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School Name: Anthony Wayne, OH
State Division: I

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-29 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-110H 14.67 OH#27 w(0)OH D1 Region 2 (#5)
2015-05-29 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-110H 14.89 pre w(2.7)OH D1 Region 2 (#5)
2015-04-25 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-110H 14.97 NWIBill Krause Invitational (#1)
2015-05-23 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-110H 14.97 w(1.9)OH D1 Northwest District - St. Francis de Sales (#1)
2015-05-29 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-300H 40.63 pre OH D1 Region 2 (#9)
2015-05-23 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-300H 40.68 OH D1 Northwest District - St. Francis de Sales (#2)
2015-05-29 Ray, Emily (2018) G-400 58.33 OH#47 OH D1 Region 2 (#5)
2015-05-23 Ray, Emily (2018) G-400 58.85 OH D1 Northwest District - St. Francis de Sales (#1)
2015-05-29 Ray, Emily (2018) G-400 59.29 pre OH D1 Region 2 (#6)
2015-04-16 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 39'2" OH#42 Holland Springfield Invitational (#1)
2015-05-29 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 39'0.5" OH D1 Region 2 (#2)
2015-05-01 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 37'11.5" Archbold Walker / Dilbone Relays (#1)
2015-04-25 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 37'4" Bill Krause Invitational (#1)
2015-05-23 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 37'1.75" pre OH D1 Northwest District - St. Francis de Sales (#1)
2015-05-23 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 37'1.75" OH D1 Northwest District - St. Francis de Sales (#1)
2015-04-10 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 35'10.5" Whitmer Gold W Invitational (#1)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-30 Bruno, Samuel (2014) B-200 22.38 OH#48 w(-0.4)OH D1 Region 2 (#4)
2014-06-07 Bruno, Samuel (2014) B-200 22.46 pre w(0.4)OH D1 State Meet (#15)
2014-05-16 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-300H 40.91 Northern Lakes League Championships (#4)
2014-05-24 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.37 OH D1 St. Francis District (#4)
2014-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.64 Northern Lakes League Championships (#2)
2014-05-24 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.79 pre OH D1 St. Francis District (#4)
2014-05-16 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 37'11.5" OH#74 Northern Lakes League Championships (#1)
2014-05-24 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 37'3.25" OH D1 St. Francis District (#3)
2014-05-24 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 37'3.25" pre OH D1 St. Francis District (#3)
2014-05-30 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 36'11.5" OH D1 Region 2 (#7)
2014-04-25 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 36'2.5" Bill Krause Invitational (#2)
2014-05-10 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 35'11.5" Clay Eagle Invitational (#3)
2014-04-11 Pollard, Madison (2017) G-SP 35'8.5" Gold W Invitational (#3)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-25 Hansen, Alexander (2013) B-800 1:57.30 OH#54 OH D1 St. Francis District (#3)
2013-05-31 Hansen, Alexander (2013) B-800 1:57.68 OH D1 Region 2 (#9)
2013-05-31 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 54'4" OH#39 OH D1 Region 2 (#7)
2013-05-03 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 51'7.75" Walker/Dilbone Relays (#3)
2013-05-25 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 51'1.5" OH D1 St. Francis District (#2)
2013-04-27 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 50'5.5" Bill Krause Invitational (#3)
2013-05-25 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.60 OH D1 St. Francis District (#5)
2013-05-03 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.60 Walker/Dilbone Relays (#1)

