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School Name: Lake Minneola, FL
City: Minneola
State Division: 4A

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2015 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-10-03 Smith, Tanner (2016) B-5k_XC 16:23.36 FL#91 East Ridge Knights Dungeon Invitational (#3)

2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-16 Gilliam, Xavier (2016) B-100 10.96 FL#90 w(1.5)FL 3A District 6 (#3)
2015-03-26 Gilliam, Xavier (2016) B-100 11.29 NWILake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2015-04-16 Gilliam, Xavier (2016) B-200 22.52 w(1.5)FL 3A District 6 (#4)
2015-04-22 Gilliam, Xavier (2016) B-200 23.03 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#11)
2015-04-16 Smith, Tanner (2016) B-1600 4:38.34 FL 3A District 6 (#4)
2015-03-20 Smith, Tanner (2016) B-1600 4:39.49 Royal Invitational (#8)
2015-03-26 Smith, Tanner (2016) B-1600 4:39.51 Lake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2015-04-22 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.62 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#4)
2015-03-26 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.63 NWILake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2015-02-20 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.64 w(1.2)Carl Friedland Memorial Invitational (#1)
2015-03-20 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.70 NWIRoyal Invitational (#3)
2015-04-22 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.75 NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#6)
2015-03-20 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.80 pre NWIRoyal Invitational (#3)
2015-04-16 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.92 w(1.6)FL 3A District 6 (#4)
2015-04-16 Brown, Avery (2015) B-HJ 6'4" FL 3A District 6 (#1)
2015-03-26 Brown, Avery (2015) B-HJ 6'4" FL#31 Lake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2015-04-22 Brown, Avery (2015) B-HJ 6'4" FL 3A Region 2 (#2)
2015-03-20 Brown, Avery (2015) B-HJ 6'2" Royal Invitational (#1)
2015-05-02 Brown, Avery (2015) B-HJ 6'2" FL 3A State Meet (#10)
2015-03-20 Mccoy, Bryndan (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Royal Invitational (#2)
2015-04-22 Mccoy, Bryndan (2016) B-HJ 6'0" FL 3A Region 2 (#7)
2015-04-22 Brown, Avery (2015) B-LJ 23'4.5" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#2)
2015-05-02 Brown, Avery (2015) B-LJ 23'0.75" FL#8 w(-0.6)FL 3A State Meet (#4)
2015-04-16 Brown, Avery (2015) B-LJ 22'9" NWIFL 3A District 6 (#1)
2015-03-20 Brown, Avery (2015) B-LJ 22'8" NWIRoyal Invitational (#2)
2015-03-26 Brown, Avery (2015) B-LJ 21'4.5" NWILake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2015-04-16 Brown, Anthony (2015) B-LJ 21'4" NWIFL 3A District 6 (#4)
2015-04-22 Brown, Anthony (2015) B-LJ 21'3" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#8)
2015-04-22 Brown, Avery (2015) B-TJ 45'3" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#5)
2015-04-16 Brown, Avery (2015) B-TJ 45'2.25" NWIFL 3A District 6 (#1)
2015-03-26 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.45 Lake-Sumter County Championships (#2)
2015-04-22 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:30.24 FL 3A Region 2 (#8)
2015-04-16 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:33.82 FL 3A District 6 (#3)
2015-04-16 D'Ambrosio, Alex (2018) G-100 12.84 w(0.6)FL 3A District 6 (#3)
2015-04-22 D'Ambrosio, Alex (2018) G-100 12.87 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#11)
2015-02-20 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100 12.94 w(0.7)Carl Friedland Memorial Invitational (#4)
2015-04-22 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-200 25.56 NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#5)
2015-04-16 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-200 25.63 FL#87 w(0.4)FL 3A District 6 (#2)
2015-04-22 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-200 25.70 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#6)
2015-04-16 D'Ambrosio, Alex (2018) G-200 26.08 w(0.4)FL 3A District 6 (#3)
2015-04-22 D'Ambrosio, Alex (2018) G-200 26.15 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#9)
2015-05-23 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-200 26.38 NWIGolden South Classic (#7)
2015-03-24 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-200 26.71 NWILake Sumter - Freshman Sophomore County Championships (#1)
2015-04-16 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 15.32 w(2.6)FL 3A District 6 (#1)
2015-04-22 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 15.35 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#2)
2015-04-22 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 15.36 NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#2)
2015-03-24 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 15.65 NWILake Sumter - Freshman Sophomore County Championships (#1)
2015-03-20 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 16.16 pre w(1.3)Royal Invitational (#2)
2015-05-02 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 16.32 pre w(0.9)FL 3A State Meet (#16)
2015-03-26 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 16.33 NWILake-Sumter County Championships (#3)
2015-03-20 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 16.44 NWIRoyal Invitational (#2)
2015-05-02 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 18'5.5" FL#9 w(-2)FL 3A State Meet (#5)
