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School Name: Villa Maria, PA

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2015 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-10-03 Brown, Claire (2016) G-3m_XC 17:32.50 PA#1 McQuaid Invitational

2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-16 Cadden, Alexis (2016) G-100 12.40 NWIPA 2A District 10 (#1)
2015-05-23 Brown, Grace (2018) G-400 57.28 PA#20 pre PA 2A State Meet (#1)
2015-05-23 Brown, Grace (2018) G-400 57.80 PA 2A State Meet (#5)
2015-05-23 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 57.83 PA#31 PA 2A State Meet (#6)
2015-05-16 Brown, Grace (2018) G-400 57.93 PA 2A District 10 (#2)
2015-05-23 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 58.08 pre PA 2A State Meet (#2)
2015-05-16 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 58.14 PA 2A District 10 (#3)
2015-05-09 Brown, Grace (2018) G-400 58.32 Loucks Games (#17)
2015-05-09 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 58.88 Loucks Games (#22)
2015-05-01 Brown, Grace (2018) G-400 59.14 Baldwin Invitational (#3)
2015-04-18 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 59.80 City of Hermitage Invitational (#3)
2015-05-16 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:14.30 PA#15 PA 2A District 10 (#1)
2015-05-09 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:14.87 Loucks Games (#7)
2015-06-21 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.35 NB Outdoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#12)
2015-05-23 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.51 PA 2A State Meet (#3)
2015-05-01 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:16.92 Baldwin Invitational (#2)
2015-05-09 Brown, Grace (2018) G-800 2:17.49 PA#39 Loucks Games (#17)
2015-05-16 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:17.73 PA#40 PA 2A District 10 (#3)
2015-05-23 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:18.22 PA 2A State Meet (#8)
2015-05-09 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:19.52 Loucks Games (#26)
2015-05-23 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:19.70 pre PA 2A State Meet (#2)
2015-05-16 Carson, Alison (2015) G-1600 5:06.15 PA#26 PA 2A District 10 (#1)
2015-05-23 Carson, Alison (2015) G-1600 5:08.39 PA 2A State Meet (#3)
2015-05-01 Carson, Alison (2015) G-Mile 5:11.52 PA#12 Baldwin Invitational (#5)
2015-05-09 Carson, Alison (2015) G-3200 11:09.88 PA#36 Loucks Games (#14)
2015-05-16 Carson, Alison (2015) G-3200 11:16.70 PA 2A District 10 (#1)
2015-04-11 Carson, Alison (2015) G-3200 11:23.25 TSTCA Oudoor Championships (#3)
2015-04-11 Cadden, Alexis (2016) G-LJ 17'10.5" NWITSTCA Oudoor Championships (#1)
2015-05-16 Cadden, Alexis (2016) G-LJ 17'9" NWIPA 2A District 10 (#1)
2015-05-09 Cadden, Alexis (2016) G-LJ 17'6.25" PA#3 w(0.9)Loucks Games (#8)
2015-05-01 Cadden, Alexis (2016) G-LJ 17'3" NWIBaldwin Invitational (#3)
2015-05-23 Zimmerman, Erin (2017) G-JT 122'3" PA#39 PA 3A State Meet (#10)
2015-05-01 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:00.80 PA#23 Baldwin Invitational (#1)
2015-05-09 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:00.95 Loucks Games (#7)
2015-05-16 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:01.37 PA 2A District 10 (#1)
2015-05-23 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:11.81 US#32 PA#4 PA 2A State Meet (#1)
2015-05-09 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:20.10 Loucks Games (#2)
2015-05-16 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:27.81 PA 2A District 10 (#1)
2015-05-01 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:39.37 Baldwin Invitational (#4)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-15 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:14.15 US#26 PA#6 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#17)
2015-02-14 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:14.50 Spire HS Showcase (#3)
2015-03-01 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:15.87 PFTCA Indoor State Championships (#8)
2015-02-14 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:17.26 US#90 PA#21 Spire HS Showcase (#5)
2015-01-31 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:18.25 TSTCA Indoor Meet #2 (#1)
2015-02-21 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:18.83 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#1)
2015-02-21 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:19.54 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#2)
2015-01-24 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:20.21 TSTCA Indoor Meet #1 (#1)
2015-01-16 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:20.72 SPIRE Scholastic Open (#4)
2015-01-24 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:20.95 TSTCA Indoor Meet #1 (#2)
2015-01-10 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:22.79 Youngstown State Uni HS Meet #1 (#2)
