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School Name: Canyon, TX
State Division: 5A

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2015 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-09-26 Allison, Treet (2016) B-5k_XC 16:00.00 TX#77 Lovejoy XC Fall Festival (#4)
2015-10-03 Allison, Treet (2016) B-5k_XC 16:00.32 Canyon Invitational (#1)
2015-10-03 Knight, Dylan (2017) B-5k_XC 16:13.28 Canyon Invitational (#2)
2015-09-26 Knight, Dylan (2017) B-5k_XC 16:20.00 Lovejoy XC Fall Festival (#14)
2015-10-03 Trevino, Joseph (2016) B-5k_XC 16:20.20 Canyon Invitational (#4)
2015-10-26 Allison, Treet (2016) B-3m_XC 15:29.70 TX#60 TX 5A Region 1 XC Lubbock (#3)
2015-10-26 Knight, Dylan (2017) B-3m_XC 15:38.85 TX#90 TX 5A Region 1 XC Lubbock (#4)
2015-09-19 Knight, Dylan (2017) B-3m_XC 15:51.00 5A Lubbock Invite (#1)
2015-10-16 Foytik, Ashton (2019) G-5k_XC 18:42.20 TX#50 TX 6A District 25 XC - Seguin (#4)
2015-10-03 Allison, Ayse (2018) G-5k_XC 18:50.01 TX#60 Canyon Invitational (#4)
2015-10-03 Hayden, Angel (2017) G-5k_XC 19:14.65 Canyon Invitational (#8)
2015-10-03 Shehan, Mallory (2016) G-5k_XC 19:19.20 Canyon Invitational (#9)
2015-10-03 Foytik, Ashton (2019) G-3m_XC 18:20.54 TX#60 Gold McNeil Invitational (#26)
2015-10-26 Allison, Ayse (2018) G-3m_XC 18:21.99 TX#61 TX 5A Region 1 XC Lubbock (#6)

2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-06-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-200 21.54 w(2.2)Great Southwest Classic (#4)
2015-06-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400 47.93 TX#22 Great Southwest Classic (#9)
2015-03-27 Allison, Treet (2016) B-800 1:59.18 Amarillo Relays (#1)
2015-04-17 Allison, Treet (2016) B-800 1:59.25 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#3)
2015-06-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.71 US#9 TX#4 w(1.6)Great Southwest Classic (#1)
2015-06-27 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.71 pre w(2.5)US Junior Nationals (#6)
2015-03-28 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.78 w(1.8)Texas Relays (#3)
2015-06-27 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.81 w(1.5)US Junior Nationals (#4)
2015-04-24 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.90 NWITX 5A Area 3-4 Canyon (#1)
2015-03-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.90 pre NWICanyon Relays (#1)
2015-04-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.91 NWITX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-04-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.04 pre NWITX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-03-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.07 NWIGraham Possum Kingdom Relays (#1)
2015-03-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.16 NWICanyon Relays (#1)
2015-05-02 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.23 pre w(2.3)TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#1)
2015-03-28 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.27 pre w(-2.5)Texas Relays (#4)
2015-06-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.38 pre w(-1.8)NB Outdoor Nationals (#11)
2015-04-04 Pasley, Landon (2016) B-110H 14.95 NWILubbock Invitational (#2)
2015-06-13 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.97 semis w(0.1)Caribbean Scholastic Invitational (#3)
2015-03-28 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 36.10 US#1 TX#1 Texas Relays (#1)
2015-04-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 36.24 pre TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-05-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 36.35 TX 5A State Meet (#1)
2015-03-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 37.09 Graham Possum Kingdom Relays (#1)
2015-05-02 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 37.36 TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#1)
2015-03-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 37.42 Canyon Relays (#1)
2015-05-02 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 37.44 pre TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#1)
2015-04-24 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 38.17 TX 5A Area 3-4 Canyon (#1)
2015-04-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 38.20 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-03-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 38.65 pre Graham Possum Kingdom Relays (#1)
2015-03-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 40.92 pre Canyon Relays (#4)
2015-08-02 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400H 50.10 US#2 TX#1 Pan American Junior Championships (#1)
2015-06-27 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400H 50.59 US Junior Nationals (#2)
2015-06-13 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400H 50.80 Caribbean Scholastic Invitational (#1)
2015-06-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400H 50.97 NB Outdoor Nationals (#3)
2015-08-02 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400H 51.24 pre Pan American Junior Championships (#4)
2015-06-27 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400H 52.30 pre US Junior Nationals (#2)
