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School Name: Perry Meridian, IN

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2015 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-10-17 Switzer, Christopher (2018) B-5k_XC 16:08.00 IN South Dearborn Regional (#6)
2015-10-17 Tansy, John (2016) B-5k_XC 16:09.00 IN South Dearborn Regional (#7)
2015-09-12 Switzer, Chris (2018) B-5k_XC 16:25.69 Brown County Eagle Invitational (#22)
2015-10-03 Switzer, Chris (2018) B-5k_XC 16:27.62 Marion County Championships (#5)
2015-10-17 Lemasters, Olivia (2017) G-5k_XC 19:21.00 IN South Dearborn Regional (#9)

2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-06-05 Buchanan, Christian (2016) B-LJ 22'1.25" IN#9 w(-1.3)IN Boys State Meet (#10)
2015-05-19 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 58.87 IN#21 IN Southport Sectional (#2)
2015-05-26 Webber, Bailey (2016) G-300H 47.29 IN#38 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#4)
2015-05-26 Webber, Bailey (2016) G-300H 47.29 IN North Central Girls Regional (#4)
2015-05-19 Webber, Bailey (2016) G-300H 47.39 IN Southport Sectional (#1)
2015-05-01 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'4" IN#14 Conference Indiana Championship (#1)
2015-06-06 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'4" IN Girls State Meet (#10)
2015-05-19 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'3" IN Southport Sectional (#2)
2015-05-26 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'3" IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#4)
2015-05-26 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'3" IN North Central Girls Regional (#4)
2015-06-06 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 38'4.25" IN#21 IN Girls State Meet (#13)
2015-05-26 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 38'0" IN North Central Girls Regional (#2)
2015-05-26 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 38'0" IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#2)
2015-05-01 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 37'10" Conference Indiana Championship (#1)
2015-04-24 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 37'7.5" Bill Self Invitational (#1)
2015-05-26 Wilson, Daiva (2016) G-SP 36'2.5" IN#56 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#5)
2015-05-26 Wilson, Davia (2016) G-SP 36'2.5" IN#56 IN North Central Girls Regional (#5)
2015-05-19 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 35'11.25" IN Southport Sectional (#1)
2015-04-24 Wilson, Davia (2016) G-SP 35'8" Bill Self Invitational (#3)
2015-05-19 Wilson, Daiva (2016) G-SP 35'4" IN Southport Sectional (#3)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-21 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'4" IN#9 Hoosier State Relays (#5)
2015-03-21 Wilson, Daiva (2016) G-SP 37'1.5" IN#12 Hoosier State Relays (#7)

2014 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-10-25 Tansy, John (2016) B-5k_XC 16:00.70 IN#68 IN Carmel Semi State (#8)
2014-09-13 Tansy, John (2016) B-5k_XC 16:08.30 Eagle Classic (#21)
2014-10-04 Tansy, John (2016) B-5k_XC 16:08.40 Marion County Championships (#6)
2014-10-18 Tansy, John (2016) B-5k_XC 16:12.60 IN South Dearborn Regional (#3)
2014-11-16 Tansy, John (2016) B-5k_XC 16:14.60 NXN Midwest Regional (#138)
2014-11-01 Tansy, John (2016) B-5k_XC 16:16.00 IN State Meet (#56)
2014-10-11 Tansy, John (2016) B-5k_XC 16:25.89 IN Franklin Community Sectional (#2)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-22 White, Isaiah (2014) B-1600 4:19.49 IN#17 IN Southport Boys Sectional (#2)
2014-05-29 White, Isaiah (2014) B-1600 4:24.76 IN North Central Boys Regional (#4)
2014-05-22 White, Isaiah (2014) B-3200 9:30.40 IN#28 IN Southport Boys Sectional (#2)
2014-05-22 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.55 IN#38 IN Southport Boys Sectional (#2)
2014-05-14 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-100 12.99 pre NWIDFAL Varsity Championship Trials (#2)
2014-05-20 Newhouse, Ari (2015) G-400 59.06 IN#26 IN Ben Davis Girls Sectional (#2)
2014-04-19 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 59.15 IN#31 Midwest Prep Invitational (#3)