2012 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-10-13 Darah, Brittney (2013) G-5k_XC 19:21.30 Northern Lakes League Championship (#6)
2012-10-13 Sucheck, Jessica (2015) G-5k_XC 19:24.10 Northern Lakes League Championship (#8)
2012-09-22 Darah, Brittney (2013) G-5k_XC 19:27.17 Cardinal Strich Invitational (#2)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-11 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-110H 14.98 OH#43 w(0.1)Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#1)
2012-05-19 Omofoma, Osereme (2013) B-300H 39.96 OH#69 OH D1 St. Francis District (#2)
2012-05-11 Omofoma, Ose (2013) B-300H 40.09 OH#80 Northern Lakes League Meet (#1)
2012-05-11 Corneja, Vincent (2012) B-300H 40.77 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#2)
2012-05-25 Omofoma, Osereme (2013) B-300H 40.87 pre OH D1 Region 2 (#11)
2012-04-19 Omofoma, Ose (2013) B-300H 41.38 Springfield Invitational (#1)
2012-05-19 Omofoma, Osereme (2013) B-300H 41.44 pre OH D1 St. Francis District (#1)
2012-04-21 Omofoma, Ose (2013) B-300H 41.49 Bill Krause Invitational (#2)
2012-05-11 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-300H 41.87 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#6)
2012-05-11 Omofoma, Ose (2013) B-300H 41.93 pre Northern Lakes League Meet (#2)
2012-04-07 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 43'10" NWIBeach Run Invitational (#5)
2012-05-25 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 51'2.25" OH#82 OH D1 Region 2 (#9)
2012-05-04 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 50'10.75" Clay Eagle Invitational (#3)
2012-05-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.10 OH#50 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#1)
2012-05-04 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.72 Clay Eagle Invitational (#3)
2012-04-27 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.56 Walker/Dilbone Relays (#2)
2012-05-25 Latimer, Cidni (2012) G-800 2:16.15 OH#31 OH D1 Region 4 (#3)
2012-05-11 Latimer, Cidni (2012) G-800 2:17.57 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#3)
2012-05-11 Hook, Kiersten G-800 2:19.13 OH#59 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#4)
2012-05-25 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.54 OH#13 pre w(-2.8)OH D1 Region 2 (#3)
2012-05-25 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.66 w(0.7)OH D1 Region 2 (#3)
2012-05-04 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.92 NWIClay Eagle Invitational (#1)
2012-05-11 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.96 pre NWINorthern Lakes League Meet (#1)
2012-05-19 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.01 NWIOH D1 St. Francis District (#3)
2012-04-19 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.07 NWISpringfield Invitational (#1)
2012-05-11 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.12 NWINorthern Lakes League Meet (#1)
2012-05-11 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.53 OH#39 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#1)
2012-05-11 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:43.48 OH#26 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#1)
2012-05-19 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.06 OH D1 St. Francis District (#4)
2012-05-11 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.46 Northern Lakes League Meet (#1)

2012 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-03-10 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-60H 8.44 OH#21 Central Dist Indoor Championships (#2)
2012-03-17 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-60H 8.49 pre OATCCC Div I Indoor State Championships (#12)
2012-03-03 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 44'9.25" OH#4 Arnold Classic HS Invitational (#3)
2012-02-18 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 43'9.75" Akron Rubber City Open (#1)
2012-03-10 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 43'1.25" Central Dist Indoor Championships (#2)
2012-03-17 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 42'7" OATCCC Div I Indoor State Championships (#5)
2012-02-11 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 42'6.25" OSU Buckeye HS Qualifier #3 (#1)
2012-02-04 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 41'6" Richey HS Invitational (#1)
2012-01-14 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 41'2" W Ohio Officials Invitational (#2)

