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Athlete Name: Crystal Henderson
School Name: Longwood ( MIDDLE ISLAND, NY)
Class: 2015

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2015 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-06-13 G-100H 14.36 w(1.9)NY State Championships (#2)
2015-06-13 G-100H 14.36 NY#8 w(0.1)NY State Championships (#3)
2015-06-06 G-100H 14.55 w(-0.5)NY Section 11 State Qualifier (#2)
2015-06-13 G-100H 14.61 pre w(-0.9)NY State Championships (#3)
2015-05-02 G-100H 14.87 NWISaint Anthony's Invitational (#1)
2015-05-28 G-100H 14.90 pre w(-0.5)NY Section 11 Girls Division Championships (#1)
2015-05-28 G-400H 1:04.04 NY#23 pre NY Section 11 Girls Division Championships (#1)
2015-05-28 G-TJ 37'6.25" NWINY Section 11 Girls Division Championships (#2)
2015-04-25 G-TJ 36'0.75" NY#18 w(0)Penn Relays (#16)

2015 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-01-24 G-55H 8.17 US#37 NY#6 NY Section 11 Girls League Championship (#1)
2015-02-01 G-55H 8.18 NY Section 11 Girls Large School Championship (#1)
2015-02-08 G-55H 8.22 pre NY Section 11 Indoor State Qualifier (#2)
2015-01-17 G-55H 8.23 Molloy Stanner Games (#2)
2015-02-01 G-55H 8.24 pre NY Section 11 Girls Large School Championship (#1)
2014-12-29 G-55H 8.24 Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#2)
2015-02-22 G-55H 8.27 Long Island Elite Invitational (#1)
2015-02-22 G-55H 8.30 pre Long Island Elite Invitational (#1)
2014-12-20 G-55H 8.32 Bishop Loughlin Games (#4)
2014-12-26 G-55H 8.33 North Shore Invitational (#1)
2015-01-17 G-55H 8.34 pre Molloy Stanner Games (#2)
2015-01-24 G-55H 8.36 NY Section 11 Girls League Championship (#2)
2014-12-20 G-55H 8.44 pre Bishop Loughlin Games (#4)
2014-12-26 G-55H 8.47 pre North Shore Invitational (#1)
2014-12-29 G-55H 8.53 pre Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#3)
2015-01-10 G-55H 8.55 pre Hispanic Games (#9)
2014-12-13 G-55H 8.65 NY Section XI Girls Crossover B (#1)
2015-02-01 G-LJ 18'3.25" US#66 NY#8 NY Section 11 Girls Large School Championship (#1)
2015-01-24 G-LJ 17'9.5" NY Section 11 Girls League Championship (#2)
2015-01-07 G-LJ 17'2" Jim Zeitler Relays (#1)
2014-12-26 G-LJ 17'1.5" North Shore Invitational (#2)
2015-01-21 G-LJ 16'10.75" NY Section 11 Girls Crossover D (#1)
2014-12-13 G-LJ 16'7" NY Section XI Girls Crossover B (#2)
2015-02-01 G-TJ 39'10.5" US#15 NY#2 NY Section 11 Girls Large School Championship (#1)
2014-12-29 G-TJ 38'9.5" Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#1)
2015-03-07 G-TJ 38'8.75" New York State Indoor (#4)
2015-01-17 G-TJ 38'7.5" pre Molloy Stanner Games (#1)
2015-02-22 G-TJ 38'6.75" Long Island Elite Invitational (#1)
2015-02-08 G-TJ 38'6.5" NY Section 11 Indoor State Qualifier (#2)
2015-03-15 G-TJ 38'2" New Balance Indoor Nationals (#15)
2014-12-20 G-TJ 37'4" Bishop Loughlin Games (#3)
2015-01-10 G-TJ 36'11" Hispanic Games (#3)
2015-01-24 G-TJ 36'10.75" NY Section 11 Girls League Championship (#2)

