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School Name: The Woodlands, TX
State Division: 6A

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2015 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-09-26 Golden, Daniel (2016) B-5k_XC 15:37.66 TX#18 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#1)
2015-10-02 Golden, Daniel (2016) B-5k_XC 15:42.60 Elite Nike South Invitational (#2)
2015-09-12 Golden, Daniel (2016) B-5k_XC 15:46.20 Region III Preview-SHSU (#1)
2015-12-05 Golden, Daniel (2016) B-5k_XC 15:50.70 NXN Championships (#50)
2015-12-05 Wells, Noah (2017) B-5k_XC 15:51.50 TX#43 NXN Championships (#52)
2015-09-26 Henderson, Matthew (2016) B-5k_XC 15:56.96 TX#65 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#3)
2015-12-05 Enochs, Nicholas (2016) B-5k_XC 15:57.10 TX#67 NXN Championships (#59)
2015-09-26 Enochs, Nicholas (2016) B-5k_XC 15:57.18 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#4)
2015-09-12 Hunsdale, William (2017) B-5k_XC 15:57.30 TX#69 Region III Preview-SHSU (#2)
2015-10-02 Hunsdale, William (2017) B-5k_XC 15:59.20 Elite Nike South Invitational (#4)
2015-09-12 Hawley, Nick (2016) B-5k_XC 15:59.60 TX#76 Region III Preview-SHSU (#4)
2015-09-26 McClellan, Matthew (2016) B-5k_XC 16:02.28 TX#95 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#5)
2015-10-02 Wells, Noah (2017) B-5k_XC 16:03.20 Elite Nike South Invitational (#5)
2015-09-26 Hawley, Nick (2016) B-5k_XC 16:03.29 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#7)
2015-09-26 Butero, Michael (2016) B-5k_XC 16:03.50 TX#99 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#8)
2015-09-12 Hoffpauir, Gavin (2018) B-5k_XC 16:04.50 Region III Preview-SHSU (#6)
2015-09-12 Enochs, Nicholas (2016) B-5k_XC 16:04.50 Region III Preview-SHSU (#6)
2015-09-26 Wells, Noah (2017) B-5k_XC 16:06.52 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#9)
2015-09-26 Hunsdale, William (2017) B-5k_XC 16:06.98 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#10)
2015-10-02 Henderson, Matthew (2016) B-5k_XC 16:07.40 Elite Nike South Invitational (#9)
2015-10-02 McClellan, Matthew (2016) B-5k_XC 16:08.40 Elite Nike South Invitational (#10)
2015-09-12 Wells, Noah (2017) B-5k_XC 16:08.60 Region III Preview-SHSU (#9)
2015-09-26 Hoffpauir, Gavin (2018) B-5k_XC 16:08.88 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#12)
2015-09-26 Baker, Daniel B-5k_XC 16:10.77 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#13)
2015-10-02 Hawley, Nick (2016) B-5k_XC 16:11.10 Elite Nike South Invitational (#11)
2015-10-02 Hoffpauir, Gavin (2018) B-5k_XC 16:12.60 Elite Nike South Invitational (#13)
2015-12-05 Hunsdale, William (2017) B-5k_XC 16:15.10 NXN Championships (#96)
2015-09-12 Henderson, Matthew (2016) B-5k_XC 16:18.00 Region III Preview-SHSU (#11)
2015-09-26 Mercado, Ethan (2018) B-5k_XC 16:19.76 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#15)
2015-09-26 Musial, Nathaniel B-5k_XC 16:20.85 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#16)
2015-09-26 Martinez, Davin B-5k_XC 16:21.05 Brenham Hillacious Invitational (#17)
2015-09-12 Butero, Michael (2016) B-5k_XC 16:26.00 Region III Preview-SHSU (#16)
2015-10-02 Mercado, Ethan (2018) B-5k_XC 16:29.10 Elite Nike South Invitational (#23)
2015-10-02 Musial, Nathaniel B-5k_XC 16:29.70 Elite Nike South Invitational (#24)
2015-10-31 Golden, Daniel (2016) B-3m_XC 14:41.73 TX#2 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#1)
2015-09-19 Golden, Daniel (2016) B-3m_XC 14:59.79 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#1)
2015-09-19 Henderson, Matthew (2016) B-3m_XC 15:06.51 TX#13 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#3)
2015-09-19 Wells, Noah (2017) B-3m_XC 15:06.98 TX#14 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#4)
2015-09-19 McClellan, Matthew (2016) B-3m_XC 15:07.58 TX#15 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#5)
2015-10-31 Hunsdale, William (2017) B-3m_XC 15:08.21 TX#17 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#4)
2015-09-19 Hunsdale, William (2017) B-3m_XC 15:09.36 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#6)
2015-09-19 Hawley, Nick (2016) B-3m_XC 15:09.97 TX#21 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#7)
2015-09-19 Enochs, Nicholas (2016) B-3m_XC 15:11.22 TX#23 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#8)
2015-10-31 Wells, Noah (2017) B-3m_XC 15:13.25 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#5)
