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School Name: North Lawndale Charter, IL
State Division: AA

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-11 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 10.93 NWIRantoul Boys Invitational (#1)
2015-05-01 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 10.96 NWIGene Ward Invitational (#1)
2015-05-29 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.01 pre w(2.5)IL 2A Boys State Prelims (#11)
2015-05-06 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.04 pre NWICPS Boys Varsity Trials (#2)
2015-05-06 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.04 NWICPS Boys Varsity Trials (#2)
2015-05-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.10 NWIIL 2A Marshall Boys Sectional (#1)
2015-05-01 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.12 NWIGene Ward Invitational (#6)
2015-05-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.15 pre NWIIL 2A Marshall Boys Sectional (#1)
2015-04-18 Pope, Terril (2015) B-100 11.29 NWIWindy City Relays (#5)
2015-04-17 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.32 IL#77 w(0)Orr Spartan Invitational (#1)
2015-05-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 22.53 NWIIL 2A Marshall Boys Sectional (#2)
2015-05-09 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 22.61 NWIChicago Public League City Championships (#3)
2015-05-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 22.84 pre NWIIL 2A Marshall Boys Sectional (#1)
2015-05-29 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 22.87 IL#74 pre w(-3.4)IL 2A Boys State Prelims (#9)
2015-05-01 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 22.89 NWIGene Ward Invitational (#4)
2015-05-30 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 23.03 w(1)IL 2A Boys State Finals (#9)
2015-05-06 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 23.08 NWICPS Boys Varsity Trials (#8)
2015-05-09 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 23.08 NWIChicago Public League City Championships (#8)
2015-05-01 Pope, Terril (2015) B-200 23.19 NWIGene Ward Invitational (#8)
2015-05-06 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 23.29 pre NWICPS Boys Varsity Trials (#13)
2015-05-21 Pope, Terril (2015) B-200 23.35 pre NWIIL 2A Marshall Boys Sectional (#6)
2015-04-11 Johnson, Andre (2016) B-200 23.36 NWIRantoul Boys Invitational (#1)
2015-05-29 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.49 IL#88 pre IL 2A Boys State Prelims (#17)
2015-05-21 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.77 IL 2A Marshall Boys Sectional (#1)
2015-05-01 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.81 Gene Ward Invitational (#5)
2015-04-17 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.93 Orr Spartan Invitational (#1)
2015-04-04 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.09 CPS Relays (#3)
2015-04-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.95 Rantoul Boys Invitational (#2)
2015-04-17 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.63 Orr Spartan Invitational (#1)
2015-05-01 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.02 Gene Ward Invitational (#3)
2015-05-06 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.41 CPS Boys Varsity Trials (#5)
2015-05-29 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.89 pre IL 2A Boys State Prelims (#23)
2015-05-21 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:33.28 IL 2A Marshall Boys Sectional (#1)
2015-04-04 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:33.66 CPS Relays (#3)
2015-05-09 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.49 Chicago Public League City Championships (#7)
2015-04-11 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:34.87 Rantoul Boys Invitational (#1)
2015-04-18 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-100 12.58 NWIWindy City Relays (#7)
2015-06-06 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-100 12.63 NWIIllinois Sprint Spectacular (#8)
2015-05-01 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-100 12.77 NWINiles North Lady Viking Invitational (#1)
2015-04-11 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-100 12.88 pre NWISoutheast Spartan Girls Invitational (#13)
2015-04-04 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-100 13.13 pre NWIJackie Joyner Kersee Relays (#11)
2015-04-18 Bouie, Khydeshia (2015) G-100 13.13 NWIWindy City Relays (#19)
2015-05-14 Douglas, Diamond (2015) G-100 13.19 IL#96 w(-3)IL 2A North Lawndale Girls Sectional (#3)
2015-01-01 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 25.12 NWIPaul Wallace Classic (#4)
2015-05-14 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 25.58 IL#25 w(-0.8)IL 2A North Lawndale Girls Sectional (#1)
2015-05-05 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 25.65 NWICPS Girls Varsity Trials (#4)
2015-05-01 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 26.01 NWINiles North Lady Viking Invitational (#1)
2015-05-09 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 26.01 NWIChicago Public League City Championships (#8)