2014-05-27 Newhouse, Ari (2015) G-400 59.37 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#6)
2014-06-06 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-1600 4:59.44 IN#5 IN Girls State Meet (#4)
2014-05-27 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-1600 5:05.97 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#2)
2014-06-14 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-1600 5:06.58 Midwest Meet of Champions (#6)
2014-04-18 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-Mile 5:07.16 IN#13 Franklin Central Flashes Showcase (#13)
2014-04-25 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-3200 11:20.02 IN#25 Bill Self Invitational (#4)
2014-04-25 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 35'10" IN#80 Bill Self Invitational (#1)
2014-05-20 Wilson, Davia (2016) G-SP 35'4" IN#94 IN Ben Davis Girls Sectional (#2)
2014-04-25 Wilson, Davia (2016) G-SP 35'3" Bill Self Invitational (#3)

2014 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-03-08 Hamilton, Daymeon (2014) B-60 7.20 IN#46 pre Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Wabash (#9)
2014-03-11 Hamilton, Daymeon (2014) B-60 7.25 Little Giant-Charger Invitational (#5)
2014-03-08 White, Isaiah (2014) B-3200 9:51.28 IN#33 Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Wabash (#1)
2014-03-11 White, Isaiah (2014) B-3200 9:54.96 Little Giant-Charger Invitational (#1)
2014-03-08 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-3200 11:14.38 IN#12 Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Wabash (#1)
2014-03-01 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-3200 11:28.84 Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Depauw (#9)
2014-03-22 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-3200 11:37.58 Hoosier State Relays (#22)
2014-02-22 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-2Mile 11:36.02 IN#1 UK HS Invitational (#13)
2014-03-08 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'4" Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Wabash (#1)
2014-02-08 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'4" IN#6 Indiana TC HS Open (#2)
2014-03-08 Wilson, Davia (2016) G-SP 33'3.5" IN#64 Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Wabash (#4)

2013 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-09-14 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 15:45.20 IN#35 Eagle Classic (#11)
2013-08-31 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 15:52.90 Franklin Invitational (#3)
2013-10-09 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 15:55.90 Conference Indiana Meet (#7)
2013-09-21 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:01.00 FlashRock Invitational Boys (#14)
2013-10-15 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:01.62 IN Franklin Sectional (#3)
2013-10-26 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:10.50 IN Carmel Semi State (#19)
2013-11-02 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:12.30 IN State Meet (#34)
2013-10-19 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:15.70 IN Greensburg Regional (#4)
2013-11-16 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:29.00 Mideast XC Championships (#27)
2013-09-14 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-5k_XC 19:06.40 IN#85 Eagle Classic (#15)
2013-10-09 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-5k_XC 19:10.90 Conference Indiana Meet (#7)
2013-10-26 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-5k_XC 19:17.00 IN Carmel Semi State (#27)
2013-09-07 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-5k_XC 19:19.20 THSB Invitational (#2)
2013-10-19 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-5k_XC 19:19.90 IN Greensburg Regional (#5)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-04-26 Hamilton, Daymeon (2014) B-200 22.44 NWIConference Indiana Meet (#2)
2013-05-23 White, Isaiah (2014) B-3200 9:26.77 IN#24 IN Ben Davis Boys Regional (#5)
2013-05-23 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'4" IN#25 IN Ben Davis Boys Regional (#3)
2013-05-31 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.55 IN#13 IN Boys State Champs (#9)
