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School Name: Unattached, MI

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-08-08 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-100 10.96 MI#10 pre w(0.1)AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 17-18 (#29)
2015-05-16 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-200 21.97 NWIMI Regional 5-1 @ North Farmington (#1)
2015-07-05 Jackson, Will (2015) B-800 1:59.76 MI#87 AAU JO Region 12 Qualifier (#4)
2015-08-08 Jackson, Will (2015) B-800 1:59.91 pre AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 17-18 (#15)
2015-05-16 Crawford, Thomas (2015) B-300H 40.88 MI#60 ID 3A State Meet (#2)
2015-05-16 Crawford, Thomas (2015) B-300H 41.00 pre ID 3A State Meet (#2)
2015-05-30 Leftwich, Joshua (2015) B-LJ 22'1.5" NWIMI LP D2 State Meet (#3)
2015-08-08 Foreman, Gevon (2015) B-SP 53'1.5" MI#14 AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 17-18 (#7)
2015-07-05 Foreman, Gevon (2015) B-SP 51'9.5" AAU JO Region 12 Qualifier (#2)
2015-07-18 Foreman, Gevon (2015) B-SP 51'0" AAU National Club Championships (#1)
2015-08-08 Foreman, Gevon (2015) B-DT 165'10" MI#12 AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 17-18 (#3)
2015-07-05 Brooks, Miyah (00) G-100 12.48 NWIAAU JO Region 12 Qualifier (#2)
2015-07-05 Battle, Anavia (2017) G-100 12.49 pre NWIAAU JO Region 12 Qualifier (#2)
2015-08-08 Battle, Anavia (2017) G-200 25.27 pre w(2.7)AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 15-16 (#28)
2015-07-05 Battle, Anavia (2017) G-200 25.67 NWIAAU JO Region 12 Qualifier (#3)
2015-07-05 Battle, Anavia (2017) G-200 25.74 pre NWIAAU JO Region 12 Qualifier (#4)
2015-07-05 Hoops, Taylor (97) G-200 25.75 pre NWIAAU JO Region 12 Qualifier (#6)
2015-07-05 Hoops, Taylor (97) G-200 25.81 NWIAAU JO Region 12 Qualifier (#7)
2015-08-08 Pittman, J'Laan (2015) G-100H 15.08 w(2.2)AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 17-18 (#6)
2015-07-05 Hoops, Taylor (97) G-100H 15.17 pre NWIAAU JO Region 12 Qualifier (#3)
2015-08-08 Dziatczak, Taylor G-LJ 17'3.25" w(2.4)AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 15-16 (#19)
2015-08-08 Bansen, Abigail (2017) G-TJ 35'5.25" MI#1 w(0)AAU Junior Olympics National Championships 15-16 (#12)
2015-05-15 Johnson, Riley (2015) G-SP 36'7.25" MI#56 MI Regional 7-1 @ Milford (#1)
2015-07-12 Johnson, Riley (2015) G-DT 140'5" MI#3 USATF JO Region 5 Qualifier (#1)
2015-05-15 Johnson, Riley (2015) G-DT 126'1" MI Regional 7-1 @ Milford (#2)
2015-07-05 Vangieson, Amy (2015) G-JT 131'4" MI#1 AAU JO Region 12 Qualifier (#1)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-15 Onwuzurike, Chiebu B-55 6.58 MI#3 pre enr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#30)
2015-03-14 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-55 6.58 MI#3 pre enr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#8)
2015-03-14 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-55 6.61 enr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#9)
2015-01-31 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-60 6.99 US#99 MI#7 MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#1)
2015-01-31 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-60 7.01 pre MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#1)
2015-03-15 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-60 7.06 MI#12 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#6)