2015-10-31 Wells, Noah (2017) B-3m_XC 15:13.96 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#6)
2015-10-31 Enochs, Nicholas (2016) B-3m_XC 15:16.74 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#8)
2015-10-31 Henderson, Matthew (2016) B-3m_XC 15:21.04 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#10)
2015-10-31 McClellan, Matthew (2016) B-3m_XC 15:24.31 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#11)
2015-09-19 Hoffpauir, Gavin (2018) B-3m_XC 15:25.15 TX#48 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#11)
2015-09-19 Butero, Michael (2016) B-3m_XC 15:26.89 TX#53 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#12)
2015-10-31 Hawley, Nick (2016) B-3m_XC 15:29.66 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#14)
2015-09-19 Baker, Daniel B-3m_XC 15:30.69 TX#64 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#13)
2015-09-19 Martinez, Davin B-3m_XC 15:43.48 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#18)
2015-09-19 Musial, Nathaniel B-3m_XC 15:44.08 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#19)
2015-09-19 Gregory, Chase B-3m_XC 15:59.59 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#25)
2015-09-26 Vivas, Lourdes (2017) G-5k_XC 18:22.00 TX#23 Stanford Invitational (#21)
2015-09-26 Iademarco, Adriana (2018) G-5k_XC 18:42.90 TX#53 Stanford Invitational (#37)
2015-09-26 Truman, Sophia G-5k_XC 18:54.70 TX#64 Stanford Invitational (#47)
2015-10-02 Vivas, Lourdes (2017) G-5k_XC 19:04.80 Elite Nike South Invitational (#9)
2015-11-07 Vivas, Lourdes (2017) G-5k_XC 19:10.40 TX 6A State Meet (#10)
2015-10-02 Truman, Sophia G-5k_XC 19:15.40 Elite Nike South Invitational (#11)
2015-10-02 Davidson, Liz (2019) G-5k_XC 19:18.10 Elite Nike South Invitational (#13 )
2015-10-02 Mills, Emily (2017) G-5k_XC 19:20.20 Elite Nike South Invitational (#16)
2015-10-31 Vivas, Lourdes (2017) G-3m_XC 17:51.84 TX#21 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#5)
2015-10-31 Davidson, Liz (2019) G-3m_XC 18:05.01 TX#39 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#9)
2015-10-31 Mills, Emily (2017) G-3m_XC 18:22.73 TX#64 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#12)
2015-10-31 Blackwell, Anna (2019) G-3m_XC 18:39.55 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#21)
2015-10-31 Iademarco, Adriana (2018) G-3m_XC 18:41.67 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#23)
2015-10-31 Delgado, Kristin (2017) G-3m_XC 18:43.02 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#24)
2015-10-31 Gonzalez, Emily (2017) G-3m_XC 18:46.66 TX 6A Region 2 XC Grand Prarie (#25)
2015-09-19 Vivas, Lourdes (2017) G-4k_XC 14:23.64 TX#3 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#3)
2015-09-19 Davidson, Liz (2019) G-4k_XC 14:43.30 TX#6 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#6)
2015-09-19 Mills, Emily (2017) G-4k_XC 14:43.53 TX#7 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#7)
2015-09-19 Truman, Sophia G-4k_XC 14:45.08 TX#8 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#8)
2015-09-19 Iademarco, Adriana (2018) G-4k_XC 14:49.13 TX#9 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#9)
2015-09-19 Gonzalez, Emily (2017) G-4k_XC 15:00.72 TX#12 Kingwood Andy Wells Invitational (#12)

2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-04-23 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.80 NWITX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#3)
2015-04-16 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.87 NWITX 6A District 16 Humble (#1)
2015-02-28 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.91 NWIThe Woodlands Invitational (#2)
2015-05-02 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.92 TX#87 pre w(0.3)TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#11)
2015-02-21 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-200 21.10 NWIOak Ridge Invite (#1)
2015-05-29 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-200 21.22 US#32 TX#6 w(1.3)Prefontaine Classic (#3)
2015-03-28 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-200 21.94 NWICollege Park Invitational (#1)
2015-04-16 Varnell, Will (2015) B-200 22.34 NWITX 6A District 16 Humble (#3)
2015-05-02 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.22 US#7 TX#3 TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#1)
2015-05-16 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.34 TX 6A State Meet (#2)
