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School Name: Clovis, CA
State Division: CE-D1

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2015 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-11-19 Morris, Jordan (2017) B-5k_XC 16:24.00 CIF-CE Finals (#14)
2015-11-19 Nickeson, Nathan (2017) B-5k_XC 16:27.00 CIF-CE Finals (#17)
2015-11-12 Morris, Jordan (2017) B-5k_XC 16:29.00 TRAC Finals (#5)
2015-10-10 Nickeson, Nathan (2017) B-5k_XC 16:29.20 Clovis Invitational (#10)
2015-10-31 Nickeson, Nathan (2017) B-3m_XC 15:45.11 John Seamans Invitational (#8)
2015-10-10 Sodersten, Mikayla (2016) G-5k_XC 17:50.90 CA#44 Clovis Invitational (#3)
2015-11-12 Sodersten, Mikayla (2016) G-5k_XC 18:51.50 TRAC Finals (#7)
2015-11-19 Chavira, Vannessa (2017) G-5k_XC 19:13.00 CIF-CE Finals (#13)
2015-11-12 Chavira, Vannessa (2017) G-5k_XC 19:13.60 TRAC Finals (#10)
2015-10-31 Sodersten, Mikayla (2016) G-3m_XC 17:17.73 CA#46 John Seamans Invitational (#1)
2015-10-24 Sodersten, Mikayla (2016) G-3m_XC 17:20.00 Mt. SAC Invitational (#2)
2015-10-02 Sodersten, Mikayla (2016) G-3m_XC 17:20.80 Golden West Invitational (#1)
2015-09-18 Sodersten, Mikayla (2016) G-3m_XC 17:43.60 Sanger Invitational (#1)
2015-10-31 Chavira, Vannessa (2017) G-3m_XC 18:50.00 John Seamans Invitational (#15)

2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-24 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-100 11.19 w(3.5)Sanger Metric Classic (#4)
2015-05-23 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.21 w(1.4)CIF-CE Masters (#10)
2015-05-07 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-100 11.25 w(1.2)Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#6)
2015-04-18 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.26 NWIBuchanan West Coast Relays (#1)
2015-04-24 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.30 w(3.5)Sanger Metric Classic (#7)
2015-05-07 Turner, David (2018) B-100 11.31 w(2.6)Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#7)
2015-03-28 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-100 11.33 w(1.5)Central Valley Classic (#7)
2015-05-13 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.34 w(0.8)CIF-CE North Area Championships (#5)
2015-03-28 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.36 w(1.4)Central Valley Classic (#8)
2015-04-18 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-100 11.37 NWIBuchanan West Coast Relays (#5)
2015-05-07 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.37 w(1.2)Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#9)
2015-04-18 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 22.58 NWIBuchanan West Coast Relays (#1)
2015-05-23 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 22.71 w(3.4)CIF-CE Masters (#10)
2015-03-14 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 22.91 NWIPioneer Invitational (#1)
2015-05-01 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 22.92 NWIReedley Invitational (#10)
2015-05-13 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 22.95 w(1.2)CIF-CE North Area Championships (#6)
2015-03-20 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 23.08 w(1.3)Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#6)
2015-03-28 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 23.13 w(-1.5)Central Valley Classic (#5)
2015-04-18 Morello, Connor (2015) B-400 49.85 Buchanan West Coast Relays (#2)
2015-04-24 Morello, Connor (2015) B-400 50.06 Sanger Metric Classic (#2)
2015-05-07 Morello, Connor (2015) B-400 50.07 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#1)
2015-05-23 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:51.39 US#36 CA#1 CIF-CE Masters (#2)
2015-04-11 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:51.86 Arcadia Invitational (#2)
2015-06-20 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:51.90 Brooks PR Invitational (#4)
2015-06-06 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:52.04 CA State Finals (#2)
