31 AZ#94 Desert Twilight XC Festival (#22)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-04-30 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.77 AZ#49 Alhambra Last Chance (#2)
2014-05-10 Cunningham, Shantinique (2015) G-LJ 18'2" AZ#3 w(0)AZ D2 State Meet (#2)
2014-05-10 Cunningham, Shantinique (2015) G-TJ 35'6.5" AZ#16 w(0.7)AZ D2 State Meet (#5)
2014-04-12 Cunningham, Shantinique (2015) G-TJ 35'1" NWIApollo/Hal Anders Invitational (#1)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.52 AZ#28 Arizona Meet of Champions (#4)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-04-21 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.94 AZ#50 Hal Anders/Apollo Invitational (#3)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-04-23 Bolivar, Nathan B-400 49.43 AZ#13 pre Hal Anders Invitational (#1)
2011-04-29 Bolivar, Nathan B-400 49.83 Glendale District Championship (#1)
2011-04-23 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.12 AZ#5 w(1.9)Hal Anders Invitational (#1)
2011-04-21 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.13 w(1.8)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2011-05-14 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.28 pre w(2.1)AZ Division 2 State (#1)
2011-04-23 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.38 pre w(1.2)Hal Anders Invitational (#2)
2011-04-09 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.39 w(4.1)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2011-04-09 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.46 pre w(0.8)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2011-05-14 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.47 w(-3.7)AZ Division 2 State (#1)
2011-04-23 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 24.79 AZ#2 w(2)Hal Anders Invitational (#1)
2011-05-14 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.31 NWIAZ Division 2 State (#3)
2011-05-14 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.56 pre w(-1.4)AZ Division 2 State (#3)
2011-04-09 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.75 w(-3.6)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2011-05-14 Pitts, Aliana (2012) G-100H 15.14 pre w(2.5)AZ Division 2 State (#3)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 36'9.5" AZ#22 Sun Angel Track Classic (#6)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 36'9.5" pre Sun Angel Track Classic (#6)
2011-03-25 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 36'0" Glendale Union Relays (#1)
2011-04-21 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'11" Glendale Invitational (#2)
2011-04-29 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'7" Glendale District Championship (#3)
2011-05-14 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'7" AZ Division 2 State (#5)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'6" Greenway Invitational (#3)
2011-03-12 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 136'7" AZ#2 Buckeye Lions Invite (#1)
2011-05-14 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 131'11" AZ Division 2 State (#1)
2011-04-23 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 129'10" Hal Anders Invitational (#1)
2011-04-29 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 129'7" Glendale District Championship (#1)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 126'4" pre Sun Angel Track Classic (#3)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 126'4" Sun Angel Track Classic (#3)
2011-04-21 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 125'8" Glendale Invitational (#1)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 124'1" Greenway Invitational (#1)
2011-05-14 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.10 AZ#7 AZ Division 2 State (#4)
2011-04-21 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.25 Glendale Invitational (#1)
2011-03-25 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.73 Glendale Union Relays (#1)
2011-04-21 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:04.34 AZ#12 Glendale Invitational (#1)

2010 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-04-10 Bolivar, Nathan B-400 49.46 AZ#10 Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-05-15 Bolivar, Nathan B-400 49.77 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#1)
2010-05-07 Sergent, Jeremy B-800 1:59.50 AZ#34 AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2010-04-10 Sergent, Jeremy B-800 1:59.79 Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-04-24 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.11 w(3)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2010-05-15 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.27 AZ#8 w(-1.6)AZ 4A1 State Meet (#2)
2010-05-07 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.30 w(0.2)AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2010-05-15 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.32 pre w(-0.9)AZ 4A1 State Meet (#2)
2010-04-10 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.33 w(1.1)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-04-10 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.34 pre w(0.2)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-03-26 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.41 pre w(-2.9)Glendale District Championships (#1)
2010-05-07 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.44 pre w(2.5)AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2010-04-24 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.48 pre w(-1.8)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2010-05-15 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 24.96 pre NWIAZ 4A1 State Meet (#2)
2010-05-15 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 24.99 AZ#6 w(0)AZ 4A1 State Meet (#2)
2010-05-07 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.10 w(0.2)AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2010-04-10 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.55 w(1.4)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-04-24 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.69 w(0.3)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2010-03-26 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.83 w(-7.8)Glendale District Championships (#1)
2010-03-26 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.86 pre w(-3.2)Glendale District Championships (#1)
2010-04-10 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.92 pre w(0.2)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-05-07 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.98 pre w(1.8)AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2010-03-26 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 36'2" AZ#22 Glendale District Championships (#1)
2010-04-29 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'5" Glendale Union Relays (#1)
2010-04-10 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'0" Greenway Invitational (#3)
2010-04-29 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 141'5" US#87 AZ#1 Glendale Union Relays (#1)
2010-05-07 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 134'10" AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2010-04-24 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 129'4" Glendale Invitational (#1)
2010-05-20 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 122'11" AZ Meet of Champions (#2)
2010-04-10 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 121'10" Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-03-26 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 121'4" Glendale District Championships (#1)
