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School Name: Peoria, AZ

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-29 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.90 AZ#45 Ironwood's Last Chance (#3)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-04-30 Mcguire, Isiah (2014) B-200 22.19 NWIIronwood Last Chance Qualifier (#2)
2014-04-10 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.70 AZ#44 Sun Angel Track Classic (#14)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-11 Dancer, Austin (2013) B-TJ 44'4" AZ#9 w(-0.1)AZ D2 State Champs (#3)
2013-05-15 Dancer, Austin (2013) B-TJ 44'3" NWIArizona Meet of Champions (#2)
2013-04-04 Dancer, Austin (2013) B-TJ 43'11" NWISun Angel Classic (#2)
2013-04-19 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.63 AZ#32 Glendale Invitational (#3)
2013-05-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.70 AZ D2 State Champs (#8)
2013-05-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.72 pre AZ D2 State Champs (#8)
2013-04-04 Craig, Daniela (2014) G-DT 121'6" AZ#11 Sun Angel Classic (#2)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-12 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:57.14 AZ#28 AIA Division 2 Championships (#3)
2012-04-07 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:59.93 pre Sun Angel Classic (#6)
2012-04-07 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-LJ 22'2.5" AZ#19 w(-1)Sun Angel Classic (#5)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-04-09 Shivers, Davonte (2011) B-200 22.32 NWISun Angel Track Classic (#4)
2011-04-09 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:56.09 AZ#17 Sun Angel Track Classic (#2)
2011-04-29 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:58.34 Peoria District Invite (#1)
2011-05-14 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:58.55 AZ Division 2 State (#6)
2011-04-09 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:59.37 pre Sun Angel Track Classic (#4)
2011-05-14 Huth, Lindsey (2011) G-300H 45.23 AZ#9 AZ Division 2 State (#3)
2011-05-14 Huth, Lindsey (2011) G-300H 45.26 pre AZ Division 2 State (#2)
2011-04-09 Huth, Lindsey (2011) G-300H 46.01 Sun Angel Track Classic (#3)
2011-04-02 Huth, Lindsey (2011) G-300H 47.85 Peoria Invitational (#2)

2010 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-04-03 Bowen, Kj (2010) B-200 22.20 AZ#14 w(0.7)Kellis Invitational (#2)
2010-04-10 Bowen, Kj (2010) B-200 22.31 w(0.3)Sun Angel Classic (#1)
2010-04-03 Bowen, Kj (2010) B-200 22.34 pre w(2.4)Kellis Invitational (#1)
2010-05-15 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:56.90 AZ#19 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#4)
2010-04-28 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:57.07 Peoria District Meet (#1)
2010-05-15 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-1600 4:21.61 AZ#11 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#2)
2010-04-10 Medina, Ricky (2010) B-300H 39.63 AZ#18 Sun Angel Classic (#5)
2010-04-03 Medina, Ricardo (2011) B-300H 40.63 AZ#39 pre Kellis Invitational (#2)
2010-04-03 Medina, Ricardo (2011) B-300H 40.71 Kellis Invitational (#3)
2010-05-15 Medina, Ricky (2010) B-300H 41.77 pre AZ 4A1 State Meet (#10)
2010-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.37 AZ#26 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#5)
2010-05-06 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.46 AZ 4A West Valley Region (#3)
2010-04-10 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.48 pre Sun Angel Classic (#5)
2010-03-06 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.78 AZ#3 Paradise Valley Relays (#1)
2010-06-05 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.86 w(2.6)Great Southwest Classic (#5)
2010-08-01 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.87 pre NWIUSATF JO YMYW (#2)
2010-05-15 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.91 US#70 AZ#1 w(-1.6)AZ 4A1 State Meet (#1)
2010-05-15 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.95 pre w(0.2)AZ 4A1 State Meet (#1)
2010-03-27 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.02 w(1)Chandler Rotary Invitational (#1)
2010-07-11 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.04 w(-2.5)USATF JO Reg 10 YMYW (#1)
2010-04-10 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.08 w(0)Sun Angel Classic (#1)
2010-04-03 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.09 w(1)Kellis Invitational (#1)
2010-05-06 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.45 w(2.9)AZ 4A West Valley Region (#1)
2010-04-03 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.45 pre w(0.1)Kellis Invitational (#1)
2010-04-10 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.46 pre w(0)Sun Angel Classic (#2)
2010-05-15 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.19 US#41 AZ#1 w(0)AZ 4A1 State Meet (#1)
2010-05-15 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.61 pre NWIAZ 4A1 State Meet (#1)
2010-08-01 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.69 pre NWIUSATF JO YMYW (#9)
2010-07-11 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.75 w(-1.9)USATF JO Reg 10 YMYW (#2)
2010-06-05 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.80 w(2.7)Great Southwest Classic (#4)
2010-04-10 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.92 w(0)Sun Angel Classic (#1)
2010-03-27 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 25.01 w(0)Chandler Rotary Invitational (#1)
2010-05-06 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 25.41 w(2.1)AZ 4A West Valley Region (#1)
2010-05-06 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 25.65 pre w(0)AZ 4A West Valley Region (#1)
2010-04-03 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 25.85 pre w(0.7)Kellis Invitational (#2)
2010-03-27 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 25.97 pre w(2.1)Chandler Rotary Invitational (#6)
2010-05-15 Huth, Lindsey (2011) G-300H 45.75 AZ#11 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#2)
2010-05-15 Huth, Lindsey (2011) G-300H 46.37 pre AZ 4A1 State Meet (#3)
2010-05-06 Huth, Lindsey (2011) G-300H 47.45 AZ 4A West Valley Region (#1)
2010-04-03 Huth, Lindsey (2011) G-300H 47.50 pre Kellis Invitational (#6)
2010-04-10 Huth, Lindsey (2011) G-300H 47.99 Sun Angel Classic (#3)
2010-04-10 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.45 AZ#11 pre Sun Angel Classic (#5)
2010-04-10 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.51 Sun Angel Classic (#3)
2010-05-15 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.63 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#3)

