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School Name: Timpview, UT

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2015 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-10-10 Troutner, Aidan (2018) B-3m_XC 15:14.90 UT#26 UT Region 7 Championships (#7)
2015-10-02 Troutner, Aidan (2018) B-3m_XC 15:19.00 Cedar City XC Invitational
2015-10-10 McClaren, Collin (12) B-3m_XC 15:36.40 UT#45 UT Region 7 Championships (#12)
2015-10-02 McClaren, Collin (12) B-3m_XC 15:38.00 Cedar City XC Invitational
2015-10-21 Troutner, Aidan (2018) B-3m_XC 15:49.60 UT 4A State Meet (#13)
2015-10-02 Norton, Carter (10) B-3m_XC 15:56.30 UT#86 Cedar City XC Invitational
2015-10-10 Brock, Ammon B-3m_XC 15:59.10 UT#96 UT Region 7 Championships (#16)
2015-10-02 Lundberg,Hope (11) G-3m_XC 18:07.80 UT#17 Cedar City XC Invitational
2015-10-10 Hansen, Adia (11) G-3m_XC 18:21.70 UT#24 UT Region 7 Championships (#4)
2015-10-10 Lundberg, Hope G-3m_XC 18:22.20 UT#25 UT Region 7 Championships (#5)
2015-10-02 Hansen, Adia (11) G-3m_XC 18:32.00 Cedar City XC Invitational
2015-10-02 Holbrook, Morgan (11) G-3m_XC 18:48.20 UT#54 Cedar City XC Invitational
2015-10-02 Wilcox, Elizibeth (9) G-3m_XC 18:56.00 UT#67 Cedar City XC Invitational

2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-02 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-200 25.60 NWIBYU Invitational (#5)
2015-05-07 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-200 25.65 NWIUT Region 8 Championships (#2)
2015-05-02 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-200 25.79 pre NWIBYU Invitational (#8)
2015-04-18 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-200 25.85 NWITaylorsville Invitational (#1)
2015-03-21 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-200 25.95 NWIUHSTCA Invitational (#3)
2015-04-10 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-200 26.64 UT#7 w(-0.9)South Pasadena Tiger Invitational (#9)
2015-05-02 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-400 56.53 UT#4 BYU Invitational (#3)
2015-05-16 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-400 56.77 UT 4A State Meet (#2)
2015-05-02 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-400 56.86 pre BYU Invitational (#3)
2015-06-06 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-400 57.83 Great Southwest Classic (#16)
2015-03-28 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-400 57.90 UT#14 UVU HS Invitational (#3)
2015-05-16 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-400 58.12 pre UT 4A State Meet (#4)
2015-04-10 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-400 58.14 South Pasadena Tiger Invitational (#1)
2015-04-18 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-400 58.15 Taylorsville Invitational (#1)
2015-04-02 Neyman, McKenna (2016) G-400 58.28 Alpha Invitational (#3)
2015-04-11 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.26 UT#13 Arcadia Invitational (#8)
2015-05-16 Girls Relay G-SMR 4:20.80 UT#23 UT 4A State Meet (#10)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-01-31 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-200 26.75 UT#7 UHSTCA Indoor Championships (#6)
2015-01-31 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-400 58.75 UT#7 UHSTCA Indoor Championships (#5)

