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School Name: Rancho Cucamonga, CA
State Division: SS-D1

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2015 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-11-28 Riley, Darius (2018) B-5k_XC 15:47.10 CA State D1 XC Championships (#36)
2015-11-28 Del-Valle Rutherford, Jo (2017) B-5k_XC 16:01.10 CA State D1 XC Championships (#54)
2015-09-26 Riley, Darius (2018) B-5k_XC 16:12.00 Stanford Invitational (#65)
2015-11-28 Dolen, Daniel (2016) B-5k_XC 16:19.70 CA State D1 XC Championships (#84)
2015-09-26 Dolen, Daniel (2016) B-5k_XC 16:20.60 Stanford Invitational (#76)
2015-09-26 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-5k_XC 16:22.40 Stanford Invitational (#78)
2015-11-28 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-5k_XC 16:25.70 CA State D1 XC Championships (#98)
2015-11-28 Chavez, Daniel (2016) B-5k_XC 16:27.70 CA State D1 XC Championships (#102)
2015-11-14 Del-Valle Rutherford, Jo (2017) B-3m_XC 15:08.10 CIF-SS Prelims (#16)
2015-11-14 Riley, Darius (2018) B-3m_XC 15:08.20 CIF-SS Prelims (#17)
2015-11-03 Del-Valle, Joey (2017) B-3m_XC 15:14.00 Baseline League Finals (#2)
2015-10-17 Del-Valle, Joey (2017) B-3m_XC 15:22.10 Inland Empire Championships (#8)
2015-11-03 Riley, Darius (2018) B-3m_XC 15:25.00 Baseline League Finals (#3)
2015-11-03 Chavez, Daniel (2016) B-3m_XC 15:26.00 Baseline League Finals (#4)
2015-11-14 Chavez, Daniel (2016) B-3m_XC 15:27.50 CIF-SS Prelims (#50)
2015-11-14 Dolen, Daniel (2016) B-3m_XC 15:29.40 CIF-SS Prelims (#54)
2015-10-17 Riley, Darius (2018) B-3m_XC 15:30.90 Inland Empire Championships (#13)
2015-10-17 Dolen, Daniel (2016) B-3m_XC 15:31.60 Inland Empire Championships (#15)
2015-11-03 Dolen, Daniel (2016) B-3m_XC 15:33.00 Baseline League Finals (#6)
2015-10-24 Del-Valle, Joey (2017) B-3m_XC 15:34.00 Mt. SAC Invitational (#4)
2015-09-19 Chavez, Daniel (2016) B-3m_XC 15:34.30 Woodbridge Cross Country Classic (#76)
2015-10-17 Chavez, Daniel (2016) B-3m_XC 15:40.30 Inland Empire Championships (#24)
2015-11-21 Riley, Darius (2018) B-3m_XC 15:41.80 CIF-SS Finals (#19)
2015-09-19 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-3m_XC 15:42.30 Woodbridge Cross Country Classic (#92)
2015-10-24 Dolen, Daniel (2016) B-3m_XC 15:43.00 Mt. SAC Invitational (#9)
2015-11-14 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-3m_XC 15:43.30 CIF-SS Prelims (#73)
2015-09-19 Dolen, Daniel (2016) B-3m_XC 15:46.20 Woodbridge Cross Country Classic (#102)
2015-10-24 Riley, Darius (2018) B-3m_XC 15:47.00 Mt. SAC Invitational (#12)
2015-10-17 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-3m_XC 15:47.10 Inland Empire Championships (#31)
2015-09-19 Riley, Darius (2018) B-3m_XC 15:51.20 Woodbridge Cross Country Classic (#111)
2015-11-14 Burch, Jacob (2016) B-3m_XC 15:52.20 CIF-SS Prelims (#89)
2015-11-03 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-3m_XC 15:53.00 Baseline League Finals (#9)
2015-11-21 Del-Valle Rutherford, Jo (2017) B-3m_XC 15:53.60 CIF-SS Finals (#28)
2015-11-03 Sipos, Grant (2017) B-3m_XC 15:54.00 Baseline League Finals (#10)
2015-11-14 Sipos, Grant (2017) B-3m_XC 15:55.30 CIF-SS Prelims (#96)
2015-09-26 Holton, Erin (2017) G-5k_XC 18:21.50 Stanford Invitational (#20)
2015-11-28 Holton, Erin (2017) G-5k_XC 18:24.10 CA State D1 XC Championships (#28)
2015-11-28 Matthews, Brittani (2016) G-5k_XC 18:26.60 CA State D1 XC Championships (#30)
2015-09-26 Matthews, Brittani (2016) G-5k_XC 18:34.90 Stanford Invitational (#31)
2015-11-14 Holton, Erin (2017) G-3m_XC 17:18.80 CA#52 CIF-SS Prelims (#1)
2015-11-03 Holton, Erin (2017) G-3m_XC 17:30.00 Baseline League Finals (#1)
2015-11-14 Matthews, Brittani (2016) G-3m_XC 17:31.40 CA#79 CIF-SS Prelims (#4)
2015-11-03 Matthews, Brittani (2016) G-3m_XC 17:32.00 Baseline League Finals (#2)
2015-09-19 Holton, Erin (2017) G-3m_XC 17:33.10 Woodbridge Cross Country Classic (#3)
2015-10-17 Matthews, Brittani (2016) G-3m_XC 17:47.10 Inland Empire Championships (#6)
