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School Name: Park Vista Community, FL
State Division: 4A

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-22 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 22.49 w(-0.8)FL 4A Region 3 (#5)
2015-04-22 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 22.62 pre NWIFL 4A Region 3 (#6)
2015-03-09 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 22.95 NWIJupiter Invite (#1)
2015-04-15 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 23.07 pre NWIFL 4A District 11 (#2)
2015-03-02 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 23.11 NWIJupiter Warrior Invitational (#2)
2015-03-06 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 23.29 w(1.7)Park Vista Invitational (#7)
2015-04-15 Beatty, Colton (2016) B-800 2:04.37 FL 4A District 11 (#4)
2015-04-01 Saintiziare, Jason (2015) B-HJ 6'2" Palm Beach County Championships (#1)
2015-04-22 Saintiziare, Jason (2015) B-HJ 6'2" FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2015-03-02 Saintiziare, Jason (2015) B-HJ 6'2" FL#66 Jupiter Warrior Invitational (#2)
2015-03-06 Saintiziare, Jason (2015) B-HJ 6'2" Park Vista Invitational (#2)
2015-05-02 Saintiziare, Jason (2015) B-HJ 6'0" FL 4A State Meet (#11)
2015-04-15 Saintiziare, Jason (2015) B-LJ 20'9.5" NWIFL 4A District 11 (#3)
2015-03-09 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.96 Jupiter Invite (#1)
2015-03-02 Boys Relay B-4x100 45.11 Jupiter Warrior Invitational (#4)
2015-04-22 Boys Relay B-4x100 45.17 pre FL 4A Region 3 (#12)
2015-03-06 Boys Relay B-4x100 45.29 Park Vista Invitational (#4)
2015-04-01 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:29.59 Palm Beach County Championships (#4)
2015-04-22 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:29.74 FL 4A Region 3 (#9)
2015-03-09 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:35.98 Jupiter Invite (#1)
2015-04-22 Boys Relay B-4x800 8:20.93 FL#86 FL 4A Region 3 (#6)
2015-04-09 Boys Relay B-4x800 8:30.74 Royal Palm Beach Invitational 2 (#1)
2015-04-01 Boys Relay B-4x800 8:35.66 Palm Beach County Championships (#6)
2015-03-09 Stewart, Tatyana (2017) G-100 13.04 NWIJupiter Invite (#2)
2015-04-15 Stewart, Tatyana (2017) G-100 13.05 NWIFL 4A District 11 (#1)
2015-02-18 Stewart, Tatyana (2017) G-100 13.08 NWIRoyal Palm Beach Invitational (#3)
2015-04-01 Stewart, Tatyana (2017) G-100 13.11 NWIPalm Beach County Championships (#9)
2015-03-02 Stewart, Tatyana (2017) G-100 13.15 NWIJupiter Warrior Invitational (#5)
2015-04-22 Stewart, Tatyana (2017) G-100 13.18 pre NWIFL 4A Region 3 (#14)
2015-03-02 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-100H 15.09 NWIJupiter Warrior Invitational (#1)
2015-03-06 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-100H 15.30 FL#52 w(1.3)Park Vista Invitational (#2)
2015-04-22 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-100H 15.33 pre NWIFL 4A Region 3 (#3)
2015-05-02 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-100H 15.44 pre w(1.7)FL 4A State Meet (#12)
2015-03-09 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-100H 15.62 NWIJupiter Invite (#1)
2015-02-18 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-100H 15.66 NWIRoyal Palm Beach Invitational (#1)
2015-04-01 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-100H 15.72 NWIPalm Beach County Championships (#3)
2015-04-22 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-100H 15.80 NWIFL 4A Region 3 (#4)
2015-04-15 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-100H 15.90 NWIFL 4A District 11 (#2)
2015-04-09 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-100H 16.11 NWIRoyal Palm Beach Invitational 2 (#4)
2015-04-15 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-100H 16.78 pre NWIFL 4A District 11 (#1)
2015-04-09 Bartosik, Mikal (2016) G-300H 49.96 Royal Palm Beach Invitational 2 (#7)
2015-03-02 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.37 Jupiter Warrior Invitational (#4)
2015-04-01 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.96 Palm Beach County Championships (#8)
2015-02-18 Girls Relay G-4x100 52.05 Royal Palm Beach Invitational (#5)
2015-04-22 Girls Relay G-4x100 52.26 pre FL 4A Region 3 (#10)
2015-04-15 Girls Relay G-4x100 52.39 FL 4A District 11 (#2)
2015-04-09 Girls Relay G-4x100 52.57 Royal Palm Beach Invitational 2 (#4)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-03 Sonderegger, Michael (2014) B-1600 4:21.21 FL#24 FL 4A State Meet (#9)
2014-04-24 Saintiziare, Jason (2015) B-HJ 6'4" FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2014-04-03 Saintiziare, Jason (2015) B-HJ 6'4" FL#28 Palm Beach County Championships (#2)
2014-02-28 Dwyer, Collin B-PV 14'0" FL#17 Jupiter Warrior Invitational (#1)
2014-04-18 Klien, Michelle (2014) G-HJ 5'4" FL#22 FL 4A District 11 (#3)
2014-04-24 Klien, Michelle (2014) G-HJ 5'4" FL 4A Region 3 (#4)