2009 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-05-16 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-100 10.92 AZ#14 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-05-16 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 21.68 AZ#8 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-05-16 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 21.87 pre w(0.3)AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-05-05 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 22.12 pre NWIAZ 4A1 West Valley Regional (#1)
2009-05-05 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 22.13 NWIAZ 4A1 West Valley Regional (#1)
2009-04-25 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 22.25 w(-1.7)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2009-04-25 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 22.32 pre w(1.6)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.37 AZ#6 pre AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-05-16 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.42 AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-05-16 Medina, Ricardo (2011) B-300H 41.58 AZ#81 pre AZ 4A I State Meet (#9)
2009-05-05 Medina, Ricardo (2011) B-300H 41.96 AZ 4A1 West Valley Regional (#2)
2009-04-03 Robinson, Kenry B-HJ 6'6" AZ#5 Kellis Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Robinson, Kenry B-HJ 6'4" AZ 4A I State Meet (#3)
2009-04-03 Robinson, Kenry B-TJ 46'10" w(3.6)Kellis Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Robinson, Kenry B-TJ 45'2.5" AZ#9 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#3)
2009-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:21.20 AZ#6 AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:24.60 pre AZ 4A I State Meet (#3)
2009-06-06 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.81 US#35 AZ#1 w(1.3)Great Southwest (#1)
2009-08-02 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.82 pre w(4.2)USATF Jr Olympics (#8)
2009-04-11 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.03 w(-1.8)Arcadia Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.07 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-03-27 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.07 w(0.1)Chandler Rotary (#1)
2009-07-11 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.12 w(-0.7)USATF JO Reg 10 YMYW (#1)
2009-08-02 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.16 w(-1.7)USATF Jr Olympics (#3)
2009-05-16 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.19 pre w(1.2)AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-04-11 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.20 pre w(-0.4)Arcadia Invitational (#7)
2009-04-25 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.27 w(-0.1)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2009-05-05 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.28 pre NWIAZ 4A1 West Valley Regional (#1)
2009-03-27 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 12.43 pre w(0)Chandler Rotary (#1)
2009-07-11 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.59 AZ#1 w(0)USATF JO Reg 10 YMYW (#1)
2009-07-11 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.78 pre w(0.9)USATF JO Reg 10 YMYW (#1)
2009-05-16 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.78 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-04-11 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.84 w(-1.1)Arcadia Invitational (#1)
2009-03-27 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 25.09 NWIChandler Rotary (#1)
2009-04-11 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 25.12 pre w(-1.2)Arcadia Invitational (#5)
2009-03-27 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 25.20 pre NWIChandler Rotary (#1)
2009-05-16 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 25.72 pre w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#2)
2009-08-02 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 25.90 pre w(2.1)USATF Jr Olympics (#38)

