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Athlete Name: Alicia Janke
School Name: Rockwall ( ROCKWALL, TX)
Class: 2011

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2011 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-03-25 G-PV 12'6" US#27 TX#6 Allen Relays (#1)
2011-04-08 G-PV 12'1" Texas Relays - Fri. Results (#5)
2011-04-01 G-PV 12'0" Rockwall Rockin R Relays (#1)
2011-04-13 G-PV 12'0" TX District 10 - 4A (#1)
2011-04-21 G-PV 12'0" Lancaster Reg Qual Invite (#1)
2011-05-13 G-PV 12'0" TX 4A State Meet (#3)
2011-02-19 G-PV 11'6" Rockwall Jacket Classic (#1)
2011-05-03 G-PV 11'6" TX Region II-4A (#3)
2011-03-10 G-PV 11'0" Pearce-Reliable Chevrolet Relays (#1)

2010 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-05-03 G-PV 11'0" TX#37 TX 4A Region 2 (#4)
2010-02-11 G-PV 10'6" Richardson JJ Pearce Meet (#1)

2010 Indoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-12-19 G-PV 10'6" High School Club Altius Season's Greeter (#6)
2010-01-02 G-PV 10'6" TX#18 Elite Div PV Expo Explosion (#7)
2010-01-30 G-PV 10'2" Section 2 Pole Vault Summit (#15)

2009 Outdoor
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-04-15 G-PV 12'0" US#59 TX#12 TX District 10-4A (#2)
2009-04-24 G-PV 11'6" Frisco Regional Qualifier (#3)
2009-06-06 G-PV 11'6" TX 4A State Meet (#3)
2009-05-13 G-PV 11'0" TX 4A Region 2 (#2)
2009-04-04 G-PV 11'0" Texas Relays (#4)
2009-08-02 G-PV 10'0" USATF JO Intermediate (#11)

Performances by Event
Date EventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-03-25 G-PV 12'6" US#27 TX#6 Allen Relays (#1)
2011-04-08 G-PV 12'1" Texas Relays - Fri. Results (#5)
2011-04-01 G-PV 12'0" Rockwall Rockin R Relays (#1)
2011-04-13 G-PV 12'0" TX District 10 - 4A (#1)
2011-04-21 G-PV 12'0" Lancaster Reg Qual Invite (#1)
2009-04-15 G-PV 12'0" US#59 TX#12 TX District 10-4A (#2)
2011-05-13 G-PV 12'0" TX 4A State Meet (#3)
2011-02-19 G-PV 11'6" Rockwall Jacket Classic (#1)
2009-04-24 G-PV 11'6" Frisco Regional Qualifier (#3)
2011-05-03 G-PV 11'6" TX Region II-4A (#3)
2009-06-06 G-PV 11'6" TX 4A State Meet (#3)
2011-03-10 G-PV 11'0" Pearce-Reliable Chevrolet Relays (#1)
2009-05-13 G-PV 11'0" TX 4A Region 2 (#2)
2010-05-03 G-PV 11'0" TX#37 TX 4A Region 2 (#4)
2009-04-04 G-PV 11'0" Texas Relays (#4)
2010-02-11 G-PV 10'6" Richardson JJ Pearce Meet (#1)
2009-12-19 G-PV 10'6" High School Club Altius Season's Greeter (#6)
2010-01-02 G-PV 10'6" TX#18 Elite Div PV Expo Explosion (#7)
2010-01-30 G-PV 10'2" Section 2 Pole Vault Summit (#15)
2009-08-02 G-PV 10'0" USATF JO Intermediate (#11)

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