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School Name: North Little Rock, AR
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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-07 Jones, Kaleb B-800 1:58.91 AR#7 AR 7A State Meet (#3)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-08 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-100 10.74 AR#1 w(0.2)AR 7A Championships (#2)
2014-05-02 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-100 10.87 w(1.5)7A East/Central Conference (#2)
2014-05-08 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.89 AR#8 w(0.2)AR 7A Championships (#6)
2014-05-08 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.90 pre w(3)AR 7A Championships (#6)
2014-04-25 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-100 10.91 NWIMcDonald Relays (#3)
2014-04-25 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.96 NWIMcDonald Relays (#4)
2014-05-08 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 21.70 AR#1 w(1.5)AR 7A Championships (#1)
2014-04-25 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 21.99 NWIMcDonald Relays (#1)
2014-05-08 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.06 pre w(3)AR 7A Championships (#3)
2014-05-17 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.11 NWIAR Meet Of Champions (#1)
2014-05-02 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.21 w(-1.1)7A East/Central Conference (#1)
2014-05-08 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.27 pre w(2.5)AR 7A Championships (#4)
2014-04-25 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.27 NWIMcDonald Relays (#5)
2014-03-20 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.31 NWIBryant Relays (#2)
2014-05-02 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.41 pre w(-0.6)7A East/Central Conference (#5)
2014-05-17 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.45 NWIAR Meet Of Champions (#5)
2014-04-11 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.47 w(0.8)Fayetteville Bulldog Relays (#1)
2014-04-16 Smith, Clayton (2014) B-PV 14'6" AR#8 National Guard LRSD Invitational (#1)
2014-04-25 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.52 AR#7 McDonald Relays (#2)
2014-05-02 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.80 7A East/Central Conference (#2)
2014-05-08 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.83 AR 7A Championships (#2)
2014-05-17 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.83 AR Meet Of Champions (#4)
2014-05-08 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.95 pre AR 7A Championships (#2)
2014-04-10 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.97 Conway Wampus Cat Relays (#2)
2014-04-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.18 National Guard LRSD Invitational (#2)
2014-04-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.26 Fayetteville Bulldog Relays (#2)
2014-05-02 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:24.38 AR#6 7A East/Central Conference (#1)
2014-04-04 Monk, Malika (2015) G-HJ 5'5" AR#3 Cyclone Relays (#1)
2014-03-20 Monk, Malika (2015) G-HJ 5'4" Bryant Relays (#1)
2014-04-01 Monk, Malika (2015) G-HJ 5'3" Cabot Wal Mart Invitational (#1)
2014-04-04 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'11" US#55 AR#2 w(1.6)Cyclone Relays (#1)
2014-04-10 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'5.5" NWIConway Wampus Cat Relays (#1)
2014-03-20 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'3.5" NWIBryant Relays (#1)
2014-04-16 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'0.5" NWINational Guard LRSD Invitational (#1)
2014-04-01 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'0" w(1.4)Cabot Wal Mart Invitational (#2)
2014-05-02 Veasey, Jabreonia (2017) G-LJ 17'3" AR#15 w(-1.1)7A East/Central Conference (#3)
2014-05-08 Veasey, Jabreonia (2017) G-LJ 17'3" w(0)AR 7A Championships (#6)
2014-04-10 Monk, Malika (2015) G-TJ 38'8.5" NWIConway Wampus Cat Relays (#1)
2014-03-20 Monk, Malika (2015) G-TJ 35'11.25" NWIBryant Relays (#1)
2014-04-16 Monk, Malika (2015) G-TJ 35'10.5" NWINational Guard LRSD Invitational (#3)
2014-04-01 Monk, Malika (2015) G-TJ 35'1.75" NWICabot Wal Mart Invitational (#4)
2014-04-10 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.98 AR#11 Conway Wampus Cat Relays (#1)

2014 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-01-18 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-60 7.33 AR#7 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#28)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-02 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.56 w(5.2)AR 7A State Champs (#1)
2013-04-25 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.74 w(2.3)AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-05-11 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.79 AR#2 w(-0.2)AR State Meet of Champions (#2)