2015-06-13 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400H 52.67 semis Caribbean Scholastic Invitational (#1)
2015-04-24 Grove, Brandon (2015) B-HJ 6'6" TX#24 TX 5A Area 3-4 Canyon (#2)
2015-05-02 Grove, Brandon (2015) B-HJ 6'5" TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#3)
2015-03-06 Grove, Brandon (2015) B-HJ 6'4" Canyon Relays (#1)
2015-03-06 Yerby, Hannah (2016) G-400 58.93 Canyon Relays (#1)
2015-04-17 Wilson, Izzy (2016) G-400 59.29 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#2)
2015-04-17 Yerby, Hannah (2016) G-400 59.50 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#4)
2015-04-24 Yerby, Hannah (2016) G-400 59.66 TX 5A Area 3-4 Canyon (#2)
2015-04-17 Yerby, Hannah (2016) G-400 59.75 pre TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-03-27 Yerby, Hannah (2016) G-400 59.78 pre Amarillo Relays (#4)
2015-03-27 Yerby, Hannah (2016) G-400 59.90 Amarillo Relays (#3)
2015-05-15 Wilson, Izzy (2016) G-800 2:14.91 TX#23 TX 5A State Meet (#3)
2015-05-02 Wilson, Izzy (2016) G-800 2:17.17 TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#1)
2015-03-27 Wilson, Izzy (2016) G-800 2:17.68 Amarillo Relays (#2)
2015-04-04 Wilson, Izzy (2016) G-800 2:18.20 Lubbock Invitational (#1)
2015-04-17 Wilson, Izzy (2016) G-800 2:18.25 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-03-06 Wilson, Izzy (2016) G-800 2:18.83 Canyon Relays (#1)
2015-04-17 Stafford, Katie Beth (2015) G-100H 15.08 pre NWITX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-03-13 Stafford, Katie Beth (2015) G-100H 15.08 NWIWest Texas A&M HS Classic (#3)
2015-05-02 Stafford, Katie Beth (2015) G-100H 15.14 w(4.1)TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#4)
2015-04-17 Powell, Alexis (2018) G-300H 45.66 TX#98 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-05-15 Powell, Alexis (2018) G-300H 46.12 TX 5A State Meet (#9)
2015-05-02 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-300H 46.28 pre TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#2)
2015-05-02 Powell, Alexis (2018) G-300H 46.57 TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#3)
2015-04-17 Powell, Alexis (2018) G-300H 46.58 pre TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-04-10 Powell, Alexis (2018) G-300H 46.58 Dumas North Plains Relays (#3)
2015-05-02 Powell, Alexis (2018) G-300H 46.71 pre TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#2)
2015-04-17 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-300H 46.77 pre TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#2)
2015-04-04 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-300H 46.77 Lubbock Invitational (#4)
2015-04-10 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-300H 47.48 Dumas North Plains Relays (#5)
2015-03-27 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-300H 47.57 Amarillo Relays (#5)
2015-03-27 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-300H 47.62 pre Amarillo Relays (#5)
2015-04-17 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-300H 47.76 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#2)
2015-04-24 Powell, Alexis (2018) G-300H 47.97 TX 5A Area 3-4 Canyon (#1)
2015-04-04 Powell, Alexis (2018) G-300H 48.00 Lubbock Invitational (#5)
2015-04-17 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-HJ 5'7" US#89 TX#17 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-03-13 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-HJ 5'6" West Texas A&M HS Classic (#1)
2015-05-02 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-HJ 5'5" TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#1)
2015-04-10 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-HJ 5'5" Dumas North Plains Relays (#1)
2015-04-24 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-HJ 5'4" TX 5A Area 3-4 Canyon (#1)
2015-03-06 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-HJ 5'4" Canyon Relays (#1)
2015-03-27 Sitz, Carmen (2015) G-HJ 5'4" Amarillo Relays (#3)
2015-03-27 Hayden, Angel (2017) G-LJ 17'5.25" NWIAmarillo Relays (#3)
2015-03-27 Hayden, Angel (2017) G-TJ 36'3" NWIAmarillo Relays (#1)
2015-04-04 Hayden, Angel (2017) G-TJ 35'7.75" NWILubbock Invitational (#3)
2015-04-17 Hayden, Angel (2017) G-TJ 35'7.5" NWITX 5A District 3 Dumas (#2)
2015-05-02 Hayden, Angel (2017) G-TJ 35'7.25" TX#82 w(1.8)TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#7)
2015-03-13 Hayden, Angel (2017) G-TJ 35'0" NWIWest Texas A&M HS Classic (#2)
2015-04-10 Tankersley, Paitlyn (2017) G-SP 35'10" Dumas North Plains Relays (#3)
2015-03-13 Doan, Erin (2017) G-DT 125'0" TX#63 West Texas A&M HS Classic (#1)
2015-05-02 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.17 TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#5)
2015-04-17 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.49 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#2)
2015-05-02 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.83 pre TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#4)
2015-03-06 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.86 Canyon Relays (#2)
2015-04-04 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:45.27 Lubbock Invitational (#3)
