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School Name: Divine Child, MI
City: Dearborn

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-10 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" MI#21 SVSU Outdoor Invitational (#1)
2015-05-08 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" Sienna Heights Saints Invitational (#1)
2015-05-15 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" MI Regional 13-2 @ Monroe (#1)
2015-05-02 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" Mark Carpenter Invitational (#2)
2015-05-30 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" MI LP D2 State Meet (#3)
2015-05-15 Korpics, Hannah (2015) G-300H 46.57 MI#21 MI Regional 13-2 @ Monroe (#1)
2015-05-30 Korpics, Hannah (2015) G-300H 46.78 MI LP D2 State Meet (#6)
2015-06-13 Korpics, Hannah (2015) G-300H 47.81 Midwest Meet of Champions (#9)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-08-02 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-110H 14.55 pre w(2.6)AAU National Junior Olympics 17-18 (#12)
2014-05-31 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-110H 14.60 NWIMI D2 LP State Meet (#1)
2014-05-16 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-300H 40.48 MI#42 MI Regional 13-2 @ Mnre-Jeff (#2)
2014-05-16 Korpics, Hannah (2015) G-300H 47.80 MI#53 MI Regional 13-2 @ Mnre-Jeff (#1)
2014-04-12 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 37'1" MI#46 Crestwood Charger Invitational (#1)
2014-04-25 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 36'8" MSU Spartan Classic (#5)
2014-05-31 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 35'5" MI D2 LP State Meet (#16)
2014-05-02 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 35'4.5" Golden Triangle Invitational (#6)
2014-05-24 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 35'1" MITCA D2 Team State Championships (#5)
2014-05-31 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:45.46 MI#27 MI D2 LP State Meet (#4)
2014-05-31 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:02.45 MI#15 MI D2 LP State Meet (#2)
2014-05-31 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:33.63 MI#17 MI D2 LP State Meet (#2)

2014 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-02-22 Boyd, Frederick (2014) B-60H 8.35 MI#8 MI MITS Indoor Championships (#5)
2014-02-22 Boyd, Frederick (2014) B-60H 8.39 MI MITS Indoor Championships (#6)
2014-02-12 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-60H 8.44 MI#11 MITS @ UofM #6 (#2)
2014-01-29 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-60H 8.46 MITS @ UofM #5 (#3)
2014-03-22 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-60H 8.47 pre Huron Relays (#1)
2014-03-22 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-60H 8.48 Huron Relays (#1)
2014-01-16 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'2" MI#19 MITS @ UofM #3 (#1)
2014-01-23 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 33'10" MI#46 MITS @ UofM #4 (#1)
2014-03-22 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 33'4.5" Huron Relays (#2)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-03 Miller, Griffin (2013) B-3200 9:30.89 MI#25 Golden Triangle Invitational (#4)
2013-06-01 Boyd, Frederick (2014) B-110H 14.82 pre NWIMI LP D2 State Champs (#2)
2013-06-01 Boyd, Frederick (2014) B-110H 14.88 NWIMI LP D2 State Champs (#5)
2013-08-03 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'5" MI#18 AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#2)
2013-06-01 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" MI LP D2 State Champs (#6)
2013-08-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.55 w(2.3)AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#7)
2013-06-30 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.56 NWIAAU Area 12 National Qualifier (#3)
2013-08-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.62 MI#4 pre w(1.7)AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#8)
2013-06-30 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.76 pre NWIAAU Area 12 National Qualifier (#2)
2013-08-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.88 pre w(-2.1)AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#10)
2013-06-01 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.98 NWIMI LP D2 State Champs (#2)
2013-05-17 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.48 NWIMI Region 13-2 (#1)
2013-05-25 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.52 NWIMITCA D2 Team State Championships (#1)
2013-06-01 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.81 pre NWIMI LP D2 State Champs (#2)
2013-05-25 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.93 NWICHSL AB Championships (#1)
2013-08-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 55.81 MI#4 pre AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#4)
2013-06-22 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 55.86 pre US Junior Nationals (#13)