2015-05-13 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:52.46 CIF-CE North Area Championships (#1)
2015-04-18 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:53.35 Buchanan West Coast Relays (#1)
2015-06-05 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:54.30 pre CA State Prelims (#6)
2015-03-20 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:54.35 Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#1)
2015-03-14 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:54.85 Pioneer Invitational (#1)
2015-05-01 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:55.49 Reedley Invitational (#4)
2015-05-07 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:59.27 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#1)
2015-04-24 Fierro, Matt (2017) B-800 2:00.06 Sanger Metric Classic (#2)
2015-05-01 Folia, Mitchell (2016) B-800 2:00.93 Reedley Invitational (#14)
2015-05-07 Fierro, Matt (2017) B-800 2:01.29 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#4)
2015-04-24 Watkins, Chris (2018) B-800 2:01.66 Sanger Metric Classic (#3)
2015-05-13 Watkins, Chris (2018) B-800 2:02.13 CIF-CE North Area Championships (#7)
2015-05-07 Folia, Mitchell (2016) B-800 2:02.47 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#6)
2015-04-17 Mcnair, Teagan (2017) B-800 2:02.89 Frosh-Soph West Coast Relays (#1)
2015-03-28 Morello, Connor (2015) B-1600 4:12.60 CA#25 Azusa Distance Meet of Champions (#9)
2015-03-14 Morello, Connor (2015) B-1600 4:13.27 Pioneer Invitational (#1)
2015-02-27 Morello, Connor (2015) B-1600 4:18.49 Buchanan Distance Classic (#1)
2015-05-13 Russo, Jacob (2015) B-1600 4:19.49 CA#83 CIF-CE North Area Championships (#3)
2015-05-23 Russo, Jacob (2015) B-1600 4:21.71 CIF-CE Masters (#4)
2015-04-18 Russo, Jacob (2015) B-1600 4:23.96 Buchanan West Coast Relays (#2)
2015-05-07 Russo, Jacob (2015) B-1600 4:25.51 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#2)
2015-06-05 Russo, Jacob (2015) B-1600 4:25.70 pre CA State Prelims (#25)
2015-05-07 Morello, Connor (2015) B-1600 4:25.76 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#3)
2015-04-24 Russo, Jacob (2015) B-1600 4:29.77 Sanger Metric Classic (#6)
2015-03-28 Mcnair, Teagan (2017) B-1600 4:32.16 Azusa Distance Meet of Champions (#9)
2015-03-20 Mcnair, Teagan (2017) B-1600 4:32.54 Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#9)
2015-04-17 Fierro, Matt (2017) B-1600 4:34.85 Frosh-Soph West Coast Relays (#2)
2015-03-14 Morris, Jordan (2017) B-1600 4:35.63 Pioneer Invitational (#2)
2015-03-28 Morello, Connor (2015) B-Mile 4:14.18 US#84 CA#13 Azusa Distance Meet of Champions (#9)
2015-05-01 Russo, Jacob (2015) B-3200 9:39.10 Reedley Invitational (#7)
2015-03-14 Russo, Jacob (2015) B-3200 9:40.61 Pioneer Invitational (#3)
2015-05-07 Russo, Jacob (2015) B-3200 9:40.99 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#2)
2015-02-27 Russo, Jacob (2015) B-3200 9:44.01 Buchanan Distance Classic (#4)
2015-05-07 Watkins, Chris (2018) B-3200 9:45.74 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#6)
2015-03-28 Russo, Jacob (2015) B-3200 9:51.19 Azusa Distance Meet of Champions (#43)
2015-03-20 Morris, Jordan (2017) B-3200 9:55.65 Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#2)
2015-03-18 Morello, Connor (2015) B-3200 9:55.72 Clovis East at Clovis (#1)
2015-03-20 Fierro, Matt (2017) B-3200 9:58.35 Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#3)
2015-02-27 Morris, Jordan (2017) B-3200 9:59.50 Buchanan Distance Classic (#1)
2015-03-20 Watkins, Chris (2018) B-3200 10:01.21 Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#4)
2015-03-28 Watkins, Chris (2018) B-3200 10:01.87 Azusa Distance Meet of Champions (#17)
2015-03-28 Moua, Kee (2017) B-3200 10:04.82 Azusa Distance Meet of Champions (#20)
2015-05-23 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-110H 14.91 CA#48 w(1.4)CIF-CE Masters (#4)
2015-03-20 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-110H 14.94 w(0.1)Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#2)