2015-05-02 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:45.95 pre TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#4)
2015-04-17 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.08 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#3)
2015-03-27 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.32 Amarillo Relays (#4)
2015-04-04 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.65 pre Lubbock Invitational (#4)
2015-05-02 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.82 TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#8)
2015-03-27 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.86 Amarillo Relays (#3)
2015-04-24 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.95 TX 5A Area 3-4 Canyon (#4)
2015-05-15 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:57.69 TX#64 TX 5A State Meet (#7)
2015-04-24 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:58.97 TX 5A Area 3-4 Canyon (#2)
2015-05-02 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:59.15 TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#1)
2015-05-02 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:59.57 pre TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#1)
2015-04-17 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:59.63 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-04-04 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:59.68 Lubbock Invitational (#2)
2015-03-06 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:01.27 Canyon Relays (#1)
2015-03-21 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:01.51 TCU Horned Frog Invite (#2)
2015-03-13 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:01.78 West Texas A&M HS Classic (#1)
2015-04-10 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:03.19 Dumas North Plains Relays (#1)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-02-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-55 6.63 TX#5 Texas Tech HS Open (#2)
2015-02-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-60 7.01 TX#14 Great Southwest Indoor Classic (#1)
2015-01-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-200 21.46 US#9 TX#2 Arkansas HS Invitational (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-02-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-55 6.63 TX#5 Texas Tech HS Open (#2)
2014-02-15 Spencer, Derrick B-55 6.74 TX#5 Texas Tech HS Open (#4)
2014-02-15 Dowd, Autry B-55 6.79 TX#9 Texas Tech HS Open (#8)
2014-02-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-55 6.82 TX#11 Texas Tech HS Open (#9)
2015-02-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-60 7.01 TX#14 Great Southwest Indoor Classic (#1)
2015-01-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-200 21.46 US#9 TX#2 Arkansas HS Invitational (#1)
2015-02-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-200 21.52 Great Southwest Indoor Classic (#1)
2015-06-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-200 21.54 w(2.2)Great Southwest Classic (#4)
2015-01-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-200 21.56 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#1)
2015-03-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-200 21.61 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#7)
2015-03-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-200 21.68 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#6)
2015-01-10 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-200 22.10 pre Texas A&M HS Indoor Classic (#7)
2015-01-10 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-200 22.35 Texas A&M HS Indoor Classic (#7)
2014-02-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-200 22.54 TX#17 Texas Tech HS Open (#1)
2015-06-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400 47.93 TX#22 Great Southwest Classic (#9)
2015-02-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400 48.01 US#10 TX#1 Texas Tech HS Open (#1)
2015-01-24 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400 48.50 Duke City All Comers (#1)
2015-02-07 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400 49.26 Air Force HS Open (#1)
2011-02-19 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-400 49.92 US#79 TX#6 Texas Tech Open (#1)
2011-05-03 Beatty, Jared (2011) B-800 1:57.24 TX#72 TX Region I-4A (#5)
2011-03-26 Beatty, Jared (2011) B-800 1:58.94 Amarillo Relays (#1)
2015-03-27 Allison, Treet (2016) B-800 1:59.18 Amarillo Relays (#1)
2015-04-17 Allison, Treet (2016) B-800 1:59.25 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#3)
2015-03-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-55H 7.42 US#22 TX#1 semi inr to 60h New Balance Indoor Nationals (#15)
2015-02-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-55H 7.46 Texas Tech HS Open (#1)
2015-03-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-55H 7.49 pre enr to 60h New Balance Indoor Nationals (#17)
2011-02-19 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-55H 7.69 US#97 TX#1 Texas Tech Open (#1)
2010-02-20 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-55H 7.83 TX#2 heat 3 Texas Tech Red Raider Meet (#1)