2011 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-10-15 Darah, Brittney (2013) G-5k_XC 19:28.80 Northern Lakes League (#4)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-05-13 Omofoma, Ose (2013) B-300H 41.30 Northern Lakes Conf Championship (#2)
2011-05-20 Corneja, Vincent (2012) B-300H 41.61 OH D1 Troy District (#5)
2011-05-21 Omofoma, Osereme (2013) B-300H 41.93 pre OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#3)
2011-04-05 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 41'8.5" NWIWayne Warrior Relays (#2)
2011-05-13 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.07 OH#44 Greater Western Ohio Conf Championships (#2)
2011-05-13 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.58 Greater Western Ohio Conf Championships (#6)
2011-05-21 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.26 OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#6)
2011-05-13 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.66 Northern Lakes Conf Championship (#3)
2011-05-21 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.82 pre OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#2)
2011-05-13 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:22.96 OH#30 Greater Western Ohio Conf Championships (#2)
2011-05-06 Latimer, Cidni (2012) G-400 59.76 OH#99 Mason-Rod Russell Invitational (#3)
2011-05-13 Latimer, Cidni (2012) G-800 2:17.76 OH#39 Greater Western Ohio Conf Championships (#4)
2011-05-20 Latimer, Cidni (2012) G-800 2:19.93 OH D1 Troy District (#3)
2011-06-04 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.70 OH#16 pre w(0)OH D1 State Meet (#7)
2011-05-13 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.91 NWINorthern Lakes Conf Championship (#1)
2011-05-21 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.93 NWIOH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#1)
2011-05-13 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.10 pre NWINorthern Lakes Conf Championship (#1)
2011-05-27 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.10 w(-0.7)OH D1 Amherst Regional (#2)
2011-05-21 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.11 pre NWIOH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#1)
2011-06-04 Green, Brittany (2011) G-LJ 18'8.25" US#73 OH#4 w(-2.5)OH D1 State Meet (#4)
2011-04-29 Green, Brittany (2011) G-LJ 17'11" NWIWalker Dilbone Relays (#1)
2011-04-23 Green, Brittany (2011) G-LJ 17'2.5" NWIBill Krause Invitational (#2)
2011-05-27 Green, Brittany (2011) G-LJ 17'1.25" w(-1.3)OH D1 Amherst Regional (#2)
2011-05-13 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:45.49 OH#65 Greater Western Ohio Conf Championships (#1)
2011-05-21 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.92 OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#4)
2011-05-13 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:01.35 OH#43 Greater Western Ohio Conf Championships (#2)

2010 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-09-25 Hassen, Victoria (2013) G-5k_XC 19:03.96 Cardinal Invitational (#4)
2010-09-11 Hassen, Tori (2013) G-5k_XC 19:17.87 Tiffin Carnival D1 (#29)

2010 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-05-26 Green, Brittany (2011) G-LJ 18'0.5" OH#8 w(1.7)OH D1 Region - Amherst (#4)
2010-06-05 Green, Brittany (2011) G-LJ 17'9.25" w(-1.5)OH 1A State Meet (#3)
2010-06-05 Green, Brittany (2011) G-LJ 17'9.25" w(-1.5)OH Div. 1 State Meet (#3)
2010-05-22 Green, Brittany (2011) G-LJ 17'0.25" NWIOH D1 Districts (#3)

2010 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-02-20 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 41'1" OH#12 Ohio State Open #3 (#3)

2009 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-09-12 Miller, Alyssa (2010) G-5k_XC 18:45.47 OH#23 Tiffin Carnival (#9)
2009-09-12 Hassen, Tori (2013) G-5k_XC 19:16.11 OH#75 Tiffin Carnival (#25)

