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Athlete Name: Jonathan Jones
School Name: Carrollton ( CARROLLTON, GA)
Class: 2012

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2012 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-12 B-110H 13.69 US#7 GA#2 w(-1.3)Georgia 3A Boys State Outdoor (#1)
2012-03-17 B-110H 13.76 NWIPatriot Invitational (#2)
2012-04-19 B-110H 13.92 NWIRegion 6AAA Championship Meet (#1)
2012-04-28 B-110H 14.21 NWIClass AAA Section West (#1)
2012-05-12 B-110H 14.23 pre w(0)Georgia 3A Boys State Outdoor (#1)
2012-05-12 B-300H 37.47 US#38 GA#4 Georgia 3A Boys State Outdoor (#1)
2012-04-28 B-300H 39.09 Class AAA Section West (#1)
2012-05-12 B-300H 39.41 pre Georgia 3A Boys State Outdoor (#2)
2012-03-17 B-300H 40.03 Patriot Invitational (#1)
2012-04-19 B-300H 40.29 Region 6AAA Championship Meet (#1)
2012-05-12 B-LJ 23'11" US#26 GA#1 w(0)Georgia 3A Boys State Outdoor (#1)
2012-04-28 B-LJ 23'9" NWIClass AAA Section West (#2)

2012 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-02-26 B-60 6.99 US#65 GA#2 pre Brooks PR Invitational (#8)
2012-02-26 B-60H 7.80 US#6 GA#2 Brooks PR Invitational (#4)
2012-02-26 B-60H 7.92 pre Brooks PR Invitational (#5)

2011 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-07-29 B-100 10.87 GA#9 pre w(-0.1)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 4 (#15)
2011-07-29 B-100 10.91 pre w(-1.4)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 4 (#12)
2011-04-09 B-110H 13.65 w(4.4)Texas Relays - Sat. Results (#1)
2011-07-31 B-110H 13.69 US#7 GA#1 w(1.6)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 6 (#1)
2011-06-18 B-110H 13.72 w(-1)NB Nationals (#3)
2011-04-02 B-110H 13.75 w(1.6)Mobile Challenge of Champions (#1)
2011-04-08 B-110H 13.80 pre w(4.3)Texas Relays - Fri. Results (#1)
2011-06-11 B-110H 13.80 w(-1)Golden West Invitational (#2)
2011-03-18 B-110H 13.81 w(-0.3)Bob Hayes Invitational (#2)
2011-05-07 B-110H 14.02 NWIGA Boys 3A State (#1)
2011-03-18 B-110H 14.08 pre w(1.7)Bob Hayes Invitational (#1)
2011-06-18 B-110H 14.24 pre w(-2.2)NB Nationals (#5)
2011-03-05 B-110H 14.26 NWIChiles Championships (#1)
2011-07-30 B-110H 14.29 pre w(1.3)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 5 (#8)
2011-04-26 B-110H 14.34 NWIGA Boys 3A Region 6 (#1)
2011-07-30 B-110H 14.49 pre w(3)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 5 (#6)
2011-05-07 B-300H 37.39 US#28 GA#1 GA Boys 3A State (#1)
2011-06-11 B-300H 37.87 Golden West Invitational (#3)
2011-04-02 B-300H 38.19 Mobile Challenge of Champions (#1)
2011-03-18 B-300H 39.40 pre Bob Hayes Invitational (#5)
2011-04-26 B-300H 39.91 GA Boys 3A Region 6 (#2)
2011-03-18 B-300H 41.82 Bob Hayes Invitational (#8)
2011-03-18 B-LJ 22'9" NWIBob Hayes Invitational (#4)
2011-05-07 B-LJ 22'8.75" NWIGA Boys 3A State (#4)
2011-04-26 B-LJ 22'3.5" NWIGA Boys 3A Region 6 (#2)
2011-03-12 B-LJ 22'0.75" NWICarrollton Relays (#3)

2011 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-02-27 B-60H 7.94 US#12 GA#2 Brooks PR Invitational (#4)
2011-02-27 B-60H 8.09 pre Brooks PR Invitational (#5)

2010 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-06-20 B-110H 13.93 US#20 GA#2 w(-0.4)USATF JO Georgia Assoc. (#2)
2010-05-15 B-110H 13.98 pre NWIGA 3A Boys State (#1)
2010-05-15 B-110H 14.03 NWIGA 3A Boys State (#2)
2010-07-11 B-110H 14.14 pre w(1.9)USATF JO Reg 3 YMYW (#1)
2010-06-20 B-110H 14.16 pre NWIUSATF JO Georgia Assoc. (#2)
2010-07-11 B-110H 14.20 w(2.3)USATF JO Reg 3 YMYW (#2)
2010-03-27 B-110H 14.23 NWISmith and Benson Relays (#2)
2010-03-06 B-110H 14.60 NWIRidge Invitational (#3)
2010-04-02 B-110H 14.76 NWITwilight Rumble in Jungle (#1)
2010-03-27 B-300H 38.45 GA#13 Smith and Benson Relays (#2)
2010-05-15 B-300H 38.57 GA 3A Boys State (#3)
2010-05-03 B-300H 39.20 GA 3A Region 6 boys (#1)
2010-04-02 B-300H 39.51 Twilight Rumble in Jungle (#1)
2010-05-15 B-300H 39.56 pre GA 3A Boys State (#3)
2010-05-15 B-LJ 22'9" NWIGA 3A Boys State (#3)
2010-05-03 B-LJ 22'4" NWIGA 3A Region 6 boys (#2)
2010-04-02 B-LJ 22'1" NWITwilight Rumble in Jungle (#1)
2010-03-06 B-LJ 22'0" NWIRidge Invitational (#2)