2010-05-15 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.16 AZ#8 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#1)
2010-05-07 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.42 AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#2)
2010-05-15 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:00.12 AZ#5 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#1)

2009 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-05-08 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 40.58 AZ#54 AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#2)
2009-05-08 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 41.28 pre AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#4)
2009-05-16 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 41.56 pre AZ 4A I State Meet (#8)
2009-04-04 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 41.87 Greenway Invitational (#3)
2009-05-16 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 41.89 AZ 4A I State Meet (#8)
2009-03-28 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 41.93 Glendale District Championships (#3)
2009-04-25 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.10 pre w(2.3)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.27 pre NWIAZ 4A I State Meet (#2)
2009-05-16 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.27 AZ#7 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#2)
2009-05-08 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.37 w(0.1)AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#1)
2009-04-25 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.40 w(-0.1)Glendale Invitational (#2)
2009-04-04 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.43 w(-5.7)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2009-04-04 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.47 pre w(-3.7)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 24.81 AZ#3 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#2)
2009-05-16 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.05 pre w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-04-25 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.11 pre w(1)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2009-04-04 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.53 pre w(-6.6)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2009-04-25 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.64 w(-1.7)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2009-05-08 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.66 w(0.1)AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#1)
2009-04-04 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.70 w(-9.6)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2009-05-08 Pettigrew, Kya G-100H 15.15 AZ#11 w(0.2)AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#1)
2009-05-08 Pettigrew, Kya G-300H 46.66 AZ#26 AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#2)
2009-05-08 Pettigrew, Kya G-300H 46.76 pre AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#1)
2009-04-25 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'6.5" AZ#25 Glendale Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 126'7" AZ#4 AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-05-16 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.16 AZ#6 AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-05-16 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.25 pre AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-22 Krimmel, Nathaniel (2016) B-200 22.48 NWIGUHSD District Meet (Prelims) (#2)
2011-04-23 Bolivar, Nathan B-400 49.43 AZ#13 pre Hal Anders Invitational (#1)
2010-04-10 Bolivar, Nathan B-400 49.46 AZ#10 Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-05-15 Bolivar, Nathan B-400 49.77 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#1)
2011-04-29 Bolivar, Nathan B-400 49.83 Glendale District Championship (#1)
2010-05-07 Sergent, Jeremy B-800 1:59.50 AZ#34 AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2010-04-10 Sergent, Jeremy B-800 1:59.79 Greenway Invitational (#1)
2009-05-08 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 40.58 AZ#54 AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#2)
2009-05-08 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 41.28 pre AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#4)
2009-05-16 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 41.56 pre AZ 4A I State Meet (#8)
2009-04-04 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 41.87 Greenway Invitational (#3)
2009-05-16 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 41.89 AZ 4A I State Meet (#8)
2009-03-28 Chambers, Alfred B-300H 41.93 Glendale District Championships (#3)
2013-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.52 AZ#28 Arizona Meet of Champions (#4)
2014-04-30 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.77 AZ#49 Alhambra Last Chance (#2)
2012-04-21 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.94 AZ#50 Hal Anders/Apollo Invitational (#3)
2009-04-25 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.10 pre w(2.3)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2010-04-24 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.11 w(3)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2011-04-23 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.12 AZ#5 w(1.9)Hal Anders Invitational (#1)
2011-04-21 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.13 w(1.8)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2010-05-15 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.27 AZ#8 w(-1.6)AZ 4A1 State Meet (#2)
2009-05-16 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.27 pre NWIAZ 4A I State Meet (#2)
2009-05-16 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.27 AZ#7 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#2)
2011-05-14 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.28 pre w(2.1)AZ Division 2 State (#1)
2010-05-07 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.30 w(0.2)AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2010-05-15 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.32 pre w(-0.9)AZ 4A1 State Meet (#2)
2010-04-10 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.33 w(1.1)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-04-10 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.34 pre w(0.2)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2009-05-08 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.37 w(0.1)AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#1)
2011-04-23 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.38 pre w(1.2)Hal Anders Invitational (#2)
2011-04-09 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.39 w(4.1)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2009-04-25 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.40 w(-0.1)Glendale Invitational (#2)
2010-03-26 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.41 pre w(-2.9)Glendale District Championships (#1)
2009-04-04 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.43 w(-5.7)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-05-07 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.44 pre w(2.5)AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2011-04-09 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.46 pre w(0.8)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2011-05-14 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.47 w(-3.7)AZ Division 2 State (#1)
