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School Name: Suitland, MD
State Division: 4A

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-23 Little, Floyd (2015) B-100 10.99 MD#13 pre w(1.9)MD 4A State Meet (#8)
2015-05-23 Thomas, Nikolas (2016) B-800 1:58.29 MD#29 MD 4A State Meet (#5)
2015-05-16 Thomas, Nikolas (2016) B-800 1:59.25 MD 4A South Regional (#1)
2015-05-23 Bynum, Isa (2017) B-LJ 22'1.25" w(3)MD 4A State Meet (#4)
2015-05-16 Bynum, Isa (2017) B-TJ 44'4.5" NWIMD 4A South Regional (#2)
2015-05-23 Bynum, Isa (2017) B-TJ 43'2" MD#22 w(1.5)MD 4A State Meet (#10)
2015-05-16 Pettus, Marcellus (2017) B-TJ 43'1.5" NWIMD 4A South Regional (#3)
2015-05-23 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.83 MD#12 MD 4A State Meet (#5)
2015-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.14 MD 4A South Regional (#5)
2015-06-21 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.68 pre NB Outdoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#15)
2015-04-18 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.94 McNamara Mustang Invitational (#5)
2015-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:30.42 MD#15 MD 4A South Regional (#4)
2015-05-07 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:30.78 Prince George's County Championships (#6)
2015-04-18 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:30.82 McNamara Mustang Invitational (#3)
2015-05-23 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.42 MD 4A State Meet (#9)
2015-04-02 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.44 Largo Lions Invitational (#4)
2015-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x800 8:01.32 MD#9 MD 4A South Regional (#2)
2015-05-07 Boys Relay B-4x800 8:02.60 Prince George's County Championships (#2)
2015-06-21 Boys Relay B-4x800 8:03.07 NB Outdoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#13)
2015-06-21 Boys Relay B-SMR 3:39.14 MD#3 NB Outdoor Nationals (#36)
2015-05-16 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.63 MD#39 MD 4A South Regional (#4)
2015-05-16 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:04.70 MD#24 MD 4A South Regional (#5)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-02-04 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.64 MD#31 MD 4A East Regional Championships (#6)
2015-02-23 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.65 pre MD 4A Indoor State Meet (#13)
2015-02-04 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.68 pre MD 4A East Regional Championships (#5)
2015-01-15 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.71 pre Prince George's County Indoor Championships (#11)
2015-01-31 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.71 pre Virginia Tech HS Invitational (#21)
2014-12-27 Ross, Antione (2017) B-55 6.74 MD#71 F.I.T. Friends of Track Invitational (#5)
2014-12-11 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.75 Ed Bowie Indoor Invitational (#6)
2015-01-10 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.76 pre Hispanic Games (#16)
2014-12-27 Ross, Antione (2017) B-55 6.79 pre F.I.T. Friends of Track Invitational (#5)
2015-01-15 Bynum, Isa (2017) B-55 6.84 pre Prince George's County Indoor Championships (#21)
2015-01-15 Walker, Darren (2016) B-300 37.12 MD#70 Prince George's County Indoor Championships (#13)
2015-02-04 Walker, Darren (2016) B-300 37.28 MD 4A East Regional Championships (#15)
2014-12-27 Thomas, Nikolas (2016) B-300 37.62 F.I.T. Friends of Track Invitational (#14)
2014-12-11 Walker, Darren (2016) B-300 37.90 Ed Bowie Indoor Invitational (#10)
2015-01-31 Thomas, Nikolas (2016) B-500 1:08.38 MD#24 Virginia Tech HS Invitational (#13)
2015-01-15 Thomas, Nikolas (2016) B-800 2:01.81 MD#27 Prince George's County Indoor Championships (#2)
2015-01-31 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:33.07 MD#19 Virginia Tech HS Invitational (#12)
2015-01-10 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:33.08 pre Hispanic Games (#16)
2015-01-15 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.19 Prince George's County Indoor Championships (#5)
2014-12-27 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.60 F.I.T. Friends of Track Invitational (#6)
2015-02-04 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.90 MD 4A East Regional Championships (#8)
2015-01-03 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:35.86 Southern Maryland Indoor Track Classic (#11)
2015-01-31 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:30.24 MD#13 Virginia Tech HS Invitational (#19)
2015-02-23 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:32.18 MD 4A Indoor State Meet (#7)
2015-02-04 Boys Relay B-4x800 8:17.29 MD#7 MD 4A East Regional Championships (#1)
2015-01-10 Nettles, Tejah G-TJ 33'3" MD#44 Hispanic Games (#17)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-04-19 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-200 22.43 NWIMcNamara Mustang Invitational (#6)
2014-03-29 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-400 49.88 MD#29 Capitol Heights Central Invitational (#2)
2014-05-17 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.31 MD#19 MD 4A South Regional (#4)
2014-05-24 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.45 MD 4A Championships (#8)
2014-05-10 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.84 Prince George's County Championships (#8)
