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School Name: Pendleton, SC

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-17 Grate, Malik (2016) B-100 10.81 NWILiberty Meet (#1)
2015-05-16 Grate, Malik (2016) B-100 10.84 SC#11 w(-2.2)SC 2A State Meet (#2)
2015-03-24 Grate, Malik (2016) B-100 10.89 NWIWren Meet (#1)
2015-05-16 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 21.55 SC#1 w(-0.6)SC 2A State Meet (#1)
2015-03-17 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 22.12 NWILiberty Meet (#1)
2015-05-09 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 22.16 NWINC AA Upper State (#1)
2015-03-24 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 22.27 NWIWren Meet (#1)
2015-05-16 Grate, Malik (2016) B-400 47.77 US#77 SC#2 SC 2A State Meet (#1)
2015-04-11 Grate, Malik (2016) B-400 48.07 Taco Bell Classic (#2)
2015-05-09 Grate, Malik (2016) B-400 49.31 NC AA Upper State (#1)
2015-05-16 Grate, Malik (2016) B-LJ 23'3" NWISC 2A State Meet (#3)
2015-05-09 Grate, Malik (2016) B-LJ 22'9" NWINC AA Upper State (#1)
2015-05-16 Johnson, Brad (2017) B-TJ 48'1" NWISC 2A State Meet (#1)
2015-05-09 Johnson, Brad (2017) B-TJ 45'8" NWINC AA Upper State (#2)
2015-05-16 Brown, Dreyona (2015) G-LJ 18'0" NWISC 2A State Meet (#1)
2015-05-09 Brown, Dreyona (2015) G-LJ 17'6.75" NWINC AA Upper State (#1)
2015-05-16 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-LJ 17'6.25" NWISC 2A State Meet (#4)
2015-05-09 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-LJ 17'3.5" NWINC AA Upper State (#2)
2015-07-12 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-LJ 17'3.25" SC#5 w(0.1)USATF JO Region 4 Qualifier (#5)
2015-07-12 Brown, Dreyona (2015) G-LJ 17'2.75" SC#6 w(0.8)USATF JO Region 4 Qualifier (#6)
2015-03-17 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-LJ 17'2" NWILiberty Meet (#1)
2015-05-16 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-TJ 37'10.5" SC#2 w(0)SC 2A State Meet (#2)
2015-05-16 Brown, Dreyona (2015) G-TJ 37'9.5" SC#4 w(0.1)SC 2A State Meet (#4)
2015-07-12 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-TJ 37'7.75" w(0.4)USATF JO Region 4 Qualifier (#5)
2015-08-02 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-TJ 37'3.75" w(-1)USATF Junior Olympics National Championships 17-18 (#12)
2015-06-21 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-TJ 37'2.25" w(0.5)NB Outdoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#11)
2015-06-21 Brown, Dreyona (2015) G-TJ 36'10.25" w(0.2)NB Outdoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#15)
2015-05-09 Brown, Dreyona (2015) G-TJ 36'5" NWINC AA Upper State (#1)
2015-05-09 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-TJ 36'4" NWINC AA Upper State (#2)
2015-03-21 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-TJ 36'3.5" NWIHillcrest Ram Invitational (#1)
2015-07-12 Brown, Dreyona (2015) G-TJ 35'11.5" w(0.6)USATF JO Region 4 Qualifier (#9)
2015-03-24 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-TJ 35'9.25" NWIWren Meet (#1)
2015-04-11 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-TJ 35'5" NWITaco Bell Classic (#18)
2015-05-09 Grate, Victoria (2015) G-SP 37'0" SC#6 NC AA Upper State (#1)
2015-05-16 Grate, Victoria (2015) G-SP 36'7.5" SC 2A State Meet (#2)
2015-05-16 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.79 SC#24 SC 2A State Meet (#2)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-17 Grate, Malik (2016) B-100 10.89 NWISC 2A State Meet (#2)
2014-04-12 Grate, Malik (2016) B-100 10.89 SC#4 w(1.4)Taco Bell Classic (#5)
2014-05-17 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 21.86 NWISC 2A State Meet (#1)
2014-05-17 Grate, Malik (2016) B-400 49.06 SC#7 SC 2A State Meet (#1)
2014-04-12 Grate, Malik (2016) B-400 49.72 Taco Bell Classic (#6)
2014-05-17 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-400 59.29 SC#14 SC 2A State Meet (#2)
2014-05-17 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-TJ 36'11" NWISC 2A State Meet (#1)
2014-07-07 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-TJ 36'4" SC#9 w(1.6)USATF JO Region 4 (#8)
2014-05-17 Brown, Dreyona (2015) G-TJ 36'2.5" NWISC 2A State Meet (#4)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-11 Dixon, Jalen (2013) B-100 10.90 SC#8 w(1.6)SC 2A State Champs (#3)
2013-05-11 Dixon, Jalen (2013) B-200 22.22 SC#16 w(0)SC 2A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-11 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 22.32 SC#22 w(0)SC 2A State Champs (#5)
2013-05-11 Loar, Thomas (2013) B-400 49.59 SC#13 SC 2A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.09 SC#18 SC 2A State Champs (#3)
2013-05-11 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:21.09 SC#3 SC 2A State Champs (#1)
2013-05-11 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.49 SC#12 SC 2A State Champs (#2)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-04-16 Dixon, Marvin (2013) B-100 10.91 NWILiberty meet (#1)
2012-04-26 Dixon, Marvin (2013) B-100 10.93 NWIRegion 1-AA (#2)
2012-03-05 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.32 SC#39 Class AA Upper State (#3)
2012-04-19 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.90 Tri County Championships (#2)
2012-04-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.91 Liberty meet (#1)
2012-04-26 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.91 Region 1-AA (#2)
2012-05-12 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.82 SC#26 SC 2A State Meet (#3)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-05-14 Bouie, Lorenzo (2011) B-LJ 22'2" SC#8 w(-1.9)SC 2A State (#6)
2011-05-07 Eubanks, Kennedy (2011) B-TJ 43'3.5" NWISC 2A Upper State (#3)
2011-05-14 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.90 SC#18 SC 2A State (#3)
2011-05-07 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.61 SC 2A Upper State (#4)