2014 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-06-07 G-100H 14.63 NY#7 pre w(1.9)NY State Meet (#4)
2014-05-19 G-100H 14.71 NWINY Section 11 Division Champinoship (#2)
2014-06-07 G-100H 14.73 w(0)NY State Meet (#4)
2014-06-07 G-100H 14.87 w(1.4)NY State Meet (#8)
2014-05-31 G-100H 14.89 pre NWINY Sec 11 State Qualifier Meet (#2)
2014-05-31 G-100H 15.03 NWINY Sec 11 State Qualifier Meet (#2)
2014-05-19 G-100H 15.21 pre NWINY Section 11 Division Champinoship (#1)
2014-05-03 G-LJ 17'6.25" NWISt Anthony's Invitational (#5)
2014-05-19 G-TJ 37'0.5" NWINY Section 11 Division Champinoship (#4)
2014-05-31 G-TJ 36'3" NWINY Sec 11 State Qualifier Meet (#7)

2014 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-02-21 G-55H 8.61 NY#24 pre Long Island Elite Meet (#4)
2014-02-24 G-55H 8.62 pre Eastern States (#18)
2014-02-24 G-55H 8.64 pre Eastern States (#17)
2014-02-21 G-55H 8.71 Long Island Elite Meet (#3)
2014-12-07 G-55H 8.83 NY Section XI Girls Crossover A (#1)
2014-01-11 G-55H 8.86 pre Molloy Stanner Games (#2)
2014-02-08 G-55H 8.92 NY Section XI State Qualifier Meet (#3)
2014-02-24 G-TJ 36'5.5" NY#19 Eastern States (#8)
2014-01-11 G-TJ 36'4.75" pre Molloy Stanner Games (#1)
2014-12-07 G-TJ 35'11" NY Section XI Girls Crossover A (#1)
2014-02-01 G-TJ 35'7.25" NY Section XI Girls Large School Championships (#5)
2014-02-21 G-TJ 35'1.5" Long Island Elite Meet (#6)
2014-01-26 G-TJ 34'8.75" NY Section XI Girls Championships (#3)
2014-01-04 G-TJ 34'4" Hispanic Games (#14)
2014-01-19 G-TJ 33'4" Jim Howard Meet (#3)

