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School Name: John B Connally, TX

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2013 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-01-12 Washington, Brian G-200 26.57 TX#64 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#2)
2013-01-12 Washington, Brian G-200 26.57 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#49)
2013-01-05 Washington, Brian G-200 26.87 pre Texas A&M HS Classic (#4)

2010 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-02-26 Washington, Brian B-200 22.31 NWINew Braunfels Unicorn Relays (#1)
2010-02-26 Davis, Jacael B-110H 14.74 NWINew Braunfels Unicorn Relays (#2)
2010-02-26 Sanders, B-TJ 43'3" NWINew Braunfels Unicorn Relays (#2)
2010-02-26 Boys Relay B-4x100 1:31.54 New Braunfels Unicorn Relays (#2)
2010-04-03 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:29.37 TX#97 pre Texas Relays (#19)
2010-02-26 Roberts, Brittany (2009) G-SP 38'2.5" TX#77 New Braunfels Unicorn Relays (#2)

2010 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-01-09 Washington, Brian B-60 7.22 TX#36 pre Texas A&M Open (#2)
2010-01-09 Washington, Brian B-60 7.23 Texas A&M Open (#7)
2010-01-09 Washington, Brian B-200 22.78 TX#18 pre Texas A&M Open (#1)
2010-01-16 Davis, Jacael B-TJ 43'4.25" TX#8 Carl Lewis Invitational (#6)
2010-01-09 Davis, Jacael B-TJ 42'5.75" Texas A&M Open (#4)

2009 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-05-16 Washington, Brian B-200 22.35 NWITX 5A Region IV (#4)
2009-03-21 Washington, Brian B-200 22.36 NWITCU Horned Frog Invite (#6)
2009-08-08 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 7'0" US#18 TX#3 AAU JO YMYW nationals (#2)
2009-06-05 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 6'10" TX 5A State Meet (#2)
2009-05-16 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 6'8" TX 5A Region IV (#2)
2009-04-04 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 6'7" Texas Relays (#7)
2009-05-16 Davis, Jacael B-HJ 6'4" TX#67 TX 5A Region IV (#5)
2009-05-16 Benford, Keith (2009) B-LJ 23'3" NWITX 5A Region IV (#3)
2009-05-16 Davis, Jacael B-TJ 44'5.5" NWITX 5A Region IV (#7)
2009-08-08 Davis, Jacael B-TJ 43'11" TX#46 w(0.8)AAU JO YMYW nationals (#24)
2009-04-24 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.25 TX#51 Brenham Regional Qualifiers (#3)
2009-04-24 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:29.56 Brenham Regional Qualifiers (#5)
2009-04-24 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:22.87 TX#82 Brenham Regional Qualifiers (#3)
2009-05-16 Roberts, Brittany (2009) G-SP 42'9.5" TX#16 TX 5A Region IV (#2)
2009-06-05 Roberts, Brittany (2009) G-SP 39'3.75" TX 5A State Meet (#8)
2009-04-17 Roberts, Brittany (2009) G-SP 37'9.5" TX District 25-5A (#1)

2008 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2008-03-20 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 6'8" US#91 TX#11 Connally OUT (#1)
2008-04-25 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 6'8" TX Reg 4-4A OUT (#1)

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-01-09 Washington, Brian B-60 7.22 TX#36 pre Texas A&M Open (#2)
2010-01-09 Washington, Brian B-60 7.23 Texas A&M Open (#7)
2010-02-26 Washington, Brian B-200 22.31 NWINew Braunfels Unicorn Relays (#1)
2009-05-16 Washington, Brian B-200 22.35 NWITX 5A Region IV (#4)
2009-03-21 Washington, Brian B-200 22.36 NWITCU Horned Frog Invite (#6)
2010-01-09 Washington, Brian B-200 22.78 TX#18 pre Texas A&M Open (#1)
2010-02-26 Davis, Jacael B-110H 14.74 NWINew Braunfels Unicorn Relays (#2)
2009-08-08 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 7'0" US#18 TX#3 AAU JO YMYW nationals (#2)
2009-06-05 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 6'10" TX 5A State Meet (#2)
2008-03-20 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 6'8" US#91 TX#11 Connally OUT (#1)
2008-04-25 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 6'8" TX Reg 4-4A OUT (#1)
2009-05-16 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 6'8" TX 5A Region IV (#2)
2009-04-04 Benford, Keith (2009) B-HJ 6'7" Texas Relays (#7)
2009-05-16 Davis, Jacael B-HJ 6'4" TX#67 TX 5A Region IV (#5)
2009-05-16 Benford, Keith (2009) B-LJ 23'3" NWITX 5A Region IV (#3)
2009-05-16 Davis, Jacael B-TJ 44'5.5" NWITX 5A Region IV (#7)
2009-08-08 Davis, Jacael B-TJ 43'11" TX#46 w(0.8)AAU JO YMYW nationals (#24)
2010-01-16 Davis, Jacael B-TJ 43'4.25" TX#8 Carl Lewis Invitational (#6)
2010-02-26 Sanders, B-TJ 43'3" NWINew Braunfels Unicorn Relays (#2)
2010-01-09 Davis, Jacael B-TJ 42'5.75" Texas A&M Open (#4)
2009-04-24 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.25 TX#51 Brenham Regional Qualifiers (#3)
2010-02-26 Boys Relay B-4x100 1:31.54 New Braunfels Unicorn Relays (#2)
2010-04-03 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:29.37 TX#97 pre Texas Relays (#19)
2009-04-24 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:29.56 Brenham Regional Qualifiers (#5)
2009-04-24 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:22.87 TX#82 Brenham Regional Qualifiers (#3)
2013-01-12 Washington, Brian G-200 26.57 TX#64 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#2)
2013-01-12 Washington, Brian G-200 26.57 pre Arkansas HS Invitational (#49)
2013-01-05 Washington, Brian G-200 26.87 pre Texas A&M HS Classic (#4)
2009-05-16 Roberts, Brittany (2009) G-SP 42'9.5" TX#16 TX 5A Region IV (#2)
2009-06-05 Roberts, Brittany (2009) G-SP 39'3.75" TX 5A State Meet (#8)
2010-02-26 Roberts, Brittany (2009) G-SP 38'2.5" TX#77 New Braunfels Unicorn Relays (#2)
2009-04-17 Roberts, Brittany (2009) G-SP 37'9.5" TX District 25-5A (#1)

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