2015-05-22 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 26.10 pre w(-1.4)IL 2A Girls State Prelims (#18)
2015-05-05 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 26.16 pre NWICPS Girls Varsity Trials (#7)
2015-05-14 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 26.46 w(-3.8)IL 2A North Lawndale Girls Sectional (#1)
2015-05-14 Douglas, Diamond (2015) G-200 26.90 w(-0.9)IL 2A North Lawndale Girls Sectional (#3)
2015-06-28 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 26.94 pre NWIUSATF IL Assc JO Championships (#13)
2015-05-14 Douglas, Diamond (2015) G-200 27.16 w(-0.8)IL 2A North Lawndale Girls Sectional (#3)
2015-07-18 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-400 57.50 IL#23 DuPage Track Invitational (#2)
2015-01-01 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-400 58.27 Paul Wallace Classic (#7)
2015-06-28 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-400 58.30 USATF IL Assc JO Championships (#11)
2015-05-01 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-400 58.74 Niles North Lady Viking Invitational (#1)
2015-05-14 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-400 59.15 IL 2A North Lawndale Girls Sectional (#1)
2015-05-05 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-400 59.23 pre CPS Girls Varsity Trials (#2)
2015-06-20 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-400 59.65 Jane Dickens Invitational (#5)
2015-04-11 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-400 59.89 Southeast Spartan Girls Invitational (#3)
2015-05-22 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-400 1:00.11 pre IL 2A Girls State Prelims (#16)
2015-05-09 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-400 1:01.01 Chicago Public League City Championships (#4)
2015-05-14 Bouie, Khydeshia (2015) G-300H 48.93 IL 2A North Lawndale Girls Sectional (#1)
2015-05-01 Bouie, Khydeshia (2015) G-300H 49.19 Niles North Lady Viking Invitational (#1)
2015-05-22 Bouie, Khydeshia (2015) G-300H 49.72 pre IL 2A Girls State Prelims (#20)
2015-05-14 Miller, Nadia (2015) G-HJ 5'4" IL#24 IL 2A North Lawndale Girls Sectional (#1)
2015-05-09 Miller, Nadia (2015) G-HJ 5'2" Chicago Public League City Championships (#1)
2015-05-22 Miller, Nadia (2015) G-HJ 5'2" pre IL 2A Girls State Prelims (#3)
2015-05-23 Miller, Nadia (2015) G-HJ 5'2" IL 2A Girls State Finals (#7)
2015-05-14 Douglas, Diamond (2015) G-LJ 16'0.75" NWIIL 2A North Lawndale Girls Sectional (#2)
2015-05-22 Howze, Takeida (2016) G-TJ 34'3.25" IL#64 pre w(0)IL 2A Girls State Prelims (#17)
2015-05-09 Howze, Takeida (2016) G-TJ 34'1.5" NWIChicago Public League City Championships (#5)
2015-05-14 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.47 IL#48 IL 2A North Lawndale Girls Sectional (#1)
2015-04-18 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.54 Windy City Relays (#3)
2015-05-22 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.79 pre IL 2A Girls State Prelims (#15)
2015-04-04 Girls Relay G-4x100 50.16 Jackie Joyner Kersee Relays (#4)
2015-05-05 Girls Relay G-4x100 50.33 CPS Girls Varsity Trials (#2)
2015-05-09 Girls Relay G-4x100 50.44 Chicago Public League City Championships (#5)
2015-05-01 Girls Relay G-4x100 50.47 Niles North Lady Viking Invitational (#2)
2015-04-11 Girls Relay G-4x100 51.11 Southeast Spartan Girls Invitational (#8)
2015-04-04 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:45.28 IL#50 Jackie Joyner Kersee Relays (#3)
2015-04-18 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.17 Windy City Relays (#2)
2015-04-04 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:11.28 Jackie Joyner Kersee Relays (#7)
2015-05-14 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:12.05 IL 2A North Lawndale Girls Sectional (#1)
2015-04-11 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:15.86 Southeast Spartan Girls Invitational (#6)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-02-28 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-55 6.53 IL#9 Proviso West Boys Invitational (#3)
2015-02-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-55 6.57 Greg Foster Invitational (#2)
2015-02-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-55 6.62 pre Greg Foster Invitational (#2)
2015-02-28 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-55 6.63 pre Proviso West Boys Invitational (#3)
2015-02-15 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-55 6.73 DeLaSalle Presidents Day Classic (#2)
2015-03-22 Pope, Terril (2015) B-55 6.92 CPS Indoor Meet - Group A (#7)
2015-02-15 Pope, Terril (2015) B-55 6.97 DeLaSalle Presidents Day Classic (#4)
2015-03-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-60 6.93 US#55 IL#6 Gene Armer Invitational (#1)
2015-03-28 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-60 7.02 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 2A (#5)
2015-03-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-60 7.09 pre Gene Armer Invitational (#3)
2015-03-28 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-60 7.09 pre Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 2A (#5)