2015-03-28 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-110H 14.95 w(1.7)Central Valley Classic (#1)
2015-05-07 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-110H 15.04 w(2.5)Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#3)
2015-05-13 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-110H 15.15 NWICIF-CE North Area Championships (#1)
2015-02-28 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-110H 15.23 w(0)Bobbie Bass Sprint Carnival (#1)
2015-03-14 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-110H 15.29 NWIPioneer Invitational (#1)
2015-04-24 Woods, Jake (2018) B-110H 15.52 w(1.2)Sanger Metric Classic (#2)
2015-04-18 Woods, Jake (2018) B-110H 15.61 NWIBuchanan West Coast Relays (#2)
2015-03-28 Woods, Jake (2018) B-110H 15.67 w(0.2)Central Valley Classic (#2)
2015-03-20 Woods, Jake (2018) B-110H 15.94 w(0.1)Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#7)
2015-03-20 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-300H 39.48 CA#70 Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#2)
2015-02-28 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-300H 39.57 Bobbie Bass Sprint Carnival (#1)
2015-03-28 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-300H 39.76 Central Valley Classic (#2)
2015-05-23 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-300H 40.43 CIF-CE Masters (#7)
2015-05-13 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-300H 40.90 CIF-CE North Area Championships (#5)
2015-03-14 Lawson, Kyle (2015) B-300H 41.04 Pioneer Invitational (#1)
2015-05-07 Woods, Jake (2018) B-300H 41.56 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#1)
2015-03-14 Anderson, Zach (2018) B-HJ 6'0" Pioneer Invitational (#1)
2015-03-20 Anderson, Zach (2018) B-HJ 6'0" Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#2)
2015-04-24 Woods, Jake (2018) B-HJ 6'0" Sanger Metric Classic (#2)
2015-05-23 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-LJ 21'8" CA#62 w(1.6)CIF-CE Masters (#7)
2015-05-07 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-LJ 21'1.75" NWITri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#2)
2015-05-13 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-LJ 20'11.5" w(0)CIF-CE North Area Championships (#6)
2015-03-28 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-LJ 20'7" NWICentral Valley Classic (#2)
2015-06-13 Tafoya, Eric (2015) B-PV 15'3" CA#20 New England Championships (#3)
2015-06-21 Tafoya, Eric (2015) B-PV 14'3.5" NB Outdoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#13)
2015-05-07 Newcomb, Tyler (2015) B-PV 13'0" Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#3)
2015-05-01 Tafoya, Eric (2015) B-PV 13'0" Reedley Invitational (#5)
2015-05-07 Tafoya, Eric (2015) B-PV 13'0" Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#5)
2015-05-13 Newcomb, Tyler (2015) B-PV 13'0" CIF-CE North Area Championships (#5)
2015-04-24 Tafoya, Eric (2015) B-PV 13'0" Sanger Metric Classic (#5)
2015-05-23 Newcomb, Tyler (2015) B-PV 12'9" CIF-CE Masters (#8)
2015-05-01 Newcomb, Tyler (2015) B-PV 12'6" Reedley Invitational (#7)
2015-05-23 Smith, Spencer (2017) B-SP 51'11.5" CA#71 CIF-CE Masters (#4)
2015-05-13 Wilson, Jonah (2017) B-SP 51'4.5" CA#83 CIF-CE North Area Championships (#4)
2015-05-23 Prentice, Adam (2015) B-SP 50'10.75" CA#100 CIF-CE Masters (#5)
2015-03-14 Wilson, Jonah (2017) B-SP 50'8.5" Pioneer Invitational (#1)
2015-05-23 Wilson, Jonah (2017) B-SP 50'6.25" CIF-CE Masters (#7)
2015-05-07 Smith, Spencer (2017) B-SP 50'5.25" Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#2)
2015-05-07 Wilson, Jonah (2017) B-SP 49'8" Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#3)
2015-03-20 Wilson, Jonah (2017) B-SP 49'7.5" Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#3)
2015-05-13 Smith, Spencer (2017) B-SP 49'3.5" CIF-CE North Area Championships (#6)