2015-09-05 Holton, Erin (2017) G-3m_XC 17:48.39 Cool Breeze Invitational (#13)
2015-09-05 Matthews, Brittani (2016) G-3m_XC 17:51.72 Cool Breeze Invitational (#15)
2015-10-24 Matthews, Brittani (2016) G-3m_XC 17:55.00 Mt. SAC Invitational (#11)
2015-11-21 Holton, Erin (2017) G-3m_XC 17:57.50 CIF-SS Finals (#3)
2015-11-21 Matthews, Brittani (2016) G-3m_XC 18:04.10 CIF-SS Finals (#7)
2015-10-17 Maretti, Megan (2016) G-3m_XC 18:44.20 Inland Empire Championships (#24)
2015-09-19 Maretti, Megan (2016) G-3m_XC 18:58.70 Woodbridge Cross Country Classic (#46)

2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-22 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 10.97 w(2.4)Rancho Cucamonga at Upland (#3)
2015-04-25 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 10.99 w(2.6)Inland Empire Championships (#6)
2015-05-04 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 11.07 pre w(0)Baseline League Prelims (#7)
2015-05-08 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 11.13 w(0.3)Baseline League Finals (#8)
2015-04-22 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-100 11.17 w(2.4)Rancho Cucamonga at Upland (#6)
2015-04-25 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-100 11.19 w(3.7)Inland Empire Championships (#4)
2015-05-04 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-100 11.19 pre w(1.9)Baseline League Prelims (#9)
2015-03-07 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-100 11.21 w(0.8)Cougar Classic (#5)
2015-05-04 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-100 11.24 pre w(1.9)Baseline League Prelims (#12)
2015-05-08 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-100 11.26 w(0.3)Baseline League Finals (#9)
2015-04-25 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-100 11.27 w(2.3)Inland Empire Championships (#5)
2015-03-21 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-100 11.27 w(0.7)California Relays (#9)
2015-03-21 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-100 11.30 pre w(0.2)California Relays (#5)
2015-02-28 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 11.32 NWIOntario Relays (#1)
2015-04-04 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-100 11.32 w(0.4)Covina Invitational (#3)
2015-03-21 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-100 11.34 w(2.6)California Relays (#3)
2015-03-07 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-100 11.40 w(2)Cougar Classic (#2)
2015-04-04 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 11.40 w(0.4)Covina Invitational (#7)
2015-05-08 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 22.27 w(3.3)Baseline League Finals (#6)
2015-04-22 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 22.53 w(2.6)Rancho Cucamonga at Upland (#3)
2015-03-21 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-200 22.55 pre w(1.4)California Relays (#8)
2015-05-04 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 22.57 pre w(0.3)Baseline League Prelims (#9)
2015-05-04 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-200 22.58 pre w(0.5)Baseline League Prelims (#10)
2015-04-04 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 22.74 w(2.1)Covina Invitational (#5)
2015-04-25 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-200 22.81 w(1.7)Inland Empire Championships (#3)
2015-04-25 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-200 22.86 w(1.7)Inland Empire Championships (#4)
2015-04-01 Davis, Jay (2015) B-200 22.99 w(0)Chino Hills vs Rancho Cucamonga (#2)
2015-04-04 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-200 23.00 w(2.1)Covina Invitational (#10)
2015-04-25 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 23.00 w(0.9)Inland Empire Championships (#12)
2015-02-28 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-200 23.13 NWIOntario Relays (#3)
2015-03-07 Davis, Jay (2015) B-200 23.19 w(2.5)Cougar Classic (#15)
2015-05-04 Davis, Jay (2015) B-200 23.24 pre w(0.6)Baseline League Prelims (#17)
2015-03-21 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-200 23.25 pre w(1.9)California Relays (#12)