2013-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.11 IN Ben Davis Boys Sectional (#2)
2013-05-23 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.19 IN Ben Davis Boys Regional (#3)
2013-04-26 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.31 Conference Indiana Meet (#2)
2013-05-21 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 57.69 IN#11 IN North Central Girls Regional (#4)
2013-05-14 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 58.39 IN Decatur Central Girls Sectional (#1)
2013-04-26 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 58.61 Conference Indiana Meet (#2)
2013-06-01 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 59.19 IN Girls State Champs (#12)
2013-06-07 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-ST2K 7:27.41 IN#2 Indiana Runner Friday Night Special (#2)

2013 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-01-19 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'5" Western Indiana Indoor Invitational (#1)
2013-01-13 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'5" IN#9 Coach O Invitational (#1)
2013-02-10 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'4" Northern Indoor Track Classic (#2)
2013-02-02 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'2" USATF MW Zone Youth Championship (#1)

2012 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-10-13 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 15:59.03 IN#70 IN Greenburg Regional (#2)
2012-09-29 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:10.70 Marion County Invitational (#7)
2012-09-08 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:14.70 Brown County Eagle Classic (#14)
2012-09-15 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:16.80 FlashRock Invitational (#2)
2012-10-03 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:18.10 Conference Indiana Meet (#13)
2012-08-25 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:21.20 Franklin Invitational (#3)
2012-10-20 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:27.10 IN Carmel Semi State (#26)
2012-10-09 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:27.80 IN Franklin Sectional (#3)
2012-08-25 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-5k_XC 18:49.70 IN#52 Franklin Invitational (#3)
2012-10-13 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-5k_XC 19:01.10 IN Greenburg Regional (#3)
2012-09-15 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-5k_XC 19:05.40 FlashRock Invitational (#13)
2012-09-08 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-5k_XC 19:11.70 Brown County Eagle Classic (#8)
2012-09-01 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-5k_XC 19:25.30 Terre Haute SB Invitational (#6)
2012-10-20 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-3m_XC 19:20.30 IN#3 IN Carmel Semi State (#16)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-04-27 Swem, Daniel (2012) B-800 1:59.53 IN#59 Conference Indiana (#6)
2012-05-17 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'4" IN#28 IN Decatur Central Boys Sectional (#3)
2012-05-22 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 58.05 IN#13 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#4)
2012-06-01 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 59.15 IN Girls State Meet (#10)
2012-04-20 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 59.27 Bill Self Invitational (#1)
2012-06-01 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-1600 5:01.62 IN#11 IN Girls State Meet (#7)
2012-05-22 Zimmerman, Kari (2012) G-300H 46.24 IN#26 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#5)
2012-06-01 Nyemah, Dolly (2012) G-SP 40'3.25" IN#17 IN Girls State Meet (#10)
2012-05-22 Nyemah, Dolly (2012) G-SP 39'5" IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#5)

2012 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-03-06 Murphy, Josh (2013) B-55 6.60 IN#12 Little Giant Charger (#1)
2012-03-06 Hamilton, Daymeon (2014) B-55 6.78 IN#73 Little Giant Charger (#7)
2012-03-06 Keys, Jaynard (2013) B-55 6.81 IN#84 Little Giant Charger (#10)
2012-03-06 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'2" IN#21 Little Giant Charger (#1)