2015-02-14 Carson, Alison (2015) G-800 2:23.78 PA#40 Spire HS Showcase (#15)
2015-01-31 Carson, Alison (2015) G-800 2:23.93 TSTCA Indoor Meet #2 (#4)
2015-03-14 Brown, Claire (2016) G-1500 4:49.63 US#73 PA#7 enr to 1m New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#11)
2015-02-14 Brown, Claire (2016) G-1600 5:06.05 US#76 PA#4 Spire HS Showcase (#4)
2015-01-16 Brown, Claire (2016) G-1600 5:09.35 SPIRE Scholastic Open (#1)
2015-02-14 Carson, Alison (2015) G-1600 5:13.99 PA#6 Spire HS Showcase (#5)
2015-03-01 Brown, Claire (2016) G-Mile 5:05.11 US#59 PA#7 PFTCA Indoor State Championships (#4)
2015-03-14 Brown, Claire (2016) G-Mile 5:07.80 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#9)
2015-02-21 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:06.05 PA#20 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#1)
2015-03-15 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:28.28 US#48 PA#6 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#21)
2015-01-31 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:40.54 TSTCA Indoor Meet #2 (#1)
2015-01-24 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:51.64 TSTCA Indoor Meet #1 (#1)
2015-01-10 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:51.74 Youngstown State Uni HS Meet #1 (#2)
2015-03-01 Girls Relay G-DMR 12:17.49 US#24 PA#5 PFTCA Indoor State Championships (#4)
2015-02-21 Girls Relay G-DMR 12:31.16 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#1)
2015-01-31 Girls Relay G-DMR 13:04.31 TSTCA Indoor Meet #2 (#2)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-24 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 58.90 PA#63 pre PA AA State Meet (#3)
2014-05-17 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 59.34 PA AA District 10 (#2)
2014-05-02 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 59.80 Baldwin Invitational (#6)
2014-06-15 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:12.75 PA#10 NB Outdoor Nationals (#20)
2014-05-02 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.07 Baldwin Invitational (#1)
2014-05-02 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:16.65 PA#29 Baldwin Invitational (#2)
2014-05-17 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:18.06 PA AA District 10 (#1)
2014-04-11 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:18.43 Butler Invitational (#2)
2014-05-17 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-1600 5:09.55 PA#45 PA AA District 10 (#1)
2014-05-17 Dobson, Julie (2015) G-3200 11:14.61 PA#43 PA AAA District 1 (#11)
2014-05-24 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:01.07 PA#30 pre PA AA State Meet (#2)
2014-05-17 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:04.00 PA AA District 10 (#1)
2014-04-26 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:04.27 Penn Relays (#111)
2014-05-24 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:17.04 US#87 PA#12 PA AA State Meet (#2)
2014-04-26 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:29.42 Penn Relays (#22)
2014-05-17 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:34.16 PA AA District 10 (#1)
2014-05-24 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:34.64 pre PA AA State Meet (#1)
2014-04-11 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:38.74 Butler Invitational (#1)

2014 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-02-15 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:14.78 US#46 PA#9 Spire Scholastic Showcase (#3)
2014-03-15 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:15.49 US#55 PA#12 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#10)
2014-03-16 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.86 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#23)
2014-03-01 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:15.98 PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#5)
2014-03-01 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.99 PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#6)
2014-02-15 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.19 Spire Scholastic Showcase (#4)
2014-02-01 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.52 TSTCA Indoor Meet #3 (#2)
2014-02-22 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.78 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#2)
2014-01-25 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:17.60 Youngstown State HS Meet #2 (#1)
2014-02-09 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:17.93 Youngstown State HS Meet #3 (#1)
2014-02-01 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:21.10 TSTCA Indoor Meet #3 (#3)
2014-01-30 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:21.13 Maple Leaf TC Thursday Night Invitational #2 (#1)
2014-01-17 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:21.79 SPIRE Scholastic Open (#3)