2013-08-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.01 AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#4)
2013-06-15 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.06 Midwest Meet of Champions (#2)
2013-05-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.54 Golden Triangle Invitational (#1)
2013-06-01 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 57.44 MI LP D2 State Champs (#1)
2013-05-25 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 57.65 MITCA D2 Team State Championships (#1)
2013-05-17 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 57.99 MI Region 13-2 (#1)
2013-06-30 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 58.30 AAU Area 12 National Qualifier (#2)
2013-06-01 Mullen, Liz (2014) G-400 59.62 MI#52 MI LP D2 State Champs (#6)
2013-05-25 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 59.77 CHSL AB Championships (#1)
2013-05-17 Mullen, Liz (2014) G-400 59.98 MI Region 13-2 (#4)
2013-06-01 Brewis, Lindsey (2014) G-3200 11:07.69 MI#25 MI LP D2 State Champs (#4)
2013-05-03 Brewis, Lindsey (2014) G-3200 11:13.84 Golden Triangle Invitational (#6)
2013-05-25 Brewis, Lindsey (2014) G-3200 11:21.54 MITCA D2 Team State Championships (#1)
2013-06-01 Gandy, Kayla (2015) G-100H 14.74 pre NWIMI LP D2 State Champs (#1)
2013-06-01 Gandy, Kayla (2015) G-100H 14.74 NWIMI LP D2 State Champs (#2)
2013-06-01 Myler, Mallory (2013) G-100H 15.11 NWIMI LP D2 State Champs (#4)
2013-05-17 Gandy, Kayla (2015) G-100H 15.15 NWIMI Region 13-2 (#1)
2013-06-01 Myler, Mallory (2013) G-300H 44.82 MI#4 MI LP D2 State Champs (#1)
2013-05-17 Myler, Mallory (2013) G-300H 46.16 MI Region 13-2 (#1)
2013-05-03 Myler, Mallory (2013) G-300H 47.01 Golden Triangle Invitational (#2)
2013-05-25 Myler, Mallory (2013) G-300H 47.47 MITCA D2 Team State Championships (#1)
2013-05-17 Gandy, Kayla (2015) G-300H 47.58 MI#56 MI Region 13-2 (#4)
2013-06-01 Gandy, Kayla (2015) G-300H 47.90 MI LP D2 State Champs (#7)
2013-05-04 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-SP 41'0" MI#9 Mark Carpenter Invitational (#1)
2013-05-03 O', Ashley (2013) G-SP 39'10.5" MI#18 Golden Triangle Invitational (#2)
2013-06-15 O'Neil, Ashley G-SP 38'10.25" MI#24 Midwest Meet of Champions (#7)
2013-05-17 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-SP 38'5.25" pre MI Region 13-2 (#1)
2013-05-17 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-SP 38'5.25" MI Region 13-2 (#1)
2013-06-01 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-SP 38'3.25" MI LP D2 State Champs (#7)
2013-05-25 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-SP 38'0.5" CHSL AB Championships (#1)
2013-06-01 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 37'11.75" MI#34 MI LP D2 State Champs (#8)
2013-05-25 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-SP 37'5" MITCA D2 Team State Championships (#4)
2013-05-25 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 36'10" MITCA D2 Team State Championships (#5)
2013-05-03 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 36'4.75" Golden Triangle Invitational (#5)
2013-05-04 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 36'2.5" Mark Carpenter Invitational (#4)
2013-05-17 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 35'8.25" MI Region 13-2 (#3)
2013-05-17 O'Neill, Rachel (2014) G-SP 35'3" pre MI Region 13-2 (#3)
2013-05-25 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-DT 128'4" MI#11 MITCA D2 Team State Championships (#1)
2013-05-17 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-DT 124'8" pre MI Region 13-2 (#1)
2013-05-17 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-DT 124'8" MI Region 13-2 (#1)
2013-06-01 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.61 MI#14 MI LP D2 State Champs (#2)
2013-06-01 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:41.35 US#90 MI#3 MI LP D2 State Champs (#1)
2013-05-17 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:42.48 MI Region 13-2 (#1)
2013-05-25 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:42.74 MITCA D2 Team State Championships (#1)
2013-05-03 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:43.94 Golden Triangle Invitational (#1)
2013-05-04 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:44.74 Mark Carpenter Invitational (#1)
2013-06-01 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:58.78 MI#7 MI LP D2 State Champs (#1)
2013-05-03 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:58.97 Golden Triangle Invitational (#1)
2013-05-25 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:59.02 MITCA D2 Team State Championships (#1)
2013-05-17 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:04.64 MI Region 13-2 (#1)
2013-06-01 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:33.78 MI#18 MI LP D2 State Champs (#3)

2013 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-03-02 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.87 MI#9 M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#1)