2012-03-06 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:35.01 IN#21 Little Giant Charger (#2)
2012-03-06 Twigg, Makayla (2014) G-HJ 5'1" IN#25 Little Giant Charger (#1)
2012-03-17 Nyemah, Dolly (2012) G-SP 37'11.75" IN#14 Hoosier State Relays Large Schools (#9)
2012-03-06 Nyemah, Dolly (2012) G-SP 37'3" Little Giant Charger (#1)

2011 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-09-10 Swem, Daniel (2012) B-5k_XC 16:25.00 Ben Davis XC Invitational (#16)
2011-10-01 Swem, Daniel (2012) B-5k_XC 16:27.60 Marion County Invitational (#12)
2011-10-22 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-5k_XC 18:54.50 IN#54 IN Carmel Semi State (#12)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-03-06 Murphy, Josh (2013) B-55 6.60 IN#12 Little Giant Charger (#1)
2011-03-19 Murphy, Josh (2013) B-55 6.77 pre Hoosier State Relays (#21)
2011-03-19 Murphy, Josh (2013) B-55 6.77 IN#41 Hoosier State Relays (#21)
2012-03-06 Hamilton, Daymeon (2014) B-55 6.78 IN#73 Little Giant Charger (#7)
2012-03-06 Keys, Jaynard (2013) B-55 6.81 IN#84 Little Giant Charger (#10)
2014-03-08 Hamilton, Daymeon (2014) B-60 7.20 IN#46 pre Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Wabash (#9)
2014-03-11 Hamilton, Daymeon (2014) B-60 7.25 Little Giant-Charger Invitational (#5)
2013-04-26 Hamilton, Daymeon (2014) B-200 22.44 NWIConference Indiana Meet (#2)
2010-06-04 Person, Paul (2010) B-400 49.13 IN#10 IN State Meet (#7)
2010-06-05 Person, Paul (2010) B-400 49.13 IN State Meet (#7)
2009-05-28 Merkison, Julian (2009) B-400 49.15 IN#11 IN North Central Regional (#1)
2009-05-21 Merkison, Julian (2009) B-400 49.42 IN Southport Sectional (#1)
2009-06-05 Merkison, Julian (2009) B-400 49.52 IN Statemeet (#16)
2009-04-24 Merkison, Julian (2009) B-400 49.66 Bill Self Invitational (#1)
2010-05-20 Person, Paul (2010) B-400 49.77 IN Boys Sectionals (#1)
2009-05-14 Merkison, Julian (2009) B-400 49.88 Marion County Meet (#2)
2011-04-29 Swem, Daniel (2012) B-800 1:57.08 IN#25 Conference Indiana Meet (#2)
2012-04-27 Swem, Daniel (2012) B-800 1:59.53 IN#59 Conference Indiana (#6)
2014-05-22 White, Isaiah (2014) B-1600 4:19.49 IN#17 IN Southport Boys Sectional (#2)
2014-05-29 White, Isaiah (2014) B-1600 4:24.76 IN North Central Boys Regional (#4)
2013-05-23 White, Isaiah (2014) B-3200 9:26.77 IN#24 IN Ben Davis Boys Regional (#5)
2014-05-22 White, Isaiah (2014) B-3200 9:30.40 IN#28 IN Southport Boys Sectional (#2)
2014-03-08 White, Isaiah (2014) B-3200 9:51.28 IN#33 Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Wabash (#1)
2014-03-11 White, Isaiah (2014) B-3200 9:54.96 Little Giant-Charger Invitational (#1)
2011-05-19 Mukusha, Sasha (2011) B-300H 40.89 IN#70 IN Southport Boys Sectional (#2)
2011-05-26 Mukusha, Sasha (2011) B-300H 41.54 IN North Central Boys Regional (#7)
2011-04-29 Zimmerman, Kari (2012) B-300H 46.40 Conference Indiana Meet (#3)
2013-01-19 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'5" Western Indiana Indoor Invitational (#1)
2013-01-13 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'5" IN#9 Coach O Invitational (#1)
2009-05-21 Blackshear, Amir (2010) B-HJ 6'4" IN Southport Sectional (#1)
2009-06-05 Blackshear, Amir (2010) B-HJ 6'4" IN Statemeet (#16)
2009-04-24 Blackshear, Amir (2010) B-HJ 6'4" IN#30 Bill Self Invitational (#2)
2013-02-10 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'4" Northern Indoor Track Classic (#2)
2013-05-23 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'4" IN#25 IN Ben Davis Boys Regional (#3)
2009-05-28 Blackshear, Amir (2010) B-HJ 6'4" IN North Central Regional (#3)
2012-05-17 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'4" IN#28 IN Decatur Central Boys Sectional (#3)
2009-05-14 Blackshear, Amir (2010) B-HJ 6'4" Marion County Meet (#4)
2012-03-06 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'2" IN#21 Little Giant Charger (#1)
2013-02-02 Reed, Joey (2013) B-HJ 6'2" USATF MW Zone Youth Championship (#1)
2009-04-24 Jackson, Ion (2009) B-LJ 22'4.75" NWIBill Self Invitational (#-2)
2009-05-14 Jackson, Ian (2009) B-LJ 22'4.5" NWIMarion County Meet (#1)