2009-04-04 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.47 pre w(-3.7)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-04-24 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-100 12.48 pre w(-1.8)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2011-04-23 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 24.79 AZ#2 w(2)Hal Anders Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 24.81 AZ#3 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#2)
2010-05-15 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 24.96 pre NWIAZ 4A1 State Meet (#2)
2010-05-15 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 24.99 AZ#6 w(0)AZ 4A1 State Meet (#2)
2009-05-16 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.05 pre w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2010-05-07 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.10 w(0.2)AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2009-04-25 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.11 pre w(1)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2011-05-14 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.31 NWIAZ Division 2 State (#3)
2009-04-04 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.53 pre w(-6.6)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-04-10 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.55 w(1.4)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2011-05-14 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.56 pre w(-1.4)AZ Division 2 State (#3)
2009-04-25 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.64 w(-1.7)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2009-05-08 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.66 w(0.1)AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#1)
2010-04-24 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.69 w(0.3)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2009-04-04 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.70 w(-9.6)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2011-04-09 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.75 w(-3.6)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-03-26 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.83 w(-7.8)Glendale District Championships (#1)
2010-03-26 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.86 pre w(-3.2)Glendale District Championships (#1)
2010-04-10 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.92 pre w(0.2)Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-05-07 Amukamara, Promise (2011) G-200 25.98 pre w(1.8)AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2011-05-14 Pitts, Aliana (2012) G-100H 15.14 pre w(2.5)AZ Division 2 State (#3)
2009-05-08 Pettigrew, Kya G-100H 15.15 AZ#11 w(0.2)AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#1)
2009-05-08 Pettigrew, Kya G-300H 46.66 AZ#26 AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#2)
2009-05-08 Pettigrew, Kya G-300H 46.76 pre AZ 4A Western Sky Regional (#1)
2014-05-10 Cunningham, Shantinique (2015) G-LJ 18'2" AZ#3 w(0)AZ D2 State Meet (#2)
2015-04-22 Cunningham, Shantinique (2015) G-LJ 17'5.5" NWIGUHSD District Meet (Prelims) (#1)
2015-05-09 Cunningham, Shantinique (2015) G-LJ 17'2.75" AZ#22 w(-0.5)AZ D2 State Meet (#7)
2014-05-10 Cunningham, Shantinique (2015) G-TJ 35'6.5" AZ#16 w(0.7)AZ D2 State Meet (#5)
2014-04-12 Cunningham, Shantinique (2015) G-TJ 35'1" NWIApollo/Hal Anders Invitational (#1)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 36'9.5" AZ#22 Sun Angel Track Classic (#6)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 36'9.5" pre Sun Angel Track Classic (#6)
2010-03-26 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 36'2" AZ#22 Glendale District Championships (#1)
2011-03-25 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 36'0" Glendale Union Relays (#1)
2011-04-21 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'11" Glendale Invitational (#2)
2011-04-29 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'7" Glendale District Championship (#3)
2011-05-14 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'7" AZ Division 2 State (#5)
2009-04-25 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'6.5" AZ#25 Glendale Invitational (#1)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'6" Greenway Invitational (#3)
2010-04-29 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'5" Glendale Union Relays (#1)
2010-04-10 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-SP 35'0" Greenway Invitational (#3)
2010-04-29 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 141'5" US#87 AZ#1 Glendale Union Relays (#1)
2011-03-12 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 136'7" AZ#2 Buckeye Lions Invite (#1)
2010-05-07 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 134'10" AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#1)
2011-05-14 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 131'11" AZ Division 2 State (#1)
2011-04-23 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 129'10" Hal Anders Invitational (#1)
2011-04-29 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 129'7" Glendale District Championship (#1)
2010-04-24 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 129'4" Glendale Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 126'7" AZ#4 AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 126'4" pre Sun Angel Track Classic (#3)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 126'4" Sun Angel Track Classic (#3)
2011-04-21 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 125'8" Glendale Invitational (#1)
2011-04-09 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 124'1" Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-05-20 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 122'11" AZ Meet of Champions (#2)
2010-04-10 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 121'10" Greenway Invitational (#1)
2010-03-26 Dale, Alexus (2011) G-DT 121'4" Glendale District Championships (#1)
2011-05-14 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.10 AZ#7 AZ Division 2 State (#4)
2009-05-16 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.16 AZ#6 AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2010-05-15 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.16 AZ#8 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#1)
2011-04-21 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.25 Glendale Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.25 pre AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2010-05-07 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.42 AZ 4A Western Sky Region (#2)
2011-03-25 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.73 Glendale Union Relays (#1)
2010-05-15 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:00.12 AZ#5 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#1)
2011-04-21 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:04.34 AZ#12 Glendale Invitational (#1)
2015-10-30 Lopez, Diego (2016) B-5k_XC 15:55.00 AZ#23 AZ Division 2 Section 4 Championship (#1)
2015-10-02 Lopez, Diego (2016) B-5k_XC 16:07.30 Desert Twilight XC Festival (#50)
2015-09-05 Lopez, Diego (2016) B-5k_XC 16:13.00 Chandler Invitational (#5)
2015-11-07 Lopez, Diego (2016) B-5k_XC 16:14.20 AZ D2 State Meet (#1)
2015-10-02 Smith, Tai (2016) B-5k_XC 16:21.90 AZ#73 Desert Twilight XC Festival (#66)
2014-10-03 Smith, Tai (2016) B-5k_XC 16:26.31 AZ#94 Desert Twilight XC Festival (#22)

Bolivar, Nathan Adams State College, CO (Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference)

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