2010 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-11-06 Whitmire, Jessica (2011) G-5k_XC 18:58.00 SC#13 SC State XC (#1)

2010 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-05-08 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100 12.36 NWISC 2A Upper State Qualifier (#1)
2010-04-27 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.79 NWISC 2A Region 1 (#1)
2010-05-08 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.85 NWISC 2A Upper State Qualifier (#1)
2010-05-08 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-400H 1:03.57 SC#2 SC 2A Upper State Qualifier (#1)
2010-05-08 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.07 SC#8 SC 2A Upper State Qualifier (#2)
2010-04-27 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.79 SC 2A Region 1 (#1)

2010 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-02-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60 7.91 SC#1 pre U-Kentucky Inv (#11)
2010-01-23 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60 7.98 pre Niswonger/KTC Inv Day 2 (#10)
2010-03-12 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.49 US#6 SC#1 Nike Indoor Nat (#5)
2010-03-12 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.51 pre Nike Indoor Nat (#2)
2010-02-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.65 U-Kentucky Inv (#3)
2010-03-12 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.66 pre Nike Indoor Nat (#2)
2010-01-23 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.70 Niswonger/KTC Inv Day 2 (#1)
2010-02-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.73 pre U-Kentucky Inv (#2)
2010-01-23 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.94 pre Niswonger/KTC Inv Day 2 (#2)

2009 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-04-11 Eubanks, Anthony (2010) B-LJ 22'1" NWITaco Bell Classic (#2)
2009-03-19 Eubanks, Aj B-TJ 44'6" NWISeneca Meet (#2)
2009-03-21 Eubanks, Aj B-TJ 43'4.5" NWIGolden Corner Invitational (#2)
2009-05-15 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100 12.06 SC#2 w(-0.1)SC 2A State (#1)
2009-03-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100 12.22 NWIGolden Corner Invitational (#1)
2009-06-06 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.32 w(4)Great Southwest (#1)
2009-06-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.49 pre w(2.2)Nike Outdoor Nat (#1)
2009-06-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.59 US#1 SC#1 w(-1.1)Nike Outdoor Nat (#1)
2009-04-11 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.72 NWITaco Bell Classic (#1)
2009-05-30 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.81 pre w(0)Dekalb Atlanta International Prep Classic (#1)
2009-08-02 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.85 w(-1.6)USATF Jr Olympics (#1)
2009-05-15 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.00 w(-0.9)SC 2A State (#1)
2009-04-18 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.01 NWICoaches Classic (#1)
2009-05-30 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.09 w(-0.6)Dekalb Atlanta International Prep Classic (#1)
2009-03-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.18 NWIGolden Corner Invitational (#1)
2009-04-11 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.22 pre NWITaco Bell Classic (#1)
2009-08-02 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.24 pre w(-2.4)USATF Jr Olympics (#2)
2009-04-16 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.25 NWIHanna v Westside Dual (#1)
2009-05-09 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.26 NWISC 2A Upper State (#1)
2009-03-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.42 pre NWIGolden Corner Invitational (#1)
2009-03-19 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.83 NWISeneca Meet (#1)
2009-04-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.89 NWITri County Champs (#1)
2009-06-06 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-300H 43.47 US#58 SC#1 Great Southwest (#1)
2009-05-15 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-400H 1:03.69 SC#4 SC 2A State (#1)
2009-05-30 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-400H 1:03.95 Dekalb Atlanta International Prep Classic (#2)
2009-08-02 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-400H 1:04.28 pre USATF Jr Olympics (#11)
2009-05-09 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-400H 1:04.54 SC 2A Upper State (#1)
2009-04-18 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-400H 1:04.77 Coaches Classic (#1)
2009-04-20 Hickmon, Alnessa G-SP 37'6.75" SC#16 Tri County Champs (#2)
2009-05-09 Hickmon, Alnessa G-SP 36'3" SC 2A Upper State (#1)
2009-04-16 Hickmon, Alnessa G-SP 35'8" Hanna v Westside Dual (#1)