2008 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2008-04-23 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.16 AZ#4 Peoria OUT (#1)
2008-06-07 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.55 w(3.5)Great Southwest OUT (#5)
2008-04-12 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.72 US#18 AZ#1 w(0)Tempe OUT (#1)
2008-03-29 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.76 w(0.1)Chandler Rotary OUT (#1)
2008-07-10 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.84 w(0)USATF JO Reg 10 OUT (#1)
2008-03-29 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.39 w(3.2)Chandler Rotary OUT (#1)
2008-07-10 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 24.50 US#98 AZ#2 w(0)USATF JO Reg 10 OUT (#1)

2008 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2008-02-24 Williams, Serene (2010) G-60 7.61 US#21 AZ#2 USATF AZ-Young IN (#2)
2008-02-24 Williams, Serene (2010) G-200 25.48 US#84 AZ#1 USATF AZ-Young IN (#1)

2007 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2007-07-15 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 47.76 US#60 AZ#2 USATF JO Reg 10 OUT (#1)
2007-04-14 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 47.85 Sun Angel OUT (#1)
2007-05-12 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 47.86 AZ State 5A-2 OUT (#1)
2007-07-29 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.05 USATF JO Ntl Intmd OUT (#4)
2007-03-24 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.09 Chandler Rotary OUT (#1)
2007-05-19 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.14 AZ State Meet of Champs OUT (#1)
2007-05-12 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:18.38 US#92 AZ#2 AZ State 5A-2 OUT (#1)
2007-06-23 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.51 w(2.8)USA Jr Nationals (#6)
2007-07-08 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.58 US#17 AZ#1 w(0.8)Pan American Jr OUT (#6)
2007-05-12 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.62 w(-0.3)AZ State 5A-2 OUT (#1)
2007-04-14 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.79 w(-0.1)Sun Angel OUT (#1)
2007-06-02 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.80 w(-2.5)Great Southwest OUT (#2)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2004-02-15 Herring, Keegan (2005) B-60 6.88 US#19 AZ#1 USATF Classic (#1)
2007-02-18 Simpson, Travis (2007) B-60 7.00 US#56 AZ#1 USATF AZ IN (#1)
2007-02-18 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-60 7.03 US#73 AZ#2 USATF AZ IN (#1)
2004-07-17 Herring, Keegan (2005) B-100 10.58 US#28 AZ#1 w(1.4)USATF R-10 YMYW (#1)
2004-08-01 Herring, Keegan (2005) B-100 10.60 p w(2)USATF J.O. YMYW (#3)
2005-05-14 Herring, Keegan (2005) B-100 10.64 AZ#1 w(0)State Meet 5A (#1)
2009-05-16 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-100 10.92 AZ#14 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2004-08-01 Herring, Keegan (2005) B-200 21.39 US#34 AZ#1 p w(1.3)USATF J.O. YMYW (#2)
2004-03-27 Herring, Keegan (2005) B-200 21.40 w(0)Chandler Rotary (#1)
2004-06-05 Herring, Keegan (2005) B-200 21.48 w(-0.2)Great Southwest
2004-07-17 Herring, Keegan (2005) B-200 21.54 w(0)USATF R-10 YMYW (#2)
2009-05-16 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 21.68 AZ#8 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-05-16 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 21.87 pre w(0.3)AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2004-02-15 Herring, Keegan (2005) B-200 21.94 US#15 AZ#1 USATF Classic (#1)
2009-05-05 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 22.12 pre NWIAZ 4A1 West Valley Regional (#1)
2009-05-05 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 22.13 NWIAZ 4A1 West Valley Regional (#1)
2014-04-30 Mcguire, Isiah (2014) B-200 22.19 NWIIronwood Last Chance Qualifier (#2)
2010-04-03 Bowen, Kj (2010) B-200 22.20 AZ#14 w(0.7)Kellis Invitational (#2)
2009-04-25 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 22.25 w(-1.7)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2004-03-14 Herring, Keegan (2005) B-200 22.28 p Nike Indoor Champ. (#6)
2010-04-10 Bowen, Kj (2010) B-200 22.31 w(0.3)Sun Angel Classic (#1)
2009-04-25 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-200 22.32 pre w(1.6)Glendale Invitational (#1)
2011-04-09 Shivers, Davonte (2011) B-200 22.32 NWISun Angel Track Classic (#4)
2010-04-03 Bowen, Kj (2010) B-200 22.34 pre w(2.4)Kellis Invitational (#1)
2007-07-15 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 47.76 US#60 AZ#2 USATF JO Reg 10 OUT (#1)
2007-04-14 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 47.85 Sun Angel OUT (#1)
2007-05-12 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 47.86 AZ State 5A-2 OUT (#1)
