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School Name: Klein, TX
State Division: 6A

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2015 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-09-26 Pickett, Caleb B-3m_XC 15:39.10 TX#92 Texas A&M High School Invitational (#13)
2015-10-31 Pickett, Caleb (2016) B-3m_XC 15:43.41 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#20)
2015-09-26 Montgomery, Serena (2017) G-3m_XC 18:46.40 Texas A&M High School Invitational (#19)
2015-10-31 Montgomery, Serena (2017) G-3m_XC 18:50.35 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#31)
2015-10-31 Pouwer, Mckenna (2018) G-3m_XC 18:56.05 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#37)

2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-23 Jones, Chase (2015) B-400 48.93 TX#66 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#4)
2015-04-09 Jones, Chase (2015) B-400 49.35 TX 6A District 15 Klein (#4)
2015-05-02 Jones, Chase (2015) B-400 49.39 pre TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#10)
2015-04-09 Jones, Chase (2015) B-400 49.91 pre TX 6A District 15 Klein (#2)
2015-04-23 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:55.78 TX#34 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#4)
2015-04-09 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:56.53 TX 6A District 15 Klein (#1)
2015-02-21 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:56.60 Zoe Simpson Invitational (#1)
2015-05-28 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:57.42 Rice All-Comers 5-28 (#2)
2015-05-02 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:57.45 TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#3)
2015-02-14 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:58.70 Spring Relays (#1)
2015-03-28 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-ST2K 6:09.15 US#9 TX#2 Texas Relays (#2)
2015-05-23 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-ST2K 6:16.92 TX Meet of Champions (#2)
2015-02-14 Gowing, Colin B-HJ 6'4" TX#65 Spring Relays (#1)
2015-04-09 Flory, Chase (2016) B-TJ 44'10.5" NWITX 6A District 15 Klein (#3)
2015-04-23 Flory, Chase (2016) B-TJ 44'1.75" NWITX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#3)
2015-05-02 Flory, Chase (2016) B-TJ 43'4" TX#98 w(0)TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#8)
2015-04-23 King, Cassius (2015) B-PV 14'6" TX#58 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#1)
2015-04-09 King, Cassius (2015) B-PV 14'0" TX 6A District 15 Klein (#1)
2015-06-06 Cochran, Eric (2015) B-PV 14'0" TX#89 Great Southwest Classic (#15)
2015-05-02 King, Cassius (2015) B-PV 14'0" TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#6)
2015-04-23 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-SP 54'8" TX#36 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#2)
2015-07-04 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-SP 54'3" AAU JO Region 17 Qualifier (#1)
2015-06-19 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-SP 54'1.25" Rice All-Comers 6-19 (#2)
2015-03-14 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-SP 53'8" Oak Ridge True Team Invitational (#1)
2015-08-02 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-SP 53'0" USATF Junior Olympics National Championships 17-18 (#11)
2015-05-28 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-SP 52'3.75" Rice All-Comers 5-28 (#1)
2015-04-09 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-SP 51'9" TX 6A District 15 Klein (#1)
2015-03-28 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-SP 51'7.75" Texas Relays (#13)
2015-02-21 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-SP 51'5.25" Zoe Simpson Invitational (#2)
2015-05-02 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-SP 50'4.25" TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#10)
2015-06-04 Ritchey, Matt (2016) B-SP 50'3.5" Rice All-Comers 6-04 (#1)