2014 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-08-20 Troutner, Aidan (2018) B-5k_XC 16:27.00 UT#73 Pre-Region 8 (#6)
2014-10-11 Troutner, Aidan (2018) B-3m_XC 15:48.00 UT#57 UT Region 8 Championships (#6)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-17 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 39.86 UT#18 UT 4A Championships (#5)
2014-05-07 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 40.34 UT Region 8 Championships (#1)
2014-05-17 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 40.47 pre UT 4A Championships (#6)
2014-04-26 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 40.90 Davis Invitational (#1)
2014-05-17 Collins, Saiga G-100 12.46 pre NWIUT 4A Championships (#1)
2014-05-17 Ross, Katie (2014) G-200 25.55 pre NWIUT 4A Championships (#3)
2014-05-17 Ross, Katie (2014) G-200 25.62 NWIUT 4A Championships (#5)
2014-05-03 Ross, Katie (2014) G-200 25.89 pre NWIBYU HS Invitational (#13)
2014-05-17 Collins, Saiga G-200 26.00 pre NWIUT 4A Championships (#10)
2014-05-03 Collins, Saiga G-200 26.00 pre NWIBYU HS Invitational (#15)
2014-05-17 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-400 57.52 UT#7 UT 4A Championships (#3)
2014-05-03 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-400 58.05 BYU HS Invitational (#4)
2014-05-17 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-400 58.13 pre UT 4A Championships (#4)
2014-05-03 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-400 58.26 pre BYU HS Invitational (#4)
2014-05-17 Ross, Katie (2014) G-400 58.46 UT#18 UT 4A Championships (#7)
2014-05-03 Ross, Katie (2014) G-400 58.48 BYU HS Invitational (#6)
2014-05-03 Ross, Katie (2014) G-400 58.52 pre BYU HS Invitational (#8)
2014-05-17 Ross, Katie (2014) G-400 58.59 pre UT 4A Championships (#7)
2014-03-29 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-400 59.24 UVU HS Invitational (#2)
2014-04-12 Ross, Katie (2014) G-400 59.34 UHSTCA Invitational (#2)
2014-04-26 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-400 59.94 Davis Invitational (#1)
2014-03-29 Hayward, Annie (2015) G-800 2:18.69 UT#16 UVU HS Invitational (#3)
2014-04-12 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.22 UT#9 UHSTCA Invitational (#1)
2014-03-29 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.48 UVU HS Invitational (#1)
2014-05-17 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.55 UT 4A Championships (#5)
2014-04-04 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.97 Alpha Invitational (#1)
2014-05-17 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:01.67 UT#10 UT 4A Championships (#5)
2014-05-17 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:04.04 UT 4A Championships (#7)

2014 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-02-08 Collins, Saiga G-200 26.27 UT#3 UHSTCA Indoor Invitational (#3)
2014-02-08 Hayward, Annie (2015) G-800 2:22.51 UT#6 UHSTCA Indoor Invitational (#4)
2014-02-15 Hayward, Annie (2015) G-800 2:24.00 Simplot Games (#11)

2013 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-10-16 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-5k_XC 19:26.50 UT#59 UT Region VIII Championships (#10)
2013-10-04 Neymen, McKenna (2016) G-3m_XC 18:53.30 UT#86 Cedar HS XC Invitational (#12)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-100 10.93 pre NWIUT 4A State Champs (#3)
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-100 10.98 NWIUT 4A State Champs (#4)
2013-05-04 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.62 UT#2 pre 3A-5A w(1.5)BYU HS Invitational (#1)
2013-06-08 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.63 w(3.4)Great Southwest Classic (#4)
2013-05-04 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.79 3A-5A w(-0.4)BYU HS Invitational (#2)
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.91 NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 22.29 pre NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-400 48.58 UT#4 UT 4A State Champs (#1)
2013-03-30 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-400 48.89 UVU HS Invitational (#1)
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-400 48.97 pre UT 4A State Champs (#1)
2013-05-18 Roach, Justin (2013) B-400 49.53 UT#13 pre UT 4A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-18 Roach, Justin (2013) B-400 49.97 UT 4A State Champs (#4)
2013-05-18 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 40.97 UT#27 UT 4A State Champs (#5)
2013-05-18 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 41.24 pre UT 4A State Champs (#8)
2013-05-04 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 41.86 pre 3A-5A BYU HS Invitational (#19)
2013-05-04 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.63 UT#5 3A-5A BYU HS Invitational (#4)
2013-05-18 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.31 UT 4A State Champs (#4)
2013-04-20 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.50 Taylorsville Invitational (#1)
2013-05-18 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:24.63 UT#4 UT 4A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-18 Boys Relay B-SMR 3:37.36 UT#10 UT 4A State Champs (#4)
2013-05-18 Boys Relay B-SMR 3:39.51 UT 4A State Champs (#6)
2013-05-18 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.14 NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-18 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.18 pre NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-04 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.29 UT#2 pre 3A-5A w(-0.6)BYU HS Invitational (#1)
2013-03-30 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.34 NWIUVU HS Invitational (#1)
2013-05-18 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.17 NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2013-04-06 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.58 w(3.5)Arcadia Invitational (#3)
2013-03-30 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.66 NWIUVU HS Invitational (#1)
2013-05-04 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.86 UT#1 pre 3A-5A w(-0.7)BYU HS Invitational (#1)
2013-05-18 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 25.04 pre NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-18 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-400 54.45 US#32 UT#1 UT 4A State Champs (#1)
2013-05-04 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-400 54.99 3A-5A BYU HS Invitational (#1)
2013-04-06 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-400 55.28 Arcadia Invitational (#2)
2013-05-18 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-400 55.96 pre UT 4A State Champs (#1)
2013-03-30 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-400 56.22 UVU HS Invitational (#1)
2013-05-04 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-400 56.53 pre 3A-5A BYU HS Invitational (#1)
2013-05-18 Hayward, Annie (2015) G-800 2:17.62 UT#13 UT 4A State Champs (#5)
2013-05-18 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:59.51 UT#2 UT 4A State Champs (#1)
2013-04-20 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:02.22 Taylorsville Invitational (#1)
2013-05-18 Girls Relay G-SMR 4:15.82 UT#15 UT 4A State Champs (#6)
2013-05-18 Girls Relay G-SMR 4:22.82 UT 4A State Champs (#8)