2014-01-25 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:23.49 Youngstown State HS Meet #2 (#3)
2014-03-16 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:27.54 US#39 PA#6 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#18)
2014-02-15 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:33.69 Spire Scholastic Showcase (#1)
2014-03-01 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:39.02 PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#8)
2013-12-27 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:47.88 SPIRE Scholastic Holiday Classic (#1)
2014-02-01 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:53.88 TSTCA Indoor Meet #3 (#1)

2013 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-09-07 Prichard, Bernadette (2016) G-5k_XC 19:18.00 PA#90 Red, White, & Blue Invitational (#14)
2013-09-14 Prichard, Bernadette (2016) G-5k_XC 198:26.50 D2 Boardman Spartan Invitational (#5)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-03 Roberts, Shamieia G-200 25.75 pre NWIBaldwin Invitational (#4)
2013-05-25 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.06 PA#23 PA AA State Championships (#3)
2013-05-18 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.59 PA AA District 10 (#1)
2013-05-03 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.74 PA#39 Baldwin Invitational (#3)
2013-05-18 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.85 PA AA District 10 (#2)
2013-05-03 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:16.85 Baldwin Invitational (#4)
2013-05-25 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:18.09 PA AA State Championships (#7)
2013-04-06 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:18.85 South Hills Classic (#2)
2013-05-25 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:19.25 pre PA AA State Championships (#1)
2013-04-06 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:19.48 South Hills Classic (#3)
2013-04-12 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:19.66 Butler Invitational (#1)
2013-05-18 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:29.51 PA#21 PA AA District 10 (#1)
2013-05-03 Girls Relay G-4x800 9:40.00 Baldwin Invitational (#3)

2013 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-02-16 Roberts, Shamieia G-200 26.95 PA#54 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#8)
2013-03-02 Brown, Claire (2016) G-400 59.95 PA#31 Kent State HS Girls Open #3 (#1)
2013-03-08 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.81 US#84 PA#11 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#7)
2013-02-09 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.85 SPIRE HS Showcase (#6)
2013-02-23 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:17.00 US#89 PA#12 PA PTFCA State Champs (#7)
2013-03-08 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:17.04 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#9)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-16 Cadden, Alexis (2016) G-100 12.40 NWIPA 2A District 10 (#1)
2013-05-03 Roberts, Shamieia G-200 25.75 pre NWIBaldwin Invitational (#4)
2011-01-28 Cable, Emily (2011) G-200 26.68 PA#32 DVGTCA #6 (#5)
2010-12-15 Cable, Emily (2011) G-200 26.82 Hill School Invitational (#2)
2010-01-15 Cable, Emily (2011) G-200 26.87 PA#32 DVGTA #6 (#4)
2013-02-16 Roberts, Shamieia G-200 26.95 PA#54 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#8)
2010-01-23 Cable, Emily (2011) G-200 27.00 Glen Mills Invite (#3)
2010-05-28 Cable, Emily (2011) G-400 55.79 PA#7 PA 3A State (#3)
2010-05-22 Cable, Emily (2011) G-400 56.29 PA 3A Districts (#2)
2010-05-07 Cable, Emily (2011) G-400 56.46 Henderson Invitational (#1)
2010-05-28 Cable, Emily (2011) G-400 56.75 pre PA 3A State (#1)
2015-05-23 Brown, Grace (2018) G-400 57.28 PA#20 pre PA 2A State Meet (#1)
2009-04-30 Geddes, Shannon (2009) G-400 57.38 PA#11 Ken Montgomery Memorial (#1)
2010-05-28 Bolles, Olivia (2013) G-400 57.41 PA#16 pre PA 3A State (#3)
2010-05-07 Bolles, Olivia (2013) G-400 57.60 Henderson Invitational (#2)
2010-05-22 Bolles, Olivia (2013) G-400 57.62 PA 3A Districts (#4)
2009-05-22 Geddes, Shannon (2009) G-400 57.65 PA State 2A (#4)
2009-05-22 Geddes, Shannon (2009) G-400 57.73 pre PA State 2A (#2)
2015-05-23 Brown, Grace (2018) G-400 57.80 PA 2A State Meet (#5)
2015-05-23 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 57.83 PA#31 PA 2A State Meet (#6)
2015-05-16 Brown, Grace (2018) G-400 57.93 PA 2A District 10 (#2)
2015-05-23 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 58.08 pre PA 2A State Meet (#2)
2015-05-16 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 58.14 PA 2A District 10 (#3)
2015-05-09 Brown, Grace (2018) G-400 58.32 Loucks Games (#17)
2009-05-15 Geddes, Shannon (2009) G-400 58.71 PA District 1-2A (#1)
2012-05-09 Bolles, Olivia (2013) G-400 58.73 PA#53 AACA Championships (#2)
2011-05-20 Giannella, Elena (2011) G-400 58.77 PA#49 pre PA 3A District 1 (#10)
