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School Name: Central Catholic, OH
City: Toledo
State Division: I

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2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-24 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.99 OH D1 St. Francis District (#4)
2014-05-24 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.57 OH D1 St. Francis District (#3)
2014-05-24 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.59 pre OH D1 St. Francis District (#2)
2014-05-30 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.81 pre OH D1 Region 2 (#10)
2014-05-30 McClendon, Kiana (2014) G-400 58.08 OH#42 OH D1 Region 2 (#4)
2014-05-30 McClendon, Kiana (2014) G-400 58.36 pre OH D1 Region 2 (#1)
2014-05-24 McClendon, Kiana (2014) G-400 59.99 OH D1 St. Francis District (#3)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-31 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.53 US#22 OH#3 pre w(-0.9)OH D1 Region 2 (#3)
2013-06-30 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.70 NWIAAU Area 12 National Qualifier (#1)
2013-06-08 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.77 pre w(1.2)OH D1 State Champs (#11)
2013-05-31 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.78 w(1.3)OH D1 Region 2 (#3)
2013-07-24 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.86 pre w(1.1)USATF National Junior Olympics - YM/YW (#27)
2013-06-15 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.86 w(0)Midwest Meet of Champions (#3)
2013-05-11 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-100 10.92 NWIFremont Invitational (#1)
2013-05-11 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.93 NWIFremont Invitational (#2)
2013-05-25 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.94 NWIOH D1 St. Francis District (#2)
2013-05-31 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 21.96 OH#17 pre w(0)OH D1 Region 2 (#4)
2013-05-31 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.22 w(0.2)OH D1 Region 2 (#6)
2013-07-24 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.27 pre w(1.3)USATF National Junior Olympics - YM/YW (#45)
2013-05-25 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.31 NWIOH D1 St. Francis District (#2)
2013-06-30 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.33 pre NWIAAU Area 12 National Qualifier (#5)
2013-08-03 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.43 pre w(-0.6)AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#40)
2013-06-30 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.49 NWIAAU Area 12 National Qualifier (#5)
2013-06-08 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.02 OH#29 pre OH D1 State Champs (#13)
2013-05-25 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.46 OH D1 St. Francis District (#1)
2013-05-25 McClendon, Kiana (2014) G-400 59.46 OH#83 OH D1 St. Francis District (#1)
2013-05-25 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:45.42 OH#62 OH D1 St. Francis District (#3)

2013 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-03-02 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 6.99 US#79 OH#13 M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#1)
2013-03-23 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.06 Huron Relays (#1)
2013-01-19 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.06 U of Findlay HS Invitational #1 (#1)
2013-01-26 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.06 Sid Sink HS Indoor Invitational (#2)
2013-01-19 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.10 OH#33 U of Findlay HS Invitational #1 (#2)
2013-02-16 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.12 Tiffin U HS Meet #3 (#2)
2013-01-12 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.13 Tiffin Univ HS Invitational #1 (#1)
2013-01-26 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.13 pre Sid Sink HS Indoor Invitational (#1)
2013-03-02 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.14 pre M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#2)
2013-03-23 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.17 pre Huron Relays (#1)
2013-01-12 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.18 Tiffin Univ HS Invitational #1 (#2)
2013-01-12 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.20 pre Tiffin Univ HS Invitational #1 (#1)
2013-02-16 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.20 pre Tiffin U HS Meet #3 (#2)
2013-01-19 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.20 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational #1 (#2)
2013-03-23 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.20 Huron Relays (#5)
2013-01-12 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.26 pre Tiffin Univ HS Invitational #1 (#2)
2013-01-19 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.26 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational #1 (#3)
2013-03-23 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.32 pre Huron Relays (#7)
2013-03-02 Freeman, James (2013) B-60H 8.33 OH#17 M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#3)