2013-02-06 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.89 MITS Meet @ EMU #2 (#4)
2013-03-23 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.92 Huron Relays (#1)
2013-02-09 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.92 pre SPIRE HS Showcase (#8)
2013-01-12 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.93 MITS GVSU #1 (#3)
2013-01-19 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.95 Jerome Fields HS Open (#3)
2013-03-02 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.97 pre M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#1)
2013-03-10 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.73 US#23 MI#2 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#15)
2013-02-09 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.81 SPIRE HS Showcase (#1)
2013-01-19 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.04 Jerome Fields HS Open (#2)
2013-02-16 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.07 U-Kentucky Invitational (#9)
2013-03-02 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.15 M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#1)
2013-01-31 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.29 MITS UofM #5 (#2)
2013-01-12 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.81 MITS GVSU #1 (#4)
2013-01-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 26.09 MITS UofM #1 (#1)
2013-01-03 Gandy, Kayla (2015) G-200 26.91 MI#25 MITS UofM #1 (#6)
2013-02-09 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.15 US#19 MI#1 SPIRE HS Showcase (#1)
2013-03-10 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.63 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#12)
2013-02-06 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 57.05 MITS Meet @ EMU #2 (#1)
2013-02-16 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 57.36 U-Kentucky Invitational (#8)
2013-02-23 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 57.80 MITS State Championship (#2)
2013-01-25 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 58.08 MITS UofM #4 (#1)
2013-02-23 Gandy, Kayla (2015) G-60H 9.41 MI#11 pre MITS State Championship (#9)
2013-01-31 Gandy, Kayla (2015) G-60H 9.48 MITS UofM #5 (#5)
2013-03-23 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-SP 41'10" US#58 MI#2 Huron Relays (#1)
2013-01-31 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-SP 40'5.75" MITS UofM #5 (#2)
2013-02-23 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-SP 40'1.5" MITS State Championship (#2)
2013-02-13 O'Neill, Ashley (2013) G-SP 39'7.5" MITS UofM #6 (#2)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
1999-06-05 Stead, Philip (1999) B-800 1:54.88 MI#4 Class B (#1)
2012-05-18 Soter, Nick (2012) B-800 1:58.07 MI#49 MI Region 13-2 (#1)
2011-05-24 Soter, Nick (2012) B-800 1:59.53 MI#49 CHSL Championship (#1)
2012-06-02 Soter, Nick (2012) B-800 1:59.56 MI D2 State Meet (#10)
2012-05-18 Martain, Christian (2013) B-800 1:59.73 MI Region 13-2 (#2)
2012-01-12 Soter, Nick (2012) B-800 2:03.29 MI#17 MITS UofM Open #2 (#2)
2012-02-25 Soter, Nick (2012) B-800 2:03.30 MI MITS State (#10)
2012-05-18 Soter, Nick (2012) B-1600 4:19.90 MI#12 MI Region 13-2 (#1)
2012-06-02 Soter, Nick (2012) B-1600 4:20.88 MI D2 State Meet (#5)
2012-03-24 Soter, Nick (2012) B-1600 4:23.13 MI#6 Huron Relays (#1)
2012-01-12 Soter, Nick (2012) B-1600 4:29.72 MITS UofM Open #2 (#2)
2013-05-03 Miller, Griffin (2013) B-3200 9:30.89 MI#25 Golden Triangle Invitational (#4)
2012-05-22 Soter, Nick (2012) B-3200 9:31.99 MI#24 CHSL A-B Championship (#1)
2011-06-04 Soter, Nick (2012) B-3200 9:39.27 MI#21 MI D2 LP State Meet (#5)
2012-01-26 Soter, Nick (2012) B-3200 9:43.02 MI#8 MITS - UofM Meet #4 (#4)
2011-03-26 Soter, Nick (2012) B-3200 9:48.04 MI#21 Huron Relays (#2)
2014-02-22 Boyd, Frederick (2014) B-60H 8.35 MI#8 MI MITS Indoor Championships (#5)
2014-02-22 Boyd, Frederick (2014) B-60H 8.39 MI MITS Indoor Championships (#6)
2014-02-12 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-60H 8.44 MI#11 MITS @ UofM #6 (#2)
2014-01-29 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-60H 8.46 MITS @ UofM #5 (#3)
2014-03-22 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-60H 8.47 pre Huron Relays (#1)
2014-03-22 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-60H 8.48 Huron Relays (#1)
2014-08-02 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-110H 14.55 pre w(2.6)AAU National Junior Olympics 17-18 (#12)
2014-05-31 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-110H 14.60 NWIMI D2 LP State Meet (#1)
2012-05-18 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-110H 14.76 NWIMI Region 13-2 (#1)
2013-06-01 Boyd, Frederick (2014) B-110H 14.82 pre NWIMI LP D2 State Champs (#2)
2013-06-01 Boyd, Frederick (2014) B-110H 14.88 NWIMI LP D2 State Champs (#5)
2012-05-22 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-110H 14.98 NWICHSL A-B Championship (#1)
2012-06-02 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-110H 14.99 pre NWIMI D2 State Meet (#2)