2009-05-28 Jackson, Ian (2009) B-LJ 22'3.25" NWIIN North Central Regional (#3)
2015-06-05 Buchanan, Christian (2016) B-LJ 22'1.25" IN#9 w(-1.3)IN Boys State Meet (#10)
2013-05-31 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.55 IN#13 IN Boys State Champs (#9)
2013-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.11 IN Ben Davis Boys Sectional (#2)
2013-05-23 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.19 IN Ben Davis Boys Regional (#3)
2013-04-26 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.31 Conference Indiana Meet (#2)
2014-05-22 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.55 IN#38 IN Southport Boys Sectional (#2)
2012-03-06 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:35.01 IN#21 Little Giant Charger (#2)
2007-06-01 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:19.74 IN#5 IN State Boys OUT (#4)
2014-05-14 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-100 12.99 pre NWIDFAL Varsity Championship Trials (#2)
2013-05-21 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 57.69 IN#11 IN North Central Girls Regional (#4)
2012-05-22 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 58.05 IN#13 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#4)
2013-05-14 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 58.39 IN Decatur Central Girls Sectional (#1)
2013-04-26 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 58.61 Conference Indiana Meet (#2)
2009-05-19 Woodard, Ebony (2009) G-400 58.72 IN#23 IN Ben Davis Girls Sectional (#4)
2015-05-19 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 58.87 IN#21 IN Southport Sectional (#2)
2009-04-24 Woodard, Ebony (2009) G-400 58.92 Bill Self Invitational (#1)
2014-05-20 Newhouse, Ari (2015) G-400 59.06 IN#26 IN Ben Davis Girls Sectional (#2)
2012-06-01 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 59.15 IN Girls State Meet (#10)
2014-04-19 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 59.15 IN#31 Midwest Prep Invitational (#3)
2013-06-01 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 59.19 IN Girls State Champs (#12)
2012-04-20 Newhouse, Arianna (2015) G-400 59.27 Bill Self Invitational (#1)
2014-05-27 Newhouse, Ari (2015) G-400 59.37 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#6)
2009-04-18 Woodard, Ebony (2009) G-400 59.40 Midwest Prep Invitational (#3)
2014-06-06 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-1600 4:59.44 IN#5 IN Girls State Meet (#4)
2012-06-01 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-1600 5:01.62 IN#11 IN Girls State Meet (#7)
2014-05-27 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-1600 5:05.97 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#2)
2014-06-14 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-1600 5:06.58 Midwest Meet of Champions (#6)
2011-04-29 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-1600 5:07.46 IN#17 Conference Indiana Meet (#4)
2011-04-12 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-1600 5:18.30 Franklin Central Triangular (#1)
2014-04-18 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-Mile 5:07.16 IN#13 Franklin Central Flashes Showcase (#13)
2014-03-08 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-3200 11:14.38 IN#12 Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Wabash (#1)
2014-04-25 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-3200 11:20.02 IN#25 Bill Self Invitational (#4)
2014-03-01 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-3200 11:28.84 Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Depauw (#9)
2014-03-22 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-3200 11:37.58 Hoosier State Relays (#22)
2014-02-22 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-2Mile 11:36.02 IN#1 UK HS Invitational (#13)
2013-06-07 Casey, Kieran (2014) G-ST2K 7:27.41 IN#2 Indiana Runner Friday Night Special (#2)
2012-05-22 Zimmerman, Kari (2012) G-300H 46.24 IN#26 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#5)
2011-05-24 Zimmerman, Kari (2012) G-300H 46.58 IN#28 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#5)
2010-05-25 Zimmerman, Kari (2012) G-300H 46.73 IN#27 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#7)