2015-02-28 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-60 7.08 MITS State Championships (#4)
2014-12-20 Dunwaoody-Spears, Keysha B-60 7.09 MI#18 pre MITS #1 @SVSU (#2)
2015-03-15 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-60 7.09 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#33)
2015-02-19 Onwuzurike, Chiebu B-60 7.11 MI#21 MITS #6 @EMU (#4)
2015-03-14 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-60 7.11 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#9)
2015-01-29 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-60 7.13 MITS #4 @ UofM (#4)
2015-02-19 Onwuzurike, Chiebu B-60 7.13 pre MITS #6 @EMU (#5)
2015-02-20 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.14 MI#26 MITS #6 @ UofM (#1)
2015-02-28 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.14 MITS State Championships (#7)
2015-01-02 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-60 7.15 MITS #1 @ UofM (#9)
2015-02-05 Eddleston, Joey (2015) B-60 7.17 MI#36 MITS #4 @EMU (#5)
2015-01-15 Adoboe-Herrera, Kw (2015) B-60 7.19 MI#41 MITS #3 @EMU (#2)
2015-01-15 Stepansky, Gavin (2016) B-60 7.19 MI#41 MITS #3 @EMU (#3)
2015-02-05 Carson, Michael B-60 7.19 MI#41 MITS #4 @EMU (#6)
2014-12-20 Goodlae, Corey B-60 7.19 MI#41 pre MITS #1 @SVSU (#7)
2015-02-28 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.19 MITS State Championships (#9)
2015-01-16 Adoboe-Herrera, Kwami (2015) B-60 7.20 MI#46 MITS #2 @ UofM (#2)
2015-02-20 Eddleston, Joey (2015) B-60 7.20 MITS #6 @ UofM (#3)
2015-02-07 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.20 pre MITS #3 @ SVSU (#8)
2015-01-02 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-60 7.21 MITS #1 @ UofM (#12)
2015-01-16 Harris, Hunter (2017) B-60 7.21 MI#48 MITS #2 @ UofM (#3)
2015-01-31 Collier, DeShow B-60 7.21 MI#48 MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#4)
2015-02-28 Adoboe-Herrera, Kwami (2015) B-60 7.22 MITS State Championships (#11)
2015-01-29 Edwards, John (2016) B-60 7.22 MI#52 MITS #4 @ UofM (#5)
2015-02-07 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.22 MITS #3 @ SVSU (#6)
2015-01-29 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.23 MITS #4 @ UofM (#6)
2015-02-19 Maher, Riley B-60 7.23 MI#56 pre MITS #6 @EMU (#7)
2015-01-17 Erickson, Nolan B-60 7.24 MI#58 MITS #1 @Hillsdale (#1)
2015-02-13 Eddleston, Joey (2015) B-60 7.24 MITS #5 @ UofM (#3)
2015-01-17 Henderson, Dylan (2016) B-60 7.24 MI#58 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#34)
2015-02-05 Eddleston, Joey (2015) B-60 7.24 pre MITS #4 @EMU (#5)
2015-01-16 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.25 MITS #2 @ UofM (#4)
2015-01-08 Adoboe-Herrera, Kwami (2015) B-60 7.25 MITS #2 @EMU (#5)
2015-02-05 Carson, Michael B-60 7.25 pre MITS #4 @EMU (#6)
2015-01-29 Rempillo, Ranz (2015) B-60 7.25 MI#61 MITS #4 @ UofM (#9)
2015-02-28 Morton*, Jaeveyon (2018) B-60 7.26 MI#64 MITS State Championships (#14)
2015-02-13 Harris, Hunter (2017) B-60 7.26 MITS #5 @ UofM (#4)
2015-02-05 Jackson, J'Ante (2015) B-60 7.26 MI#64 MITS #4 @EMU (#8)
2015-01-17 Young, Bryce (2015) B-60 7.26 MI#64 pre MITS #2 @ SVSU (#9)
2015-01-02 Leftwich, Joshua (2015) B-60 7.27 MI#69 MITS #1 @ UofM (#15)
2015-01-31 Ellis, Sam (2015) B-60 7.27 pre MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#5)