2013 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-02-02 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-60 7.86 UT#2 UHSTCA Invitational (#2)
2013-02-02 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-60 7.95 pre UHSTCA Invitational (#1)
2013-01-26 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-60 8.00 pre Jacksons Inv - NB Boise Indoor (#5)
2013-02-02 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 25.06 US#52 UT#1 UHSTCA Invitational (#1)
2013-01-26 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 25.60 Jacksons Inv - NB Boise Indoor (#2)
2013-02-08 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-400 56.31 US#23 UT#1 Utah Distance Challenge (#1)
2013-02-02 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-400 56.33 UHSTCA Invitational (#1)

2012 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-09-07 Wilcox, Nathaniel (2013) B-5k_XC 16:23.30 UT#72 Murray Invitational (#18)
2012-09-22 Wilcox, Nathaniel (2013) B-5k_XC 16:27.21 Bob Firman Invitational (#32)
2012-09-01 Wilcox, Nathaniel (2013) B-3m_XC 15:42.87 UT#35 Utah County XC Invitational (#15)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-09 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-100 10.86 NWIRegion 8 Championships (#2)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-100 10.95 pre NWIUT 4A State Meet (#2)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-100 10.95 pre NWIUT State Championships (#2)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.87 NWIUT State Championships (#1)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.87 NWIUT 4A State Meet (#1)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.88 pre NWIUT 4A State Meet (#1)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.88 pre NWIUT State Championships (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-09 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-100 10.86 NWIRegion 8 Championships (#2)
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-100 10.93 pre NWIUT 4A State Champs (#3)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-100 10.95 pre NWIUT 4A State Meet (#2)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-100 10.95 pre NWIUT State Championships (#2)
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-100 10.98 NWIUT 4A State Champs (#4)
2013-05-04 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.62 UT#2 pre 3A-5A w(1.5)BYU HS Invitational (#1)
2013-06-08 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.63 w(3.4)Great Southwest Classic (#4)
2013-05-04 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.79 3A-5A w(-0.4)BYU HS Invitational (#2)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.87 NWIUT 4A State Meet (#1)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.87 NWIUT State Championships (#1)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.88 pre NWIUT 4A State Meet (#1)
2012-05-19 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.88 pre NWIUT State Championships (#1)
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 21.91 NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2012-05-05 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 22.12 NWIBYU Invitational (#6)
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 22.29 pre NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2012-05-09 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 22.31 pre NWIRegion 8 Championships (#1)
2012-05-09 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-200 22.31 NWIRegion 8 Championships (#1)
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-400 48.58 UT#4 UT 4A State Champs (#1)
2013-03-30 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-400 48.89 UVU HS Invitational (#1)
2013-05-18 Espinoza, Josh (2013) B-400 48.97 pre UT 4A State Champs (#1)
2013-05-18 Roach, Justin (2013) B-400 49.53 UT#13 pre UT 4A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-18 Roach, Justin (2013) B-400 49.97 UT 4A State Champs (#4)
2012-04-07 Smith, Tanner (2012) B-800 1:55.81 UT#9 Arcadia Invitational (#14)
2012-05-05 Smith, Tanner (2012) B-800 1:56.94 BYU Invitational (#10)
2009-04-25 Fletcher, Nate B-800 1:57.29 UT#4 Central Utah Invitational (#1)
2012-02-18 Smith, Tanner (2012) B-800 1:57.54 UT#5 Simplot Games (#4)
2009-05-07 Fletcher, Nate B-800 1:57.70 UT Region 7 Championships (#1)
2011-05-07 Smith, Tanner (2012) B-800 1:58.08 UT#18 BYU 3A-5A Invitational (#8)