2009 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-05-23 Donald, Anthony (2009) B-300H 39.35 OH#45 OH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#2)
2009-05-29 Donald, Anthony (2009) B-300H 40.00 OH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#7)
2009-05-29 Donald, Anthony (2009) B-300H 40.11 pre OH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#7)
2009-05-23 Donald, Anthony (2009) B-300H 41.24 pre OH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#5)
2009-05-08 Donald, Anthony (2009) B-300H 41.56 Clay Eagle Invitational (#4)
2009-05-23 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.10 NWIOH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#1)
2009-04-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.13 NWIPiqua Invitational (#1)
2009-04-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.13 NWIBill Krause Invitational (#1)
2009-05-29 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.19 OH#9 w(-1.3)OH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#2)
2009-06-06 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.24 pre NWIOH Div 1 Statemeet (#7)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-30 Bruno, Samuel (2014) B-200 22.38 OH#48 w(-0.4)OH D1 Region 2 (#4)
2014-06-07 Bruno, Samuel (2014) B-200 22.46 pre w(0.4)OH D1 State Meet (#15)
2013-05-25 Hansen, Alexander (2013) B-800 1:57.30 OH#54 OH D1 St. Francis District (#3)
2013-05-31 Hansen, Alexander (2013) B-800 1:57.68 OH D1 Region 2 (#9)
2012-03-10 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-60H 8.44 OH#21 Central Dist Indoor Championships (#2)
2012-03-17 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-60H 8.49 pre OATCCC Div I Indoor State Championships (#12)
2015-05-29 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-110H 14.67 OH#27 w(0)OH D1 Region 2 (#5)
2015-05-29 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-110H 14.89 pre w(2.7)OH D1 Region 2 (#5)
2015-04-25 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-110H 14.97 NWIBill Krause Invitational (#1)
2015-05-23 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-110H 14.97 w(1.9)OH D1 Northwest District - St. Francis de Sales (#1)
2012-05-11 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-110H 14.98 OH#43 w(0.1)Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#1)
2009-05-23 Donald, Anthony (2009) B-300H 39.35 OH#45 OH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#2)
2012-05-19 Omofoma, Osereme (2013) B-300H 39.96 OH#69 OH D1 St. Francis District (#2)
2009-05-29 Donald, Anthony (2009) B-300H 40.00 OH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#7)
2012-05-11 Omofoma, Ose (2013) B-300H 40.09 OH#80 Northern Lakes League Meet (#1)
2009-05-29 Donald, Anthony (2009) B-300H 40.11 pre OH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#7)
2015-05-29 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-300H 40.63 pre OH D1 Region 2 (#9)
2015-05-23 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-300H 40.68 OH D1 Northwest District - St. Francis de Sales (#2)
2012-05-11 Corneja, Vincent (2012) B-300H 40.77 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#2)
2012-05-25 Omofoma, Osereme (2013) B-300H 40.87 pre OH D1 Region 2 (#11)
2014-05-16 Osinowo, Timothy (2015) B-300H 40.91 Northern Lakes League Championships (#4)
2009-05-23 Donald, Anthony (2009) B-300H 41.24 pre OH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#5)
2011-05-13 Omofoma, Ose (2013) B-300H 41.30 Northern Lakes Conf Championship (#2)
2012-04-19 Omofoma, Ose (2013) B-300H 41.38 Springfield Invitational (#1)
2012-05-19 Omofoma, Osereme (2013) B-300H 41.44 pre OH D1 St. Francis District (#1)
2012-04-21 Omofoma, Ose (2013) B-300H 41.49 Bill Krause Invitational (#2)
2009-05-08 Donald, Anthony (2009) B-300H 41.56 Clay Eagle Invitational (#4)
2011-05-20 Corneja, Vincent (2012) B-300H 41.61 OH D1 Troy District (#5)
2012-05-11 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-300H 41.87 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#6)
2012-05-11 Omofoma, Ose (2013) B-300H 41.93 pre Northern Lakes League Meet (#2)
2011-05-21 Omofoma, Osereme (2013) B-300H 41.93 pre OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#3)
2012-03-03 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 44'9.25" OH#4 Arnold Classic HS Invitational (#3)
2012-04-07 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 43'10" NWIBeach Run Invitational (#5)
2012-02-18 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 43'9.75" Akron Rubber City Open (#1)
2012-03-10 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 43'1.25" Central Dist Indoor Championships (#2)