2015-05-26 Webber, Bailey (2016) G-300H 47.29 IN#38 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#4)
2015-05-26 Webber, Bailey (2016) G-300H 47.29 IN North Central Girls Regional (#4)
2015-05-19 Webber, Bailey (2016) G-300H 47.39 IN Southport Sectional (#1)
2011-05-17 Zimmerman, Kari (2012) G-300H 47.46 IN Ben Davis Girls Sectional (#2)
2011-04-12 Zimmerman, Kari (2012) G-300H 47.50 Franklin Central Triangular (#3)
2011-04-16 Zimmerman, Kari (2012) G-300H 47.94 Midwest Prep Invitational (#2)
2014-03-08 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'4" Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Wabash (#1)
2015-05-01 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'4" IN#14 Conference Indiana Championship (#1)
2015-06-06 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'4" IN Girls State Meet (#10)
2014-02-08 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'4" IN#6 Indiana TC HS Open (#2)
2015-03-21 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'4" IN#9 Hoosier State Relays (#5)
2015-05-19 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'3" IN Southport Sectional (#2)
2015-05-26 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'3" IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#4)
2015-05-26 Orr, Heather (2017) G-HJ 5'3" IN North Central Girls Regional (#4)
2012-03-06 Twigg, Makayla (2014) G-HJ 5'1" IN#25 Little Giant Charger (#1)
2012-06-01 Nyemah, Dolly (2012) G-SP 40'3.25" IN#17 IN Girls State Meet (#10)
2012-05-22 Nyemah, Dolly (2012) G-SP 39'5" IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#5)
2015-06-06 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 38'4.25" IN#21 IN Girls State Meet (#13)
2015-05-26 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 38'0" IN North Central Girls Regional (#2)
2015-05-26 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 38'0" IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#2)
2012-03-17 Nyemah, Dolly (2012) G-SP 37'11.75" IN#14 Hoosier State Relays Large Schools (#9)
2015-05-01 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 37'10" Conference Indiana Championship (#1)
2015-04-24 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 37'7.5" Bill Self Invitational (#1)
2012-03-06 Nyemah, Dolly (2012) G-SP 37'3" Little Giant Charger (#1)
2015-03-21 Wilson, Daiva (2016) G-SP 37'1.5" IN#12 Hoosier State Relays (#7)
2015-05-26 Wilson, Daiva (2016) G-SP 36'2.5" IN#56 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#5)
2015-05-26 Wilson, Davia (2016) G-SP 36'2.5" IN#56 IN North Central Girls Regional (#5)
2015-05-19 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 35'11.25" IN Southport Sectional (#1)
2014-04-25 Hill, Alexis (2017) G-SP 35'10" IN#80 Bill Self Invitational (#1)
2015-04-24 Wilson, Davia (2016) G-SP 35'8" Bill Self Invitational (#3)
2014-05-20 Wilson, Davia (2016) G-SP 35'4" IN#94 IN Ben Davis Girls Sectional (#2)
2015-05-19 Wilson, Daiva (2016) G-SP 35'4" IN Southport Sectional (#3)
2014-04-25 Wilson, Davia (2016) G-SP 35'3" Bill Self Invitational (#3)
2014-03-08 Wilson, Davia (2016) G-SP 33'3.5" IN#64 Hoosier State Relays Qualifier - Wabash (#4)
2011-04-12 Girls Relay G-4x100 52.10 IN#28 Franklin Central Triangular (#2)
2009-05-26 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:57.84 IN#8 IN Ben Davis Girls Regional (#4)
2009-05-19 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:03.07 IN Ben Davis Girls Sectional (#3)
2013-09-14 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 15:45.20 IN#35 Eagle Classic (#11)
2013-08-31 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 15:52.90 Franklin Invitational (#3)
2013-10-09 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 15:55.90 Conference Indiana Meet (#7)
2006-10-14 Mobley, Kyle (2007) B-5k_XC 15:56.95 IN Reg Franklin-Central XC (#6)
2012-10-13 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 15:59.03 IN#70 IN Greenburg Regional (#2)
2014-10-25 Tansy, John (2016) B-5k_XC 16:00.70 IN#68 IN Carmel Semi State (#8)
2013-09-21 White, Isaiah (2014) B-5k_XC 16:01.00 FlashRock Invitational Boys (#14)
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