2015-01-17 Pope, Terril (2015) B-60 7.39 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#65)
2014-12-20 Pope, Terril (2015) B-60 7.40 pre Ted Haydon Holiday Classic (#9)
2014-12-20 Pope, Terril (2015) B-60 7.40 Ted Haydon Holiday Classic (#9)
2015-01-03 Pope, Terril (2015) B-60 7.42 Fort Wayne Express Holiday Classic (#6)
2015-03-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 22.98 IL#30 Gene Armer Invitational (#1)
2015-03-28 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 23.18 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 2A (#8)
2015-01-17 Pope, Terril (2015) B-200 23.65 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#85)
2014-12-20 Pope, Terril (2015) B-200 24.10 Ted Haydon Holiday Classic (#10)
2015-02-28 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-200 24.11 Proviso West Boys Invitational (#8)
2015-03-22 Kelley, Khalil (2015) B-800 2:07.69 CPS Indoor Meet - Group A (#4)
2015-03-21 Kelley, Khalil (2015) B-800 2:10.20 Gene Armer Invitational (#13)
2015-03-22 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.89 IL#45 CPS Indoor Meet - Group A (#2)
2015-03-21 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:35.36 Gene Armer Invitational (#4)
2015-03-28 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:36.24 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 2A (#12)
2015-02-28 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:37.59 Proviso West Boys Invitational (#8)
2015-02-14 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:37.66 Proviso West Panther Valentine Relays (#9)
2015-02-21 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:38.04 Greg Foster Invitational (#6)
2015-03-07 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-55 7.57 IL#67 Proviso West Lady Panther Invitational (#5)
2015-03-07 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-55 7.67 pre Proviso West Lady Panther Invitational (#2)
2015-02-21 Douglas, Diamond (2015) G-55 7.85 pre Huey Johnson Memorial Invitational (#5)
2015-03-21 Douglas, Diamond (2015) G-60 8.23 IL#96 pre Gene Armer Invitational (#13)
2015-01-03 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-60 8.46 Fort Wayne Express Holiday Classic (#17)
2015-03-28 Douglas, Diamond (2015) G-60 8.46 pre Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 2A (#23)
2015-03-28 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 26.19 IL#30 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 2A (#7)
2015-03-21 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 26.31 Gene Armer Invitational (#4)
2015-01-17 Desrosiers, Gabrielle (2016) G-200 26.97 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#85)
2015-01-17 Bouie, Khydeshia (2015) G-200 27.19 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#94)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-02-28 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-55 6.53 IL#9 Proviso West Boys Invitational (#3)
2014-02-22 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.57 IL#14 Proviso West Boys Invitational (#2)
2015-02-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-55 6.57 Greg Foster Invitational (#2)
2011-12-17 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.57 IL#20 Ted Hayden Holiday Classic (#4)
2013-03-02 Jordan, Deshawn (2013) B-55 6.59 IL#25 ISU Invitational (#1)
2012-01-15 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.59 Coach O Invitational (#2)
2012-03-24 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.59 pre IPTT Classic - Class 3A (#4)
2014-02-15 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.60 Greg Foster Invitational (#1)
2012-03-03 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.60 ISU HS Invitational (#1)
2012-03-24 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.61 IPTT Classic - Class 3A (#4)
2015-02-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-55 6.62 pre Greg Foster Invitational (#2)
2012-03-18 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.62 Chicago Public League Group A Championships (#2)
2014-03-16 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.62 - pre enr to 60m New Balance Indoor Nationals (#33)
2015-02-28 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-55 6.63 pre Proviso West Boys Invitational (#3)
2011-12-17 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.63 pre Ted Hayden Holiday Classic (#6)
2013-03-02 Jordan, Deshawn (2013) B-55 6.66 pre ISU Invitational (#1)
2012-01-15 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.68 pre Coach O Invitational (#2)
2014-02-15 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.69 pre Greg Foster Invitational (#1)
2012-01-07 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.69 USATF Saturday Special (#2)
2014-02-22 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.70 Pre 4 Proviso West Boys Invitational (#1)
2012-12-15 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.73 IL#89 pre Ted Hayden Holiday Classic (#18)
2015-02-15 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-55 6.73 DeLaSalle Presidents Day Classic (#2)
2011-03-05 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.73 ISU HS Co Ed Invitational (#5)