2015-07-11 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-DT 187'4" US#29 TX#4 USATF JO Region 12 Qualifier (#1)
2015-05-16 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-DT 182'7" TX 6A State Meet (#4)
2015-05-28 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-DT 180'5" Rice All-Comers 5-28 (#2)
2015-05-02 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-DT 179'10" TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#2)
2015-07-04 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-DT 172'0" AAU JO Region 17 Qualifier (#1)
2015-04-09 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-DT 170'11" TX 6A District 15 Klein (#1)
2015-05-23 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-DT 170'10" TX Meet of Champions (#4)
2015-05-21 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-DT 170'3" Rice All-Comers 5-21 (#1)
2015-04-23 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-DT 169'4" TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#3)
2015-06-19 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-DT 166'9" Rice All-Comers 6-19 (#2)
2015-03-28 Gowing, Brody (2015) B-DT 161'0" Texas Relays (#9)
2015-05-21 Ritchey, Matt (2016) B-HT 190'1" US#22 TX#3 Rice All-Comers 5-21 (#1)
2015-06-11 Ritchey, Matt (2016) B-HT 188'10" Rice All-Comers 6-11 (#2)
2015-06-04 Ritchey, Matt (2016) B-HT 187'7" Rice All-Comers 6-04 (#3)
2015-05-28 Ritchey, Matt (2016) B-HT 184'5" Rice All-Comers 5-28 (#1)
2015-08-02 Ritchey, Matt (2016) B-HT 180'4" USATF Junior Olympics National Championships 17-18 (#6)
2015-07-11 Ritchey, Matt (2016) B-HT 178'10" USATF JO Region 12 Qualifier (#1)
2015-02-21 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.10 Zoe Simpson Invitational (#3)
2015-04-09 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.39 TX 6A District 15 Klein (#6)
2015-03-28 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.57 College Park Invitational (#15)
2015-04-23 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:21.49 TX#79 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#5)
2015-04-09 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:24.89 TX 6A District 15 Klein (#4)
2015-03-14 Nave, Imani (2016) G-100 11.96 NWIOak Ridge True Team Invitational (#1)
2015-04-23 Nave, Imani (2016) G-100 12.18 NWITX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#5)
2015-03-14 Banks, Mikayla (2015) G-100 12.19 NWIOak Ridge True Team Invitational (#2)
2015-03-28 Nave, Imani (2016) G-100 12.21 NWICollege Park Invitational (#1)
2015-06-13 Robinson, Mia (2016) G-100 12.33 TX#85 w(0.5)AAU JO District Gulf (#8)
2015-02-14 Nave, Imani (2016) G-100 12.38 NWISpring Relays (#7)
2015-04-09 Nave, Imani (2016) G-100 12.43 NWITX 6A District 15 Klein (#4)
2015-04-09 Nave, Imani (2016) G-100 12.47 pre NWITX 6A District 15 Klein (#4)
2015-05-02 Nave, Imani (2016) G-200 24.25 US#82 TX#14 pre w(0.7)TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#2)
2015-04-23 Nave, Imani (2016) G-200 24.31 NWITX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#2)
2015-05-02 Nave, Imani (2016) G-200 24.32 w(2.4)TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#3)
2015-03-14 Nave, Imani (2016) G-200 24.76 NWIOak Ridge True Team Invitational (#1)
2015-04-09 Nave, Imani (2016) G-200 24.89 NWITX 6A District 15 Klein (#3)
2015-07-04 Robinson, Mia (2016) G-200 24.90 TX#52 pre w(0.7)AAU JO Region 17 Qualifier (#4)
2015-03-28 Nave, Imani (2016) G-200 24.96 NWICollege Park Invitational (#1)
2015-08-08 Robinson, Mia (2016) G-200 24.99 pre w(2.8)AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 17-18 (#23)
2015-06-13 Robinson, Mia (2016) G-200 25.02 w(1)AAU JO District Gulf (#7)
2015-04-09 Nave, Imani (2016) G-200 25.13 pre NWITX 6A District 15 Klein (#3)
2015-03-28 Banks, Mikayla (2015) G-200 25.28 NWICollege Park Invitational (#3)
2015-08-08 Robinson, Mia (2016) G-200 25.43 pre w(0.5)AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 17-18 (#23)