2013-05-02 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.88 pre w(3.5)AR 7A State Champs (#1)
2013-05-02 Tenpenny, Altee (2013) B-100 10.94 w(5.2)AR 7A State Champs (#5)
2013-05-02 Tenpenny, Altee (2013) B-100 10.96 pre w(3.5)AR 7A State Champs (#5)
2013-05-11 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 21.75 NWIAR State Meet of Champions (#1)
2013-05-02 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.14 pre w(3.7)AR 7A State Champs (#1)
2013-04-25 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.21 NWIAR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-04-25 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.42 pre w(2.5)AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-04-11 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.48 NWIConway Wampus Cat Relays (#1)
2013-05-02 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.48 pre w(2.9)AR 7A State Champs (#2)
2013-04-25 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-300H 40.22 AR#7 AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-05-02 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-300H 41.75 AR 7A State Champs (#3)
2013-04-25 Tenpenny, Altee (2013) B-LJ 22'7" AR#4 w(1.9)AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-04-25 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-LJ 22'0.25" AR#7 w(1.9)AR 7A Central Conference (#2)
2013-04-11 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 46'1" NWIConway Wampus Cat Relays (#1)
2013-04-25 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 45'7.75" AR#2 w(0.4)AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-05-02 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 45'4.75" w(-1.2)AR 7A State Champs (#2)
2013-04-05 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 45'0.5" NWICyclone Relays (#2)
2013-05-11 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 44'4.25" w(0.4)AR State Meet of Champions (#4)
2013-03-28 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 44'1" NWIVilonia Relays (#2)
2013-03-14 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 43'7" NWIBryant Relays (#1)
2013-04-25 Lindsey, Marcus (2013) B-DT 163'7" AR#3 AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-04-25 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.47 AR#3 AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-05-02 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.49 pre AR 7A State Champs (#1)
2013-04-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.74 Conway Wampus Cat Relays (#1)
2013-03-14 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.74 Bryant Relays (#1)
2013-03-28 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.40 Vilonia Relays (#1)
2013-04-05 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.49 Cyclone Relays (#4)
2013-04-25 Nelson, Lagradia (2015) G-200 25.95 w(2.5)AR 7A Central Conference (#3)
2013-04-25 Nelson, Lagradia (2015) G-200 25.96 AR#14 pre w(0.1)AR 7A Central Conference (#2)
2013-04-05 Monk, Malika (2015) G-HJ 5'5" AR#4 Cyclone Relays (#2)
2013-05-11 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'5.25" w(6.6)AR State Meet of Champions (#3)
2013-04-25 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'1.75" NWIAR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-03-28 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 17'7" NWIVilonia Relays (#1)
2013-05-02 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 17'4.75" AR#8 w(-0.6)AR 7A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-11 Monk, Malika (2015) G-TJ 37'9" AR#1 w(1.3)AR State Meet of Champions (#1)
2013-04-25 Monk, Malika (2015) G-TJ 36'0" w(2.9)AR 7A Central Conference (#2)
2013-03-28 Monk, Malika (2015) G-TJ 35'5" NWIVilonia Relays (#1)
2013-05-11 Girls Relay G-4x100 47.87 AR#3 AR State Meet of Champions (#3)
2013-04-25 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.44 AR 7A Central Conference (#1)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-04-26 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 43'10.5" AR#12 w(-1.5)AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2012-03-29 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 43'5" NWIVilonia Relays (#1)
2012-04-06 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 43'3.5" w(-1.1)Russellville Relays (#4)
2012-05-03 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 43'2" NWIAR 7A State Meet (#5)
2012-05-12 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.00 AR#2 AR Meet Of Champions (#2)
2012-05-03 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.60 AR 7A State Meet (#1)
2012-05-03 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.85 pre AR 7A State Meet (#2)
2012-04-03 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.34 Little Rock Invitational (#3)