2013-02-16 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60H 8.41 OH#25 Gazelle Sports Elite Meet (#4)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-19 Murrey, Shawn (2013) B-800 1:58.54 OH D1 St. Francis District (#5)
2012-05-25 Wilson, Tyler (2012) B-110H 14.93 OH#36 w(0)OH D1 Region 2 (#5)
2012-05-11 McClendon, Kiana (2014) G-200 25.85 NWITRAC Conference Meet (#2)
2012-05-25 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-100H 14.67 OH#14 w(0.7)OH D1 Region 2 (#4)
2012-05-19 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-100H 14.98 NWIOH D1 St. Francis District (#2)
2012-04-27 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-100H 15.16 NWINancy Erme Relays (#1)
2012-06-02 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-100H 15.16 pre w(0.2)OH D1 State Meet (#14)
2012-05-11 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-100H 15.25 pre NWITRAC Conference Meet (#1)
2012-05-25 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-300H 45.41 OH#34 pre OH D1 Region 2 (#4)
2012-05-19 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-300H 45.58 OH D1 St. Francis District (#3)
2012-05-11 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-300H 46.75 TRAC Conference Meet (#1)
2012-05-11 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-300H 47.00 pre TRAC Conference Meet (#1)
2012-05-25 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-300H 47.05 OH D1 Region 2 (#6)
2012-05-05 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-300H 47.25 Fremont Invitational (#2)
2012-05-19 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-300H 47.35 pre OH D1 St. Francis District (#1)
2012-04-21 Hampton, Jean (2012) G-300H 47.86 Bill Krause Invitational (#2)
2012-04-27 Harmon, Sydni (2013) G-SP 35'1" Nancy Erme Relays (#3)
2012-05-19 Girls Relay G-4x100 48.94 OH#19 OH D1 St. Francis District (#1)
2012-05-25 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.15 OH D1 Region 2 (#2)
2012-05-11 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.40 TRAC Conference Meet (#1)
2012-05-25 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.46 pre OH D1 Region 2 (#2)
2012-06-02 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.79 pre OH D1 State Meet (#13)
2012-05-19 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.82 pre OH D1 St. Francis District (#1)
2012-05-19 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:03.41 OH#66 OH D1 St. Francis District (#1)
2012-05-11 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:04.55 TRAC Conference Meet (#2)
2012-05-25 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:05.00 OH D1 Region 2 (#8)

2012 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-02-05 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.58 OH#5 Oiler HS Invitational (#3)
2012-03-03 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-55 6.59 OH#6 U of Findlay HS Invitational #3 (#2)
2012-01-21 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.63 U of Findlay HS Invitational (#2)
2012-03-03 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.64 U of Findlay HS Invitational #3 (#4)
2012-02-05 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.66 pre Oiler HS Invitational (#1)
2012-01-21 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.70 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational (#2)
2012-03-03 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-55 6.70 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational #3 (#4)
2012-03-03 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.72 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational #3 (#5)
2012-01-14 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.11 OH#33 W Ohio Officials Invitational (#2)
2012-03-24 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.15 Huron Relays (#2)
2012-02-11 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.18 Trine HS Invitational #4 (#3)
2012-01-14 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.18 OH#54 W Ohio Officials Invitational (#4)
2012-01-28 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.18 Sid Sink Open (#6)
2012-03-24 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.19 pre Huron Relays (#2)
2012-03-24 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.20 Huron Relays (#3)
2012-01-14 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.21 pre W Ohio Officials Invitational (#6)
2012-01-28 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.22 pre Sid Sink Open (#2)
2012-01-14 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.26 pre W Ohio Officials Invitational (#7)
2012-03-24 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.27 pre Huron Relays (#4)
2012-01-28 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.28 pre Sid Sink Open (#1)
2012-02-11 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.29 pre Trine HS Invitational #4 (#1)
2012-02-05 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.96 OH#35 Oiler HS Invitational (#1)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-07-10 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.85 OH#8 w(1.1)USATF JO Region 5 (#1)
