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School Name: Crestwood, PA

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-09 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" PA#18 Loucks Games (#2)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-12-30 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'3" PA#11 Robert J Burdette Indoor Classic (#2)
2015-03-01 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" PFTCA Indoor State Championships (#10)
2014-12-19 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" Maroon and Gold Invitational (#2)
2015-01-24 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" New Balance Games (#5)
2015-02-14 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" PTFCA Indoor Track Carnival (#5)
2015-01-17 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" Kutztown U HS Invitational (#6)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-24 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" PA#24 PA AAA State Meet (#12)

2014 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-12-20 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'6" PA#12 Maroon and Gold Invitational (#2)
2014-02-15 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" PTFCA Indoor Track Carnival (#4)
2014-01-18 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 10'10" Reno Pole Vault Summit (#35)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-15 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-200 25.74 NWIPA AAA District 2 (#2)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-05-21 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-200 25.71 NWIPA 3A District 2 (#2)
2011-05-21 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-400 58.02 PA#34 PA 3A District 2 (#2)
2011-05-28 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-400 58.95 pre PA 3A State Meet (#6)
2011-05-21 Coffin, Hannah G-800 2:19.12 PA#42 PA 3A District 2 (#3)

2010 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-05-22 Zack, Aaron (2009) B-JT 193'3" PA#9 PA 3A Districts (#1)
2010-05-28 Zack, Aaron (2009) B-JT 188'6" PA 3A State (#2)
2010-05-28 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-400 58.75 PA#42 pre PA 3A State (#7)
2010-05-22 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-400 59.25 PA 3A Districts (#3)
2010-05-22 Medura, Stacey (2009) G-PV 10'0" PA#23 PA 3A Districts (#1)

2009 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-04-18 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-1600 4:20.80 PA#20 Shippensburg Invite 3A (#3)
2009-04-25 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-3000 8:23.84 US#10 PA#1 Penn Relays finals (#1)
2009-05-22 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-3200 9:12.48 PA#3 PA State 3A (#3)
2009-04-18 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-3200 9:13.66 Shippensburg Invite 3A (#1)
2009-05-02 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 12'2" US#50 PA#3 James Cross Invite (#1)
2009-04-25 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 12'1.5" Penn Relays finals (#1)
2009-04-18 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 11'6" Shippensburg Invite 3A (#1)
2009-05-22 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 11'6" PA State 3A (#3)

2009 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-02-21 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-3000 8:35.58 US#7 PA#1 PA State Meet (#1)
2009-02-07 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-3000 8:51.11 PTFCA Carnival (#1)
2008-12-12 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 12'0" US#26 PA#3 Bishop Loughlin (#1)
2009-03-14 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 11'6.25" National Scholastic (#14)
2009-02-07 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 11'6" PTFCA Carnival (#2)
2009-02-21 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 11'6" PA State Meet (#2)

2008 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2008-06-21 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 12'3.25" US#44 PA#3 Nike Outdoor Nat (#6)
2008-05-24 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 12'0" PA State 3A OUT (#3)

2003 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2003-05-24 Drazdowski, Elizabeth (2006) G-1600 4:58.46 US#56 PA#4 AAA State 2004Meet (#2)

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-04-18 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-1600 4:20.80 PA#20 Shippensburg Invite 3A (#3)
2009-04-25 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-3000 8:23.84 US#10 PA#1 Penn Relays finals (#1)
2009-02-21 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-3000 8:35.58 US#7 PA#1 PA State Meet (#1)
2009-02-07 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-3000 8:51.11 PTFCA Carnival (#1)
2009-05-22 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-3200 9:12.48 PA#3 PA State 3A (#3)
2009-04-18 Micikas, Robert (2009) B-3200 9:13.66 Shippensburg Invite 3A (#1)
2010-05-22 Zack, Aaron (2009) B-JT 193'3" PA#9 PA 3A Districts (#1)
2010-05-28 Zack, Aaron (2009) B-JT 188'6" PA 3A State (#2)
2011-05-21 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-200 25.71 NWIPA 3A District 2 (#2)
2012-05-15 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-200 25.74 NWIPA AAA District 2 (#2)
2011-05-21 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-400 58.02 PA#34 PA 3A District 2 (#2)
2010-05-28 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-400 58.75 PA#42 pre PA 3A State (#7)
2011-05-28 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-400 58.95 pre PA 3A State Meet (#6)
2010-05-22 Newak, Jessica (2011) G-400 59.25 PA 3A Districts (#3)
2011-05-21 Coffin, Hannah G-800 2:19.12 PA#42 PA 3A District 2 (#3)
2003-05-24 Drazdowski, Elizabeth (2006) G-1600 4:58.46 US#56 PA#4 AAA State 2004Meet (#2)
2008-06-21 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 12'3.25" US#44 PA#3 Nike Outdoor Nat (#6)
2009-05-02 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 12'2" US#50 PA#3 James Cross Invite (#1)
2009-04-25 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 12'1.5" Penn Relays finals (#1)
2008-12-12 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 12'0" US#26 PA#3 Bishop Loughlin (#1)
2008-05-24 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 12'0" PA State 3A OUT (#3)
2009-03-14 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 11'6.25" National Scholastic (#14)
2009-04-18 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 11'6" Shippensburg Invite 3A (#1)
2009-02-07 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 11'6" PTFCA Carnival (#2)
2009-02-21 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 11'6" PA State Meet (#2)
2013-12-20 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'6" PA#12 Maroon and Gold Invitational (#2)
2009-05-22 Marshall, Mandissa (2009) G-PV 11'6" PA State 3A (#3)
2014-12-30 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'3" PA#11 Robert J Burdette Indoor Classic (#2)
2015-03-01 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" PFTCA Indoor State Championships (#10)
2014-05-24 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" PA#24 PA AAA State Meet (#12)
2014-12-19 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" Maroon and Gold Invitational (#2)
2015-05-09 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" PA#18 Loucks Games (#2)
2014-02-15 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" PTFCA Indoor Track Carnival (#4)
2015-01-24 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" New Balance Games (#5)
2015-02-14 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" PTFCA Indoor Track Carnival (#5)
2015-01-17 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 11'0" Kutztown U HS Invitational (#6)
2014-01-18 Bennett, Ellie (2015) G-PV 10'10" Reno Pole Vault Summit (#35)
2010-05-22 Medura, Stacey (2009) G-PV 10'0" PA#23 PA 3A Districts (#1)

Marshall, Mandissa George Mason University, VA (Atlantic Ten Conference)

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