2014-02-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-55H 7.99 TX#4 Texas Tech HS Open (#4)
2015-01-24 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-60H 7.82 US#6 TX#1 Duke City All Comers (#1)
2015-03-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-60H 7.96 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#13)
2015-02-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-60H 8.00 Great Southwest Indoor Classic (#1)
2015-03-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-60H 8.03 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#9)
2015-01-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-60H 8.06 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#1)
2015-01-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-60H 8.06 Arkansas HS Invitational (#1)
2015-01-10 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-60H 8.23 Texas A&M HS Indoor Classic (#1)
2015-01-10 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-60H 8.41 pre Texas A&M HS Indoor Classic (#4)
2011-05-13 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 13.67 US#6 TX#3 w(1.6)TX 4A State Meet (#1)
2015-06-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.71 US#9 TX#4 w(1.6)Great Southwest Classic (#1)
2015-06-27 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.71 pre w(2.5)US Junior Nationals (#6)
2015-03-28 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.78 w(1.8)Texas Relays (#3)
2015-06-27 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.81 w(1.5)US Junior Nationals (#4)
2014-04-26 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.89 w(4.3)TX 4A Region 1 Abilene (#2)
2015-04-24 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.90 NWITX 5A Area 3-4 Canyon (#1)
2015-03-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.90 pre NWICanyon Relays (#1)
2011-04-09 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 13.90 w(4.4)Texas Relays - Sat. Results (#3)
2015-04-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 13.91 NWITX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2011-05-03 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 13.94 pre NWITX Region I-4A (#1)
2015-04-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.04 pre NWITX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-03-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.07 NWIGraham Possum Kingdom Relays (#1)
2014-04-26 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.11 pre w(3.5)TX 4A Region 1 Abilene (#3)
2015-03-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.16 NWICanyon Relays (#1)
2014-04-11 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.18 pre NWITX 4A District 3 Canyon Randall (#2)
2014-05-09 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.19 US#70 TX#11 w(1)TX 4A State Meet (#4)
2015-05-02 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.23 pre w(2.3)TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#1)
2014-04-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.24 NWITX 4A Area 3-4 Lubbock (#2)
2011-03-05 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.26 NWITall City Relays (#1)
2015-03-28 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.27 pre w(-2.5)Texas Relays (#4)
2011-04-02 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.28 NWILubbock Invite (#1)
2011-04-08 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.28 pre w(4)Texas Relays - Fri. Results (#4)
2011-05-03 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.30 NWITX Region I-4A (#1)
2010-04-20 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.31 TX#13 w(0.9)TX Regional Qualifier Texas Tech (#1)
2011-06-04 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.37 w(1.3)Great Southwest Classic (#4)
2015-06-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.38 pre w(-1.8)NB Outdoor Nationals (#11)
2014-04-11 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.39 NWITX 4A District 3 Canyon Randall (#2)
2011-03-05 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.41 pre NWITall City Relays (#1)
2011-04-21 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.46 NWIPanhandle Graham Memorial Reg Qual Invite (#1)
2014-02-22 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.47 NWIRaider Nation Relays (#2)
2010-06-05 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.47 NWIGreat Southwest Classic (#8)
2010-05-15 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.57 w(-2.9)TX 4A State Meet (#4)
2014-03-29 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.63 pre w(-0.8)Texas Relays (#14)
2010-04-03 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.73 pre w(2.9)Texas Relays (#20)
2014-06-07 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.74 w(-2.1)Great Southwest Classic (#13)
2014-02-28 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.80 pre NWICanyon Invitational (#1)
2014-03-22 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.88 NWIAmarillo Relays (#2)
2010-03-27 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-110H 14.91 NWIAmarillo Relays (#1)
2015-04-04 Pasley, Landon (2016) B-110H 14.95 NWILubbock Invitational (#2)
2015-06-13 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-110H 14.97 semis w(0.1)Caribbean Scholastic Invitational (#3)