2015-03-07 Surry, Ray (2015) B-200 23.34 w(2.2)Cougar Classic (#18)
2015-04-04 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-200 23.40 w(2.1)Covina Invitational (#16)
2015-02-28 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 23.40 NWIOntario Relays (#4)
2015-05-08 Sanchez, Elliot (2016) B-800 1:59.42 Baseline League Finals (#2)
2015-04-04 Sanchez, Elliot (2016) B-800 2:00.26 Covina Invitational (#3)
2015-05-16 Sanchez, Elliot (2016) B-800 2:00.88 pre CIF-SS Division 1 Prelims (#31)
2015-05-04 Sanchez, Elliot (2016) B-800 2:00.95 pre Baseline League Prelims (#2)
2015-04-25 Sanchez, Elliot (2016) B-800 2:00.98 Inland Empire Championships (#8)
2015-04-01 Sanchez, Elliot (2016) B-800 2:02.35 Chino Hills vs Rancho Cucamonga (#1)
2015-05-04 Holcomb, Marquise (2016) B-800 2:02.89 pre Baseline League Prelims (#4)
2015-04-25 Holcomb, Marquise (2016) B-800 2:03.45 Inland Empire Championships (#22)
2015-03-21 Weiland, Christopher (2017) B-1600 4:32.35 California Relays (#1)
2015-05-08 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-1600 4:32.99 Baseline League Finals (#2)
2015-05-16 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-1600 4:33.14 pre CIF-SS Division 1 Prelims (#32)
2015-04-01 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-1600 4:33.74 Chino Hills vs Rancho Cucamonga (#1)
2015-04-25 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-3200 9:51.78 Inland Empire Championships (#4)
2015-04-25 Chavez, Daniel (2016) B-3200 9:52.04 Inland Empire Championships (#14)
2015-03-28 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-3200 9:53.12 Azusa Distance Meet of Champions (#9)
2015-05-16 Megna, Cory (2017) B-3200 9:56.20 pre CIF-SS Division 1 Prelims (#40)
2015-04-04 Chavez, Daniel (2016) B-3200 9:58.64 Covina Invitational (#2)
2015-04-25 Dolen, Daniel (2016) B-3200 9:59.35 Inland Empire Championships (#1)
2015-04-25 Burch, Jacob (2016) B-3200 9:59.50 Inland Empire Championships (#2)
2015-05-08 Weiland, Chris (2017) B-3200 10:00.09 Baseline League Finals (#1)
2015-05-08 Chavez, Daniel (2016) B-3200 10:00.13 Baseline League Finals (#2)
2015-03-07 Chavez, Daniel (2016) B-3200 10:00.79 Cougar Classic (#5)
2015-05-08 Megna, Cory (2017) B-3200 10:00.88 Baseline League Finals (#3)
2015-02-28 Davis, Josiah (2016) B-110H 15.20 NWIOntario Relays (#2)
2015-05-08 Davis, Josiah (2016) B-110H 15.49 w(-0.1)Baseline League Finals (#4)
2015-04-01 Davis, Josiah (2016) B-110H 15.66 w(0.8)Chino Hills vs Rancho Cucamonga (#1)
2015-04-11 Davis, Josiah (2016) B-110H 15.67 w(0.1)Arcadia Invitational (#5)
2015-05-04 Davis, Josiah (2016) B-110H 15.67 pre w(1.1)Baseline League Prelims (#5)
2015-04-04 Davis, Josiah (2016) B-110H 15.88 w(-0.6)Covina Invitational (#5)
2015-05-04 Davis, Josiah (2016) B-300H 41.58 pre Baseline League Prelims (#4)
2015-04-04 Davis, Josiah (2016) B-300H 41.73 Covina Invitational (#7)
2015-05-08 Gray, Josiah (2015) B-SP 47'3" Baseline League Finals (#4)
2015-05-08 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.67 CA#59 Baseline League Finals (#4)
2015-03-21 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.25 pre California Relays (#5)
2015-03-21 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.27 California Relays (#5)
2015-04-25 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.80 Inland Empire Championships (#1)
2015-04-22 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.02 Rancho Cucamonga at Upland (#3)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-02-26 White, Laijon (2011) B-55 6.64 CA#11 CA State Meet (#4)
2011-02-26 White, Laijon (2011) B-55 6.67 pre CA State Meet (#1)
2010-02-06 White, Laijon (2011) B-55 6.70 CA#14 Prelims H3 California Indoor State Meet (#4)
2011-02-26 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-55 6.81 CA#40 pre CA State Meet (#3)
2012-01-21 Matthews, Braxton (2012) B-55 6.81 CA#38 pre California Indoor State Meet (#4)
2007-05-25 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.39 US#7 CA#2 w(1.9)CA CIF SS Masters OUT (#1)