2012-03-29 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.37 Vilonia Relays (#1)
2012-04-06 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.49 Russellville Relays (#2)
2012-04-26 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.83 AR 7A Central Conference (#5)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-08-02 Terry, Antrell (2010) B-200 22.44 AR#7 pre w(-1.1)AAU JO Ntl Championships Day 4 (#32)
2011-08-05 Terry, Antrell (2010) B-400 48.67 AR#4 pre AAU JO Ntl Championships Day 7 (#9)
2011-03-17 Montemayor, Alberto (2011) B-800 1:58.23 AR#5 Bryant Relays (#3)
2011-05-05 Montemayor, Alberto (2011) B-800 1:59.04 AR State 7A (#3)
2011-04-05 Montemayor, Alberto (2011) B-800 1:59.26 Little Rock Invite (#1)
2011-04-07 Montemayor, Alberto (2011) B-800 1:59.97 Walmart Invite (#1)
2011-05-14 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 38.79 AR#2 AR Meet of Champions (#1)
2011-05-05 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 39.06 AR State 7A (#2)
2011-04-28 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 39.65 AR 7A Central Conf (#1)
2011-05-05 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 40.23 pre AR State 7A (#1)
2011-04-28 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 40.43 pre AR 7A Central Conf (#1)
2011-04-01 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 40.59 Russellville Relays (#2)
2011-04-07 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 41.35 Walmart Invite (#1)
2011-04-07 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.23 AR#12 Walmart Invite (#1)
2011-05-05 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.44 pre AR State 7A (#7)
2011-04-01 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.47 Russellville Relays (#1)
2011-04-28 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.75 AR 7A Central Conf (#6)
2011-04-14 Armstrong, Kiara (2011) G-200 25.81 AR#7 w(-0.3)Conway Relays (#1)
2011-05-05 Armstrong, Kiara (2011) G-200 25.86 pre w(-1.1)AR State 7A (#1)
2011-04-01 McAllister, Antania (2011) G-200 25.99 NWIRussellville Relays (#2)
2011-05-05 Armstrong, Kiara (2011) G-400 58.26 AR#4 AR State 7A (#2)
2011-05-05 Williams, Daijasha (2011) G-400 59.35 AR#9 AR State 7A (#4)
2011-04-28 McAllister, Antania (2011) G-400 59.39 AR#10 AR 7A Central Conf (#1)
2011-05-05 McAllister, Antania (2011) G-400 59.48 AR State 7A (#5)
2011-05-14 Armstrong, Kiara (2011) G-400 59.72 AR Meet of Champions (#5)
2011-04-28 Williams, Daijasha (2011) G-400 59.94 AR 7A Central Conf (#2)

2011 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-02-19 Willis, Wayne B-60 7.23 AR#12 pre AR 5A-7A State (#9)
2011-02-19 Williams, Chris (2011) B-TJ 42'5.5" AR#6 AR 5A-7A State (#6)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-02-20 Terry, Antrell (2010) B-60 7.23 Arkansas State 5-7A (#5)
2010-01-31 Terry, Antrell (2010) B-60 7.23 AR#8 pre Baymont Fazoli Invitational (#7)
2011-02-19 Willis, Wayne B-60 7.23 AR#12 pre AR 5A-7A State (#9)
2014-01-18 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-60 7.33 AR#7 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#28)
2013-05-02 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.56 w(5.2)AR 7A State Champs (#1)
2013-04-25 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.74 w(2.3)AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2014-05-08 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-100 10.74 AR#1 w(0.2)AR 7A Championships (#2)
2013-05-11 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.79 AR#2 w(-0.2)AR State Meet of Champions (#2)
2014-05-02 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-100 10.87 w(1.5)7A East/Central Conference (#2)
2013-05-02 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.88 pre w(3.5)AR 7A State Champs (#1)
2014-05-08 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.89 AR#8 w(0.2)AR 7A Championships (#6)
2014-05-08 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.90 pre w(3)AR 7A Championships (#6)
2014-04-25 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-100 10.91 NWIMcDonald Relays (#3)
2013-05-02 Tenpenny, Altee (2013) B-100 10.94 w(5.2)AR 7A State Champs (#5)
2014-04-25 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-100 10.96 NWIMcDonald Relays (#4)
2013-05-02 Tenpenny, Altee (2013) B-100 10.96 pre w(3.5)AR 7A State Champs (#5)
2014-05-08 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 21.70 AR#1 w(1.5)AR 7A Championships (#1)
2013-05-11 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 21.75 NWIAR State Meet of Champions (#1)
2014-04-25 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 21.99 NWIMcDonald Relays (#1)
2014-05-08 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.06 pre w(3)AR 7A Championships (#3)
2014-05-17 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.11 NWIAR Meet Of Champions (#1)