2014-05-24 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.09 MD#25 MD 4A Championships (#7)
2014-05-17 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.10 MD 4A South Regional (#5)
2014-05-03 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 39'8" MD#9 Mullins Russell Invitational (#2)
2014-05-24 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 38'1.5" MD 4A Championships (#6)
2014-04-19 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 37'10" McNamara Mustang Invitational (#3)
2014-05-17 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 37'7" MD 4A South Regional (#2)
2014-04-05 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 37'4" Largo Lions Invitational (#3)
2014-05-10 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 37'2" Prince George's County Championships (#4)
2014-03-22 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 36'8" Screaming Eagles Invitational (#2)
2014-04-12 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 36'5" Crimson Tide Invitational (#1)
2014-03-29 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 35'0" Capitol Heights Central Invitational (#3)
2014-04-05 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-DT 127'1" MD#4 Largo Lions Invitational (#1)
2014-05-03 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-DT 124'1.5" Mullins Russell Invitational (#1)

2014 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-01-16 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.63 MD#28 Prince George County Indoor Championships (#3)
2014-02-01 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.64 pre Virginia Tech Invitational (#8)
2014-02-01 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.65 Virginia Tech Invitational (#7)
2014-01-04 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.67 Hispanic Games (#5)
2014-01-16 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.72 pre Prince George County Indoor Championships (#7)
2014-01-11 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.73 pre Montgomery Invitational (#12)
2014-01-04 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.77 pre Hispanic Games (#7)
2014-02-05 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.78 MD 4A East Regional Meet (#5)
2014-02-05 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.79 pre MD 4A East Regional Meet (#4)
2014-01-04 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-200 22.60 MD#8 Hispanic Games (#5)
2014-01-04 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-200 22.71 pre Hispanic Games (#6)
2014-02-01 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-300 35.80 MD#15 Virginia Tech Invitational (#9)
2014-02-18 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-300 36.35 MD 4A Indoor State Championships (#5)
2013-12-28 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-300 36.72 Friends of Indoor Track Invitational (#7)
2014-02-05 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-300 36.97 MD 4A East Regional Meet (#4)
2014-01-11 Wolfolk, Wesley (2014) B-300 37.02 MD#67 Montgomery Invitational (#19)
2014-01-16 Wolfolk, Wesley (2014) B-300 37.12 Prince George County Indoor Championships (#10)
2013-12-14 Walker, Darren (2016) B-300 37.95 Howard County Winter Track Festival (#17)
2014-02-01 Thomas, Nikolas (2016) B-500 1:10.75 MD#77 Virginia Tech Invitational (#34)
2014-02-01 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:33.44 MD#16 Virginia Tech Invitational (#8)
2014-01-04 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:33.73 pre Hispanic Games (#6)
2014-02-18 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.49 MD 4A Indoor State Championships (#4)
2014-01-04 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.54 Hispanic Games (#6)
2014-01-16 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.88 Prince George County Indoor Championships (#8)
2013-12-28 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:35.23 Friends of Indoor Track Invitational (#7)
2014-01-08 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:35.79 DCIAA HS Invitational (#2)
2014-02-01 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:28.69 MD#6 Virginia Tech Invitational (#9)
2014-02-05 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 38'0.5" MD#10 MD 4A East Regional Meet (#2)
2014-02-18 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 37'0.25" MD 4A Indoor State Championships (#5)
2013-12-28 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 36'11.75" Friends of Indoor Track Invitational (#2)
2014-01-04 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 36'11.25" Hispanic Games (#6)
2014-01-16 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 36'4.5" Prince George County Indoor Championships (#4)
2014-01-11 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 36'2.5" Montgomery Invitational (#10)
2014-01-08 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 36'1.5" DCIAA HS Invitational (#2)
2013-12-19 Parker, Raeshawn (2016) G-SP 35'5.25" MD#22 P.G. Country Relay Invitational (#3)
2014-02-01 Hall, Jasmyn (2014) G-SP 34'6" Virginia Tech Invitational (#12)

2013 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-12-15 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-55 6.52 MD#5 Ed Bowie Invite (#1)
2013-02-19 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.67 MD#35 MD MPSSAA 4A State Meet (#5)