2015-04-24 Smith, Spencer (2017) B-SP 49'2" Sanger Metric Classic (#5)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-05-21 Johnson, Carter (2011) B-100 10.98 w(3.2)CA Central Section Masters (#6)
2015-04-24 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-100 11.19 w(3.5)Sanger Metric Classic (#4)
2015-05-23 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.21 w(1.4)CIF-CE Masters (#10)
2013-04-13 Black, Jason (2013) B-100 11.23 w(1.7)West Coast Relays (#1)
2014-05-14 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-100 11.23 w(1.1)CIF Central Section - North Area Meet (#11)
2015-05-07 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-100 11.25 w(1.2)Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#6)
2015-04-18 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.26 NWIBuchanan West Coast Relays (#1)
2015-04-24 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.30 w(3.5)Sanger Metric Classic (#7)
2013-03-16 Porter, Greg (2014) B-100 11.31 w(2.6)Buchanan Auto Time (#4)
2015-05-07 Turner, David (2018) B-100 11.31 w(2.6)Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#7)
2013-03-16 Black, Jason (2013) B-100 11.32 w(1.1)Buchanan Auto Time (#5)
2015-03-28 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-100 11.33 w(1.5)Central Valley Classic (#7)
2013-05-08 Black, Jason (2013) B-100 11.34 w(0)North Area Championships (#16)
2013-04-13 Porter, Greg (2014) B-100 11.34 w(1.7)West Coast Relays (#4)
2015-05-13 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.34 w(0.8)CIF-CE North Area Championships (#5)
2015-03-28 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.36 w(1.4)Central Valley Classic (#8)
2014-04-09 Porter, Greg (2014) B-100 11.37 NWIClovis West at Clovis (#1)
2015-04-18 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-100 11.37 NWIBuchanan West Coast Relays (#5)
2015-05-07 Allison, Chineme (2016) B-100 11.37 w(1.2)Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#9)
2014-05-08 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-100 11.40 NWIT.R.A.C. Championships (#9)
2014-03-21 Porter, Greg (2014) B-200 22.49 NWIBuchanan Auto Time Meet (#3)
2014-05-24 Porter, Greg (2014) B-200 22.52 w(2)CIF-CE Masters Meet (#7)
2015-04-18 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 22.58 NWIBuchanan West Coast Relays (#1)
2014-05-08 Porter, Greg (2014) B-200 22.65 NWIT.R.A.C. Championships (#4)
2013-04-13 Porter, Greg (2014) B-200 22.67 w(2.8)West Coast Relays (#2)
2015-05-23 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 22.71 w(3.4)CIF-CE Masters (#10)
2012-05-03 Porter, Greg (2014) B-200 22.73 NWITRAC Finals-CE (#6)
2013-05-02 Porter, Greg (2014) B-200 22.79 w(-0.6)TRAC League Championships (#3)
2012-05-09 Porter, Greg (2014) B-200 22.79 w(1.9)North Area Finals-CE (#9)
2012-03-14 Porter, Greg (2014) B-200 22.80 NWIClovis/Clovis East/Central Tri (#2)
2014-05-14 Porter, Greg (2014) B-200 22.82 w(0)CIF Central Section - North Area Meet (#8)
2013-05-08 Porter, Greg (2014) B-200 22.85 w(1.4)North Area Championships (#17)
2015-03-14 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 22.91 NWIPioneer Invitational (#1)
2013-05-02 Black, Jason (2013) B-200 22.91 w(-0.6)TRAC League Championships (#4)
2015-05-01 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 22.92 NWIReedley Invitational (#10)
2013-04-04 Black, Jason (2013) B-200 22.94 NWIClovis North at Clovis (#1)
2015-05-13 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 22.95 w(1.2)CIF-CE North Area Championships (#6)
2015-03-20 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 23.08 w(1.3)Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#6)
2015-03-28 Aguirre, Dylan (2016) B-200 23.13 w(-1.5)Central Valley Classic (#5)
2014-04-05 Porter, Greg (2014) B-200 23.25 NWIWest Coast Relays (#7)
2014-05-08 Serna, Fabian (2016) B-200 23.36 NWIT.R.A.C. Championships (#8)
2014-05-02 Morello, Connor (2015) B-400 49.82 Reedley Invitational (#2)
2015-04-18 Morello, Connor (2015) B-400 49.85 Buchanan West Coast Relays (#2)