2011-04-29 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.91 NWISt. Francis deSales Knight Relays (#1)
2011-07-29 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.98 pre w(3.2)USATF Ntl JO IBIG Day 4 (#5)
2011-04-09 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 11.15 NWIWhittmer Gold Invitational (#1)
2011-04-02 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 11.16 NWILima Invitational (#1)
2011-04-02 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 11.28 pre NWILima Invitational (#1)
2011-07-28 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 21.87 pre w(2.6)USATF Ntl JO IBIG Day 3 (#8)
2011-07-28 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 21.96 pre w(2.9)USATF Ntl JO IBIG Day 3 (#6)
2011-07-10 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.31 OH#41 w(1.7)USATF JO Region 5 (#2)
2011-04-02 Stump, Josh (2011) B-400 52.04 OH#89 Lima Invitational (#1)
2011-05-13 Dimick, Andy B-800 1:59.31 Toledo City League Championship (#3)
2011-04-09 McNichol, Tommy (2011) B-1600 4:37.07 OH#68 Whittmer Gold Invitational (#3)
2011-04-09 Buchholz, Connor (2011) B-3200 10:00.01 OH#72 Whittmer Gold Invitational (#2)
2011-04-02 Buchholz, Connor (2011) B-3200 10:11.05 Lima Invitational (#1)
2011-05-13 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 39.08 OH#28 Toledo City League Championship (#1)
2011-05-21 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 39.26 OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#2)
2011-05-21 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 39.86 pre OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#1)
2011-05-27 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 39.89 OH D1 Amherst Regional (#8)
2011-05-07 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 40.28 Fremont Invitational (#1)
2011-05-13 Hunsinger, Christian (2011) B-300H 40.89 Toledo City League Championship (#6)
2011-04-09 Hunsinger, Christian (2011) B-300H 40.98 Whittmer Gold Invitational (#3)
2011-05-07 Hunsinger, Christian (2011) B-300H 41.09 Fremont Invitational (#2)
2011-05-21 Hunsinger, Christian (2011) B-300H 41.90 OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#6)
2011-05-13 Cameron, Kyle B-SP 51'6.25" OH#72 Toledo City League Championship (#2)
2011-05-21 Cameron, Kyle B-SP 50'11.25" pre OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#1)
2011-05-21 Cameron, Kyle B-SP 50'11.25" OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#2)
2011-05-27 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.24 OH#7 OH D1 Amherst Regional (#1)
2011-06-04 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.32 pre OH D1 State Meet (#5)
2011-05-21 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.39 OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#1)
2011-05-21 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.45 pre OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-02-05 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.58 OH#5 Oiler HS Invitational (#3)
2012-03-03 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-55 6.59 OH#6 U of Findlay HS Invitational #3 (#2)
2011-03-05 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.60 OH#8 U. Findlay Invitational Div 1 (#2)
2012-01-21 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.63 U of Findlay HS Invitational (#2)
2012-03-03 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.64 U of Findlay HS Invitational #3 (#4)
2012-02-05 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.66 pre Oiler HS Invitational (#1)
2011-02-06 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.67 Oiler Invitational (#2)
2011-03-05 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.69 pre U. Findlay Invitational Div 1 (#3)
2012-01-21 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.70 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational (#2)
2012-03-03 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-55 6.70 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational #3 (#4)
2012-03-03 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.72 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational #3 (#5)
2011-02-06 Stump, Josh (2011) B-55 6.75 Oiler Invitational (#4)
2011-01-23 Stump, Josh (2011) B-55 6.75 OH#35 pre U. Findlay Invitational (#8)
2011-02-06 Sowle, Willis (2011) B-55 6.76 OH#39 Oiler Invitational (#5)
2011-02-06 Sowle, Willis (2011) B-55 6.79 pre Oiler Invitational (#4)
2011-02-06 Stump, Josh (2011) B-55 6.80 pre Oiler Invitational (#5)
2011-02-06 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.81 pre Oiler Invitational (#7)
2011-01-23 Freeman, James (2013) B-55 6.83 pre U. Findlay Invitational (#11)
2010-03-06 Stump, Josh (2011) B-55 6.83 OH#56 Findlay Invite II D1 (#6)
2013-03-02 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 6.99 US#79 OH#13 M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#1)
2013-03-23 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.06 Huron Relays (#1)
2013-01-19 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.06 U of Findlay HS Invitational #1 (#1)