2008-06-07 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.43 w(3.3)Great Southwest OUT (#2)
2007-06-02 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.45 w(2.4)CA State Meet OUT (#2)
2008-05-31 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.47 US#17 CA#2 w(0.7)CA State OUT (#1)
2008-05-10 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.50 w(1.2)CA SS Prelims DI OUT (#1)
2008-05-17 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.50 w(0.7)CA SS Finals DI OUT (#1)
2007-04-14 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.51 w(4)Mt. SAC Relays (#3)
2009-05-08 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.52 NWIBaseline League Finals (#1)
2008-04-20 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.54 w(2.3)Mt. SAC Relays (#1)
2008-05-02 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.54 w(3.6)Baseline-CA League OUT (#1)
2009-05-23 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.56 w(3.1)CA SS Divisional Finals (#2)
2007-05-19 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.57 w(2.3)CA CIF SS D1 OUT (#2)
2008-04-12 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.59 w(1.4)Arcadia Invitational (#2)
2009-05-23 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-100 10.62 w(3.1)CA SS Divisional Finals (#3)
2009-03-21 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.70 CA#15 pre w(1.8)California Relays (#1)
2009-05-16 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.77 pre w(1)CA SS D1 Prelims (#3)
2009-05-16 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-100 10.77 CA#29 pre w(1.1)CA SS D1 Prelims (#4)
2009-06-05 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.78 pre w(2.2)CA Statemeet-Prelims (#16)
2009-03-07 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.79 NWIFoothill Invitational (#1)
2009-05-08 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-100 10.80 NWIBaseline League Finals (#2)
2010-05-05 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-100 10.81 w(2.1)Baseline League Prelims (#2)
2009-05-29 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.90 w(-0.9)CA SS Masters Meet (#5)
2009-03-21 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-100 10.93 w(0.2)California Relays (#4)
2011-05-07 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-100 10.94 w(2.8)Baseline Leauge Finals (#5)
2015-04-22 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 10.97 w(2.4)Rancho Cucamonga at Upland (#3)
2009-05-29 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-100 10.98 w(-0.9)CA SS Masters Meet (#7)
2015-04-25 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 10.99 w(2.6)Inland Empire Championships (#6)
2009-03-21 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-100 11.00 pre w(1.5)California Relays (#6)
2009-03-21 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-100 11.00 w(0.2)California Relays (#6)
2014-04-23 Richardson, Evan (2014) B-100 11.03 NWIRancho Cucamonga at Upland (#3)
2015-05-04 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 11.07 pre w(0)Baseline League Prelims (#7)
2014-05-17 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-100 11.12 pre NWICIF-SS Division 1 Prelims (#22)
2015-05-08 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 11.13 w(0.3)Baseline League Finals (#8)
2014-04-09 Richardson, Evan (2014) B-100 11.14 NWIGlendora and Rancho Cucamonga at Los Osos (#2)
2015-04-22 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-100 11.17 w(2.4)Rancho Cucamonga at Upland (#6)
2015-04-25 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-100 11.19 w(3.7)Inland Empire Championships (#4)
2015-05-04 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-100 11.19 pre w(1.9)Baseline League Prelims (#9)
2015-03-07 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-100 11.21 w(0.8)Cougar Classic (#5)
2014-04-26 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-100 11.23 w(2)Inland Empire Championships (#4)
2015-05-04 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-100 11.24 pre w(1.9)Baseline League Prelims (#12)