2010 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-01-09 B-55H 7.43 US#6 GA#1 LSU Indoor Classic (#1)
2010-01-31 B-55H 7.52 17-19 Jimmy Carnes Meet (#1)
2010-01-23 B-60H 8.09 US#22 GA#2 Niswonger/KTC Inv Day 2 (#1)
2010-01-23 B-60H 8.21 pre Niswonger/KTC Inv Day 2 (#1)

2009 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-05-07 B-110H 14.55 pre NWIGA State Boys 3A (#2)
2009-05-07 B-110H 14.59 NWIGA State Boys 3A (#4)
2009-04-04 B-110H 14.68 NWIRotary Inv (#2)
2009-08-02 B-110H 14.73 GA#8 w(-0.7)USATF JO Intermediate (#2)
2009-03-19 B-110H 14.80 NWIMill Creek Invite (#1)
2009-05-30 B-110H 14.82 w(-0.7)Dekalb Atlanta International Prep Classic (#5)
2009-04-18 B-110H 14.89 NWICarrollton Invite (#3)
2009-05-30 B-110H 14.96 pre w(-0.4)Dekalb Atlanta International Prep Classic (#5)
2009-05-07 B-300H 38.21 GA#7 GA State Boys 3A (#2)
2009-04-18 B-300H 38.85 Carrollton Invite (#1)
2009-04-04 B-300H 39.52 Rotary Inv (#1)
2009-05-07 B-300H 39.69 pre GA State Boys 3A (#3)
2009-03-19 B-300H 40.30 Mill Creek Invite (#1)
2009-08-02 B-400H 54.74 US#91 GA#4 USATF JO Intermediate (#3)
2009-08-02 B-400H 56.09 pre USATF JO Intermediate (#2)