Performances by Event
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-01-24 G-55H 8.17 US#37 NY#6 NY Section 11 Girls League Championship (#1)
2015-02-01 G-55H 8.18 NY Section 11 Girls Large School Championship (#1)
2015-02-08 G-55H 8.22 pre NY Section 11 Indoor State Qualifier (#2)
2015-01-17 G-55H 8.23 Molloy Stanner Games (#2)
2015-02-01 G-55H 8.24 pre NY Section 11 Girls Large School Championship (#1)
2014-12-29 G-55H 8.24 Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#2)
2015-02-22 G-55H 8.27 Long Island Elite Invitational (#1)
2015-02-22 G-55H 8.30 pre Long Island Elite Invitational (#1)
2014-12-20 G-55H 8.32 Bishop Loughlin Games (#4)
2014-12-26 G-55H 8.33 North Shore Invitational (#1)
2015-01-17 G-55H 8.34 pre Molloy Stanner Games (#2)
2015-01-24 G-55H 8.36 NY Section 11 Girls League Championship (#2)
2014-12-20 G-55H 8.44 pre Bishop Loughlin Games (#4)
2014-12-26 G-55H 8.47 pre North Shore Invitational (#1)
2014-12-29 G-55H 8.53 pre Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#3)
2015-01-10 G-55H 8.55 pre Hispanic Games (#9)
2014-02-21 G-55H 8.61 NY#24 pre Long Island Elite Meet (#4)
2014-02-24 G-55H 8.62 pre Eastern States (#18)
2014-02-24 G-55H 8.64 pre Eastern States (#17)
2014-12-13 G-55H 8.65 NY Section XI Girls Crossover B (#1)
2014-02-21 G-55H 8.71 Long Island Elite Meet (#3)
2014-12-07 G-55H 8.83 NY Section XI Girls Crossover A (#1)
2014-01-11 G-55H 8.86 pre Molloy Stanner Games (#2)
2014-02-08 G-55H 8.92 NY Section XI State Qualifier Meet (#3)
2015-06-13 G-100H 14.36 w(1.9)NY State Championships (#2)
2015-06-13 G-100H 14.36 NY#8 w(0.1)NY State Championships (#3)
2015-06-06 G-100H 14.55 w(-0.5)NY Section 11 State Qualifier (#2)
2015-06-13 G-100H 14.61 pre w(-0.9)NY State Championships (#3)
2014-06-07 G-100H 14.63 NY#7 pre w(1.9)NY State Meet (#4)
2014-05-19 G-100H 14.71 NWINY Section 11 Division Champinoship (#2)
2014-06-07 G-100H 14.73 w(0)NY State Meet (#4)
2015-05-02 G-100H 14.87 NWISaint Anthony's Invitational (#1)
2014-06-07 G-100H 14.87 w(1.4)NY State Meet (#8)
2014-05-31 G-100H 14.89 pre NWINY Sec 11 State Qualifier Meet (#2)
2015-05-28 G-100H 14.90 pre w(-0.5)NY Section 11 Girls Division Championships (#1)
2014-05-31 G-100H 15.03 NWINY Sec 11 State Qualifier Meet (#2)
2014-05-19 G-100H 15.21 pre NWINY Section 11 Division Champinoship (#1)
2015-05-28 G-400H 1:04.04 NY#23 pre NY Section 11 Girls Division Championships (#1)
2015-02-01 G-LJ 18'3.25" US#66 NY#8 NY Section 11 Girls Large School Championship (#1)
2015-01-24 G-LJ 17'9.5" NY Section 11 Girls League Championship (#2)
2014-05-03 G-LJ 17'6.25" NWISt Anthony's Invitational (#5)
2015-01-07 G-LJ 17'2" Jim Zeitler Relays (#1)
2014-12-26 G-LJ 17'1.5" North Shore Invitational (#2)
2015-01-21 G-LJ 16'10.75" NY Section 11 Girls Crossover D (#1)
2014-12-13 G-LJ 16'7" NY Section XI Girls Crossover B (#2)
2015-02-01 G-TJ 39'10.5" US#15 NY#2 NY Section 11 Girls Large School Championship (#1)
2014-12-29 G-TJ 38'9.5" Marine Corps Holiday Classic (#1)
2015-03-07 G-TJ 38'8.75" New York State Indoor (#4)
2015-01-17 G-TJ 38'7.5" pre Molloy Stanner Games (#1)
2015-02-22 G-TJ 38'6.75" Long Island Elite Invitational (#1)
2015-02-08 G-TJ 38'6.5" NY Section 11 Indoor State Qualifier (#2)
2015-03-15 G-TJ 38'2" New Balance Indoor Nationals (#15)
2015-05-28 G-TJ 37'6.25" NWINY Section 11 Girls Division Championships (#2)
2014-12-20 G-TJ 37'4" Bishop Loughlin Games (#3)
2014-05-19 G-TJ 37'0.5" NWINY Section 11 Division Champinoship (#4)
2015-01-10 G-TJ 36'11" Hispanic Games (#3)
2015-01-24 G-TJ 36'10.75" NY Section 11 Girls League Championship (#2)
2014-02-24 G-TJ 36'5.5" NY#19 Eastern States (#8)
2014-01-11 G-TJ 36'4.75" pre Molloy Stanner Games (#1)
2014-05-31 G-TJ 36'3" NWINY Sec 11 State Qualifier Meet (#7)
2015-04-25 G-TJ 36'0.75" NY#18 w(0)Penn Relays (#16)
2014-12-07 G-TJ 35'11" NY Section XI Girls Crossover A (#1)
2014-02-01 G-TJ 35'7.25" NY Section XI Girls Large School Championships (#5)
2014-02-21 G-TJ 35'1.5" Long Island Elite Meet (#6)
2014-01-26 G-TJ 34'8.75" NY Section XI Girls Championships (#3)
2014-01-04 G-TJ 34'4" Hispanic Games (#14)
2014-01-19 G-TJ 33'4" Jim Howard Meet (#3)

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