2011-05-20 Smith, Tanner (2012) B-800 1:58.51 UT 4A State (#8)
2009-05-07 Kemp, Kevin B-800 1:58.89 UT#11 UT Region 7 Championships (#3)
2012-05-09 Smith, Tanner (2012) B-800 1:59.22 Region 8 Championships (#1)
2012-05-19 Smith, Tanner (2012) B-800 1:59.60 UT State Championships (#6)
2012-05-19 Smith, Tanner (2012) B-800 1:59.60 UT 4A State Meet (#6)
2011-04-11 Smith, Tanner (2012) B-800 1:59.87 UHSTCA Championships (#3)
2012-02-18 Smith, Tanner (2012) B-800 1:59.91 pre Simplot Games (#5)
2009-04-11 Nelsen, Jonathon (2009) B-3200 9:12.61 UT#1 Arcadia Invitational (#19)
2009-02-21 Nelson, Jonathan (2009) B-3200 9:17.60 US#25 UT#1 Simplot Games (#3)
2009-06-06 Nelson, Jonathan (2009) B-3200 9:30.66 UT#5 Great Southwest (#2)
2009-02-07 Nelson, Jonathan (2009) B-3200 9:31.73 Utah State Meet (#1)
1999-05-15 Phillips, Nate (1999) B-300H 37.67 US#31 UT#1 Class 4A (#1)
2014-05-17 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 39.86 UT#18 UT 4A Championships (#5)
2014-05-07 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 40.34 UT Region 8 Championships (#1)
2014-05-17 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 40.47 pre UT 4A Championships (#6)
2014-04-26 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 40.90 Davis Invitational (#1)
2009-04-11 Camara, Bobo B-300H 40.90 pre Utah County Invite (#2)
2009-04-11 Camara, Bobo B-300H 40.90 UT#10 Utah County Invite (#3)
2013-05-18 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 40.97 UT#27 UT 4A State Champs (#5)
2013-05-18 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 41.24 pre UT 4A State Champs (#8)
2010-05-15 Dahl, Eric B-300H 41.27 UT#32 pre UT 4A State (#10)
2010-04-17 Dahl, Eric B-300H 41.45 Utah County Invite (#4)
2013-05-04 Neyman, Josh (2014) B-300H 41.86 pre 3A-5A BYU HS Invitational (#19)
2010-05-15 Robison, Eli B-HJ 6'7" UT#3 UT 4A State (#3)
2010-03-20 Robison, Eli B-HJ 6'6" Utah Coaches Invitational (#3)
2010-05-01 Robison, Eli B-HJ 6'6" BYU Invitational (#3)
2009-05-07 Robison, Eli B-HJ 6'4" UT#7 UT Region 7 Championships (#3)
2002-05-11 Low, Bob (2002) B-PV 16'0.5" US#17 UT#1 4A State Meet (#1)
2002-04-13 Low, Bob (2002) B-PV 15'7.5" Davis Inv (#1)
2002-02-09 Low, Bob (2002) B-PV 15'1" US#22 UT#1 Midwest Indoor (#2)
2002-06-08 Low, Bob (2002) B-PV 15'0" Golden West Inv (#10)
2002-02-16 Low, Bob (2002) B-PV 14'3" Simplot Games (#6)
2013-05-04 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.63 UT#5 3A-5A BYU HS Invitational (#4)
2010-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.16 UT#6 pre UT 4A State (#1)
2010-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.27 UT 4A State (#1)
2013-05-18 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.31 UT 4A State Champs (#4)
2011-05-20 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.48 UT#11 UT 4A State (#3)
2013-04-20 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.50 Taylorsville Invitational (#1)
2010-05-06 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.81 UT Region 7 Championships (#1)
2010-05-01 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.85 BYU Invitational (#8)
2011-05-07 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.00 BYU 3A-5A Invitational (#13)
2012-05-19 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:24.50 UT#7 UT State Championships (#2)
2012-05-19 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:24.50 UT 4A State Meet (#2)
2013-05-18 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:24.63 UT#4 UT 4A State Champs (#2)
2001-05-12 Boys Relay B-SMR 3:35.92 UT#2 State Meet (#1)
2013-05-18 Boys Relay B-SMR 3:37.36 UT#10 UT 4A State Champs (#4)
2011-04-30 Boys Relay B-SMR 3:38.94 UT#14 Tiger Trails (#2)
2012-03-24 Boys Relay B-SMR 3:39.02 UT#8 Mt. Timpanogos Invitational (#1)
2013-05-18 Boys Relay B-SMR 3:39.51 UT 4A State Champs (#6)
2010-05-15 Boys Relay B-SMR 3:39.91 UT#17 UT 4A State (#4)
2010-05-15 Boys Relay B-SMR 3:39.93 pre UT 4A State (#8)
2013-02-02 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-60 7.86 UT#2 UHSTCA Invitational (#2)
2011-01-14 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-60 7.90 UT#4 BYU Indoor Invitational (#2)
2013-02-02 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-60 7.95 pre UHSTCA Invitational (#1)
2013-01-26 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-60 8.00 pre Jacksons Inv - NB Boise Indoor (#5)
2011-05-20 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.08 NWIUT 4A State (#1)