2015-01-31 Ellis, Sam (2015) B-60 7.27 MI#69 MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#5)
2015-01-16 Edwards, Jonathan (2016) B-60 7.27 MI#69 MITS #2 @ UofM (#5)
2015-02-12 Young, Bryce (2015) B-60 7.28 pre MITS #5 @EMU (#10)
2015-01-29 Jackson, J'Ante (2015) B-60 7.28 MITS #4 @ UofM (#11)
2015-01-29 Braggs, Tony (2015) B-60 7.28 MI#74 MITS #4 @ UofM (#11)
2015-02-07 Morrison, Michael (2015) B-60 7.28 MI#74 pre MITS #3 @ SVSU (#11)
2015-02-12 Morton*, Jaeveyon (2018) B-60 7.29 pre MITS #5 @EMU (#11)
2015-02-28 Adoboe-Herrera, Kwami (2015) B-60 7.29 MITS State Championships (#13)
2015-02-28 Morton*, Jaeveyon (2018) B-60 7.29 MITS State Championships (#14)
2015-01-02 Eddleston, Joey (2015) B-60 7.29 MITS #1 @ UofM (#16)
2015-01-22 Morton*, Jaeveyon (2018) B-60 7.29 MITS #3 @ UofM (#7)
2015-02-13 Ellis, Sam (2015) B-60 7.29 MITS #5 @ UofM (#7)
2015-01-29 Leclerc, Evan (2017) B-60 7.30 MI#80 MITS #4 @ UofM (#13)
2015-03-26 Young, Bryce (2015) B-60 7.30 AA Run Company Spring Preview (#2)
2015-03-20 Wojnowski, Billy (2016) B-60 7.30 MI#80 GVSU D3/4 Invitational (#4)
2015-01-10 Henderson, Dylan (2016) B-60 7.30 pre Texas A&M HS Indoor Classic (#45)
2015-01-31 Dobbins, Dante B-60 7.30 MI#80 MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#7)
2015-01-22 Edwards, John (2016) B-60 7.30 MITS #3 @ UofM (#8)
2015-03-26 Young, Bryce (2015) B-60 7.31 pre AA Run Company Spring Preview (#1)
2015-01-17 Erickson, Nolan B-60 7.31 pre MITS #1 @Hillsdale (#1)
2015-01-17 Minor, Tyler (2015) B-60 7.31 MI#86 pre MITS #2 @ SVSU (#10)
2015-02-19 Adoboe-Herrera, Kw (2015) B-60 7.31 pre MITS #6 @EMU (#11)
2015-02-20 Adoboe-Herrera, Kwami (2015) B-60 7.31 MITS #6 @ UofM (#4)
2015-01-08 Jackson, J'Ante (2015) B-60 7.31 MITS #2 @EMU (#6)
2015-02-05 Jackson, J'Ante (2015) B-60 7.31 pre MITS #4 @EMU (#8)
2015-02-05 Togui, Nicolas (2015) B-60 7.32 MI#90 pre MITS #4 @EMU (#10)
2015-01-17 Lewis, Jaylen B-60 7.32 MI#90 pre MITS #2 @ SVSU (#11)
2015-02-19 Rempillo, Ranz (2015) B-60 7.32 pre MITS #6 @EMU (#12)
2015-02-19 Hickerson, Austin (2015) B-60 7.32 pre MITS #6 @EMU (#13)
2015-01-29 Morton*, Jaeveyon (2018) B-60 7.32 MITS #4 @ UofM (#14)
2015-02-28 Zalapi, Noah (2016) B-60 7.32 MI#90 MITS State Championships (#15)
2015-01-15 Hickerson, Austin (2015) B-60 7.32 MI#90 MITS #3 @EMU (#4)
2015-02-05 Morton*, Jaeveyon (2018) B-60 7.32 pre MITS #4 @EMU (#9)
2015-01-22 Graham, David (2018) B-60 7.32 MI#90 MITS #3 @ UofM (#9)
2015-01-22 Zalapi, Noah (2016) B-60 7.33 MITS #3 @ UofM (#11)
2015-02-05 Graham Jr., David (2018) B-60 7.33 pre MITS #4 @EMU (#11)
2015-02-07 Malafa, Njoh B-60 7.33 pre MITS #3 @ SVSU (#14)
2015-02-13 Meyers, Khance (2017) B-60 7.33 MITS #2 @ Aquinas (#5)
2015-01-16 Eddleston, Joey (2015) B-60 7.33 MITS #2 @ UofM (#6)
2015-01-31 Collier, DeShow B-60 7.33 pre MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#7)
2015-01-31 Rogan, Khalil B-60 7.33 MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#8)
2015-01-31 Rogan, Khalil B-60 7.33 pre MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#8)
2014-12-06 Meyers, Khance (2017) B-60 7.33 MITS #1 @GVSU (#3)
2014-12-06 Bailey, Ashley B-60 7.34 MITS #1 @GVSU (#4)
2015-01-22 Morrison, Michael (2015) B-60 7.34 MITS #3 @ UofM (#12)
2015-02-28 Wojnowski, Billy (2016) B-60 7.34 MITS State Championships (#17)
2015-01-29 Gignac, Joseph (2015) B-60 7.34 MITS #4 @ UofM (#18)
2014-12-20 Edwards, Jonathan (2016) B-60 7.34 pre MITS #1 @SVSU (#9)
