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    Athlete Name: Logan Pflibsen
School Name: Streator ( STREATOR, IL)
Class: 2010
College Choice: University of New Mexico-Main Campus, NM

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2010 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-04-17 B-100 11.31 NWIRollie Morris Invite (#2)
2010-05-14 B-100 11.32 NWINCIC -Reagan Conf Meet (#3)
2010-05-22 B-PV 17'2" US#2 IL#1 IL 2A Champaign Centennial Sectional (#1)
2010-05-29 B-PV 17'1" IL 2A / 3A State Finals (#1)
2010-04-30 B-PV 17'0" Gib Seegers Invite (#1)
2010-05-14 B-PV 16'8" NCIC -Reagan Conf Meet (#1)
2010-04-06 B-PV 16'8" Princeton 6 Team Meet (#1)
2010-04-06 B-PV 16'8" Princeton Invite (#1)
2010-05-25 B-PV 16'6" PJS Honor Roll Meet (#1)
2010-06-27 B-PV 16'4.75" US Junior Nationals (#6)
2010-04-01 B-PV 16'0" Mendota Triangular (#1)
2010-06-05 B-PV 16'0" Great Southwest Classic (#3)
2010-04-17 B-PV 15'6" Rollie Morris Invite (#1)
2010-07-11 B-PV 15'6" AAU Area 10 Illinois YMYW (#1)
2010-05-28 B-PV 13'0" pre IHSA Boys 2A and 3A Prliminaries (#1)

2010 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-03-27 B-PV 16'7" US#4 IL#1 Illinois Prep Top Times Indoor Classic Class AA (#1)
2010-03-13 B-PV 16'3" Rolling Meadows Pole Vault Summit (#2)
2010-02-06 B-PV 16'2" Bloom VaultPoleooza (#1)
2010-02-21 B-PV 16'1" AAU Northern National Champs (#1)
2010-02-06 B-PV 16'0.02" meet record Bloom VaultPoleooza (#1)
2010-01-16 B-PV 15'6" Coach O Invitational (#1)

2009 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-05-30 B-PV 15'6" IL Statemeet (#1)
2009-04-25 B-PV 15'6" US#66 IL#6 Bloom Invitational (#2)
2009-08-08 B-PV 15'0" AAU JO YMYW nationals (#4)

2009 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-02-20 B-PV 15'7" US#15 IL#3 IVC Invitational (#1)
2009-03-27 B-PV 15'6" IL Prep TopTimes AA-A (#1)
2009-02-07 B-PV 15'6" Vaultapalooza (#2)
2009-03-14 B-PV 15'6" Windy City PV Summit (#2)

2008 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2008-07-22 B-PV 15'9" US#52 IL#5 USATF JO Ntl Youth OUT (#11)
2008-07-26 B-PV 15'6" AAU JO Ntl Youth OUT (#1)

2008 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2008-01-05 B-PV 15'8" US#22 IL#4 Reno PV Summit IN (#1)
2008-03-22 B-PV 15'0" Bolingbrook Fast IN (#1)
2008-03-29 B-PV 15'0" IL Prep Top Times 2A IN (#4)

Performances by Event
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-04-17 B-100 11.31 NWIRollie Morris Invite (#2)
2010-05-14 B-100 11.32 NWINCIC -Reagan Conf Meet (#3)
2010-05-22 B-PV 17'2" US#2 IL#1 IL 2A Champaign Centennial Sectional (#1)
2010-05-29 B-PV 17'1" IL 2A / 3A State Finals (#1)
2010-04-30 B-PV 17'0" Gib Seegers Invite (#1)
2010-05-14 B-PV 16'8" NCIC -Reagan Conf Meet (#1)
2010-04-06 B-PV 16'8" Princeton 6 Team Meet (#1)
2010-04-06 B-PV 16'8" Princeton Invite (#1)
2010-03-27 B-PV 16'7" US#4 IL#1 Illinois Prep Top Times Indoor Classic Class AA (#1)
2010-05-25 B-PV 16'6" PJS Honor Roll Meet (#1)
2010-06-27 B-PV 16'4.75" US Junior Nationals (#6)
2010-03-13 B-PV 16'3" Rolling Meadows Pole Vault Summit (#2)
2010-02-06 B-PV 16'2" Bloom VaultPoleooza (#1)
2010-02-21 B-PV 16'1" AAU Northern National Champs (#1)
2010-02-06 B-PV 16'0.02" meet record Bloom VaultPoleooza (#1)
2010-04-01 B-PV 16'0" Mendota Triangular (#1)
2010-06-05 B-PV 16'0" Great Southwest Classic (#3)
2008-07-22 B-PV 15'9" US#52 IL#5 USATF JO Ntl Youth OUT (#11)
2008-01-05 B-PV 15'8" US#22 IL#4 Reno PV Summit IN (#1)
2009-02-20 B-PV 15'7" US#15 IL#3 IVC Invitational (#1)
2010-04-17 B-PV 15'6" Rollie Morris Invite (#1)
2008-07-26 B-PV 15'6" AAU JO Ntl Youth OUT (#1)
2009-03-27 B-PV 15'6" IL Prep TopTimes AA-A (#1)
2009-05-30 B-PV 15'6" IL Statemeet (#1)
2010-01-16 B-PV 15'6" Coach O Invitational (#1)
2010-07-11 B-PV 15'6" AAU Area 10 Illinois YMYW (#1)
2009-04-25 B-PV 15'6" US#66 IL#6 Bloom Invitational (#2)
2009-02-07 B-PV 15'6" Vaultapalooza (#2)
2009-03-14 B-PV 15'6" Windy City PV Summit (#2)
2008-03-22 B-PV 15'0" Bolingbrook Fast IN (#1)
2009-08-08 B-PV 15'0" AAU JO YMYW nationals (#4)
2008-03-29 B-PV 15'0" IL Prep Top Times 2A IN (#4)
2010-05-28 B-PV 13'0" pre IHSA Boys 2A and 3A Prliminaries (#1)

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