2015-04-24 Morello, Connor (2015) B-400 50.06 Sanger Metric Classic (#2)
2015-05-07 Morello, Connor (2015) B-400 50.07 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#1)
2014-05-08 Morello, Connor (2015) B-400 50.09 T.R.A.C. Championships (#1)
2014-04-26 Porter, Greg (2014) B-400 50.75 Sanger Metric Classic (#2)
2014-05-08 Porter, Greg (2014) B-400 50.79 T.R.A.C. Championships (#2)
2013-04-25 Morello, Connor (2015) B-400 50.89 Fresno County Frosh Soph Champs (#1)
2013-04-25 Morello, Connor (2015) B-400 50.89 Frosh-Soph County Championships (#1)
2013-05-02 Black, Jason (2013) B-400 51.35 TRAC League Championships (#4)
2013-04-04 Morello, Connor (2015) B-400 51.37 Clovis North at Clovis (#1)
2012-04-26 Porter, Greg (2014) B-400 51.75 Fresno County Champs (#1)
2012-05-03 Walker, Patrick (2012) B-400 51.82 TRAC Finals-CE (#5)
2013-05-02 Gilmore, James B-400 51.83 TRAC League Championships (#7)
2014-06-07 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:51.05 US#23 CA#2 CA State Championships- Finals (#2)
2015-05-23 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:51.39 US#36 CA#1 CIF-CE Masters (#2)
2015-04-11 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:51.86 Arcadia Invitational (#2)
2015-06-20 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:51.90 Brooks PR Invitational (#4)
2015-06-06 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:52.04 CA State Finals (#2)
2014-06-06 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:52.35 pre CA State Championships- Prelims (#4)
2015-05-13 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:52.46 CIF-CE North Area Championships (#1)
2014-05-24 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:53.05 CIF-CE Masters Meet (#2)
2015-04-18 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:53.35 Buchanan West Coast Relays (#1)
2014-05-08 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:53.59 T.R.A.C. Championships (#1)
2014-06-07 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:53.60 CA#23 CA State Championships- Finals (#9)
2014-06-06 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:53.97 pre CA State Championships- Prelims (#12)
2015-06-05 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:54.30 pre CA State Prelims (#6)
2015-03-20 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:54.35 Buchanan Auto Time Meet (#1)
2014-05-14 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:54.57 CIF Central Section - North Area Meet (#1)
2014-03-22 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:54.70 adidas Meet of Champions Distance Classic (#3)
2015-03-14 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:54.85 Pioneer Invitational (#1)
2013-04-13 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:55.01 CA#48 West Coast Relays (#2)
2013-05-19 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:55.06 CIF-CE Masters Meet (#5)
2011-04-02 Phillips, Ryan (2012) B-800 1:55.07 CA#50 West Coast Relays (#1)
2014-05-24 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:55.21 CIF-CE Masters Meet (#4)
2014-04-12 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:55.24 Arcadia Invitational (#4)
2015-05-01 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:55.49 Reedley Invitational (#4)
2014-05-08 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:55.53 T.R.A.C. Championships (#3)
2013-05-02 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:55.56 TRAC League Championships (#1)
2013-03-23 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:56.05 adidas Meet of Champs Distance Classic (#1)
2013-05-19 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:56.07 CA#76 CIF-CE Masters Meet (#7)
2014-04-26 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:56.17 Sanger Metric Classic (#2)
2013-05-08 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:56.45 North Area Championships (#1)
2013-04-20 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:56.51 Mt. SAC Relays (#10)