2015-07-04 Banks, Mikayla (2015) G-200 25.43 pre w(-1)AAU JO Region 17 Qualifier (#9)
2015-02-14 Nave, Imani (2016) G-200 25.47 NWISpring Relays (#7)
2015-04-04 Banks, Mikayla (2015) G-200 25.49 pre w(-0.9)Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#11)
2015-03-14 Banks, Mikayla (2015) G-200 25.49 NWIOak Ridge True Team Invitational (#3)
2015-03-14 Robinson, Mia (2016) G-200 25.59 NWIOak Ridge True Team Invitational (#4)
2015-06-13 Banks, Mikayla (2015) G-200 25.69 w(1)AAU JO District Gulf (#14)
2015-04-23 Robinson, Mia (2016) G-400 56.81 TX#58 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#4)
2015-06-26 Banks, Mikayla (2015) G-400 56.83 TX#59 Rice All-Comers 6-26 (#2)
2015-05-02 Robinson, Mia (2016) G-400 57.15 pre TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#5)
2015-04-09 Robinson, Mia (2016) G-400 58.01 TX 6A District 15 Klein (#4)
2015-04-09 Robinson, Mia (2016) G-400 58.26 pre TX 6A District 15 Klein (#4)
2015-06-04 Banks, Mikayla (2015) G-400 58.90 Rice All-Comers 6-04 (#1)
2015-05-02 Robinson, Mia (2016) G-400 59.05 TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#8)
2015-04-09 Alomaja, Nakia (2015) G-100H 14.79 NWITX 6A District 15 Klein (#3)
2015-03-28 Alomaja, Nakia (2015) G-100H 14.93 NWICollege Park Invitational (#2)
2015-04-09 Alomaja, Nakia (2015) G-100H 15.02 pre NWITX 6A District 15 Klein (#4)
2015-04-23 Alomaja, Nakia (2015) G-100H 15.04 NWITX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#4)
2015-05-02 Alomaja, Nakia (2015) G-100H 15.11 w(2.8)TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#7)
2015-05-02 Alomaja, Nakia (2015) G-100H 15.15 TX#67 pre w(0.1)TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#8)
2015-04-09 Alomaja, Nakia (2015) G-300H 45.05 TX#67 pre TX 6A District 15 Klein (#3)
2015-04-09 Alomaja, Nakia (2015) G-300H 45.36 TX 6A District 15 Klein (#3)
2015-03-28 Alomaja, Nakia (2015) G-300H 45.44 College Park Invitational (#4)
2015-04-09 Hebert, Adeline (2017) G-HJ 5'7" US#89 TX#17 TX 6A District 15 Klein (#1)
2015-06-04 Hebert, Adeline (2017) G-HJ 5'5" Rice All-Comers 6-04 (#1)
2015-04-23 Hebert, Adeline (2017) G-HJ 5'4" TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#2)
2015-05-02 Hebert, Adeline (2017) G-HJ 5'4" TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#6)
2015-05-31 Hebert, Adeline (2017) G-HJ 5'3.75" Texas Greatest Athlete (#1)
2015-04-09 Hebert, Adeline (2017) G-LJ 17'9.25" NWITX 6A District 15 Klein (#2)
2015-03-28 Hebert, Adeline (2017) G-LJ 17'8" NWICollege Park Invitational (#3)
2015-04-23 Hebert, Adeline (2017) G-LJ 17'4" NWITX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#5)
2015-04-09 Koonts, Jasmine (2015) G-TJ 35'1.25" NWITX 6A District 15 Klein (#7)
2015-03-28 Okeke, Happiness (2015) G-SP 38'11" TX#86 College Park Invitational (#2)
2015-02-21 Okeke, Happiness (2015) G-SP 36'9.5" Zoe Simpson Invitational (#1)
2015-03-14 Okewe, Happiness G-SP 36'9" Oak Ridge True Team Invitational (#2)
2015-04-23 Orion, Gabrielle (2016) G-SP 36'2" TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#6)
2015-03-28 Orion, Gabrielle (2016) G-SP 35'11.5" College Park Invitational (#5)
2015-04-09 Orion, Gabrielle (2016) G-SP 35'2.75" TX 6A District 15 Klein (#4)
2015-02-21 Orion, Gabrielle (2016) G-SP 35'0.5" Zoe Simpson Invitational (#2)
2015-02-14 Okeke, Happiness (2015) G-SP 35'0.5" Spring Relays (#3)
2015-04-09 Okeke, Happiness (2015) G-DT 130'7" TX#35 TX 6A District 15 Klein (#1)
2015-05-02 Okeke, Happiness (2015) G-DT 129'5" TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#6)
2015-04-23 Okeke, Happiness (2015) G-DT 127'5" TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#1)
2015-03-28 Okeke, Happiness (2015) G-DT 124'9" College Park Invitational (#1)
2015-04-09 Girls Relay G-4x100 48.46 TX#99 TX 6A District 15 Klein (#4)
2015-03-14 Girls Relay G-4x100 48.64 Oak Ridge True Team Invitational (#2)