2009 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-02-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60 7.65 US#18 SC#1 U-Kentucky Inv (#5)
2009-02-13 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60 7.70 Dick Taylor Relays (#5)
2009-03-14 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.30 US#1 SC#1 Nike Indoor Nat (#1)
2009-02-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.43 U-Kentucky Inv (#1)
2009-02-13 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.44 p Dick Taylor Relays (#5)
2009-03-14 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.48 pre Nike Indoor Nat (#1)
2009-03-14 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.54 pre Nike Indoor Nat (#1)
2009-01-31 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.55 KTC Niswonger (#1)

2008 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2008-04-19 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.52 w(3.5)Volunteer Classic OUT (#2)
2008-06-24 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.66 US#7 SC#1 w(0.1)USATF Youth Ntl OUT (#1)
2008-04-12 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.67 w(1.9)Taco Bell OUT (#3)
2008-07-22 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.74 w(1.2)USATF JO Ntl Youth OUT (#2)
2008-05-24 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.76 w(-0.3)Atlanta Intl Prep OUT (#1)
2008-05-10 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.94 w(1.8)SC State 2A OUT (#1)
2008-07-10 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.98 w(-3.2)USATF JO Reg 3 OUT (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-17 Grate, Malik (2016) B-100 10.81 NWILiberty Meet (#1)
2015-05-16 Grate, Malik (2016) B-100 10.84 SC#11 w(-2.2)SC 2A State Meet (#2)
2015-03-24 Grate, Malik (2016) B-100 10.89 NWIWren Meet (#1)
2014-05-17 Grate, Malik (2016) B-100 10.89 NWISC 2A State Meet (#2)
2014-04-12 Grate, Malik (2016) B-100 10.89 SC#4 w(1.4)Taco Bell Classic (#5)
2013-05-11 Dixon, Jalen (2013) B-100 10.90 SC#8 w(1.6)SC 2A State Champs (#3)
2012-04-16 Dixon, Marvin (2013) B-100 10.91 NWILiberty meet (#1)
2012-04-26 Dixon, Marvin (2013) B-100 10.93 NWIRegion 1-AA (#2)
2015-05-16 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 21.55 SC#1 w(-0.6)SC 2A State Meet (#1)
2014-05-17 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 21.86 NWISC 2A State Meet (#1)
2015-03-17 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 22.12 NWILiberty Meet (#1)
2015-05-09 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 22.16 NWINC AA Upper State (#1)
2013-05-11 Dixon, Jalen (2013) B-200 22.22 SC#16 w(0)SC 2A State Champs (#2)
2015-03-24 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 22.27 NWIWren Meet (#1)
2013-05-11 Grate, Malik (2016) B-200 22.32 SC#22 w(0)SC 2A State Champs (#5)
2015-05-16 Grate, Malik (2016) B-400 47.77 US#77 SC#2 SC 2A State Meet (#1)
2015-04-11 Grate, Malik (2016) B-400 48.07 Taco Bell Classic (#2)
2014-05-17 Grate, Malik (2016) B-400 49.06 SC#7 SC 2A State Meet (#1)
2015-05-09 Grate, Malik (2016) B-400 49.31 NC AA Upper State (#1)
2013-05-11 Loar, Thomas (2013) B-400 49.59 SC#13 SC 2A State Champs (#2)
2014-04-12 Grate, Malik (2016) B-400 49.72 Taco Bell Classic (#6)
2015-05-16 Grate, Malik (2016) B-LJ 23'3" NWISC 2A State Meet (#3)
2015-05-09 Grate, Malik (2016) B-LJ 22'9" NWINC AA Upper State (#1)
2011-05-14 Bouie, Lorenzo (2011) B-LJ 22'2" SC#8 w(-1.9)SC 2A State (#6)
2009-04-11 Eubanks, Anthony (2010) B-LJ 22'1" NWITaco Bell Classic (#2)
2015-05-16 Johnson, Brad (2017) B-TJ 48'1" NWISC 2A State Meet (#1)
2015-05-09 Johnson, Brad (2017) B-TJ 45'8" NWINC AA Upper State (#2)
2009-03-19 Eubanks, Aj B-TJ 44'6" NWISeneca Meet (#2)
2009-03-21 Eubanks, Aj B-TJ 43'4.5" NWIGolden Corner Invitational (#2)
2011-05-07 Eubanks, Kennedy (2011) B-TJ 43'3.5" NWISC 2A Upper State (#3)
2011-05-14 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.90 SC#18 SC 2A State (#3)
2013-05-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.09 SC#18 SC 2A State Champs (#3)
2012-03-05 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.32 SC#39 Class AA Upper State (#3)
2011-05-07 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.61 SC 2A Upper State (#4)
2012-04-19 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.90 Tri County Championships (#2)
2012-04-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.91 Liberty meet (#1)