2013-04-13 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:56.56 West Coast Relays (#4)
2011-05-11 Phillips, Ryan (2012) B-800 1:56.68 North Area Finals (#2)
2014-05-14 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:56.69 CIF Central Section - North Area Meet (#3)
2013-05-02 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:56.87 TRAC League Championships (#3)
2013-05-08 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:57.22 North Area Championships (#4)
2012-04-24 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:57.30 Madera South/Fresno/Bullard Tri
2012-05-19 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:57.47 Central Section Masters-CE (#8)
2014-05-08 Acetiuno, Luis (2014) B-800 1:57.50 T.R.A.C. Championships (#6)
2011-04-16 Phillips, Ryan (2012) B-800 1:57.62 Mt. SAC Relays (#9)
2014-05-14 Acetiuno, Luis (2014) B-800 1:57.81 CIF Central Section - North Area Meet (#5)
2013-03-23 Chivara, Kevin B-800 1:57.82 adidas Meet of Champs Distance Classic (#9)
2012-05-09 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:58.09 North Area Finals-CE (#6)
2012-05-03 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:58.18 CMAC Finals-CE (#2)
2013-04-20 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:58.19 Mt. SAC Relays (#10)
2013-03-16 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:58.20 Buchanan Auto Time (#2)
2013-05-02 Walker, Ryan (2013) B-800 1:58.36 TRAC League Championships (#5)
2011-03-12 Phillips, Ryan (2012) B-800 1:58.38 Pioneer Inv (#1)
2014-04-26 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 1:58.53 Sanger Metric Classic (#4)
2013-05-08 Walker, Ryan (2013) B-800 1:58.95 North Area Championships (#5)
2013-03-16 Walker, Ryan (2013) B-800 1:59.14 Buchanan Auto Time (#4)
2013-04-19 Walker, Ryan (2013) B-800 1:59.16 Sanger Metric Classic (#2)
2015-05-07 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 1:59.27 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#1)
2011-05-21 Phillips, Ryan (2012) B-800 1:59.37 CA Central Section Masters (#7)
2014-05-24 Acetiuno, Luis (2014) B-800 1:59.62 CIF-CE Masters Meet (#12)
2013-04-13 Walker, Ryan (2013) B-800 1:59.64 West Coast Relays (#9)
2010-05-12 Knepper, John (2010) B-800 1:59.78 North Area Championships (#7)
2013-05-19 Walker, Ryan (2013) B-800 1:59.85 CIF-CE Masters Meet (#10)
2013-03-23 Walker, Ryan (2013) B-800 1:59.86 adidas Meet of Champs Distance Classic (#11)
2015-04-24 Fierro, Matt (2017) B-800 2:00.06 Sanger Metric Classic (#2)
2014-03-15 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 2:00.12 Pioneer Invitational (Mt. Whitney) (#1)
2014-03-22 Acetiuno, Luis (2014) B-800 2:00.80 adidas Meet of Champions Distance Classic (#26)
2012-05-03 Walker, Ryan (2013) B-800 2:00.86 TRAC Finals-CE (#5)
2015-05-01 Folia, Mitchell (2016) B-800 2:00.93 Reedley Invitational (#14)
2013-02-18 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 2:00.95 CA#7 CA HS Indoor Invitational (#5)
2012-05-03 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 2:00.98 TRAC Finals-CE (#6)
2013-03-09 Morello, Connor (2015) B-800 2:01.28 Mt. Whitney Pioneer Invitational (#2)
2015-05-07 Fierro, Matt (2017) B-800 2:01.29 Tri-River Athletic Conference Finals (#4)
2012-05-09 Walker, Ryan (2013) B-800 2:01.38 North Area Finals-CE (#8)
2015-04-24 Watkins, Chris (2018) B-800 2:01.66 Sanger Metric Classic (#3)
2012-03-31 Chavira, Kevin (2014) B-800 2:01.73 West Coast Relays (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Sodersten, Mikayla Oregon State University, OR (Pacific-12 Conference)

Morello, Connor University of Washington-Seattle Campus, WA (Pacific-12 Conference)

Exline, Brian Saint Marys College of California, CA (West Coast Conference)

Prandini, Jenna University of Oregon, OR (Pacific-12 Conference)

Marvin, Meghan University of California-Los Angeles, CA (Pacific-12 Conference)
Barserian, Saylah California State University-Fresno, CA (Mountain West Conference)

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