2007-07-29 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.05 USATF JO Ntl Intmd OUT (#4)
2007-03-24 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.09 Chandler Rotary OUT (#1)
2007-05-19 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.14 AZ State Meet of Champs OUT (#1)
2008-04-23 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.16 AZ#4 Peoria OUT (#1)
2009-05-16 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.37 AZ#6 pre AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-05-16 Miles, Jamal (2009) B-400 48.42 AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2011-04-09 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:56.09 AZ#17 Sun Angel Track Classic (#2)
2010-05-15 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:56.90 AZ#19 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#4)
2010-04-28 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:57.07 Peoria District Meet (#1)
2012-05-12 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:57.14 AZ#28 AIA Division 2 Championships (#3)
2011-04-29 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:58.34 Peoria District Invite (#1)
2011-05-14 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:58.55 AZ Division 2 State (#6)
2011-04-09 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:59.37 pre Sun Angel Track Classic (#4)
2012-04-07 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-800 1:59.93 pre Sun Angel Classic (#6)
2010-05-15 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-1600 4:21.61 AZ#11 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#2)
2010-04-10 Medina, Ricky (2010) B-300H 39.63 AZ#18 Sun Angel Classic (#5)
2010-04-03 Medina, Ricardo (2011) B-300H 40.63 AZ#39 pre Kellis Invitational (#2)
2010-04-03 Medina, Ricardo (2011) B-300H 40.71 Kellis Invitational (#3)
2009-05-16 Medina, Ricardo (2011) B-300H 41.58 AZ#81 pre AZ 4A I State Meet (#9)
2010-05-15 Medina, Ricky (2010) B-300H 41.77 pre AZ 4A1 State Meet (#10)
2009-05-05 Medina, Ricardo (2011) B-300H 41.96 AZ 4A1 West Valley Regional (#2)
2009-04-03 Robinson, Kenry B-HJ 6'6" AZ#5 Kellis Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Robinson, Kenry B-HJ 6'4" AZ 4A I State Meet (#3)
2012-04-07 Ajak, Goch (2012) B-LJ 22'2.5" AZ#19 w(-1)Sun Angel Classic (#5)
2009-04-03 Robinson, Kenry B-TJ 46'10" w(3.6)Kellis Invitational (#1)
2009-05-16 Robinson, Kenry B-TJ 45'2.5" AZ#9 w(0)AZ 4A I State Meet (#3)
2013-05-11 Dancer, Austin (2013) B-TJ 44'4" AZ#9 w(-0.1)AZ D2 State Champs (#3)
2013-05-15 Dancer, Austin (2013) B-TJ 44'3" NWIArizona Meet of Champions (#2)
2013-04-04 Dancer, Austin (2013) B-TJ 43'11" NWISun Angel Classic (#2)
2005-05-14 Boys Relay B-4x100 41.79 US#54 AZ#1 State Meet 5A (#1)
2010-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.37 AZ#26 AZ 4A1 State Meet (#5)
2010-05-06 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.46 AZ 4A West Valley Region (#3)
2010-04-10 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.48 pre Sun Angel Classic (#5)
2013-04-19 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.63 AZ#32 Glendale Invitational (#3)
2014-04-10 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.70 AZ#44 Sun Angel Track Classic (#14)
2013-05-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.70 AZ D2 State Champs (#8)
2013-05-11 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.72 pre AZ D2 State Champs (#8)
2015-04-29 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.90 AZ#45 Ironwood's Last Chance (#3)
2010-03-06 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:31.78 AZ#3 Paradise Valley Relays (#1)
2007-05-12 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:18.38 US#92 AZ#2 AZ State 5A-2 OUT (#1)
2009-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:21.20 AZ#6 AZ 4A I State Meet (#1)
2009-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:24.60 pre AZ 4A I State Meet (#3)
2004-02-15 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-60 7.42 US#3 AZ#1 p USATF Classic (#1)
2007-02-18 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-60 7.50 US#14 AZ#1 USATF AZ IN (#1)
2006-02-19 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-60 7.51 US#13 AZ#1 USATF Arizona YMYW (#1)
2004-03-14 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-60 7.55 Nike Indoor Champ. (#5)
2004-02-15 Onyepunuka, Judith (2006) G-60 7.57 US#11 AZ#2 USATF Classic (#1)
2003-03-16 Onyepunuka, Judith (2006) G-60 7.59 US#15 AZ#1 p Nike Indoor Champ.
2008-02-24 Williams, Serene (2010) G-60 7.61 US#21 AZ#2 USATF AZ-Young IN (#2)
2006-02-19 Williams, Serene (2010) G-60 7.64 US#26 AZ#2 USATF Arizona Inter (#1)
2003-03-16 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-60 7.67 US#25 AZ#2 p Nike Indoor Champ.
2004-03-14 Onyepunuka, Judith (2006) G-60 7.68 p Nike Indoor Champ.