2013 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-11-30 Sonderegger, Michael (2014) B-5k_XC 16:18.00 Foot Locker South Regional (#158)
2013-10-12 Sonderregger, Mich (2014) B-5k_XC 16:19.84 FSU Pre State Invitational (#12)
2013-09-14 Sonderregger, Mich (2014) B-5k_XC 16:26.15 Mountain Dew Invitational (#18)
2013-10-17 Sonderegger, Michael (2014) B-5k_XC 16:26.69 Palm Beach County XC Championships (#2)
2013-11-09 Sonderegger, Michael (2014) B-5k_XC 16:27.34 FHSAA XC Championships (#28)
2013-09-28 Sonderegger, Michael (2014) B-5k_XC 16:27.50 (#47)
2013-11-02 Sonderegger, Michael (2014) B-5k_XC 16:29.33 FL 4A Region 3 (#4)
2013-11-09 Doyle, Kaley (2014) G-5k_XC 19:07.11 FL#75 FHSAA XC Championships (#11)
2013-11-02 Doyle, Kaley (2014) G-5k_XC 19:10.00 FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2013-10-12 Doyle, Kaley (2014) G-5k_XC 19:19.14 FSU Pre State Invitational (#3)
2013-09-28 Doyle, Kaley (2014) G-5k_XC 19:21.40 (#35)
2013-10-17 Doyle, Kaley (2014) G-5k_XC 19:23.85 Palm Beach County XC Championships (#2)
2013-09-07 Doyle, Kaley (2014) G-5k_XC 19:24.68 Martin County Under the Lights (#1)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-06-16 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 13.80 US#7 FL#1 w(-1.2)NB Outdoor Nationals (#2)
2013-04-25 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 13.86 w(-0.8)FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2013-05-04 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 13.93 NWIFL 4A State Champs (#1)
2013-05-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.01 w(1.4)Golden South Classic (#1)
2013-05-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.02 pre w(0.8)Golden South Classic (#2)
2013-06-16 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.24 pre w(-0.9)NB Outdoor Nationals (#7)
2013-03-01 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.28 w(-1.4)Jupiter Warrior Invitational (#1)
2013-04-25 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.32 pre w(-1)FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2013-03-23 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.38 w(1.2)Walt Disney World Invitational (#1)
2013-04-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.39 w(-2.7)FL 4A District 9 (#1)
2013-03-23 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.46 pre w(1.9)Walt Disney World Invitational (#1)
2013-04-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.92 pre w(-3.9)FL 4A District 9 (#1)
2013-04-25 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 36.29 US#2 FL#1 FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2013-05-04 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 37.47 FL 4A State Champs (#1)
2013-04-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 38.04 FL 4A District 9 (#1)
2013-04-25 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 38.18 pre FL 4A Region 3 (#2)
2013-03-01 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 39.24 Jupiter Warrior Invitational (#1)
2013-04-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 40.06 pre FL 4A District 9 (#2)
2013-05-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-400H 55.87 FL#7 pre Golden South Classic (#9)
2013-06-16 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-400H 56.34 NB Outdoor Nationals (#16)
2013-04-25 Adelphonse, Yephnick (2013) B-HJ 6'4" FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2013-03-12 Ulysse, Reggie (2013) B-HJ 6'4" FL#16 Park Vista 2 (#1)
2013-04-18 Adelphonse, Yephnick (2013) B-HJ 6'4" FL#16 FL 4A District 9 (#2)
2013-04-18 Ulysse, Reggie (2013) B-HJ 6'4" FL 4A District 9 (#3)
2013-05-18 Adelphonse, Yephnick (2013) B-HJ 6'4" Golden South Classic (#4)
2013-04-25 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.32 FL#44 FL 4A Region 3 (#5)
2013-04-25 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.56 pre FL 4A Region 3 (#4)
2013-04-18 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.74 FL 4A District 9 (#2)
2013-04-18 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.00 pre FL 4A District 9 (#2)
2013-03-12 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.15 Park Vista 2 (#2)
2013-03-08 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.47 Park Vista Invitational (#1)
2013-03-01 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.47 Jupiter Warrior Invitational (#2)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-04-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-200 22.28 pre NWIPalm Beach County Championships (#3)
2012-03-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-200 22.28 pre NWIPalm Beach County Championships (#3)
2012-04-12 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-200 22.41 pre NWIPark Vista Late Season Invitational (#1)
2012-02-28 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-200 22.45 NWIPark Vista Invitational (#1)
2012-05-26 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 47.30 US#36 FL#8 Golden South Classic (#3)