2012-03-17 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 42'7" OATCCC Div I Indoor State Championships (#5)
2012-02-11 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 42'6.25" OSU Buckeye HS Qualifier #3 (#1)
2011-04-05 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 41'8.5" NWIWayne Warrior Relays (#2)
2012-02-04 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 41'6" Richey HS Invitational (#1)
2012-01-14 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 41'2" W Ohio Officials Invitational (#2)
2010-02-20 Staten, Leonard (2012) B-TJ 41'1" OH#12 Ohio State Open #3 (#3)
2013-05-31 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 54'4" OH#39 OH D1 Region 2 (#7)
2013-05-03 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 51'7.75" Walker/Dilbone Relays (#3)
2012-05-25 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 51'2.25" OH#82 OH D1 Region 2 (#9)
2013-05-25 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 51'1.5" OH D1 St. Francis District (#2)
2012-05-04 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 50'10.75" Clay Eagle Invitational (#3)
2013-04-27 Judson, Grant (2013) B-SP 50'5.5" Bill Krause Invitational (#3)
2011-05-13 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.07 OH#44 Greater Western Ohio Conf Championships (#2)
2012-05-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.10 OH#50 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#1)
2011-05-13 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.58 Greater Western Ohio Conf Championships (#6)
2013-05-25 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.60 OH D1 St. Francis District (#5)
2012-05-04 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.72 Clay Eagle Invitational (#3)
2011-05-21 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.26 OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#6)
2014-05-24 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.37 OH D1 St. Francis District (#4)
2012-04-27 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.56 Walker/Dilbone Relays (#2)
2013-05-03 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.60 Walker/Dilbone Relays (#1)
2014-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.64 Northern Lakes League Championships (#2)
2011-05-13 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.66 Northern Lakes Conf Championship (#3)
2014-05-24 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.79 pre OH D1 St. Francis District (#4)
2011-05-21 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.82 pre OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#2)
2011-05-13 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:22.96 OH#30 Greater Western Ohio Conf Championships (#2)
2007-05-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 11.87 US#67 OH#4 w(1.8)OH Reg 2 D1 OUT (#2)
2008-05-28 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 11.88 w(2.4)OH Reg 2 D1 OUT (#1)
2009-05-23 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.10 NWIOH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#1)
2009-04-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.13 NWIPiqua Invitational (#1)
2009-04-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.13 NWIBill Krause Invitational (#1)
2009-05-29 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.19 OH#9 w(-1.3)OH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#2)
2009-06-06 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.24 pre NWIOH Div 1 Statemeet (#7)
2009-05-23 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.31 pre NWIOH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#1)
2009-05-29 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.35 pre w(-0.3)OH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#2)
2009-04-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.42 pre NWIPiqua Invitational (#1)
2009-04-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-100 12.42 pre NWIBill Krause Invitational (#1)
2007-06-01 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 23.89 US#24 OH#3 w(2)OH D1 State OUT (#1)
2008-05-28 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 23.92 w(3.2)OH Reg 2 D1 OUT (#1)
2007-05-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.08 w(0)OH Reg 2 D1 OUT (#2)
2007-06-16 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.19 w(-1)Nike Outdoor Nat (#7)
2009-05-29 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.50 NWIOH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#1)
2009-06-13 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.62 OH#10 w(-1.7)Midwest Meet of Champions (#1)
2009-05-29 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.64 pre w(1.5)OH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#3)