2015-04-16 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 18'3" NWIFL 3A District 6 (#1)
2015-05-23 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 18'1.75" w(1.8)Golden South Classic (#5)
2015-03-26 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 18'1" NWILake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2015-04-22 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 17'9.5" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#3)
2015-03-20 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 16'8.5" NWIRoyal Invitational (#1)
2015-03-24 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 16'5.5" NWILake Sumter - Freshman Sophomore County Championships (#1)
2015-02-20 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 16'0.5" NWICarl Friedland Memorial Invitational (#4)
2015-05-23 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-TJ 34'11.75" FL#42 w(0)Golden South Classic (#3)
2015-04-16 Bennett, Tiffany (2016) G-TJ 34'6" NWIFL 3A District 6 (#2)
2015-03-20 Bennett, Tiffany (2016) G-TJ 33'4" NWIRoyal Invitational (#4)
2015-04-22 Bell, Kyla (2017) G-TJ 33'3" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#12)
2015-05-23 Bennett, Tiffany (2016) G-TJ 33'1.75" FL#64 w(1.8)Golden South Classic (#7)
2015-04-22 Bennett, Tiffany (2016) G-TJ 32'11.75" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#13)
2015-03-20 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.24 pre Royal Invitational (#1)
2015-03-26 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.29 Lake-Sumter County Championships (#2)
2015-04-16 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.51 FL 3A District 6 (#2)
2015-04-22 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.63 pre FL 3A Region 2 (#9)
2015-03-20 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.91 Royal Invitational (#4)
2015-05-02 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:09.76 FL#94 FL 3A State Meet (#16)
2015-04-22 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:10.17 FL 3A Region 2 (#4)
2015-04-16 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:14.97 FL 3A District 6 (#2)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-04-23 Brown, Anthony (2015) B-LJ 22'3.75" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#5)
2014-03-21 Rodriguez, Haley G-300H 48.00 Hawks Open (#1)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-04-18 Jernigan, Terry B-100 10.95 NWIFL 3A District 5 (#4)
2013-03-07 Jernigan, Terry B-100 10.96 NWIHawks on the Hill Invitational (#1)
2013-04-18 Boney, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.17 NWIFL 3A District 5 (#3)
2013-04-24 Boney, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.45 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#11)
2013-04-18 Christie, Darren (2013) B-300H 40.51 FL#91 FL 3A District 5 (#2)
2013-04-18 Christie, Darren (2013) B-300H 40.92 pre FL 3A District 5 (#1)

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-04-18 Jernigan, Terry B-100 10.95 NWIFL 3A District 5 (#4)
2013-03-07 Jernigan, Terry B-100 10.96 NWIHawks on the Hill Invitational (#1)
2015-04-16 Gilliam, Xavier (2016) B-100 10.96 FL#90 w(1.5)FL 3A District 6 (#3)
2015-03-26 Gilliam, Xavier (2016) B-100 11.29 NWILake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2013-04-18 Boney, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.17 NWIFL 3A District 5 (#3)
2013-04-24 Boney, Anthony (2014) B-200 22.45 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#11)
2015-04-16 Gilliam, Xavier (2016) B-200 22.52 w(1.5)FL 3A District 6 (#4)
2015-04-22 Gilliam, Xavier (2016) B-200 23.03 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#11)
2015-04-16 Smith, Tanner (2016) B-1600 4:38.34 FL 3A District 6 (#4)
2015-03-20 Smith, Tanner (2016) B-1600 4:39.49 Royal Invitational (#8)
2015-03-26 Smith, Tanner (2016) B-1600 4:39.51 Lake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2015-04-22 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.62 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#4)
2015-03-26 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.63 NWILake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2015-02-20 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.64 w(1.2)Carl Friedland Memorial Invitational (#1)
2015-03-20 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.70 NWIRoyal Invitational (#3)
2015-04-22 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.75 NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#6)
2015-03-20 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.80 pre NWIRoyal Invitational (#3)
2015-04-16 O'Donnell, Ryan (2015) B-110H 15.92 w(1.6)FL 3A District 6 (#4)
2013-04-18 Christie, Darren (2013) B-300H 40.51 FL#91 FL 3A District 5 (#2)
2013-04-18 Christie, Darren (2013) B-300H 40.92 pre FL 3A District 5 (#1)
2015-04-16 Brown, Avery (2015) B-HJ 6'4" FL 3A District 6 (#1)
2015-03-26 Brown, Avery (2015) B-HJ 6'4" FL#31 Lake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2015-04-22 Brown, Avery (2015) B-HJ 6'4" FL 3A Region 2 (#2)
2015-03-20 Brown, Avery (2015) B-HJ 6'2" Royal Invitational (#1)
2015-05-02 Brown, Avery (2015) B-HJ 6'2" FL 3A State Meet (#10)
2015-03-20 Mccoy, Bryndan (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Royal Invitational (#2)
2015-04-22 Mccoy, Bryndan (2016) B-HJ 6'0" FL 3A Region 2 (#7)
2015-04-22 Brown, Avery (2015) B-LJ 23'4.5" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#2)