2015-01-18 Barense, Chandler B-60 7.55 AAU Northern Indoor Championships (#4)
2015-01-18 Barense, Chandler B-60 7.56 pre AAU Northern Indoor Championships (#2)
2015-02-28 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-200 22.53 MI#8 MITS State Championships (#2)
2015-01-31 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-200 22.70 MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-15 Onwuzurike, Chiebu B-55 6.58 MI#3 pre enr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#30)
2015-03-14 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-55 6.58 MI#3 pre enr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#8)
2015-03-14 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-55 6.61 enr to 60 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#9)
2012-02-18 Palmer, Marcus B-55 6.63 MI#8 MITS - Hillsdale (#2)
2014-03-15 Wright, Myles (2014) B-55 6.64 MI#6 - pre enr to 60m New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#17)
2014-03-15 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-55 6.71 MI#7 - pre enr to 60m New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#26)
2012-02-18 Huntley, Zach B-55 6.73 MI#10 MITS - Hillsdale (#4)
2011-02-11 Cremeans, Michael B-55 6.83 MI#7 MITS Albion #2 (#1)
2011-02-11 Cremeans, Michael B-55 6.83 pre MITS Albion #2 (#1)
2012-03-03 Nolan, Archie (2012) B-55 6.83 MI#14 U of Findlay HS Invitational #3 (#10)
2012-02-18 Willis, Sam B-55 6.83 MI#14 MITS - Hillsdale (#5)
2012-01-05 Redman, Kyle B-60 6.94 US#44 MI#4 MITS UofM Meet (#1)
2010-01-14 Green, Melvin B-60 6.97 US#52 MI#6 EMU MITS #1 (#1)
2015-01-31 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-60 6.99 US#99 MI#7 MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#1)
2014-02-13 Smith, Blake (2014) B-60 6.99 US#90 MI#7 MITS @ Hillsdale #3 (#1)
2014-02-22 Smith, Blake (2014) B-60 7.00 MI MITS Indoor Championships (#5)
2015-01-31 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-60 7.01 pre MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#1)
2011-02-26 Pewee, Max B-60 7.02 US#86 MI#7 MI State MITS (#6)
2011-02-26 Pewee, Max B-60 7.03 pre MI State MITS (#6)
2012-01-16 Emig, Mike B-60 7.04 MI#9 MITS MSU Meet #1 (#1)
2011-01-07 Redman, Kyle B-60 7.04 US#97 MI#9 MITS U. Michigan (#1)
2014-02-13 Smith, Blake (2014) B-60 7.04 pre MITS @ Hillsdale #3 (#1)
2011-01-22 Pewee, Max B-60 7.05 MITS GVSU #3 (#1)
2012-02-18 Emig, Mike B-60 7.06 MITS-GVSU #2 (#2)
2015-03-15 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-60 7.06 MI#12 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#6)
2015-02-28 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-60 7.08 MITS State Championships (#4)
2011-02-26 Pewee, Max B-60 7.08 pre MI State MITS (#4)
2014-12-20 Dunwaoody-Spears, Keysha B-60 7.09 MI#18 pre MITS #1 @SVSU (#2)
2014-01-16 Smith, Blake (2014) B-60 7.09 MITS @ UofM #3 (#3)
2015-03-15 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-60 7.09 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#33)
2014-02-22 Smith, Blake (2014) B-60 7.09 MI MITS Indoor Championships (#5)
2011-02-26 Mitchell, Aaron B-60 7.09 MI#14 pre MI State MITS (#8)
2014-02-08 Debordelabi, Antho B-60 7.11 MI#19 MITS @ SVSU #4 (#1)
2012-01-16 Stovalm, Jalen B-60 7.11 MI#14 MITS MSU Meet #1 (#3)
2015-02-19 Onwuzurike, Chiebu B-60 7.11 MI#21 MITS #6 @EMU (#4)
2014-02-22 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.11 MI#19 MI MITS Indoor Championships (#7)