2012-06-16 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 47.39 NB Nationals - Championship (#6)
2012-05-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 47.82 FL 4A Outdoor State Finals (#2)
2012-04-26 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 47.98 FL 4A Region 3 (#2)
2012-05-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.27 pre FL 4A Outdoor State Finals (#2)
2012-04-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.30 Palm Beach County Championships (#1)
2012-03-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.30 Palm Beach County Championships (#1)
2012-04-26 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.47 pre FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2012-05-26 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.56 pre Golden South Classic (#6)
2012-04-12 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.59 Park Vista Late Season Invitational (#1)
2012-04-19 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.64 FL 4A District 9 (#1)
2012-03-02 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.71 Jupiter Warrior Invitational (#1)
2012-03-09 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.72 Park Vista Invitational (#1)
2012-02-28 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.98 Park Vista Invitational (#1)
2012-03-28 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.98 Palm Beach Central Conference (#1)
2012-02-21 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 49.15 Park Vista Invitational (#1)
2012-03-13 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 49.44 Park Vista Meet #3 (#1)
2012-05-26 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 13.94 w(3.3)Golden South Classic (#2)
2012-05-05 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.20 US#47 FL#8 w(-2.3)FL 4A Outdoor State Finals (#4)
2012-05-26 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.21 pre w(1.2)Golden South Classic (#4)
2012-05-05 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.25 pre w(-1.6)FL 4A Outdoor State Finals (#4)
2012-06-16 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.27 pre NWINB Nationals - Championship (#7)
2012-04-12 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.30 pre NWIPark Vista Late Season Invitational (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-04-30 Joseph, Diego (2009) B-100 10.74 FL#17 pre w(0.3)Florida 4A Region 3 (#5)
2009-04-30 Joseph, Diego (2009) B-100 10.75 w(-0.7)Florida 4A Region 3 (#4)
2009-05-09 Joseph, Diego (2009) B-100 10.95 pre w(1.4)Florida 4A State (#13)
2011-05-28 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-200 22.16 FL#53 w(0)Golden South Classic (#2)
2009-04-23 Joseph, Diego (2009) B-200 22.26 pre NWIFlorida 4A District 10 (#2)
2012-04-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-200 22.28 pre NWIPalm Beach County Championships (#3)
2012-03-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-200 22.28 pre NWIPalm Beach County Championships (#3)
2012-04-12 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-200 22.41 pre NWIPark Vista Late Season Invitational (#1)
2012-02-28 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-200 22.45 NWIPark Vista Invitational (#1)
2015-04-22 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 22.49 w(-0.8)FL 4A Region 3 (#5)
2015-04-22 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 22.62 pre NWIFL 4A Region 3 (#6)
2015-03-09 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 22.95 NWIJupiter Invite (#1)
2015-04-15 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 23.07 pre NWIFL 4A District 11 (#2)
2015-03-02 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 23.11 NWIJupiter Warrior Invitational (#2)
2015-03-06 Baker, Brandon (2016) B-200 23.29 w(1.7)Park Vista Invitational (#7)
2012-05-26 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 47.30 US#36 FL#8 Golden South Classic (#3)
2012-06-16 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 47.39 NB Nationals - Championship (#6)
2012-05-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 47.82 FL 4A Outdoor State Finals (#2)
2012-04-26 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 47.98 FL 4A Region 3 (#2)
2010-05-08 Hutchinson, Jevon (2010) B-400 47.98 US#81 FL#7 FL 4A State Meet (#3)
2011-05-28 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.01 US#95 FL#7 Golden South Classic (#1)
2012-05-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.27 pre FL 4A Outdoor State Finals (#2)
2012-04-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.30 Palm Beach County Championships (#1)
2012-03-05 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.30 Palm Beach County Championships (#1)
2012-04-26 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.47 pre FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2012-05-26 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.56 pre Golden South Classic (#6)