2015-05-02 Brown, Avery (2015) B-LJ 23'0.75" FL#8 w(-0.6)FL 3A State Meet (#4)
2015-04-16 Brown, Avery (2015) B-LJ 22'9" NWIFL 3A District 6 (#1)
2015-03-20 Brown, Avery (2015) B-LJ 22'8" NWIRoyal Invitational (#2)
2014-04-23 Brown, Anthony (2015) B-LJ 22'3.75" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#5)
2015-03-26 Brown, Avery (2015) B-LJ 21'4.5" NWILake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2015-04-16 Brown, Anthony (2015) B-LJ 21'4" NWIFL 3A District 6 (#4)
2015-04-22 Brown, Anthony (2015) B-LJ 21'3" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#8)
2015-04-22 Brown, Avery (2015) B-TJ 45'3" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#5)
2015-04-16 Brown, Avery (2015) B-TJ 45'2.25" NWIFL 3A District 6 (#1)
2015-03-26 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.45 Lake-Sumter County Championships (#2)
2015-04-22 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:30.24 FL 3A Region 2 (#8)
2015-04-16 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:33.82 FL 3A District 6 (#3)
2015-04-16 D'Ambrosio, Alex (2018) G-100 12.84 w(0.6)FL 3A District 6 (#3)
2015-04-22 D'Ambrosio, Alex (2018) G-100 12.87 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#11)
2015-02-20 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100 12.94 w(0.7)Carl Friedland Memorial Invitational (#4)
2015-04-22 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-200 25.56 NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#5)
2015-04-16 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-200 25.63 FL#87 w(0.4)FL 3A District 6 (#2)
2015-04-22 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-200 25.70 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#6)
2015-04-16 D'Ambrosio, Alex (2018) G-200 26.08 w(0.4)FL 3A District 6 (#3)
2015-04-22 D'Ambrosio, Alex (2018) G-200 26.15 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#9)
2015-05-23 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-200 26.38 NWIGolden South Classic (#7)
2015-03-24 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-200 26.71 NWILake Sumter - Freshman Sophomore County Championships (#1)
2015-04-16 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 15.32 w(2.6)FL 3A District 6 (#1)
2015-04-22 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 15.35 pre NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#2)
2015-04-22 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 15.36 NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#2)
2015-03-24 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 15.65 NWILake Sumter - Freshman Sophomore County Championships (#1)
2015-03-20 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 16.16 pre w(1.3)Royal Invitational (#2)
2015-05-02 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 16.32 pre w(0.9)FL 3A State Meet (#16)
2015-03-26 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 16.33 NWILake-Sumter County Championships (#3)
2015-03-20 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-100H 16.44 NWIRoyal Invitational (#2)
2014-03-21 Rodriguez, Haley G-300H 48.00 Hawks Open (#1)
2015-05-02 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 18'5.5" FL#9 w(-2)FL 3A State Meet (#5)
2015-04-16 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 18'3" NWIFL 3A District 6 (#1)
2015-05-23 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 18'1.75" w(1.8)Golden South Classic (#5)
2015-03-26 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 18'1" NWILake-Sumter County Championships (#1)
2015-04-22 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 17'9.5" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#3)
2015-03-20 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 16'8.5" NWIRoyal Invitational (#1)
2015-03-24 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 16'5.5" NWILake Sumter - Freshman Sophomore County Championships (#1)
2015-02-20 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-LJ 16'0.5" NWICarl Friedland Memorial Invitational (#4)
2015-05-23 Ellis, Javonia (2017) G-TJ 34'11.75" FL#42 w(0)Golden South Classic (#3)
2015-04-16 Bennett, Tiffany (2016) G-TJ 34'6" NWIFL 3A District 6 (#2)
2015-03-20 Bennett, Tiffany (2016) G-TJ 33'4" NWIRoyal Invitational (#4)
2015-04-22 Bell, Kyla (2017) G-TJ 33'3" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#12)
2015-05-23 Bennett, Tiffany (2016) G-TJ 33'1.75" FL#64 w(1.8)Golden South Classic (#7)
2015-04-22 Bennett, Tiffany (2016) G-TJ 32'11.75" NWIFL 3A Region 2 (#13)
2015-03-20 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.24 pre Royal Invitational (#1)
2015-03-26 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.29 Lake-Sumter County Championships (#2)
2015-04-16 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.51 FL 3A District 6 (#2)
2015-04-22 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.63 pre FL 3A Region 2 (#9)
2015-03-20 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.91 Royal Invitational (#4)
2015-05-02 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:09.76 FL#94 FL 3A State Meet (#16)
2015-04-22 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:10.17 FL 3A Region 2 (#4)
2015-04-16 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:14.97 FL 3A District 6 (#2)
2015-10-03 Smith, Tanner (2016) B-5k_XC 16:23.36 FL#91 East Ridge Knights Dungeon Invitational (#3)

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