2013-05-02 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.14 pre w(3.7)AR 7A State Champs (#1)
2014-05-02 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.21 w(-1.1)7A East/Central Conference (#1)
2013-04-25 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.21 NWIAR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2014-05-08 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.27 pre w(2.5)AR 7A Championships (#4)
2014-04-25 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.27 NWIMcDonald Relays (#5)
2014-03-20 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.31 NWIBryant Relays (#2)
2014-05-02 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.41 pre w(-0.6)7A East/Central Conference (#5)
2013-04-25 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.42 pre w(2.5)AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2011-08-02 Terry, Antrell (2010) B-200 22.44 AR#7 pre w(-1.1)AAU JO Ntl Championships Day 4 (#32)
2014-05-17 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.45 NWIAR Meet Of Champions (#5)
2014-04-11 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.47 w(0.8)Fayetteville Bulldog Relays (#1)
2013-04-11 Alexander, Kavin (2014) B-200 22.48 NWIConway Wampus Cat Relays (#1)
2013-05-02 Louden, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.48 pre w(2.9)AR 7A State Champs (#2)
2010-02-20 Terry, Antrell (2010) B-200 22.94 AR#4 Arkansas State 5-7A (#3)
2010-05-08 Terry, Antrell (2010) B-400 48.60 AR#2 AR Meet of Champions (#1)
2011-08-05 Terry, Antrell (2010) B-400 48.67 AR#4 pre AAU JO Ntl Championships Day 7 (#9)
2011-03-17 Montemayor, Alberto (2011) B-800 1:58.23 AR#5 Bryant Relays (#3)
2015-05-07 Jones, Kaleb B-800 1:58.91 AR#7 AR 7A State Meet (#3)
2011-05-05 Montemayor, Alberto (2011) B-800 1:59.04 AR State 7A (#3)
2011-04-05 Montemayor, Alberto (2011) B-800 1:59.26 Little Rock Invite (#1)
2011-04-07 Montemayor, Alberto (2011) B-800 1:59.97 Walmart Invite (#1)
2011-05-14 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 38.79 AR#2 AR Meet of Champions (#1)
2011-05-05 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 39.06 AR State 7A (#2)
2011-04-28 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 39.65 AR 7A Central Conf (#1)
2013-04-25 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-300H 40.22 AR#7 AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2011-05-05 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 40.23 pre AR State 7A (#1)
2011-04-28 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 40.43 pre AR 7A Central Conf (#1)
2011-04-01 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 40.59 Russellville Relays (#2)
2011-04-07 Williams, Chris (2011) B-300H 41.35 Walmart Invite (#1)
2013-05-02 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-300H 41.75 AR 7A State Champs (#3)
2013-04-25 Tenpenny, Altee (2013) B-LJ 22'7" AR#4 w(1.9)AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-04-25 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-LJ 22'0.25" AR#7 w(1.9)AR 7A Central Conference (#2)
2013-04-11 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 46'1" NWIConway Wampus Cat Relays (#1)
2013-04-25 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 45'7.75" AR#2 w(0.4)AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-05-02 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 45'4.75" w(-1.2)AR 7A State Champs (#2)
2013-04-05 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 45'0.5" NWICyclone Relays (#2)
2013-05-11 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 44'4.25" w(0.4)AR State Meet of Champions (#4)
2013-03-28 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 44'1" NWIVilonia Relays (#2)
2012-04-26 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 43'10.5" AR#12 w(-1.5)AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-03-14 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 43'7" NWIBryant Relays (#1)
2012-03-29 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 43'5" NWIVilonia Relays (#1)
2012-04-06 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 43'3.5" w(-1.1)Russellville Relays (#4)
2012-05-03 Butler, Martinez (2013) B-TJ 43'2" NWIAR 7A State Meet (#5)
2011-02-19 Williams, Chris (2011) B-TJ 42'5.5" AR#6 AR 5A-7A State (#6)
2014-04-16 Smith, Clayton (2014) B-PV 14'6" AR#8 National Guard LRSD Invitational (#1)
2013-04-25 Lindsey, Marcus (2013) B-DT 163'7" AR#3 AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2008-05-21 Boys Relay B-4x100 41.92 AR#2 AR State Meet of Champs OUT (#1)
2012-05-12 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.00 AR#2 AR Meet Of Champions (#2)
2013-04-25 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.47 AR#3 AR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2013-05-02 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.49 pre AR 7A State Champs (#1)