2009-04-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.79 pre NWIPiqua Invitational (#1)
2009-04-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.79 pre NWIBill Krause Invitational (#1)
2009-04-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.81 NWIPiqua Invitational (#1)
2009-04-25 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.81 NWIBill Krause Invitational (#1)
2009-05-23 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.92 NWIOH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#1)
2009-06-06 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.95 NWIOH Div 1 Statemeet (#4)
2009-06-06 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 24.95 pre NWIOH Div 1 Statemeet (#4)
2009-05-23 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 25.06 pre NWIOH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#1)
2009-05-23 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 25.08 pre NWIOH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#2)
2009-05-08 Schmidt, Erika (2009) G-200 25.44 NWIClay Eagle Invitational (#1)
2015-05-29 Ray, Emily (2018) G-400 58.33 OH#47 OH D1 Region 2 (#5)
2015-05-23 Ray, Emily (2018) G-400 58.85 OH D1 Northwest District - St. Francis de Sales (#1)
2015-05-29 Ray, Emily (2018) G-400 59.29 pre OH D1 Region 2 (#6)
2011-05-06 Latimer, Cidni (2012) G-400 59.76 OH#99 Mason-Rod Russell Invitational (#3)
2012-05-25 Latimer, Cidni (2012) G-800 2:16.15 OH#31 OH D1 Region 4 (#3)
2012-05-11 Latimer, Cidni (2012) G-800 2:17.57 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#3)
2011-05-13 Latimer, Cidni (2012) G-800 2:17.76 OH#39 Greater Western Ohio Conf Championships (#4)
2012-05-11 Hook, Kiersten G-800 2:19.13 OH#59 Greater Western Ohio Conf Div Championship (#4)
2011-05-20 Latimer, Cidni (2012) G-800 2:19.93 OH D1 Troy District (#3)
2005-04-02 Beakas, Rachel (2005) G-3200 10:53.02 US#95 OH#3 Trabuco Hills Inv (#1)
2012-05-25 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.54 OH#13 pre w(-2.8)OH D1 Region 2 (#3)
2009-06-06 Zaper, Ashley (2009) G-100H 14.63 pre NWIOH Div 1 Statemeet (#3)
2012-05-25 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.66 w(0.7)OH D1 Region 2 (#3)
2011-06-04 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.70 OH#16 pre w(0)OH D1 State Meet (#7)
2009-06-06 Zaper, Ashley (2009) G-100H 14.86 NWIOH Div 1 Statemeet (#8)
2011-05-13 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.91 NWINorthern Lakes Conf Championship (#1)
2012-05-04 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.92 NWIClay Eagle Invitational (#1)
2011-05-21 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.93 NWIOH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#1)
2009-05-29 Zaper, Alecia (2009) G-100H 14.93 pre NWIOH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#5)
2009-06-06 Zaper, Alecia (2009) G-100H 14.93 pre NWIOH Div 1 Statemeet (#6)
2012-05-11 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 14.96 pre NWINorthern Lakes League Meet (#1)
2009-05-23 Zaper, Ashley (2009) G-100H 14.98 NWIOH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#1)
2009-05-29 Zaper, Alecia (2009) G-100H 15.00 OH#18 w(-0.3)OH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#2)
2012-05-19 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.01 NWIOH D1 St. Francis District (#3)
2009-05-29 Zaper, Ashley (2009) G-100H 15.05 OH#21 w(-0.3)OH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#3)
2012-04-19 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.07 NWISpringfield Invitational (#1)
2011-05-13 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.10 pre NWINorthern Lakes Conf Championship (#1)
2009-05-23 Zaper, Ashley (2009) G-100H 15.10 pre NWIOH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#2)
2011-05-27 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.10 w(-0.7)OH D1 Amherst Regional (#2)
2011-05-21 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.11 pre NWIOH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#1)
2012-05-11 Potts-Tyre, Aisha (2012) G-100H 15.12 NWINorthern Lakes League Meet (#1)
2009-05-23 Zaper, Alecia (2009) G-100H 15.13 pre NWIOH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#3)
2008-05-28 Zaper, Ashley (2009) G-300H 44.27 OH#11 OH Reg 2 D1 OUT (#2)
2009-05-29 Zaper, Ashley (2009) G-300H 44.39 OH#16 OH D1 Amherst Region 2 (#1)
2009-05-23 Zaper, Ashley (2009) G-300H 44.79 OH D1 Toledo St Francis District (#1)
2009-06-06 Zaper, Ashley (2009) G-300H 44.87 pre OH Div 1 Statemeet (#5)
Continue with next 125 performances

Darah, Brittney Bowling Green State University-Main Campus, OH (Mid-American Conference)

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