2015-05-02 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:40.14 US#60 TX#30 TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#3)
2015-05-02 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:40.23 pre TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#3)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2000-06-17 Harris, Joey (2000) B-100 10.28 US#2 TX#1 w(0.7)FL Outdoor Nat (#2)
2011-04-13 Mathews, Tommy B-100 10.94 pre NWITX District 13 - 5A (#8)
2000-05-13 Harris, Joey (2000) B-200 21.08 NWI5A State (#2)
2000-04-29 Harris, Joey (2000) B-200 21.12 NWI5A regional (#1)
2000-04-01 Harris, Joey (2000) B-200 21.45 NWIRice Bayou Classic (#1)
2013-04-18 Hamm, David (2014) B-200 21.92 NWITX 5A Area 13-14 (#5)
2013-03-07 Hamm, David (2014) B-200 21.95 NWIAtascocita Invitational (#2)
2013-04-10 Hamm, David (2014) B-200 21.96 NWITX District 13-5A (#3)
2013-04-27 Hamm, David (2014) B-200 22.09 TX#57 pre w(-1.3)TX Region 2-5A (#7)
2009-04-24 Boyd, Xavier (2009) B-200 22.20 NWIBrenham Regional Qualifiers (#3)
2013-03-16 Hamm, David (2014) B-200 22.24 NWICollege Park True Team (#1)
2013-04-10 Hamm, David (2014) B-200 22.38 pre NWITX District 13-5A (#3)
2013-03-23 Hamm, David (2014) B-200 22.40 NWIKlein Relays (#7)
2009-03-21 Boyd, Xavier (2009) B-400 48.05 US#97 TX#14 Texas Southern Relays (#2)
2002-03-30 Finol, Tomas (2002) B-400 48.15 US#89 TX#19 Rice Bayou Classic (#3)
2009-05-23 Boyd, Xavier (2009) B-400 48.26 TX 5A Region 2 (#3)
2009-04-15 Boyd, Xavier (2009) B-400 48.45 TX District 13-5A (#1)
2009-04-24 Boyd, Xavier (2009) B-400 48.61 Brenham Regional Qualifiers (#2)
2009-05-23 Boyd, Xavier (2009) B-400 48.85 pre TX 5A Region 2 (#2)
2015-04-23 Jones, Chase (2015) B-400 48.93 TX#66 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#4)
2015-04-09 Jones, Chase (2015) B-400 49.35 TX 6A District 15 Klein (#4)
2015-05-02 Jones, Chase (2015) B-400 49.39 pre TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#10)
2014-03-22 Jones, Chase (2015) B-400 49.57 TX#96 Klein Relays (#4)
2010-03-27 Davis, Jeff (2012) B-400 49.77 TX#89 Klein Relays (#4)
2015-04-09 Jones, Chase (2015) B-400 49.91 pre TX 6A District 15 Klein (#2)
2000-06-17 Davis, Adam (2000) B-800 1:49.66 US#4 TX#3 FL Outdoor Nat (#2)
2000-05-13 Davis, Adam (2000) B-800 1:50.10 5A State (#1)
1999-06-12 Davis, Adam (2000) B-800 1:50.76 US#3 TX#1 FL Outdoor Nat (#2)
1999-05-15 Davis, Adam (2000) B-800 1:50.81 5A Finals (#1)
2000-04-29 Davis, Adam (2000) B-800 1:50.87 5A regional (#1)
2000-02-26 Davis, Adam (2000) B-800 1:52.00 The Woodlands Invitational (#1)
2002-05-11 Finol, Tomas (2002) B-800 1:52.59 US#33 TX#4 5A State Meet (#3)
2003-03-07 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-800 1:53.56 US#83 TX#12 Humble Relays
2004-02-28 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-800 1:53.91 TX#8 The Woodlands Invitational (#1)
2012-04-20 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-800 1:55.27 TX#35 Woodlands Reg Qualifiers Invitational (#3)
2015-04-23 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:55.78 TX#34 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#4)
2014-04-16 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:56.17 TX#43 TX 5A Area 13-14 Klein (#5)
2015-04-09 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:56.53 TX 6A District 15 Klein (#1)
2015-02-21 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:56.60 Zoe Simpson Invitational (#1)
2015-05-28 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:57.42 Rice All-Comers 5-28 (#2)
2015-05-02 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:57.45 TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#3)
2011-04-01 Hendershot, Gavin (2011) B-800 1:58.22 A&M Consol Giese Relays (#5)
2015-02-14 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-800 1:58.70 Spring Relays (#1)
2011-03-10 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-800 1:58.82 Kingwood Park Invite (#3)