2013-02-06 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.73 MD 4A East Regional Champs (#4)
2013-02-19 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.73 pre MD MPSSAA 4A State Meet (#6)
2012-12-15 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-55 6.74 pre Ed Bowie Invite (#2)
2013-02-06 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.76 pre MD 4A East Regional Champs (#4)
2013-02-02 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.77 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#16)
2013-01-17 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.77 pre MD Prince George's County Champs (#6)
2013-01-10 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.78 MD Prince George's County Carnival (#3)
2012-12-13 Sims, Malik (2013) B-300 35.27 US#32 MD#3 MD Prince George's Invite (#1)
2013-01-17 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-300 36.44 MD#35 MD Prince George's County Champs (#3)
2013-02-06 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-300 36.61 MD 4A East Regional Champs (#2)
2013-02-19 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-300 36.79 MD MPSSAA 4A State Meet (#6)
2012-12-15 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-300 37.57 Ed Bowie Invite (#10)
2013-02-06 Thomas, Kelcy (2013) B-300 37.67 MD#100 MD 4A East Regional Champs (#10)
2013-01-10 Walker, Darren (2016) B-300 37.83 MD Prince George's County Carnival (#5)
2013-01-12 Walker, Darren (2016) B-300 37.85 Montgomery Invitational (#26)
2012-12-13 Brown, Brandon (2014) B-300 37.94 MD Prince George's Invite (#6)
2012-12-15 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:33.32 MD#13 Ed Bowie Invite (#1)
2013-02-06 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.05 MD 4A East Regional Champs (#4)
2013-02-02 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.33 Virginia Tech Inv (#13)
2013-01-17 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.60 MD Prince George's County Champs (#3)
2013-01-10 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:35.12 MD Prince George's County Carnival (#4)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2003-02-25 Duru, Robert (2003) B-55 6.41 US#16 MD#3 4A-3A Statemeet (#1)
2012-02-21 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.46 US#50 MD#5 pre MD 4A Indoor State Meet (#1)
2011-01-08 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.46 US#44 MD#3 Hispanic Games (#3)
2003-01-23 Duru, Robert (2003) B-55 6.47 PG County Ch. (#1)
2004-01-22 Lane, Jamell (2006) B-55 6.48 US#42 MD#5 Prince George's Co. (#1)
2004-02-17 McGill, Serge (2004) B-55 6.48 US#42 MD#5 4A-3A State Meet (#1)
2003-01-23 Lane, Jamell (2006) B-55 6.48 US#29 MD#4 PG County Ch. (#2)
2012-01-19 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.49 pre Prince George County Championships (#1)
2010-02-23 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.50 US#66 MD#4 Maryland 4A State Meet (#1)
2012-03-04 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.51 Mid Atlantic Indoor Classic (#1)
2012-03-04 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.51 pre Mid Atlantic Indoor Classic (#1)
2003-02-25 Lane, Jamell (2006) B-55 6.51 4A-3A Statemeet (#2)
2004-01-31 McGill, Serge (2004) B-55 6.51 Virginia Tech Inv (#5)
2012-12-15 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-55 6.52 MD#5 Ed Bowie Invite (#1)
2010-02-23 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.53 pre Maryland 4A State Meet (#1)
2004-01-22 Duncan, Mark (2005) B-55 6.53 US#70 MD#10 Prince George's Co. (#3)
2011-01-13 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.53 pre Prince George County Champs (#3)
2003-01-11 Lane, Jamell (2006) B-55 6.54 Hispanic Games (#2)
2010-12-15 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.55 Howard County Winter Festival (#2)
2012-01-07 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.56 Hispanic Games (#1)
2012-01-07 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.56 Hispanic Games (#2)
2011-12-17 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-55 6.56 MD#18 PR Holiday Invitational (#3)
2012-01-19 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.56 Prince George County Championships (#4)
2010-01-02 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.58 Prince George Holiday Inv (#1)
2002-01-24 Duru, Robert (2003) B-55 6.59 MD#10 PG-PG County Ch (#4)
2011-01-13 Jacobs, Levern (2011) B-55 6.59 MD#17 pre Prince George County Champs (#9)
2011-01-08 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.60 Hispanic Games (#4)
2011-12-29 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.60 Ed Bowie Invitational (#5)
2010-02-27 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.61 pre Mid Atlantic Classic (#5)
2010-12-15 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.62 pre Howard County Winter Festival (#2)
2010-12-18 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.62 PR Holiday Invitational (#3)
2012-02-08 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.63 4A East Regional Championship (#1)
2011-12-29 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.63 pre Ed Bowie Invitational (#2)
2014-01-16 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.63 MD#28 Prince George County Indoor Championships (#3)
2012-01-19 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.63 Prince George County Championships (#5)