2012-05-19 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.13 pre NWIUT State Championships (#1)
2013-05-18 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.14 NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-18 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.18 pre NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2012-05-05 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.24 NWIBYU Invitational (#1)
2011-04-23 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.28 NWIUtah County Invitational (#2)
2012-05-05 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.29 NWIBYU Invitational (#1)
2013-05-04 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.29 UT#2 pre 3A-5A w(-0.6)BYU HS Invitational (#1)
2011-04-30 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.30 UT#5 w(-1.5)Tiger Trails (#1)
2011-04-02 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.31 NWIUtah Valley University Invitational (#2)
2012-04-21 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.32 pre NWIUtah County Invitational (#1)
2013-03-30 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.34 NWIUVU HS Invitational (#1)
2011-05-20 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.38 pre NWIUT 4A State (#2)
2011-04-16 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.40 NWITaylorsville Invitational (#1)
2011-04-23 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.42 pre NWIUtah County Invitational (#2)
2011-03-25 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.44 NWIMt Timpanogos Invite (#1)
2010-05-06 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.44 w(5.2)UT Region 7 Championships (#2)
2014-05-17 Collins, Saiga G-100 12.46 pre NWIUT 4A Championships (#1)
2012-04-21 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.48 NWIUtah County Invitational (#1)
2012-03-24 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.48 NWIMt. Timpanogos Invitational (#1)
2012-05-19 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.50 NWIUT State Championships (#1)
2012-05-19 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-100 12.50 NWIUT 4A State Meet (#1)
2013-05-18 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.17 NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2013-04-06 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.58 w(3.5)Arcadia Invitational (#3)
2013-03-30 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.66 NWIUVU HS Invitational (#1)
2011-04-16 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.71 NWITaylorsville Invitational (#1)
2011-05-20 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.75 NWIUT 4A State (#1)
2013-05-04 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.86 UT#1 pre 3A-5A w(-0.7)BYU HS Invitational (#1)
2012-05-19 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.87 NWIUT State Championships (#1)
2012-05-19 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.87 NWIUT 4A State Meet (#1)
2011-05-07 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.89 NWIBYU 3A-5A Invitational (#1)
2012-05-05 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.91 NWIBYU Invitational (#1)
2012-04-21 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.94 NWITaylorsville Invitational (#1)
2011-05-07 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.95 UT#1 pre w(0.9)BYU 3A-5A Invitational (#1)
2010-05-06 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.96 w(7.4)UT Region 7 Championships (#1)
2012-05-09 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.96 NWIRegion 8 Championships (#1)
2011-04-02 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 24.97 NWIUtah Valley University Invitational (#1)
2013-05-18 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 25.04 pre NWIUT 4A State Champs (#2)
2011-04-23 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 25.05 pre NWIUtah County Invitational (#1)
2013-02-02 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 25.06 US#52 UT#1 UHSTCA Invitational (#1)
2012-05-05 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 25.07 NWIBYU Invitational (#1)
2012-05-19 Baxter, Lauren (2013) G-200 25.08 pre NWIUT State Championships (#2)
Continue with next 125 performances

Jube, Carrie Brigham Young University, UT (West Coast Conference)

Low, Bob Brigham Young University, UT (West Coast Conference)

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