2013-01-26 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.06 Sid Sink HS Indoor Invitational (#2)
2013-01-19 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.10 OH#33 U of Findlay HS Invitational #1 (#2)
2012-01-14 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.11 OH#33 W Ohio Officials Invitational (#2)
2013-02-16 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.12 Tiffin U HS Meet #3 (#2)
2013-01-12 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.13 Tiffin Univ HS Invitational #1 (#1)
2013-01-26 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.13 pre Sid Sink HS Indoor Invitational (#1)
2013-03-02 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.14 pre M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#2)
2012-03-24 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.15 Huron Relays (#2)
2011-02-19 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.16 OH#26 Pokagon Invite #4 (#3)
2013-03-23 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.17 pre Huron Relays (#1)
2013-01-12 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.18 Tiffin Univ HS Invitational #1 (#2)
2012-02-11 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.18 Trine HS Invitational #4 (#3)
2012-01-14 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.18 OH#54 W Ohio Officials Invitational (#4)
2012-01-28 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.18 Sid Sink Open (#6)
2012-03-24 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.19 pre Huron Relays (#2)
2013-01-12 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.20 pre Tiffin Univ HS Invitational #1 (#1)
2013-02-16 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.20 pre Tiffin U HS Meet #3 (#2)
2013-01-19 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.20 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational #1 (#2)
2012-03-24 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.20 Huron Relays (#3)
2013-03-23 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.20 Huron Relays (#5)
2012-01-14 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.21 pre W Ohio Officials Invitational (#6)
2012-01-28 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.22 pre Sid Sink Open (#2)
2011-02-19 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.24 pre Pokagon Invite #4 (#5)
2013-01-12 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.26 pre Tiffin Univ HS Invitational #1 (#2)
2013-01-19 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.26 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational #1 (#3)
2012-01-14 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.26 pre W Ohio Officials Invitational (#7)
2012-03-24 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.27 pre Huron Relays (#4)
2012-01-28 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.28 pre Sid Sink Open (#1)
2012-02-11 Freeman, James (2013) B-60 7.29 pre Trine HS Invitational #4 (#1)
2013-03-23 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60 7.32 pre Huron Relays (#7)
2013-05-31 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.53 US#22 OH#3 pre w(-0.9)OH D1 Region 2 (#3)
2013-06-30 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.70 NWIAAU Area 12 National Qualifier (#1)
2013-06-08 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.77 pre w(1.2)OH D1 State Champs (#11)
2013-05-31 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.78 w(1.3)OH D1 Region 2 (#3)
2011-07-10 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.85 OH#8 w(1.1)USATF JO Region 5 (#1)
2013-07-24 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.86 pre w(1.1)USATF National Junior Olympics - YM/YW (#27)
2013-06-15 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.86 w(0)Midwest Meet of Champions (#3)
2011-04-29 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.91 NWISt. Francis deSales Knight Relays (#1)
2013-05-11 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-100 10.92 NWIFremont Invitational (#1)
2013-05-11 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.93 NWIFremont Invitational (#2)
2013-05-25 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.94 NWIOH D1 St. Francis District (#2)
2011-07-29 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 10.98 pre w(3.2)USATF Ntl JO IBIG Day 4 (#5)
2011-04-09 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 11.15 NWIWhittmer Gold Invitational (#1)
2011-04-02 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 11.16 NWILima Invitational (#1)
2011-04-02 Freeman, James (2013) B-100 11.28 pre NWILima Invitational (#1)
2011-07-28 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 21.87 pre w(2.6)USATF Ntl JO IBIG Day 3 (#8)
2013-05-31 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 21.96 OH#17 pre w(0)OH D1 Region 2 (#4)
2011-07-28 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 21.96 pre w(2.9)USATF Ntl JO IBIG Day 3 (#6)
2013-05-31 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.22 w(0.2)OH D1 Region 2 (#6)
2013-07-24 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.27 pre w(1.3)USATF National Junior Olympics - YM/YW (#45)