2015-05-09 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 58.88 Loucks Games (#22)
2014-05-24 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 58.90 PA#63 pre PA AA State Meet (#3)
2010-04-16 Bolles, Olivia (2013) G-400 58.92 Warrior Invitational (#1)
2012-04-28 Bolles, Olivia (2013) G-400 58.99 Unionville Invitational (#3)
2015-05-01 Brown, Grace (2018) G-400 59.14 Baldwin Invitational (#3)
2009-04-11 Geddes, Shannon (2009) G-400 59.22 Lady Skins Invite (#2)
2014-05-17 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 59.34 PA AA District 10 (#2)
2011-04-30 Bolles, Olivia (2013) G-400 59.48 PA#71 Unionville Invitational (#1)
2009-04-25 Patrick, Megan (2010) G-400 59.60 PA#46 Springfield Invite (#3)
2011-01-10 Cable, Emily (2011) G-400 59.62 PA#19 Chester County Championships (#1)
2015-04-18 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 59.80 City of Hermitage Invitational (#3)
2014-05-02 Byes, Autumn (2017) G-400 59.80 Baldwin Invitational (#6)
2013-03-02 Brown, Claire (2016) G-400 59.95 PA#31 Kent State HS Girls Open #3 (#1)
2014-06-15 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:12.75 PA#10 NB Outdoor Nationals (#20)
2015-03-15 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:14.15 US#26 PA#6 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#17)
2015-05-16 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:14.30 PA#15 PA 2A District 10 (#1)
2012-05-19 Bolles, Olivia (2013) G-800 2:14.34 PA#13 PA AAA District 1 (#2)
2015-02-14 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:14.50 Spire HS Showcase (#3)
2012-05-05 Bolles, Olivia (2013) G-800 2:14.72 Henderson Invitational (#2)
2014-02-15 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:14.78 US#46 PA#9 Spire Scholastic Showcase (#3)
2015-05-09 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:14.87 Loucks Games (#7)
2013-05-25 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.06 PA#23 PA AA State Championships (#3)
2015-06-21 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.35 NB Outdoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#12)
2014-03-15 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:15.49 US#55 PA#12 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#10)
2015-05-23 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.51 PA 2A State Meet (#3)
2013-05-18 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.59 PA AA District 10 (#1)
2014-03-16 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.86 New Balance Indoor Nationals (#23)
2015-03-01 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:15.87 PFTCA Indoor State Championships (#8)
2014-03-01 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:15.98 PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#5)
2014-03-01 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:15.99 PTFCA Indoor State Meet (#6)
2014-05-02 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.07 Baldwin Invitational (#1)
2012-05-19 Bolles, Olivia (2013) G-800 2:16.16 pre PA AAA District 1 (#5)
2014-02-15 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.19 Spire Scholastic Showcase (#4)
2014-02-01 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.52 TSTCA Indoor Meet #3 (#2)
2014-05-02 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:16.65 PA#29 Baldwin Invitational (#2)
2012-05-26 Bolles, Olivia (2013) G-800 2:16.70 pre PA 3A Outdoor State Meet (#5)
2013-05-03 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.74 PA#39 Baldwin Invitational (#3)
2014-02-22 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.78 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#2)
2013-03-08 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.81 US#84 PA#11 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#7)
2013-05-18 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.85 PA AA District 10 (#2)
2013-05-03 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:16.85 Baldwin Invitational (#4)
2013-02-09 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.85 SPIRE HS Showcase (#6)
2015-05-01 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:16.92 Baldwin Invitational (#2)
2012-05-26 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:16.96 PA#39 PA 2A Outdoor State Meet (#7)
2013-02-23 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:17.00 US#89 PA#12 PA PTFCA State Champs (#7)
2013-03-08 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:17.04 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#9)
2015-02-14 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:17.26 US#90 PA#21 Spire HS Showcase (#5)
2013-02-23 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:17.48 PA PTFCA State Champs (#11)
2015-05-09 Brown, Grace (2018) G-800 2:17.49 PA#39 Loucks Games (#17)
2014-01-25 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:17.60 Youngstown State HS Meet #2 (#1)