2015-03-28 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 36.10 US#1 TX#1 Texas Relays (#1)
2015-04-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 36.24 pre TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2015-05-15 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 36.35 TX 5A State Meet (#1)
2014-05-09 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 36.73 US#10 TX#3 TX 4A State Meet (#3)
2011-03-26 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 36.87 US#8 TX#4 Amarillo Relays (#1)
2014-04-26 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 36.90 TX 4A Region 1 Abilene (#1)
2011-05-03 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 36.96 TX Region I-4A (#1)
2011-05-13 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 37.02 TX 4A State Meet (#1)
2015-03-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 37.09 Graham Possum Kingdom Relays (#1)
2014-04-11 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 37.18 TX 4A District 3 Canyon Randall (#1)
2014-06-07 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 37.23 Great Southwest Classic (#2)
2015-05-02 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 37.36 TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#1)
2015-03-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 37.42 Canyon Relays (#1)
2015-05-02 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 37.44 pre TX 5A Region 1 Lubbock (#1)
2011-05-03 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 37.46 pre TX Region I-4A (#1)
2014-04-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 37.67 TX 4A Area 3-4 Lubbock (#1)
2010-05-15 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 37.70 US#58 TX#12 TX 4A State Meet (#2)
2011-04-02 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 38.06 Lubbock Invite (#1)
2010-04-20 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 38.09 TX Regional Qualifier Texas Tech (#1)
2011-03-05 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 38.14 Tall City Relays (#1)
2015-04-24 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 38.17 TX 5A Area 3-4 Canyon (#1)
2015-04-17 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 38.20 TX 5A District 3 Dumas (#1)
2010-06-05 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 38.26 Great Southwest Classic (#4)
2014-04-26 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 38.29 pre TX 4A Region 1 Abilene (#1)
2010-05-03 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 38.29 TX 4A Region 1 (#1)
2014-03-22 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 38.63 Amarillo Relays (#1)
2015-03-21 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 38.65 pre Graham Possum Kingdom Relays (#1)
2014-04-11 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 38.74 pre TX 4A District 3 Canyon Randall (#1)
2009-05-16 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 38.75 TX#45 TX 4A Region 1 (#1)
2014-02-22 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 38.88 Raider Nation Relays (#1)
2014-02-28 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 39.22 Canyon Invitational (#1)
2014-02-28 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 39.23 pre Canyon Invitational (#1)
2014-02-22 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 39.38 pre Raider Nation Relays (#1)
2013-04-11 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 39.54 TX#99 pre Tx District 3 - 4A (#2)
2009-06-06 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 39.61 TX 4A State Meet (#6)
2011-03-05 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 39.63 pre Tall City Relays (#2)
2013-04-11 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 39.73 Tx District 3 - 4A (#3)
2010-03-27 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 39.80 Amarillo Relays (#1)
2013-04-27 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 39.93 TX Region 1-4A (#6)
2009-04-23 Stigler, Michael (2011) B-300H 39.94 Texas Tech Regional Qualifiers (#2)
2013-04-18 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 40.07 TX 4A Area 3-4 (#4)
2013-04-27 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 40.65 pre TX Region 1-4A (#8)
2013-03-30 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 40.86 Lubbock Invitational (#5)
2015-03-06 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-300H 40.92 pre Canyon Relays (#4)
2010-03-19 Goad, Ryan B-300H 41.27 Smithson Valley Ranger Relays (#4)
2015-08-02 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400H 50.10 US#2 TX#1 Pan American Junior Championships (#1)
2015-06-27 Grimes, Norman (2016) B-400H 50.59 US Junior Nationals (#2)
Continue with next 125 performances

Grimes, Norman Texas Tech University, TX (Big 12 Conference)

Grove, Brandon West Texas A & M University, TX (Lone Star Conference)

Rodriguez, Kaitlin West Texas A & M University, TX (Lone Star Conference)
Diaz, Karah West Texas A & M University, TX (Lone Star Conference)

Rice, Arin Texas Christian University, TX (Big Twelve Conference)

Stigler, Michael University of Kansas, KS (Big 12 Conference)

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