2012-02-25 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-800 1:59.05 The Woodlands Invitational (#1)
2002-03-30 Stanley, Eric (2004) B-1500 4:02.92 US#51 TX#5 Rice Bayou Classic (#2)
2011-06-29 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-1500 4:07.90 TX#11 World Youth Trials (#6)
2003-04-12 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-1600 4:03.77 US#2 TX#2 5A District (#2)
2003-04-26 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-1600 4:11.13 5A Region (#2)
2003-05-10 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-1600 4:11.63 5A State Meet (#2)
2004-03-05 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-1600 4:12.80 US#22 TX#3 Tomball Relays (#1)
2003-04-12 Brown, Darren (2003) B-1600 4:14.31 US#54 TX#10 District (#5)
2004-04-17 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-1600 4:15.17 District 5A Reg 2 (#1)
2002-05-11 Stanley, Eric (2004) B-1600 4:16.24 US#93 TX#8 5A State Meet (#2)
2012-04-13 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-1600 4:16.62 TX#15 TX 5A District 13 Klein (#1)
2011-03-26 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-1600 4:22.56 TX#54 Klein Relays (#2)
2011-04-13 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-1600 4:22.89 TX District 13 - 5A (#2)
2011-05-03 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-1600 4:25.09 TX Region II-5A (#8)
2012-04-28 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-1600 4:25.41 TX 5A Region 2 Waco (#4)
2011-04-01 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-1600 4:25.61 A&M Consol Giese Relays (#5)
2012-03-03 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-1600 4:25.78 Tomball Relays (#1)
2014-05-08 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-1600 4:26.79 John Cooper Moonlight 1600 (#12)
2011-02-19 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-1600 4:26.96 Kingwood Simpson Invitational (#1)
2003-06-14 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-Mile 4:10.14 US#12 TX#3 AOC Outdoor Nat (#8)
2004-02-14 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-Mile 4:18.20 US#34 TX#4 Tyson Invitational (#5)
2003-04-26 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-3200 9:05.41 US#33 TX#2 5A Region (#2)
2003-04-12 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-3200 9:05.43 5A District (#2)
2002-04-19 Stanley, Eric (2004) B-3200 9:06.64 US#33 TX#4 District
2004-04-17 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-3200 9:08.54 US#31 TX#5 District 5A Reg 2 (#1)
2003-05-10 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-3200 9:11.75 5A State Meet (#2)
1899-12-30 Stanley, Erik (2004) B-3200 9:15.18 5A Region (#2)
2012-05-12 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-3200 9:25.74 TX#22 TX 5A State Meet (#7)
2011-04-01 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-3200 9:27.71 TX#22 A&M Consol Giese Relays (#1)
2012-04-13 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-3200 9:29.77 TX 5A District 13 Klein (#1)
2011-04-13 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-3200 9:30.74 TX District 13 - 5A (#1)
2012-04-28 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-3200 9:33.80 TX 5A Region 2 Waco (#3)
2010-04-01 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-3200 9:37.25 TX#57 Tiger Relays (#2)
2013-06-16 Howell, Benjamin (2013) B-2Mile 9:20.42 US#24 TX#1 NB Outdoor Nationals (#15)
2012-03-31 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-ST2K 6:06.24 US#11 TX#2 Texas Relays (#2)
2011-07-26 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-ST2K 6:06.36 US#6 TX#1 USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 1 (#1)
2011-06-29 Worley, Dillon (2012) B-ST2K 6:08.35 World Youth Trials (#1)
2015-03-28 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-ST2K 6:09.15 US#9 TX#2 Texas Relays (#2)
2015-05-23 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-ST2K 6:16.92 TX Meet of Champions (#2)