2015-03-14 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-60 7.11 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#9)
2012-02-18 Emig, Mike B-60 7.12 pre MITS-GVSU #2 (#2)
2014-01-20 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.12 MITS @ EMU #1 (#3)
2011-01-22 Mitchell, Aaron B-60 7.12 MITS GVSU #3 (#3)
2015-01-29 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-60 7.13 MITS #4 @ UofM (#4)
2015-02-19 Onwuzurike, Chiebu B-60 7.13 pre MITS #6 @EMU (#5)
2015-02-20 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.14 MI#26 MITS #6 @ UofM (#1)
2014-02-08 Banks, Jamil B-60 7.14 MI#25 MITS @ SVSU #4 (#2)
2014-02-22 Minor, Tyler (2015) B-60 7.14 MI#25 MI MITS Indoor Championships (#3)
2014-01-11 Smith, Blake (2014) B-60 7.14 MITS @ GVSU #2 (#5)
2015-02-28 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.14 MITS State Championships (#7)
2011-02-26 Mitchell, Aaron B-60 7.14 MI State MITS (#8)
2014-02-22 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.14 MI MITS Indoor Championships (#8)
2015-01-02 Smith, Donatiss (2015) B-60 7.15 MITS #1 @ UofM (#9)
2014-03-15 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.15 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#17)
2014-02-28 Onwurike, Chibuka (2016) B-60 7.15 MI#30 M-F Athletic Invitational (#2)
2014-02-08 Debordelabi, Antho B-60 7.16 pre MITS @ SVSU #4 (#1)
2014-01-11 Dedadelaben, Antho B-60 7.16 MI#32 pre MITS @ SVSU #2 (#1)
2011-02-26 Mitchell, Aaron B-60 7.16 pre MI State MITS (#9)
2014-02-15 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.16 pre Spire Scholastic Showcase (#9)
2014-01-31 Kelly, John B-60 7.17 MI#38 pre MITS @ GVSU #3 (#3)
2011-01-29 Salter, Trevon (2011) B-60 7.17 MI#26 pre MITS SVSU #3 (#4)
2015-02-05 Eddleston, Joey (2015) B-60 7.17 MI#36 MITS #4 @EMU (#5)
2014-02-22 Barense, Chandler B-60 7.17 MI#38 MI MITS Indoor Championships (#6)
2014-01-23 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.17 MITS @ UofM #4 (#6)
2012-01-16 Emig, Mike B-60 7.18 pre 10 MITS MSU Meet #1 (#1)
2012-02-18 Yarborough, Alton B-60 7.18 MI#24 pre U-Kentucky Invitational (#16)
2010-01-14 Dortch, Bryant B-60 7.18 MI#34 EMU MITS #1 (#3)
2012-02-16 Yarborough, Alton B-60 7.18 MITS-UofM #6 (#4)
2014-01-03 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.18 MITS @ UofM #1 (#6)
2014-01-11 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.18 MITS @ GVSU #2 (#8)
2014-02-15 Kelly, John B-60 7.19 pre Spire Scholastic Showcase (#12)
2015-01-15 Adoboe-Herrera, Kw (2015) B-60 7.19 MI#41 MITS #3 @EMU (#2)
2014-02-08 Banks, Jamil B-60 7.19 pre MITS @ SVSU #4 (#2)
2011-01-15 Mitchell, Aaron B-60 7.19 MITS SVSU #2 (#2)
2015-01-15 Stepansky, Gavin (2016) B-60 7.19 MI#41 MITS #3 @EMU (#3)
2013-12-27 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.19 SPIRE Scholastic Holiday Classic (#4)
2012-01-16 Lee, Cederic B-60 7.19 MI#26 MITS MSU Meet #1 (#5)
2015-02-05 Carson, Michael B-60 7.19 MI#41 MITS #4 @EMU (#6)
2014-12-20 Goodlae, Corey B-60 7.19 MI#41 pre MITS #1 @SVSU (#7)
2015-02-28 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.19 MITS State Championships (#9)
2015-01-16 Adoboe-Herrera, Kwami (2015) B-60 7.20 MI#46 MITS #2 @ UofM (#2)
2015-02-20 Eddleston, Joey (2015) B-60 7.20 MITS #6 @ UofM (#3)
2012-02-02 Kelly, Kassius B-60 7.20 MI#28 MITS UofM #4 (#5)