2012-04-12 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.59 Park Vista Late Season Invitational (#1)
2010-04-29 Hutchinson, Jevon (2010) B-400 48.63 FL 4A Region 3 (#2)
2011-04-07 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.64 Palm Beach County Championships (#1)
2012-04-19 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.64 FL 4A District 9 (#1)
2010-05-08 Hutchinson, Jevon (2010) B-400 48.65 pre FL 4A State Meet (#5)
2011-04-28 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.66 FL 4A Region 3 (#2)
2011-05-07 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.70 FL 4A State (#5)
2012-03-02 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.71 Jupiter Warrior Invitational (#1)
2012-03-09 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.72 Park Vista Invitational (#1)
2011-05-07 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.76 pre FL 4A State (#4)
2011-04-21 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.78 FL 4A District 9 (#1)
2011-05-28 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.96 pre Golden South Classic (#2)
2012-02-28 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.98 Park Vista Invitational (#1)
2012-03-28 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 48.98 Palm Beach Central Conference (#1)
2010-04-21 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 49.14 FL#28 Florida 4A District 9 (#1)
2012-02-21 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 49.15 Park Vista Invitational (#1)
2011-03-23 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 49.20 Park Vista Invitational (#1)
2010-04-29 Hutchinson, Jevon (2010) B-400 49.27 pre FL 4A Region 3 (#3)
2010-04-21 Hutchinson, Jevon (2010) B-400 49.29 Florida 4A District 9 (#2)
2011-04-28 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 49.43 pre FL 4A Region 3 (#2)
2012-03-13 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 49.44 Park Vista Meet #3 (#1)
2010-04-29 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 49.69 FL 4A Region 3 (#6)
2010-04-29 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 49.71 pre FL 4A Region 3 (#4)
2009-04-30 Hutchinson, Jevon (2010) B-400 49.79 FL#57 Florida 4A Region 3 (#4)
2011-02-22 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 49.83 Park Vista Meet 1 (#1)
2012-01-29 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 50.12 FL#3 Jimmy Carnes Invitational (#3)
2011-01-29 Thermidor, Edens (2012) B-400 51.43 FL#4 Jimmy Carnes Invitational (#7)
2011-05-07 Wadford, Matthew (2011) B-800 1:56.89 FL#40 FL 4A State (#9)
2010-04-21 Wadford, Matthew (2011) B-800 1:57.62 FL#39 Florida 4A District 9 (#2)
2009-04-30 Wadford, Matthew (2011) B-800 1:58.04 FL#44 Florida 4A Region 3 (#2)
2011-04-28 Wadford, Matthew (2011) B-800 1:58.22 FL 4A Region 3 (#3)
2011-04-07 Wadford, Matthew (2011) B-800 1:58.83 Palm Beach County Championships (#2)
2009-04-23 Wadford, Matthew (2011) B-800 1:58.91 Florida 4A District 10 (#2)
2011-03-04 Wadford, Matthew (2011) B-800 1:59.94 Warrior Invitational (#1)
2009-05-09 Wadford, Matthew (2011) B-800 1:59.97 Florida 4A State (#11)
2015-04-15 Beatty, Colton (2016) B-800 2:04.37 FL 4A District 11 (#4)
2014-05-03 Sonderegger, Michael (2014) B-1600 4:21.21 FL#24 FL 4A State Meet (#9)
2013-06-16 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 13.80 US#7 FL#1 w(-1.2)NB Outdoor Nationals (#2)
2013-04-25 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 13.86 w(-0.8)FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2013-05-04 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 13.93 NWIFL 4A State Champs (#1)
2012-05-26 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 13.94 w(3.3)Golden South Classic (#2)
2013-05-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.01 w(1.4)Golden South Classic (#1)
2013-05-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.02 pre w(0.8)Golden South Classic (#2)
2011-05-28 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.07 US#38 FL#7 w(-0.2)Golden South Classic (#2)
2011-04-21 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.10 NWIFL 4A District 9 (#1)
2008-06-07 Aristil, David B-110H 14.13 w(2.6)Golden South OUT (#2)
2012-05-05 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.20 US#47 FL#8 w(-2.3)FL 4A Outdoor State Finals (#4)
2012-05-26 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.21 pre w(1.2)Golden South Classic (#4)
2011-04-28 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.23 pre w(2.3)FL 4A Region 3 (#3)
2013-06-16 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.24 pre w(-0.9)NB Outdoor Nationals (#7)
2012-05-05 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.25 pre w(-1.6)FL 4A Outdoor State Finals (#4)
2012-06-16 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.27 pre NWINB Nationals - Championship (#7)