2010-02-27 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.63 pre Mid Atlantic Classic (#5)
2012-01-28 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.64 MD#35 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#12)
2015-02-04 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.64 MD#31 MD 4A East Regional Championships (#6)
2014-02-01 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.64 pre Virginia Tech Invitational (#8)
2015-02-23 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.65 pre MD 4A Indoor State Meet (#13)
2010-01-14 Jacobs, Levern (2011) B-55 6.65 MD#22 section 2 Prince George County Champs (#3)
2014-02-01 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.65 Virginia Tech Invitational (#7)
2010-01-09 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.66 Hispanic Games (#17)
2010-01-14 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.66 section 2 Prince George County Champs (#4)
2010-02-27 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.67 Mid Atlantic Classic (#3)
2012-02-21 Scarsborough, Travis (2012) B-55 6.67 MD#44 pre MD 4A Indoor State Meet (#4)
2013-02-19 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.67 MD#35 MD MPSSAA 4A State Meet (#5)
2014-01-04 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.67 Hispanic Games (#5)
2011-01-13 Jacobs, Levern (2011) B-55 6.67 Prince George County Champs (#8)
2012-02-08 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.68 pre 4A East Regional Championship (#1)
2015-02-04 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.68 pre MD 4A East Regional Championships (#5)
2011-12-28 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.68 Friends of Indoor Track (#6)
2012-01-19 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.68 pre Prince George County Championships (#9)
2010-01-09 Jacobs, Levern (2011) B-55 6.70 Hispanic Games (#20)
2015-01-15 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.71 pre Prince George's County Indoor Championships (#11)
2015-01-31 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.71 pre Virginia Tech HS Invitational (#21)
2011-12-28 Winters, David (2012) B-55 6.71 pre Friends of Indoor Track (#8)
2014-01-16 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.72 pre Prince George County Indoor Championships (#7)
2011-12-29 Scarsborough, Travis (2012) B-55 6.72 pre Ed Bowie Invitational (#7)
2014-01-11 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.73 pre Montgomery Invitational (#12)
2013-02-06 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.73 MD 4A East Regional Champs (#4)
2013-02-19 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.73 pre MD MPSSAA 4A State Meet (#6)
2012-12-15 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-55 6.74 pre Ed Bowie Invite (#2)
2012-02-08 Scarsborough, Travis (2012) B-55 6.74 4A East Regional Championship (#3)
2010-02-02 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.74 pre Maryland 4A East Regional (#4)
2014-12-27 Ross, Antione (2017) B-55 6.74 MD#71 F.I.T. Friends of Track Invitational (#5)
2010-01-02 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.75 pre Prince George Holiday Inv (#4)
2014-12-11 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.75 Ed Bowie Indoor Invitational (#6)
2011-12-29 Scarsborough, Travis (2012) B-55 6.75 Ed Bowie Invitational (#7)
2015-01-10 Little, Floyd (2015) B-55 6.76 pre Hispanic Games (#16)
2010-01-14 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-55 6.76 MD#54 section 1 Prince George County Champs (#3)
2013-02-06 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.76 pre MD 4A East Regional Champs (#4)
2011-12-17 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.76 PR Holiday Invitational (#6)
2013-02-02 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.77 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#16)
2013-01-17 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.77 pre MD Prince George's County Champs (#6)
2014-01-04 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.77 pre Hispanic Games (#7)
2011-12-28 Davis, Tyrell (2013) B-55 6.78 MD#96 pre Friends of Indoor Track (#15)
2010-02-02 Allen, Ryan (2012) B-55 6.78 Maryland 4A East Regional (#2)
2013-01-10 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.78 MD Prince George's County Carnival (#3)
2014-02-05 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.78 MD 4A East Regional Meet (#5)
2010-01-02 Kelly, Dontrey B-55 6.78 MD#64 Prince George Holiday Inv (#7)
2014-02-05 Wigfall, Robert (2014) B-55 6.79 pre MD 4A East Regional Meet (#4)
2014-12-27 Ross, Antione (2017) B-55 6.79 pre F.I.T. Friends of Track Invitational (#5)
2012-01-07 Deas, Tyrell B-55 6.82 Hispanic Games (#18)
2010-01-02 Kelly, Dontrey B-55 6.82 pre Prince George Holiday Inv (#8)
2010-02-02 Jacobs, Levern (2011) B-55 6.83 Maryland 4A East Regional (#3)
2010-02-02 Jacobs, Levern (2011) B-55 6.84 pre Maryland 4A East Regional (#2)
2015-01-15 Bynum, Isa (2017) B-55 6.84 pre Prince George's County Indoor Championships (#21)
2012-02-08 Scarsborough, Travis (2012) B-55 6.84 pre 4A East Regional Championship (#4)
1999-01-09 Montgomery, Jimmie (1999) B-55 6.92 MD#31 VaTech Days Inn (#14)
1999-01-09 Bennett, Germaine (1999) B-55 6.97 MD#35 VaTech Days Inn (#15)
2004-03-14 McGill, Serge (2004) B-60 7.01 US#54 MD#4 p Nike Indoor Champ.