2004-03-14 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-60 7.83 AZ#5 p Nike Indoor Champ.
2006-07-25 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.27 w(4.4)USATF JO Ntl (#1)
2003-07-13 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.31 US#2 AZ#1 w(1.8)World Youth Ch. (#1)
2006-07-25 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.36 US#5 AZ#1 w(1.6)USATF JO Ntl (#1)
2006-06-01 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.37 w(3.5)Great Southwest (#2)
2006-06-21 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.37 w(1.2)USA Jr Nationals (#6)
2006-08-08 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.43 w(0.6)Road to Eugene (#2)
2006-06-21 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.45 w(0)USA Jr Nationals Prelims (#4)
2002-07-15 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.47 NWIUSATF regional (#1)
2003-05-24 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.49 w(3.4)Great Southwest (#2)
2007-06-23 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.51 w(2.8)USA Jr Nationals (#6)
2004-05-15 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.55 US#6 AZ#1 w(1.6)5A State Meet (#1)
2008-06-07 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.55 w(3.5)Great Southwest OUT (#5)
2007-07-08 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.58 US#17 AZ#1 w(0.8)Pan American Jr OUT (#6)
2003-04-18 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.59 w(2.7)Mt. SAC Relays (#3)
2002-05-25 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.61 w(3.1)Great Southwest (#1)
2007-05-12 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.62 w(-0.3)AZ State 5A-2 OUT (#1)
2002-06-15 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.62 US#9 AZ#1 w(0.1)AOC Outdoor Nat (#4)
2005-07-31 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.63 US#11 AZ#1 w(-0.2)USATF JO - YW-YM (#1)
2006-03-25 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.64 w(0)Chandler Rotary (#1)
2002-05-11 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.66 NWI5A State Meet (#1)
2004-06-05 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.69 w(1.2)Great Southwest
2004-07-17 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.69 US#18 AZ#2 w(1.8)USATF R-10 Inter (#1)
2006-05-10 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.69 w(-0.1)AZ State 5A-2 (#1)
2006-03-25 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.70 w(1.1)Chandler Rotary (#1)
2004-06-27 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.71 p w(2.9)USA Jr Nationals
2003-05-17 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.72 w(-0.4)5A State Meet (#1)
2008-04-12 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.72 US#18 AZ#1 w(0)Tempe OUT (#1)
2004-06-05 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.74 w(0.4)Great Southwest (#6)
2008-03-29 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.76 w(0.1)Chandler Rotary OUT (#1)
2002-07-28 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.76 w(0)USATF JO Intermed (#1)
2004-07-17 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.76 w(1.3)USATF R-10 YMYW (#1)
2002-03-23 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.77 w(0.7)Chandler Rotary (#2)
2007-04-14 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.79 w(-0.1)Sun Angel OUT (#1)
2003-05-17 Onyepunuka, Judith (2006) G-100 11.79 US#21 AZ#2 w(-0.4)5A State Meet (#2)
2004-08-01 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.79 p w(1.6)USATF J.O. Inter (#3)
2006-06-16 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.79 w(0.4)Nike Outdoor Nat (#9)
2004-05-15 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.80 w(1.6)5A State Meet (#2)
2007-06-02 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.80 w(-2.5)Great Southwest OUT (#2)
2007-06-10 Wilson, Kenyanna (2007) G-100 11.81 w(-2.2)Golden West A OUT (#1)
2009-06-06 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.81 US#35 AZ#1 w(1.3)Great Southwest (#1)
2003-06-14 Onyepunuka, Judith (2006) G-100 11.81 w(0.3)AOC Outdoor Nat (#5)
2009-08-02 Williams, Serene (2010) G-100 11.82 pre w(4.2)USATF Jr Olympics (#8)
2003-06-14 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.83 w(-0.2)AOC Outdoor Nat (#6)
2003-04-04 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.84 w(1.8)Peoria Inv (#1)
2003-03-29 Onyepunuka, Jessica (2004) G-100 11.84 w(-0.1)Chandler Rotary (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Ajak, Goch Central Arizona College, AZ (Not Affiliated)

Williams, Serene Prairie View A & M University, TX (Southwestern Athletic Conf.)

Onyepunuka, Jessica University of Southern California, CA (Pacific-12 Conference)

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