2013-03-01 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.28 w(-1.4)Jupiter Warrior Invitational (#1)
2012-04-12 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.30 pre NWIPark Vista Late Season Invitational (#1)
2013-04-25 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.32 pre w(-1)FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2012-04-19 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.36 NWIFL 4A District 9 (#1)
2013-03-23 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.38 w(1.2)Walt Disney World Invitational (#1)
2013-04-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.39 w(-2.7)FL 4A District 9 (#1)
2012-04-26 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.42 NWIFL 4A Region 3 (#3)
2011-04-28 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.45 w(1.2)FL 4A Region 3 (#5)
2013-03-23 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.46 pre w(1.9)Walt Disney World Invitational (#1)
2011-05-28 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.51 pre w(-0.1)Golden South Classic (#4)
2012-03-28 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.52 NWIPalm Beach Central Conference (#1)
2011-06-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.53 pre w(-1.2)NB Nationals (#17)
2010-05-08 Jasmin, Bryan (2010) B-110H 14.58 pre w(3.3)FL 4A State Meet (#8)
2012-03-13 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.59 NWIPark Vista Meet #3 (#1)
2012-04-12 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.60 NWIPark Vista Late Season Invitational (#1)
2012-04-26 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.63 pre NWIFL 4A Region 3 (#3)
2010-04-29 Jasmin, Bryan (2010) B-110H 14.63 NWIFL 4A Region 3 (#4)
2012-03-09 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.68 NWIPark Vista Invitational (#2)
2010-04-21 Jasmin, Bryan (2010) B-110H 14.69 NWIFlorida 4A District 9 (#1)
2012-04-05 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.69 pre w(1.4)Palm Beach County Championships (#3)
2012-03-05 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.69 pre w(1.4)Palm Beach County Championships (#3)
2010-05-08 Jasmin, Bryan (2010) B-110H 14.70 FL#29 w(1.5)FL 4A State Meet (#8)
2011-03-07 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.72 NWIPark Vista Meet 3 (#1)
2010-04-29 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.72 NWIFL 4A Region 3 (#5)
2011-04-07 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.77 NWIPalm Beach County Championships (#4)
2010-04-03 Jasmin, Bryan (2010) B-110H 14.89 w(2.1)Florida Relays (#7)
2013-04-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.92 pre w(-3.9)FL 4A District 9 (#1)
2012-02-28 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.97 NWIPark Vista Invitational (#1)
2010-04-29 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-110H 14.97 pre NWIFL 4A Region 3 (#7)
2010-04-21 Jasmin, Bryan (2010) B-110H 14.99 pre NWIFlorida 4A District 9 (#1)
2013-04-25 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 36.29 US#2 FL#1 FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2008-05-03 Aristil, David B-300H 37.20 US#17 FL#5 FL State 4A OUT (#2)
2012-05-05 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 37.33 US#27 FL#5 FL 4A Outdoor State Finals (#3)
2011-04-28 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 37.36 US#25 FL#6 FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2012-05-05 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 37.40 pre FL 4A Outdoor State Finals (#2)
2013-05-04 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 37.47 FL 4A State Champs (#1)
2011-04-07 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 37.67 Palm Beach County Championships (#2)
2012-04-26 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 37.72 FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
2012-04-19 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 37.73 FL 4A District 9 (#1)
2012-03-05 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 37.91 Palm Beach County Championships (#1)
2012-04-05 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 37.91 Palm Beach County Championships (#1)
2012-04-12 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 37.99 Park Vista Late Season Invitational (#1)
2008-04-24 Aristil, David B-300H 38.03 FL Reg 4A-3 OUT (#1)
2013-04-18 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 38.04 FL 4A District 9 (#1)
2011-05-07 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 38.10 pre FL 4A State (#1)
2013-04-25 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 38.18 pre FL 4A Region 3 (#2)
2012-04-26 Grinley, Christopher (2013) B-300H 38.22 pre FL 4A Region 3 (#1)
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Grinley, Christopher University of South Florida, FL (American Athletic Conference)
Brennan, Laurel Florida Atlantic University, FL (Sun Belt Conference)

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