2011-03-05 Cannon, Joshua (2011) B-55 6.77 ISU HS Co Ed Invitational (#9)
2011-03-05 McGee, Terry (2014) B-55 6.86 pre ISU HS Co Ed Invitational (#10)
2011-03-05 Cannon, Joshua (2011) B-55 6.86 pre ISU HS Co Ed Invitational (#10)
2011-03-20 Cannon, Joshua (2011) B-55 6.87 Chicago Public League Meet - Group B (#5)
2013-02-23 Jordan, Deshawn (2013) B-55 6.90 pre Proviso West Boys Invitational (#14)
2014-03-30 Pope, Terril (2015) B-55 6.91 CPL Indoor Meet Group C (#6)
2015-03-22 Pope, Terril (2015) B-55 6.92 CPS Indoor Meet - Group A (#7)
2014-02-16 Pope, Terril (2015) B-55 6.93 DeLaSalle Presidents Day Classic (#3)
2015-02-15 Pope, Terril (2015) B-55 6.97 DeLaSalle Presidents Day Classic (#4)
2014-02-15 Lindsey, Terrance (2017) B-55 7.00 pre Greg Foster Invitational (#1)
2013-03-02 Jackson, Marco B-55 7.00 pre ISU Invitational (#13)
2014-02-15 Lindsey, Terrance (2017) B-55 7.00 Greg Foster Invitational (#2)
2012-12-15 Jackson, Marco B-55 7.00 pre Ted Hayden Holiday Classic (#42)
2014-02-22 Lidnsey, Terrance (2017) B-55 7.06 F/S pre Proviso West Boys Invitational (#2)
2012-12-15 Jackson, Tommy (2014) B-55 7.06 pre Ted Hayden Holiday Classic (#47)
2014-02-16 Lindsey, Terrance (2017) B-55 7.06 DeLaSalle Presidents Day Classic (#5)
2014-02-22 Pope, Terril (2015) B-55 7.06 DeLaSalle Indoor Invitational #2 (#8)
2015-03-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-60 6.93 US#55 IL#6 Gene Armer Invitational (#1)
2014-03-29 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 6.99 US#90 IL#6 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 3A (#4)
2014-03-22 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.00 Gene Armer Invitational (#2)
2014-03-29 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.01 pre Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 3A (#4)
2015-03-28 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-60 7.02 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 2A (#5)
2014-01-11 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.08 Texas A&M HS Indoor Classic (#9)
2015-03-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-60 7.09 pre Gene Armer Invitational (#3)
2015-03-28 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-60 7.09 pre Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 2A (#5)
2013-03-23 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.10 IL#15 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 2A (#3)
2014-03-22 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.11 pre Gene Armer Invitational (#2)
2014-01-11 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.12 pre Texas A&M HS Indoor Classic (#14)
2013-12-27 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.12 Fort Wayne Express Holiday Classic (#2)
2013-03-23 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.12 pre Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 2A (#2)
2014-03-16 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.12 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#33)
2014-01-18 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.14 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#9)
2013-03-16 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.16 Gene Armer Invitational (#4)
2013-03-16 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.17 pre Gene Armer Invitational (#4)
2013-12-27 McGee, Terry (2014) B-60 7.20 pre Fort Wayne Express Holiday Classic (#1)
2013-02-16 Jordan, Deshawn (2013) B-60 7.22 IL#46 Illini Scholastic Open (#3)
2013-02-16 Jordan, Deshawn (2013) B-60 7.29 pre Illini Scholastic Open (#3)
2015-01-17 Pope, Terril (2015) B-60 7.39 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#65)
2014-12-20 Pope, Terril (2015) B-60 7.40 pre Ted Haydon Holiday Classic (#9)
2014-12-20 Pope, Terril (2015) B-60 7.40 Ted Haydon Holiday Classic (#9)
2015-01-03 Pope, Terril (2015) B-60 7.42 Fort Wayne Express Holiday Classic (#6)
2014-05-02 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.62 NWIGene Ward Invitational (#1)
2014-05-02 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.70 NWIGene Ward Invitational (#1)
2013-04-26 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.76 NWIGene Ward Invitational (#1)
2014-05-22 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.84 NWIIL 3A St. Ignatius Boys Sectional (#2)
2014-05-30 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.85 IL#10 pre w(1.5)IL 3A Boys State Prelims (#8)
2014-05-07 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.87 NWICPS Boys Preliminaries (#5)
2014-04-19 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.88 NWIMidwest Prep Invitational (#2)
2014-05-22 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.91 NWIIL 3A St. Ignatius Boys Sectional (#1)
2013-04-26 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.91 pre NWIGene Ward Invitational (#2)
2015-04-11 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 10.93 NWIRantoul Boys Invitational (#1)
2014-05-10 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.94 NWIChicago Public League Championships (#2)
2013-05-30 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.94 w(2.6)Festival of Miles (#5)