2001-03-11 Choice, Christopher (2002) B-60 7.07 MD#4 p Nike Indoor Champ.
2012-07-20 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.67 MD#4 pre w(-0.6)Russell Blunt East Coast Invitational (#2)
2012-07-20 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.68 w(-0.7)Russell Blunt East Coast Invitational (#2)
2012-05-26 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.71 w(-1.1)MD 4A State Meet (#1)
2012-04-14 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.73 NWIWaldorf Classic (#1)
2012-05-05 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.73 NWIGar-Field Invitational (#1)
2012-05-26 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.76 pre w(-1.1)MD 4A State Meet (#1)
2012-05-19 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.83 NWI4A South Regional Championship (#1)
2012-04-07 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.92 pre NWIWolverine Invitational (#1)
2012-05-11 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.92 pre NWIPG County Championship (#2)
2012-05-19 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.93 pre NWI4A South Regional Championship (#1)
2012-04-14 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.93 pre NWIWaldorf Classic (#2)
2012-03-31 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.97 NWIWildcat Invitational (#1)
2012-04-07 Winters, David (2012) B-100 10.97 NWIWolverine Invitational (#1)
2015-05-23 Little, Floyd (2015) B-100 10.99 MD#13 pre w(1.9)MD 4A State Meet (#8)
2012-07-20 Winters, David (2012) B-200 20.72 US#3 MD#1 w(0.3)Russell Blunt East Coast Invitational (#1)
2012-06-16 Winters, David (2012) B-200 21.07 pre w(0.7)NB Nationals - Championship (#1)
2012-05-26 Winters, David (2012) B-200 21.12 NWIMD 4A State Meet (#1)
2012-06-16 Winters, David (2012) B-200 21.13 w(1.2)NB Nationals - Championship (#1)
2012-05-26 Winters, David (2012) B-200 21.29 pre w(-1)MD 4A State Meet (#1)
2012-07-20 Winters, David (2012) B-200 21.29 pre w(-1.1)Russell Blunt East Coast Invitational (#1)
2012-05-19 Winters, David (2012) B-200 21.48 NWI4A South Regional Championship (#1)
2004-05-29 McGill, Serge (2004) B-200 21.49 US#49 MD#2 p w(0)Statemeet 4A (#1)
2012-05-19 Winters, David (2012) B-200 21.56 pre NWI4A South Regional Championship (#1)
2012-05-26 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-200 21.57 NWIMD 4A State Meet (#2)
2012-05-05 Winters, David (2012) B-200 21.64 NWIGar-Field Invitational (#1)
2012-01-07 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-200 21.64 US#12 MD#1 Hispanic Games (#2)
2012-01-07 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-200 21.79 Hispanic Games (#1)
2012-04-14 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-200 21.84 NWIWaldorf Classic (#2)
2011-08-04 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-200 21.84 MD#2 pre w(-2.9)AAU JO Ntl Championships Day 6 (#3)
2011-08-02 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-200 21.89 pre w(-1.2)AAU JO Ntl Championships Day 4 (#1)
2011-05-14 Jacobs, Teyvon (2013) B-200 21.92 pre NWIPrince Georges County (#3)
2012-04-07 Winters, David (2012) B-200 21.93 NWIWolverine Invitational (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Ransom, Keith University of Maryland-Baltimore County, MD (America East Conference)

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