2015-04-04 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.64 Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#1)
2015-06-20 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.69 Brooks PR Invitational (#2)
2015-04-16 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.82 TX 6A District 16 Humble (#1)
2015-04-23 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.88 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#1)
2015-05-02 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 47.74 pre TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#2)
2015-04-16 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 48.73 pre TX 6A District 16 Humble (#2)
2015-04-04 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 49.02 pre Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#3)
2015-04-04 Blackford, Mason (2015) B-400 49.88 pre Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#7)
2015-04-09 Raiford, Jacob (2017) B-800 1:59.33 TX 6A District 16 Sub-Varsity Oak Ridge (#1)
2015-02-28 Wells, Noah (2017) B-800 1:59.43 The Woodlands Invitational (#1)
2015-03-28 Robling, Kaleb (2015) B-800 1:59.54 College Park Invitational (#7)
2015-04-04 Butero, Michael (2016) B-800 1:59.68 Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#12)
2015-03-28 Butero, Michael (2016) B-800 1:59.85 College Park Invitational (#9)
2015-03-28 Raiford, Jacob (2017) B-800 1:59.90 College Park Invitational (#10)
2015-04-16 Hawley, Nick (2016) B-800 1:59.92 TX 6A District 16 Humble (#8)
2015-04-04 Golden, Daniel (2016) B-1500 4:02.34 TX#12 Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#9)
2015-04-04 Kroon, Eric (2015) B-1500 4:02.53 TX#13 Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#10)
2015-04-04 Wells, Noah (2017) B-1500 4:03.59 TX#15 Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#12)
2015-04-16 Golden, Daniel (2016) B-1600 4:15.13 TX#8 TX 6A District 16 Humble (#3)
2015-05-13 McClellan, Matthew (2016) B-1600 4:15.79 TX#13 John Cooper Moonlight 1600 (#1)
2015-05-13 Henderson, Matthew (2016) B-1600 4:16.35 TX#16 John Cooper Moonlight 1600 (#2)
2015-05-13 Wells, Noah (2017) B-1600 4:17.83 TX#21 John Cooper Moonlight 1600 (#4)
2015-05-13 Kroon, Eric (2015) B-1600 4:18.77 TX#25 John Cooper Moonlight 1600 (#5)
2015-05-13 Hawley, Nick (2016) B-1600 4:18.98 TX#27 John Cooper Moonlight 1600 (#7)
2015-03-28 Henderson, Matthew (2016) B-1600 4:19.35 Texas Relays (#13)
2015-05-13 Butero, Michael (2016) B-1600 4:20.98 TX#36 John Cooper Moonlight 1600 (#9)
2015-05-13 Enochs, Nicholas (2016) B-1600 4:21.40 TX#38 John Cooper Moonlight 1600 (#10)
2015-04-23 Golden, Daniel (2016) B-1600 4:22.19 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#3)
2015-05-13 Erana, Javier (2015) B-1600 4:23.30 TX#58 John Cooper Moonlight 1600 (#11)
2015-05-13 Golden, Daniel (2016) B-1600 4:24.14 John Cooper Moonlight 1600 (#12)
2015-05-13 Donald, Rory (2017) B-1600 4:24.65 TX#68 John Cooper Moonlight 1600 (#13)
2015-04-04 Henderson, Matthew (2016) B-3000 8:45.39 TX#7 Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#4)
2015-04-04 Erana, Javier (2015) B-3000 8:55.74 TX#10 Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#7)
2015-04-04 McClellan, Matthew (2016) B-3000 8:56.31 TX#11 Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#8)
2015-04-16 Kroon, Eric (2015) B-3200 9:20.68 TX#17 TX 6A District 16 Humble (#3)
2015-03-28 Kroon, Eric (2015) B-3200 9:20.92 Texas Relays (#4)
2015-04-16 McClellan, Matthew (2016) B-3200 9:22.89 TX#19 TX 6A District 16 Humble (#4)
2015-04-23 McClellan, Matthew (2016) B-3200 9:26.74 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#1)
2015-02-28 Kroon, Eric (2015) B-3200 9:29.84 The Woodlands Invitational (#2)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-01-15 Webb, Blake (2012) B-60 7.09 TX#15 pre Carl Lewis Invitational (#9)
2014-01-18 Green, Akeem (2014) B-60 7.12 TX#16 pre Carl Lewis Invitational (#9)
2014-01-18 Green, Akeem (2014) B-60 7.14 pre Carl Lewis Invitational (#13)
2014-01-11 Green, Akeem (2014) B-60 7.15 pre Texas A&M HS Indoor Classic (#21)
2013-01-19 Green, Akeem (2014) B-60 7.32 TX#64 pre Carl Lewis Invitational (#36)
2013-01-05 Green, Akeem (2014) B-60 7.33 pre Texas A&M HS Classic (#3)
2006-05-13 Montague, Ryan (2006) B-100 10.51 US#29 TX#8 w(1.3)TX State 5A (#3)
2014-04-26 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.56 w(4.2)TX 5A Region 2 Waco (#2)