2014-03-29 Baptiste, Dominic (2015) B-ST2K 6:22.94 TX#6 Texas Relays (#1)
2013-04-10 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-110H 14.84 NWITX District 13-5A (#3)
2013-04-18 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-110H 14.89 NWITX 5A Area 13-14 (#5)
2000-04-01 Knowlton, Brian (2000) B-300H 39.10 TX#47 Rice Bayou Classic (#2)
2013-03-23 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-300H 39.91 Klein Relays (#4)
2011-04-13 Sabatini, David (2011) B-300H 40.00 pre TX District 13 - 5A (#6)
2009-03-21 Kirkwood, Grant B-300H 40.04 pre Klein Invitational (#3)
2012-03-17 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-300H 40.17 Stratford True Team (#3)
2012-04-13 Sabatini, David (2011) B-300H 40.29 TX 5A District 13 Klein (#6)
2011-04-13 Sabatini, David (2011) B-300H 40.43 TX District 13 - 5A (#6)
2012-04-13 Sabatini, David (2011) B-300H 40.48 pre TX 5A District 13 Klein (#4)
2012-04-13 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-300H 40.51 TX 5A District 13 Klein (#7)
2013-04-10 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-300H 40.58 pre TX District 13-5A (#5)
2012-04-13 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-300H 40.78 pre TX 5A District 13 Klein (#6)
2009-04-15 Poe, Josh (2009) B-300H 40.93 TX District 13-5A (#5)
2011-04-01 Sabatini, David (2011) B-300H 40.97 A&M Consol Giese Relays (#3)
2013-04-10 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-300H 41.12 TX District 13-5A (#6)
2013-03-07 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-300H 41.29 Atascocita Invitational (#8)
2011-03-10 Smith, Montel B-300H 41.32 Kingwood Park Invite (#6)
2009-03-21 Poe, Josh (2009) B-300H 41.33 pre Klein Invitational (#10)
2013-03-03 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-300H 41.36 Viking Relays Boys (#5)
2012-02-18 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-300H 41.37 Katy Bubba Fife Relays (#4)
2012-03-31 Sabatini, David (2011) B-300H 41.55 College Park Invitational (#19)
2011-04-13 Jefferson, Phillip B-300H 41.63 pre TX District 13 - 5A (#12)
2012-03-31 Adekolu, Zeke (2013) B-300H 41.73 College Park Invitational (#22)
2010-03-11 Trang, Scott B-300H 41.80 Kingwood Park Invite (#6)
2013-03-03 Leonard, Steven B-HJ 6'11" US#17 TX#5 Viking Relays Boys (#1)
2008-02-29 Poe, Josh (2009) B-HJ 6'10.5" US#35 TX#2 Tomball OUT (#1)
2009-04-15 Poe, Josh (2009) B-HJ 6'10" US#51 TX#5 TX District 13-5A (#1)
2013-05-11 Leonard, Steven B-HJ 6'10" TX 5A State Meet (#3)
2009-04-04 Poe, Josh (2009) B-HJ 6'9" Texas Relays (#2)
2013-03-07 Leonard, Steven B-HJ 6'8" Atascocita Invitational (#1)
2009-03-21 Poe, Josh (2009) B-HJ 6'8" Klein Invitational (#1)
2013-03-23 Leonard, Steven B-HJ 6'8" Klein Relays (#1)
2008-04-26 Poe, Josh (2009) B-HJ 6'8" TX Reg 2-5A OUT (#1)
2013-01-19 Leonard, Steven B-HJ 6'8" US#22 TX#3 Carl Lewis Invitational (#1)
2012-03-03 Leonard, Steven B-HJ 6'8" Tomball Relays (#2)
2013-03-30 Leonard, Steven B-HJ 6'8" Texas Relays (#2)
2012-03-23 Leonard, Steven B-HJ 6'8" TX#23 Cy-Fair ISD Relays (#2)
2008-05-10 Poe, Josh (2009) B-HJ 6'8" TX State 5A OUT (#4)
2012-07-29 Leonard, Steven B-HJ 6'6.75" USATF Ntl JO YM YW (#5)
2013-04-27 Leonard, Steven B-HJ 6'6" TX Region 2-5A (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Ritchey, Matt The University of Texas at Austin, TX (Big 12 Conference)

Gowing, Brody Texas A & M University, TX (Southeastern Conference)
Baptiste, Dominic Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi, TX (Southland Conference)

Bottoms, Janae University of Houston, TX (American Athletic Conference)

Montgomery, Hillary Texas A & M University, TX (Southeastern Conference)
Hill, Keshawn Sam Houston State University, TX (Southland Conference)

Finol, Tomas University of Oregon, OR (Pacific-12 Conference)

Leonard, Steven Indiana University-Bloomington, IN (Big Ten Conference)

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