2012-04-26 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.91 Region 1-AA (#2)
2013-05-11 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:21.09 SC#3 SC 2A State Champs (#1)
2008-01-26 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-55 7.17 US#45 SC#1 Eastern Challenge IN (#3)
2009-02-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60 7.65 US#18 SC#1 U-Kentucky Inv (#5)
2008-01-19 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60 7.67 US#32 SC#1 Knoxville TC IN (#1)
2009-02-13 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60 7.70 Dick Taylor Relays (#5)
2010-02-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60 7.91 SC#1 pre U-Kentucky Inv (#11)
2010-01-23 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60 7.98 pre Niswonger/KTC Inv Day 2 (#10)
2009-05-15 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100 12.06 SC#2 w(-0.1)SC 2A State (#1)
2009-03-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100 12.22 NWIGolden Corner Invitational (#1)
2010-05-08 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100 12.36 NWISC 2A Upper State Qualifier (#1)
2014-05-17 Burgess, Alex (2015) G-400 59.29 SC#14 SC 2A State Meet (#2)
2008-01-26 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-55H 8.01 US#5 SC#1 Eastern Challenge IN (#1)
2007-01-27 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-55H 8.02 US#10 SC#1 Clemson HS IN (#1)
2007-01-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-55H 8.03 Eastern Challenge (#1)
2006-01-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-55H 8.30 US#41 SC#1 Eastern Challenge (#4)
2006-01-28 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-55H 8.36 Clemson HS Invite (#4)
2009-03-14 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.30 US#1 SC#1 Nike Indoor Nat (#1)
2008-02-23 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.38 US#3 SC#1 U-Kentucky Inv (#2)
2009-02-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.43 U-Kentucky Inv (#1)
2008-03-16 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.44 Nike Indoor Nat (#2)
2009-02-13 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.44 p Dick Taylor Relays (#5)
2009-03-14 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.48 pre Nike Indoor Nat (#1)
2010-03-12 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.49 US#6 SC#1 Nike Indoor Nat (#5)
2007-03-11 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.50 US#8 SC#1 Nike Indoor Nat (#3)
2007-02-17 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.51 U-Kentucky Inv (#2)
2010-03-12 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.51 pre Nike Indoor Nat (#2)
2007-02-10 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.52 Clemson Tiger IN (#2)
2009-03-14 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.54 pre Nike Indoor Nat (#1)
2006-03-12 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.54 US#7 SC#1 pre Nike Indoor Nat (#2)
2009-01-31 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.55 KTC Niswonger (#1)
2006-03-12 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.60 Nike Indoor Nat (#4)
2010-02-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.65 U-Kentucky Inv (#3)
2010-03-12 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.66 pre Nike Indoor Nat (#2)
2006-03-12 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.68 pre Nike Indoor Nat (#3)
2010-01-23 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.70 Niswonger/KTC Inv Day 2 (#1)
2010-02-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.73 pre U-Kentucky Inv (#2)
2007-01-13 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.79 UNC Opener IN (#4)
2006-02-18 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.84 U-Kentucky Inv (#2)
2010-01-23 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-60H 8.94 pre Niswonger/KTC Inv Day 2 (#2)
2009-06-06 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.32 w(4)Great Southwest (#1)
2009-06-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.49 pre w(2.2)Nike Outdoor Nat (#1)
2008-04-19 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.52 w(3.5)Volunteer Classic OUT (#2)
2009-06-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.59 US#1 SC#1 w(-1.1)Nike Outdoor Nat (#1)
2008-06-24 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.66 US#7 SC#1 w(0.1)USATF Youth Ntl OUT (#1)
2008-04-12 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.67 w(1.9)Taco Bell OUT (#3)