2015-05-08 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-100 11.26 w(0.3)Baseline League Finals (#9)
2015-04-25 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-100 11.27 w(2.3)Inland Empire Championships (#5)
2015-03-21 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-100 11.27 w(0.7)California Relays (#9)
2014-04-26 Richardson, Evan (2014) B-100 11.28 w(1.8)Inland Empire Championships (#6)
2015-03-21 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-100 11.30 pre w(0.2)California Relays (#5)
2013-05-03 Muhammad, Kahleal (2015) B-100 11.30 NWIBaseline League Finals (#7)
2015-02-28 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 11.32 NWIOntario Relays (#1)
2015-04-04 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-100 11.32 w(0.4)Covina Invitational (#3)
2013-04-13 Muhammad, Kahleal (2015) B-100 11.34 w(2.3)Inland Empire Championships (#2)
2015-03-21 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-100 11.34 w(2.6)California Relays (#3)
2014-03-08 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-100 11.36 NWIGrizzly Invitational (#6)
2014-04-23 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 11.38 NWIRancho Cucamonga at Upland (#7)
2015-03-07 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-100 11.40 w(2)Cougar Classic (#2)
2015-04-04 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-100 11.40 w(0.4)Covina Invitational (#7)
2011-05-07 White, Laijon (2011) B-200 21.19 pre w(4.2)Baseline Leauge Finals (#1)
2011-05-07 White, Laijon (2011) B-200 21.54 US#95 CA#11 w(1.4)Baseline Leauge Finals (#1)
2010-05-05 White, Laijon (2011) B-200 21.54 US#68 CA#18 w(1.9)Baseline League Prelims (#2)
2009-05-23 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-200 21.64 w(2.4)CA SS Divisional Finals (#4)
2010-05-05 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-200 21.67 CA#25 w(1.9)Baseline League Prelims (#3)
2009-05-08 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-200 21.68 NWIBaseline League Finals (#1)
2011-05-14 White, Laijon (2011) B-200 21.77 pre w(0.2)Division 1 Prelims (#5)
2010-05-15 White, Laijon (2011) B-200 21.83 pre w(2.7)CA SS D1 Prelims (#12)
2011-03-12 White, Laijon (2011) B-200 21.84 NWIGrizzly Inv (#1)
2009-05-08 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-200 21.87 NWIBaseline League Finals (#2)
2009-05-16 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-200 21.88 CA#40 pre w(0.8)CA SS D1 Prelims (#4)
2009-05-23 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-200 21.91 w(2.4)CA SS Divisional Finals (#9)
2010-04-24 White, Laijon (2011) B-200 21.93 w(0.1)Inland Empire Champs (#5)
2011-05-07 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-200 21.94 pre w(2.3)Baseline Leauge Finals (#2)
2009-05-16 Saseun, Charles (2009) B-200 21.95 CA#46 pre w(1)CA SS D1 Prelims (#5)
2010-05-15 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-200 21.97 pre w(1.8)CA SS D1 Prelims (#16)
2011-05-07 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-200 21.97 CA#52 w(1.4)Baseline Leauge Finals (#4)
2010-03-20 White, Laijon (2011) B-200 21.99 w(3)California Relays (#1)
2011-03-26 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-200 21.99 w(1.3)Roosevelt Speed/Distance Inv (#2)
2010-04-24 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-200 21.99 w(0)Inland Empire Champs (#6)
2011-04-02 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-200 22.03 NWIWest Coast Relays (#3)
2009-03-28 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-200 22.03 w(3.4)Surf City (#4)
2011-05-21 White, Laijon (2011) B-200 22.05 w(-0.8)CA Southern Section Divisional Finals (#8)
2010-04-10 White, Laijon (2011) B-200 22.24 pre w(-0.8)Arcadia Open Div (#18)
2009-04-18 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-200 22.25 w(0.5)Mt. SAC Relays (#4)
2015-05-08 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 22.27 w(3.3)Baseline League Finals (#6)
2014-04-23 Richardson, Evan (2014) B-200 22.28 NWIRancho Cucamonga at Upland (#4)