Performances by Event
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-02-26 B-60 6.99 US#65 GA#2 pre Brooks PR Invitational (#8)
2011-07-29 B-100 10.87 GA#9 pre w(-0.1)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 4 (#15)
2011-07-29 B-100 10.91 pre w(-1.4)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 4 (#12)
2010-01-09 B-55H 7.43 US#6 GA#1 LSU Indoor Classic (#1)
2010-01-31 B-55H 7.52 17-19 Jimmy Carnes Meet (#1)
2012-02-26 B-60H 7.80 US#6 GA#2 Brooks PR Invitational (#4)
2012-02-26 B-60H 7.92 pre Brooks PR Invitational (#5)
2011-02-27 B-60H 7.94 US#12 GA#2 Brooks PR Invitational (#4)
2010-01-23 B-60H 8.09 US#22 GA#2 Niswonger/KTC Inv Day 2 (#1)
2011-02-27 B-60H 8.09 pre Brooks PR Invitational (#5)
2010-01-23 B-60H 8.21 pre Niswonger/KTC Inv Day 2 (#1)
2011-04-09 B-110H 13.65 w(4.4)Texas Relays - Sat. Results (#1)
2011-07-31 B-110H 13.69 US#7 GA#1 w(1.6)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 6 (#1)
2012-05-12 B-110H 13.69 US#7 GA#2 w(-1.3)Georgia 3A Boys State Outdoor (#1)
2011-06-18 B-110H 13.72 w(-1)NB Nationals (#3)
2011-04-02 B-110H 13.75 w(1.6)Mobile Challenge of Champions (#1)
2012-03-17 B-110H 13.76 NWIPatriot Invitational (#2)
2011-04-08 B-110H 13.80 pre w(4.3)Texas Relays - Fri. Results (#1)
2011-06-11 B-110H 13.80 w(-1)Golden West Invitational (#2)
2011-03-18 B-110H 13.81 w(-0.3)Bob Hayes Invitational (#2)
2012-04-19 B-110H 13.92 NWIRegion 6AAA Championship Meet (#1)
2010-06-20 B-110H 13.93 US#20 GA#2 w(-0.4)USATF JO Georgia Assoc. (#2)
2010-05-15 B-110H 13.98 pre NWIGA 3A Boys State (#1)
2011-05-07 B-110H 14.02 NWIGA Boys 3A State (#1)
2010-05-15 B-110H 14.03 NWIGA 3A Boys State (#2)
2011-03-18 B-110H 14.08 pre w(1.7)Bob Hayes Invitational (#1)
2010-07-11 B-110H 14.14 pre w(1.9)USATF JO Reg 3 YMYW (#1)
2010-06-20 B-110H 14.16 pre NWIUSATF JO Georgia Assoc. (#2)
2010-07-11 B-110H 14.20 w(2.3)USATF JO Reg 3 YMYW (#2)
2012-04-28 B-110H 14.21 NWIClass AAA Section West (#1)
2012-05-12 B-110H 14.23 pre w(0)Georgia 3A Boys State Outdoor (#1)
2010-03-27 B-110H 14.23 NWISmith and Benson Relays (#2)
2011-06-18 B-110H 14.24 pre w(-2.2)NB Nationals (#5)
2011-03-05 B-110H 14.26 NWIChiles Championships (#1)
2011-07-30 B-110H 14.29 pre w(1.3)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 5 (#8)
2011-04-26 B-110H 14.34 NWIGA Boys 3A Region 6 (#1)
2011-07-30 B-110H 14.49 pre w(3)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 5 (#6)
2009-05-07 B-110H 14.55 pre NWIGA State Boys 3A (#2)
2009-05-07 B-110H 14.59 NWIGA State Boys 3A (#4)
2010-03-06 B-110H 14.60 NWIRidge Invitational (#3)
2009-04-04 B-110H 14.68 NWIRotary Inv (#2)
2009-08-02 B-110H 14.73 GA#8 w(-0.7)USATF JO Intermediate (#2)
2010-04-02 B-110H 14.76 NWITwilight Rumble in Jungle (#1)
2009-03-19 B-110H 14.80 NWIMill Creek Invite (#1)
2009-05-30 B-110H 14.82 w(-0.7)Dekalb Atlanta International Prep Classic (#5)
2009-04-18 B-110H 14.89 NWICarrollton Invite (#3)
2009-05-30 B-110H 14.96 pre w(-0.4)Dekalb Atlanta International Prep Classic (#5)
2011-05-07 B-300H 37.39 US#28 GA#1 GA Boys 3A State (#1)
2012-05-12 B-300H 37.47 US#38 GA#4 Georgia 3A Boys State Outdoor (#1)
2011-06-11 B-300H 37.87 Golden West Invitational (#3)
2011-04-02 B-300H 38.19 Mobile Challenge of Champions (#1)
2009-05-07 B-300H 38.21 GA#7 GA State Boys 3A (#2)
2010-03-27 B-300H 38.45 GA#13 Smith and Benson Relays (#2)
2010-05-15 B-300H 38.57 GA 3A Boys State (#3)
2009-04-18 B-300H 38.85 Carrollton Invite (#1)
2012-04-28 B-300H 39.09 Class AAA Section West (#1)
2010-05-03 B-300H 39.20 GA 3A Region 6 boys (#1)
2011-03-18 B-300H 39.40 pre Bob Hayes Invitational (#5)
2012-05-12 B-300H 39.41 pre Georgia 3A Boys State Outdoor (#2)
2010-04-02 B-300H 39.51 Twilight Rumble in Jungle (#1)
2009-04-04 B-300H 39.52 Rotary Inv (#1)
2010-05-15 B-300H 39.56 pre GA 3A Boys State (#3)
2009-05-07 B-300H 39.69 pre GA State Boys 3A (#3)
2011-04-26 B-300H 39.91 GA Boys 3A Region 6 (#2)
2012-03-17 B-300H 40.03 Patriot Invitational (#1)
2012-04-19 B-300H 40.29 Region 6AAA Championship Meet (#1)
2009-03-19 B-300H 40.30 Mill Creek Invite (#1)
2011-03-18 B-300H 41.82 Bob Hayes Invitational (#8)
2009-08-02 B-400H 54.74 US#91 GA#4 USATF JO Intermediate (#3)
2009-08-02 B-400H 56.09 pre USATF JO Intermediate (#2)
2012-05-12 B-LJ 23'11" US#26 GA#1 w(0)Georgia 3A Boys State Outdoor (#1)
2012-04-28 B-LJ 23'9" NWIClass AAA Section West (#2)
2010-05-15 B-LJ 22'9" NWIGA 3A Boys State (#3)
2011-03-18 B-LJ 22'9" NWIBob Hayes Invitational (#4)
2011-05-07 B-LJ 22'8.75" NWIGA Boys 3A State (#4)
2010-05-03 B-LJ 22'4" NWIGA 3A Region 6 boys (#2)
2011-04-26 B-LJ 22'3.5" NWIGA Boys 3A Region 6 (#2)
2010-04-02 B-LJ 22'1" NWITwilight Rumble in Jungle (#1)
2011-03-12 B-LJ 22'0.75" NWICarrollton Relays (#3)
2010-03-06 B-LJ 22'0" NWIRidge Invitational (#2)

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