2014-04-25 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.52 AR#7 McDonald Relays (#2)
2012-05-03 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.60 AR 7A State Meet (#1)
2013-04-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.74 Conway Wampus Cat Relays (#1)
2013-03-14 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.74 Bryant Relays (#1)
2014-05-02 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.80 7A East/Central Conference (#2)
2014-05-08 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.83 AR 7A Championships (#2)
2014-05-17 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.83 AR Meet Of Champions (#4)
2012-05-03 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.85 pre AR 7A State Meet (#2)
2014-05-08 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.95 pre AR 7A Championships (#2)
2014-04-10 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.97 Conway Wampus Cat Relays (#2)
2014-04-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.18 National Guard LRSD Invitational (#2)
2011-04-07 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.23 AR#12 Walmart Invite (#1)
2014-04-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.26 Fayetteville Bulldog Relays (#2)
2012-04-03 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.34 Little Rock Invitational (#3)
2012-03-29 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.37 Vilonia Relays (#1)
2013-03-28 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.40 Vilonia Relays (#1)
2011-05-05 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.44 pre AR State 7A (#7)
2011-04-01 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.47 Russellville Relays (#1)
2012-04-06 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.49 Russellville Relays (#2)
2013-04-05 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.49 Cyclone Relays (#4)
2011-04-28 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.75 AR 7A Central Conf (#6)
2012-04-26 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.83 AR 7A Central Conference (#5)
2014-05-02 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:24.38 AR#6 7A East/Central Conference (#1)
2011-04-14 Armstrong, Kiara (2011) G-200 25.81 AR#7 w(-0.3)Conway Relays (#1)
2011-05-05 Armstrong, Kiara (2011) G-200 25.86 pre w(-1.1)AR State 7A (#1)
2013-04-25 Nelson, Lagradia (2015) G-200 25.95 w(2.5)AR 7A Central Conference (#3)
2013-04-25 Nelson, Lagradia (2015) G-200 25.96 AR#14 pre w(0.1)AR 7A Central Conference (#2)
2011-04-01 McAllister, Antania (2011) G-200 25.99 NWIRussellville Relays (#2)
2011-01-15 Armstrong, Kiara (2011) G-200 26.60 AR#5 pre Arkansas Invitational (#35)
2010-02-20 McAllister, Antania (2011) G-200 26.91 AR#3 Arkansas State 5-7A (#3)
2011-02-19 Armstrong, Kiara (2011) G-200 26.98 AR 5A-7A State (#8)
2010-05-08 McAllister, Antania (2011) G-400 58.17 AR#4 AR Meet of Champions (#4)
2011-05-05 Armstrong, Kiara (2011) G-400 58.26 AR#4 AR State 7A (#2)
2010-05-08 Armstrong, Kiara (2011) G-400 58.73 AR#5 AR Meet of Champions (#5)
2011-05-05 Williams, Daijasha (2011) G-400 59.35 AR#9 AR State 7A (#4)
2011-04-28 McAllister, Antania (2011) G-400 59.39 AR#10 AR 7A Central Conf (#1)
2011-05-05 McAllister, Antania (2011) G-400 59.48 AR State 7A (#5)
2011-05-14 Armstrong, Kiara (2011) G-400 59.72 AR Meet of Champions (#5)
2011-04-28 Williams, Daijasha (2011) G-400 59.94 AR 7A Central Conf (#2)
2014-04-04 Monk, Malika (2015) G-HJ 5'5" AR#3 Cyclone Relays (#1)
2013-04-05 Monk, Malika (2015) G-HJ 5'5" AR#4 Cyclone Relays (#2)
2014-03-20 Monk, Malika (2015) G-HJ 5'4" Bryant Relays (#1)
2014-04-01 Monk, Malika (2015) G-HJ 5'3" Cabot Wal Mart Invitational (#1)
2014-04-04 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'11" US#55 AR#2 w(1.6)Cyclone Relays (#1)
2014-04-10 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'5.5" NWIConway Wampus Cat Relays (#1)
2013-05-11 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'5.25" w(6.6)AR State Meet of Champions (#3)
2014-03-20 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'3.5" NWIBryant Relays (#1)
2013-04-25 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'1.75" NWIAR 7A Central Conference (#1)
2014-04-16 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'0.5" NWINational Guard LRSD Invitational (#1)
2014-04-01 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 18'0" w(1.4)Cabot Wal Mart Invitational (#2)
2013-03-28 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 17'7" NWIVilonia Relays (#1)
2013-05-02 Monk, Malika (2015) G-LJ 17'4.75" AR#8 w(-0.6)AR 7A State Champs (#2)
2014-05-02 Veasey, Jabreonia (2017) G-LJ 17'3" AR#15 w(-1.1)7A East/Central Conference (#3)
2014-05-08 Veasey, Jabreonia (2017) G-LJ 17'3" w(0)AR 7A Championships (#6)
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