2014-04-26 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-200 22.30 w(0.5)Inland Empire Championships (#3)
2011-04-23 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-200 22.36 w(1.4)Inland Empire Champs (#5)
2012-05-04 Matthews, Braxton (2012) B-200 22.39 w(2)Baseline Lg Finals-SS (#4)
2011-03-12 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-200 22.40 NWIGrizzly Inv (#4)
2009-03-21 Abrams, Terence (2009) B-200 22.46 w(1.1)California Relays (#1)
2009-05-16 Tyes, Diontaye (2011) B-200 22.49 pre w(0.5)CA SS D1 Prelims (#19)
2014-04-09 Evans, Jonathan (2014) B-200 22.52 NWIGlendora and Rancho Cucamonga at Los Osos (#1)
2015-04-22 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 22.53 w(2.6)Rancho Cucamonga at Upland (#3)
2015-03-21 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-200 22.55 pre w(1.4)California Relays (#8)
2015-05-04 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 22.57 pre w(0.3)Baseline League Prelims (#9)
2015-05-04 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-200 22.58 pre w(0.5)Baseline League Prelims (#10)
2014-03-29 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-200 22.64 w(2.5)Covina Invitational (#6)
2014-05-03 Hooper, Cameron (2016) B-200 22.72 NWICorona Soph/Frosh Showdown (#1)
2015-04-04 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 22.74 w(2.1)Covina Invitational (#5)
2012-05-01 Matthews, Braxton (2012) B-200 22.76 pre NWIBaseline Lg Prelims-SS (#3)
2015-04-25 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-200 22.81 w(1.7)Inland Empire Championships (#3)
2015-04-25 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-200 22.86 w(1.7)Inland Empire Championships (#4)
2012-05-01 Robinson, James (2013) B-200 22.97 pre w(2.9)Baseline Lg Prelims-SS (#8)
2015-04-01 Davis, Jay (2015) B-200 22.99 w(0)Chino Hills vs Rancho Cucamonga (#2)
2015-04-04 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-200 23.00 w(2.1)Covina Invitational (#10)
2015-04-25 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 23.00 w(0.9)Inland Empire Championships (#12)
2014-04-26 Richardson, Evan (2014) B-200 23.03 w(0.8)Inland Empire Championships (#17)
2014-04-09 Novak, Jordan (2015) B-200 23.07 NWIGlendora and Rancho Cucamonga at Los Osos (#5)
2015-02-28 Stephens, Chase (2015) B-200 23.13 NWIOntario Relays (#3)
2015-03-07 Davis, Jay (2015) B-200 23.19 w(2.5)Cougar Classic (#15)
2015-05-04 Davis, Jay (2015) B-200 23.24 pre w(0.6)Baseline League Prelims (#17)
2015-03-21 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-200 23.25 pre w(1.9)California Relays (#12)
2014-04-26 Hooper, Cameron (2016) B-200 23.28 w(2.1)Inland Empire Championships (#21)
2015-03-07 Surry, Ray (2015) B-200 23.34 w(2.2)Cougar Classic (#18)
2015-04-04 Venable, Tayari (2017) B-200 23.40 w(2.1)Covina Invitational (#16)
2014-03-29 Redd, Jaylon (2017) B-200 23.40 NWICovina Invitational (#2)
2015-02-28 Tyler, Joseph (2016) B-200 23.40 NWIOntario Relays (#4)
2011-04-02 White, Laijon (2011) B-400 47.72 US#50 CA#6 West Coast Relays (#1)
2010-05-22 White, Laijon (2011) B-400 48.29 CA#17 CA SS D1 Finals (#2)
2010-05-15 White, Laijon (2011) B-400 48.32 pre CA SS D1 Prelims (#1)
2011-05-14 White, Laijon (2011) B-400 48.35 pre Division 1 Prelims (#6)
2010-04-24 White, Laijon (2011) B-400 48.49 Inland Empire Champs (#1)
2011-03-12 White, Laijon (2011) B-400 48.68 Grizzly Inv (#1)
2011-03-26 White, Laijon (2011) B-400 48.76 Roosevelt Speed/Distance Inv (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Holton, Mat Loyola Marymount University, CA (West Coast Conference)

Munford, Jordie Texas Tech University, TX (Big 12 Conference)

Svahn, Kevin California State University-Chico, CA (California Collegiate Athletic Association)

Saseun, Charles University of California-Berkeley, CA (Pacific-12 Conference)
Abrams, Terence University of Southern California, CA (Pacific-12 Conference)

Martinez, Brenda University of California-Riverside, CA (Big West Conference)

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