2013-05-25 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.31 NWIOH D1 St. Francis District (#2)
2011-07-10 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.31 OH#41 w(1.7)USATF JO Region 5 (#2)
2013-06-30 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.33 pre NWIAAU Area 12 National Qualifier (#5)
2013-08-03 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.43 pre w(-0.6)AAU Junior Olympic Championships (#40)
2013-06-30 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.49 NWIAAU Area 12 National Qualifier (#5)
2012-02-05 Freeman, James (2013) B-200 22.96 OH#35 Oiler HS Invitational (#1)
2011-04-02 Stump, Josh (2011) B-400 52.04 OH#89 Lima Invitational (#1)
2012-05-19 Murrey, Shawn (2013) B-800 1:58.54 OH D1 St. Francis District (#5)
2011-05-13 Dimick, Andy B-800 1:59.31 Toledo City League Championship (#3)
2011-04-09 McNichol, Tommy (2011) B-1600 4:37.07 OH#68 Whittmer Gold Invitational (#3)
2011-04-09 Buchholz, Connor (2011) B-3200 10:00.01 OH#72 Whittmer Gold Invitational (#2)
2011-04-02 Buchholz, Connor (2011) B-3200 10:11.05 Lima Invitational (#1)
2013-03-02 Freeman, James (2013) B-60H 8.33 OH#17 M-F Athletic D1 HS Invitational (#3)
2013-02-16 Taylor, Aaron (2013) B-60H 8.41 OH#25 Gazelle Sports Elite Meet (#4)
2010-05-22 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-110H 14.00 NWIOH D1 Districts (#2)
2010-05-26 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-110H 14.65 OH#29 w(-2.8)OH D1 Region - Amherst (#4)
2010-05-22 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-110H 14.75 pre NWIOH D1 Districts (#1)
2010-06-05 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-110H 14.78 pre w(-2.9)OH 1A State Meet (#4)
2010-06-05 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-110H 14.78 pre NWIOH Div. 1 State Meet (#4)
2010-06-05 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-110H 14.81 w(-0.9)OH 1A State Meet (#6)
2010-06-05 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-110H 14.81 NWIOH Div. 1 State Meet (#6)
2010-05-26 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-110H 14.88 pre w(-2)OH D1 Region - Amherst (#4)
2010-05-22 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-110H 14.90 pre NWIOH D1 Districts (#1)
2012-05-25 Wilson, Tyler (2012) B-110H 14.93 OH#36 w(0)OH D1 Region 2 (#5)
2010-05-26 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-300H 38.12 OH#8 OH D1 Region - Amherst (#2)
2010-05-22 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-300H 38.20 OH D1 Districts (#1)
2010-06-05 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-300H 38.52 pre OH Div. 1 State Meet (#3)
2010-06-05 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-300H 38.52 pre OH 1A State Meet (#3)
2010-06-05 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-300H 38.55 OH Div. 1 State Meet (#6)
2010-06-05 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-300H 38.55 OH 1A State Meet (#6)
2010-05-26 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-300H 39.01 pre OH D1 Region - Amherst (#2)
2011-05-13 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 39.08 OH#28 Toledo City League Championship (#1)
2011-05-21 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 39.26 OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#2)
2010-05-22 Duhart, Gerren (2010) B-300H 39.38 pre OH D1 Districts (#1)
2011-05-21 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 39.86 pre OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#1)
2011-05-27 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 39.89 OH D1 Amherst Regional (#8)
2010-05-26 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 40.01 OH#75 pre OH D1 Region - Amherst (#10)
2010-05-22 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 40.07 OH D1 Districts (#4)
2010-05-22 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 40.22 pre OH D1 Districts (#1)
2011-05-07 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 40.28 Fremont Invitational (#1)
2011-05-13 Hunsinger, Christian (2011) B-300H 40.89 Toledo City League Championship (#6)
2011-04-09 Hunsinger, Christian (2011) B-300H 40.98 Whittmer Gold Invitational (#3)
2011-05-07 Hunsinger, Christian (2011) B-300H 41.09 Fremont Invitational (#2)
2009-04-25 Gant, David (2009) B-300H 41.12 Bill Krause Invitational (#1)
2009-04-25 Gant, David (2009) B-300H 41.12 Piqua Invitational (#1)
2009-05-15 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 41.13 Toledo City League Meet (#5)
2010-04-17 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 41.18 U. Toledo Invitational (#2)
2009-04-18 Gant, David (2009) B-300H 41.19 Dublin Coffman Classic (#2)
2010-05-01 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 41.22 Don Mitchell Roosevelt Memorial (#7)
2009-05-01 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 41.42 Knight Relays (#5)
2011-05-21 Hunsinger, Christian (2011) B-300H 41.90 OH D1 Toledo St. Francis District (#6)
2009-04-18 Stump, Josh (2011) B-300H 41.91 Dublin Coffman Classic (#7)
2011-05-13 Cameron, Kyle B-SP 51'6.25" OH#72 Toledo City League Championship (#2)
Continue with next 125 performances

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