2012-08-04 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-110H 14.99 MI#2 w(-1.9)AAU Ntl JO IB IG (#3)
2014-05-16 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-300H 40.48 MI#42 MI Regional 13-2 @ Mnre-Jeff (#2)
2012-05-22 Boyd, Fred (2014) B-300H 40.89 MI#63 CHSL A-B Championship (#1)
2013-08-03 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'5" MI#18 AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#2)
2015-04-10 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" MI#21 SVSU Outdoor Invitational (#1)
2015-05-08 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" Sienna Heights Saints Invitational (#1)
2015-05-15 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" MI Regional 13-2 @ Monroe (#1)
2015-05-02 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" Mark Carpenter Invitational (#2)
2015-05-30 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" MI LP D2 State Meet (#3)
2013-06-01 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'4" MI LP D2 State Champs (#6)
2014-01-16 Sawaya, George (2015) B-HJ 6'2" MI#19 MITS @ UofM #3 (#1)
2011-06-04 Boys Relay B-4x800 8:03.32 MI#22 MI D2 LP State Meet (#4)
2012-03-24 Boys Relay B-DMR 10:57.00 MI#4 Huron Relays (#1)
2012-03-24 Boys Relay B-DMR 10:57.86 Huron Relays (#1)
2013-03-02 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.87 MI#9 M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#1)
2013-02-06 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.89 MITS Meet @ EMU #2 (#4)
2012-03-24 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.91 MI#11 Huron Relays (#1)
2013-03-23 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.92 Huron Relays (#1)
2013-02-09 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.92 pre SPIRE HS Showcase (#8)
2013-01-12 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.93 MITS GVSU #1 (#3)
2013-01-19 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.95 Jerome Fields HS Open (#3)
2013-03-02 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.97 pre M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#1)
2011-03-26 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-60 7.98 MI#25 Huron Relays (#2)
2013-08-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.55 w(2.3)AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#7)
2013-06-30 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.56 NWIAAU Area 12 National Qualifier (#3)
2013-08-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.62 MI#4 pre w(1.7)AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#8)
2013-03-10 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.73 US#23 MI#2 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#15)
2013-06-30 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.76 pre NWIAAU Area 12 National Qualifier (#2)
2009-08-08 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.80 pre w(3.6)AAU JO Youth (#2)
2013-02-09 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.81 SPIRE HS Showcase (#1)
2011-06-04 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.87 NWIMI D2 LP State Meet (#2)
2013-08-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.88 pre w(-2.1)AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#10)
2012-07-29 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.88 MI#2 pre w(-0.5)USATF Ntl JO YM YW (#13)
2012-06-02 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.91 NWIMI D2 State Meet (#1)
2012-07-08 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.98 pre w(-0.7)USATF Region 5 Junior Olympics (#1)
2013-06-01 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 24.98 NWIMI LP D2 State Champs (#2)
2012-05-04 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.04 NWIGolden Triangle Invitational (#1)
2013-01-19 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.04 Jerome Fields HS Open (#2)
2012-07-29 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.07 pre w(0.8)USATF Ntl JO YM YW (#17)
2013-02-16 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.07 U-Kentucky Invitational (#9)
2011-06-18 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.10 MI#3 pre w(-0.8)NB Nationals (#10)
2010-08-07 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.13 MI#5 pre w(-0.2)AAU JO Nationals Intermediate (#21)
2013-03-02 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.15 M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#1)
2012-05-18 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.17 NWIMI Region 13-2 (#1)
2012-05-04 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.19 NWIGolden Triangle Invitational (#3)
2010-07-11 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.19 NWIAAU Area 9 MI Intermediate (#3)
2010-07-04 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.19 w(2.7)USATF Youth - Intermediate (#8)
2012-07-08 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.27 w(-3.1)USATF Region 5 Junior Olympics (#1)