2015-05-01 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 10.96 NWIGene Ward Invitational (#1)
2013-05-04 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 10.99 NWIChicago Public League Championships (#1)
2015-05-29 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.01 pre w(2.5)IL 2A Boys State Prelims (#11)
2014-04-12 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.02 NWINLCP Boys Invitational (#1)
2014-05-07 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.02 NWICPS Boys Preliminaries (#3)
2015-05-06 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.04 pre NWICPS Boys Varsity Trials (#2)
2015-05-06 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.04 NWICPS Boys Varsity Trials (#2)
2014-04-19 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.06 pre NWIMidwest Prep Invitational (#1)
2011-05-07 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.06 pre NWIChicago Public League City Championships (#5)
2014-05-31 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.09 w(1.8)IL 3A Boys State Finals (#9)
2015-05-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.10 NWIIL 2A Marshall Boys Sectional (#1)
2013-06-23 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.10 NWIUSATF JO IL Assc Champs (#5)
2015-05-01 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.12 NWIGene Ward Invitational (#6)
2011-05-07 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.12 pre NWIChicago Public League City Championships (#7)
2011-05-19 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.14 NWIIL 2A Marshall Sectional
2015-05-21 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.15 pre NWIIL 2A Marshall Boys Sectional (#1)
2012-05-05 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.17 NWIChicago Public League Championships (#6)
2013-05-04 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.18 semis NWIChicago Public League Championships (#1)
2013-05-24 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.18 pre w(2.1)IL 2A Boys State Prelims (#14)
2011-05-07 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.19 NWIChicago Public League City Championships (#4)
2013-05-16 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.20 NWIIL 2A Fenwick Boys Sectional (#1)
2011-05-19 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.21 pre NWIIL 2A Marshall Sectional (#4)
2013-07-14 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.21 NWIUSATF Region 7 Junior Olympics (#4)
2013-05-16 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.23 pre NWIIL 2A Fenwick Boys Sectional (#1)
2012-05-02 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.23 pre NWICPS Boys City Prelims (#6)
2011-05-19 Cannon, Joshua (2011) B-100 11.25 pre NWIIL 2A Marshall Sectional (#6)
2014-04-26 Pope, Terril (2015) B-100 11.26 NWINoble Street Conference Championships (#3)
2012-05-17 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.27 NWIIL 3A St. Ignatius Sectional (#2)
2014-04-12 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.28 NWINLCP Boys Invitational (#1)
2015-04-18 Pope, Terril (2015) B-100 11.29 NWIWindy City Relays (#5)
2013-06-23 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.29 pre NWIUSATF JO IL Assc Champs (#9)
2012-05-17 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.30 pre NWIIL 3A St. Ignatius Sectional (#2)
2013-07-14 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.30 NWIUSATF Region 7 Junior Olympics (#6)
2013-05-04 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.32 pre NWIChicago Public League Championships (#1)
2015-04-17 Stokes, Johnathan (2015) B-100 11.32 IL#77 w(0)Orr Spartan Invitational (#1)
2011-05-07 Cannon, Joshua (2011) B-100 11.32 pre NWIChicago Public League City Championships (#12)
2011-05-19 Cannon, Joshua (2011) B-100 11.32 NWIIL 2A Marshall Sectional (#6)
2011-05-07 Cannon, Joshua (2011) B-100 11.36 pre NWIChicago Public League City Championships (#11)
2012-05-02 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.36 pre NWICPS Boys City Prelims (#8)
2013-04-13 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.39 NWINorth Lawndale College Prep Invitational (#1)
2012-04-27 McGee, Terry (2014) B-100 11.40 pre NWIGene Ward Invitational (#3)
2010-05-20 Cannon, Joshua (2011) B-100 11.50 pre NWIMarshall Boys IHSA Sectional (#3)
2014-04-19 McGee, Terry (2014) B-200 21.77 NWIMidwest Prep Invitational (#2)
2014-05-22 McGee, Terry (2014) B-200 21.90 IL#13 w(0)IL 3A St. Ignatius Boys Sectional (#1)
2014-05-30 McGee, Terry (2014) B-200 21.93 pre NWIIL 3A Boys State Prelims (#12)
2014-04-19 McGee, Terry (2014) B-200 21.94 NWIMidwest Prep Invitational (#1)
2014-05-02 McGee, Terry (2014) B-200 21.94 NWIGene Ward Invitational (#1)
2014-05-22 McGee, Terry (2014) B-200 21.94 w(0)IL 3A St. Ignatius Boys Sectional (#1)
2013-05-16 Jordan, Deshawn (2013) B-200 22.01 NWIIL 2A Fenwick Boys Sectional (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Desrosiers, Briyanna Texas A & M University, TX (Southeastern Conference)

Borner, Tiana Tennessee State University, TN (Ohio Valley Conference)

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