2007-07-29 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.68 w(2.6)USATF JO Ntl Intmd OUT (#1)
2009-04-11 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.72 NWITaco Bell Classic (#1)
2007-06-02 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.72 w(5)Golden South OUT (#1)
2008-07-22 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.74 w(1.2)USATF JO Ntl Youth OUT (#2)
2008-05-24 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.76 w(-0.3)Atlanta Intl Prep OUT (#1)
2009-05-30 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.81 pre w(0)Dekalb Atlanta International Prep Classic (#1)
2006-06-01 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.82 w(3.2)Great Southwest (#2)
2009-08-02 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.85 w(-1.6)USATF Jr Olympics (#1)
2007-04-07 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.87 US#17 SC#1 w(-0.2)Mobile Challenge OUT (#2)
2007-04-14 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.89 w(-0.4)Taco Bell OUT (#1)
2006-05-05 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.90 US#13 SC#1 w(1.8)SC State 2A (#1)
2008-05-10 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.94 w(1.8)SC State 2A OUT (#1)
2007-06-16 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.96 w(-0.7)Nike Outdoor Nat (#6)
2008-07-10 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 13.98 w(-3.2)USATF JO Reg 3 OUT (#1)
2009-05-15 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.00 w(-0.9)SC 2A State (#1)
2006-05-27 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.01 w(0)DeKalb Intl Prep (#1)
2009-04-18 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.01 NWICoaches Classic (#1)
2008-06-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.05 w(-2.4)Nike Outdoor Nat (#1)
2006-06-27 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.05 w(0.9)USATF Youth Ntl (#1)
2009-05-30 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.09 w(-0.6)Dekalb Atlanta International Prep Classic (#1)
2008-06-14 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.09 w(-0.6)Carribean Scholastic OUT (#1)
2006-06-16 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.16 w(-0.7)Nike Outdoor Nat (#12)
2009-03-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.18 NWIGolden Corner Invitational (#1)
2007-03-03 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.21 w(0)Sandlapper OUT (#1)
2009-04-11 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.22 pre NWITaco Bell Classic (#1)
2009-08-02 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.24 pre w(-2.4)USATF Jr Olympics (#2)
2009-04-16 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.25 NWIHanna v Westside Dual (#1)
2006-04-08 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.25 w(1)Taco Bell Classic (#1)
2009-05-09 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.26 NWISC 2A Upper State (#1)
2005-06-04 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.27 NWIGolden South (#2)
2008-06-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.28 w(-1.3)Nike Outdoor Nat (#2)
2007-05-05 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.33 w(0)SC State 2A OUT (#1)
2006-07-25 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.35 w(1.7)USATF JO Ntl (#3)
2009-03-21 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.42 pre NWIGolden Corner Invitational (#1)
2010-04-27 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.79 NWISC 2A Region 1 (#1)
2009-03-19 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.83 NWISeneca Meet (#1)
2010-05-08 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.85 NWISC 2A Upper State Qualifier (#1)
2009-04-20 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-100H 14.89 NWITri County Champs (#1)
2006-06-01 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-300H 43.00 US#32 SC#1 Great Southwest (#3)
2008-04-19 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-300H 43.19 US#39 SC#1 Volunteer Classic OUT (#2)
2009-06-06 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-300H 43.47 US#58 SC#1 Great Southwest (#1)
2007-04-07 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-300H 43.54 US#58 SC#1 Mobile Challenge OUT (#2)
2008-07-10 Stowers, Jasmine (2010) G-400H 1:01.17 US#20 SC#1 USATF JO Reg 3 OUT (#2)
Continue with next 125 performances

Stowers, Jasmine Louisiana State University, LA (Southeastern Conference)

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