2015-05-16 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:17.73 PA#40 PA 2A District 10 (#3)
2014-02-09 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:17.93 Youngstown State HS Meet #3 (#1)
2012-05-26 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:18.04 pre PA 2A Outdoor State Meet (#2)
2014-05-17 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:18.06 PA AA District 10 (#1)
2013-05-25 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:18.09 PA AA State Championships (#7)
2013-02-09 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:18.09 SPIRE HS Showcase (#8)
2015-05-23 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:18.22 PA 2A State Meet (#8)
2015-01-31 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:18.25 TSTCA Indoor Meet #2 (#1)
2012-05-19 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:18.40 PA AA District 10 (#2)
2014-04-11 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:18.43 Butler Invitational (#2)
2015-02-21 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:18.83 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#1)
2013-04-06 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:18.85 South Hills Classic (#2)
2013-02-16 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:19.13 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#3)
2013-05-25 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:19.25 pre PA AA State Championships (#1)
2013-04-06 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:19.48 South Hills Classic (#3)
2015-05-09 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:19.52 Loucks Games (#26)
2015-02-21 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:19.54 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#2)
2013-04-12 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:19.66 Butler Invitational (#1)
2015-05-23 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:19.70 pre PA 2A State Meet (#2)
2013-01-18 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:19.86 Spire Scholastic Open (#1)
2015-01-24 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:20.21 TSTCA Indoor Meet #1 (#1)
2002-01-14 Malcolm, Kim (2002) G-800 2:20.50 PA#11 Chester Co (#1)
2015-01-16 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:20.72 SPIRE Scholastic Open (#4)
2015-01-24 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:20.95 TSTCA Indoor Meet #1 (#2)
2014-02-01 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:21.10 TSTCA Indoor Meet #3 (#3)
2014-01-30 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:21.13 Maple Leaf TC Thursday Night Invitational #2 (#1)
2014-01-17 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:21.79 SPIRE Scholastic Open (#3)
2000-01-14 O'Connor, Liz (2000) G-800 2:22.30 PA#21 Kutztown (#3)
2015-01-10 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:22.79 Youngstown State Uni HS Meet #1 (#2)
2012-02-18 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:23.12 PA#49 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#4)
2013-02-16 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-800 2:23.27 TSTCA Indoor Championships (#6)
2014-01-25 Brown, Claire (2016) G-800 2:23.49 Youngstown State HS Meet #2 (#3)
2015-02-14 Carson, Alison (2015) G-800 2:23.78 PA#40 Spire HS Showcase (#15)
2015-01-31 Carson, Alison (2015) G-800 2:23.93 TSTCA Indoor Meet #2 (#4)
2015-03-14 Brown, Claire (2016) G-1500 4:49.63 US#73 PA#7 enr to 1m New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#11)
2002-05-25 Malcolm, Kim (2002) G-1600 4:59.53 US#59 PA#6 State Meet 3A (#5)
1999-05-29 Malcolm, Kim (2002) G-1600 5:03.41 PA#5 Class AAA (#5)
2015-02-14 Brown, Claire (2016) G-1600 5:06.05 US#76 PA#4 Spire HS Showcase (#4)
2015-05-16 Carson, Alison (2015) G-1600 5:06.15 PA#26 PA 2A District 10 (#1)
2015-05-23 Carson, Alison (2015) G-1600 5:08.39 PA 2A State Meet (#3)
2015-01-16 Brown, Claire (2016) G-1600 5:09.35 SPIRE Scholastic Open (#1)
2014-05-17 Trucilla, Grace (2015) G-1600 5:09.55 PA#45 PA AA District 10 (#1)
2015-02-14 Carson, Alison (2015) G-1600 5:13.99 PA#6 Spire HS Showcase (#5)
2002-06-08 Malcolm, Kim (2002) G-Mile 4:58.46 US#29 PA#1 Golden West Inv (#11)
2015-03-01 Brown, Claire (2016) G-Mile 5:05.11 US#59 PA#7 PFTCA Indoor State Championships (#4)
2015-03-14 Brown, Claire (2016) G-Mile 5:07.80 New Balance Indoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#9)
2002-03-02 Malcolm, Kim (2002) G-Mile 5:09.86 US#56 PA#5 State Meet (#5)
2002-01-19 Malcolm, Kim (2002) G-Mile 5:10.85 Princeton Relays (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Brown, Claire University of Richmond, VA (Atlantic 10 Conference)

Trucilla, Grace Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus, PA (Big Ten Conference)

Bobiak, Anna University of Virginia-Main Campus, VA (Atlantic Coast Conference)

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