2013-01-31 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.29 MITS UofM #5 (#2)
2011-07-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.30 NWIAAU Area 9 MI Ntl Qualifier (#1)
2012-05-26 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.31 NWIMITCA D2 Team Championship (#1)
2010-07-11 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.32 pre NWIAAU Area 9 MI Intermediate (#2)
2012-02-25 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.39 MI#7 MI MITS State (#3)
2013-05-17 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.48 NWIMI Region 13-2 (#1)
2010-08-07 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.49 pre w(-3.3)AAU JO Nationals Intermediate (#18)
2013-05-25 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.52 NWIMITCA D2 Team State Championships (#1)
2012-05-22 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.53 NWICHSL A-B Championship (#1)
2010-02-27 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.63 MI#5 MITS Michigan Statemeet (#3)
2010-07-04 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.64 pre w(1)USATF Youth - Intermediate (#7)
2012-06-02 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.71 semis NWIMI D2 State Meet (#2)
2009-08-08 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.71 MI#10 w(-1.9)AAU JO Youth (#6)
2013-06-01 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.81 pre NWIMI LP D2 State Champs (#2)
2013-01-12 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.81 MITS GVSU #1 (#4)
2011-02-05 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.82 MI#9 pre KTC Niswonger Invitational (#16)
2012-05-18 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.87 NWIMI Region 13-2 (#1)
2011-07-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.89 pre NWIAAU Area 9 MI Ntl Qualifier (#2)
2013-05-25 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.93 NWICHSL AB Championships (#1)
2011-05-28 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.93 NWIMITCA D2 Team State Championship (#2)
2012-06-02 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 25.99 pre NWIMI D2 State Meet (#1)
2011-03-11 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 26.04 pre NBIN Emerging Elite (#21)
2013-01-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 26.09 MITS UofM #1 (#1)
2011-02-19 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 26.09 MITS U-Michigan #4 (#8)
2012-02-16 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 26.38 MITS-UofM #6 (#4)
2012-02-02 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 26.64 MITS UofM #4 (#2)
2010-03-07 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 26.70 USATF Michigan Open/Masters Champs (#1)
2011-01-07 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 26.73 MITS U. Michigan (#6)
2010-01-27 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 26.85 MITS EMU (#1)
2013-01-03 Gandy, Kayla (2015) G-200 26.91 MI#25 MITS UofM #1 (#6)
2010-12-18 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-200 26.92 Great Lakes Classic (#5)
2010-02-27 Strasser, Caroline (2011) G-200 26.95 MI#22 MITS Michigan Statemeet (#10)
2010-07-04 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 55.15 US#75 MI#3 USATF Youth - Intermediate (#3)
2012-07-29 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 55.68 MI#4 pre USATF Ntl JO YM YW (#5)
2013-08-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 55.81 MI#4 pre AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#4)
2013-06-22 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 55.86 pre US Junior Nationals (#13)
2012-07-29 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 55.86 USATF Ntl JO YM YW (#4)
2012-07-08 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 55.88 USATF Region 5 Junior Olympics (#1)
2010-06-19 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 55.96 NB Nationals (#18)
2009-08-08 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 55.98 MI#3 AAU JO Youth (#3)
2013-08-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.01 AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#4)
2013-06-15 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.06 Midwest Meet of Champions (#2)
2010-06-19 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.10 NB Nationals Emerging Elite (#1)
2013-02-09 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.15 US#19 MI#1 SPIRE HS Showcase (#1)
2010-07-04 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.45 pre USATF Youth - Intermediate (#3)
2012-06-02 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.46 MI D2 State Meet (#3)
2013-05-03 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.54 Golden Triangle Invitational (#1)
2013-03-10 Patterson, Paige (2013) G-400 56.63 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#12)
Continue with next 125 performances

Brewis, Lindsey Loyola University Chicago, IL (Missouri Valley Conference)

Soter, Nick Michigan State University, MI (Big Ten Conference)

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