2015-02-07 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.20 pre MITS #3 @ SVSU (#8)
2015-01-02 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-60 7.21 MITS #1 @ UofM (#12)
2015-01-16 Harris, Hunter (2017) B-60 7.21 MI#48 MITS #2 @ UofM (#3)
2012-01-26 Banks, Jamil B-60 7.21 MI#29 MITS - UofM Meet #4 (#3)
2015-01-31 Collier, DeShow B-60 7.21 MI#48 MITS #2 @Hillsdale (#4)
2014-02-12 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.21 MITS @ UofM #6 (#8)
2014-01-11 Cambrell, Ken B-60 7.21 MI#54 MITS @ GVSU #2 (#9)
2014-02-12 Dade, Jonathan (2014) B-60 7.22 MI#55 MITS @ UofM #6 (#10)
2015-02-28 Adoboe-Herrera, Kwami (2015) B-60 7.22 MITS State Championships (#11)
2014-03-15 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-60 7.22 MI#55 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#26)
2011-01-17 Salter, Trevon (2011) B-60 7.22 MITS MSU #1 (#4)
2011-01-08 Salter, Trevon (2011) B-60 7.22 MITS GVSU #1 (#4)
2011-01-08 Salter, Trevon (2011) B-60 7.22 MITS Grand Valley #1 (#4)
2015-01-29 Edwards, John (2016) B-60 7.22 MI#52 MITS #4 @ UofM (#5)
2015-02-07 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.22 MITS #3 @ SVSU (#6)
2014-01-20 Bardell, John (2014) B-60 7.22 MI#55 MITS @ MSU #1 (#6)
2014-01-29 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.22 MITS @ UofM #5 (#7)
2012-02-16 Banks, Jamil B-60 7.22 MITS-UofM #6 (#8)
2011-12-17 William, Wanya B-60 7.23 MI#36 SVSU-MITS Meet #1 (#3)
2012-01-20 Bramwell, Drelan B-60 7.23 MI#36 MITS UofM #3 (#4)
2014-01-20 Onwvzurike, Chiebuka (2016) B-60 7.23 MITS @ EMU #1 (#5)
2015-01-29 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.23 MITS #4 @ UofM (#6)
2014-01-25 Abdoboe, Kwami B-60 7.23 MI#64 pre Sid Sink HS Invitational (#6)
2015-02-19 Maher, Riley B-60 7.23 MI#56 pre MITS #6 @EMU (#7)
2014-01-20 Minor, Tyler (2015) B-60 7.23 MITS @ MSU #1 (#7)
2011-01-07 Mitchell, Aaron B-60 7.23 MITS U. Michigan (#9)
2015-01-17 Erickson, Nolan B-60 7.24 MI#58 MITS #1 @Hillsdale (#1)
2012-01-16 Stovalm, Jalen B-60 7.24 pre 6 MITS MSU Meet #1 (#1)
2014-02-22 Banks, Jamil B-60 7.24 MI MITS Indoor Championships (#11)
2015-02-13 Eddleston, Joey (2015) B-60 7.24 MITS #5 @ UofM (#3)
2015-01-17 Henderson, Dylan (2016) B-60 7.24 MI#58 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#34)
2015-02-05 Eddleston, Joey (2015) B-60 7.24 pre MITS #4 @EMU (#5)
2014-02-08 Onwurike, Chibuka (2016) B-60 7.24 pre MITS @ SVSU #4 (#5)
2014-02-08 Wright, Myles (2014) B-60 7.24 pre MITS @ SVSU #4 (#6)
2014-01-29 Adoboe-Herrera, Kwami (2015) B-60 7.24 MI#66 MITS @ UofM #5 (#9)
2014-01-04 Bardell, John (2014) B-60 7.25 pre MITS @ CMU #1 (#1)
2013-01-12 Olive-Abinojar, Dewan B-60 7.25 MI#42 MITS GVSU #1 (#1)
2015-01-16 Collier, De'shon (2016) B-60 7.25 MITS #2 @ UofM (#4)
2015-01-08 Adoboe-Herrera, Kwami (2015) B-60 7.25 MITS #2 @EMU (#5)
2014-01-16 Rempillo, Ranz (2015) B-60 7.25 MI#72 MITS @ UofM #3 (#6)
2015-02-05 Carson, Michael B-60 7.25 pre MITS #4 @EMU (#6)
2014-02-28 Onwurike, Chibuka (2016) B-60 7.25 pre M-F Athletic Invitational (#6)
2014-01-03 Hendricks, Tyler (2014) B-60 7.25 MI#72 MITS @ UofM #1 (#8)
2015-01-29 Rempillo, Ranz (2015) B-60 7.25 MI#61 MITS #4 @ UofM (#9)
2010-01-14 More, Terrance B-60 7.26 MI#55 EMU MITS #1 (#1)
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Aitken, Lexi Texas Christian University, TX (Big Twelve Conference)

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