2014-05-10 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.57 US#50 TX#8 w(1.9)TX 5A State Meet (#5)
2013-04-18 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.67 NWITX 5A Area 13-14 (#3)
2014-04-09 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.70 pre NWITX 5A District 14 Woodlands (#1)
2010-05-03 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.72 TX#11 w(1.8)TX 5A Region 2 (#3)
2014-04-26 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.75 pre w(-0.2)TX 5A Region 2 Waco (#2)
2011-03-26 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.76 w(2.7)LSU Tiger Relays (#3)
2011-04-12 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.77 pre NWITX District 14 - 5A (#2)
2011-06-25 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.77 TX#8 w(1.1)Nike Track Nationals (#2)
2011-04-12 Lasco, Daniel (2011) B-100 10.77 pre NWITX District 14 - 5A (#2)
2015-04-23 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.80 NWITX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#3)
2013-04-12 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.83 NWITX District 14-5A (#1)
2009-05-23 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.85 TX#22 pre w(1.7)TX 5A Region 2 (#5)
2013-04-27 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.86 TX#36 w(0.4)TX Region 2-5A (#5)
2015-04-16 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.87 NWITX 6A District 16 Humble (#1)
2011-03-26 Lasco, Daniel (2011) B-100 10.88 pre w(3)LSU Tiger Relays (#4)
2013-04-27 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.89 pre w(-0.4)TX Region 2-5A (#7)
2011-03-10 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.91 NWIKingwood Park Invite (#1)
2015-02-28 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.91 NWIThe Woodlands Invitational (#2)
2010-04-23 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.91 NWITX Regional Qualifier The Woodlands (#2)
2009-04-04 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.91 pre w(2)Texas Relays (#26)
2015-05-02 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.92 TX#87 pre w(0.3)TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#11)
2010-05-03 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.92 pre w(0.3)TX 5A Region 2 (#3)
2011-03-26 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.92 pre w(4.2)LSU Tiger Relays (#5)
2010-02-27 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.93 NWIThe Woodlands Invitational (#2)
2009-05-09 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.97 NWINW Flyers USATF Meet (#1)
2014-03-22 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.98 NWIKlein Relays (#2)
2009-05-23 Webb, Blake (2012) B-100 10.98 w(1.8)TX 5A Region 2 (#4)
2014-02-22 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-100 10.99 NWIThe Woodlands Invitational (#1)
2010-04-17 Murray, Colleen (2011) B-100 11.50 NWIRollie Morris Invite (#5)
2015-02-21 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-200 21.10 NWIOak Ridge Invite (#1)
2015-05-29 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-200 21.22 US#32 TX#6 w(1.3)Prefontaine Classic (#3)
2010-08-01 Webb, Blake (2012) B-200 21.54 US#68 TX#9 w(0.5)USATF JO Intermediate (#3)
2012-02-11 Janise, Eric (2012) B-200 21.59 NWISpring Invitational (#1)
2012-03-31 Janise, Eric (2012) B-200 21.79 NWICollege Park Invitational (#1)
2012-02-18 Janise, Eric (2012) B-200 21.80 NWIOak Ridge Invitational (#1)
2011-04-21 Webb, Blake (2012) B-200 21.84 NWIWoodlands Reg Qual Invite (#2)
2014-03-29 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-200 21.87 TX#44 w(-0.6)Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#2)
2012-04-20 Janise, Eric (2012) B-200 21.93 NWIWoodlands Reg Qualifiers Invitational (#2)
2015-03-28 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-200 21.94 NWICollege Park Invitational (#1)
2010-04-23 Webb, Blake (2012) B-200 21.97 NWITX Regional Qualifier The Woodlands (#1)
2014-03-29 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-200 21.97 pre w(-1.1)Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#3)
2013-04-18 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-200 22.04 NWITX 5A Area 13-14 (#6)
2011-04-12 Webb, Blake (2012) B-200 22.06 NWITX District 14 - 5A (#1)
2011-04-12 Webb, Blake (2012) B-200 22.06 pre NWITX District 14 - 5A (#2)
2011-03-10 Webb, Blake (2012) B-200 22.10 NWIKingwood Park Invite (#1)
2011-03-19 Webb, Blake (2012) B-200 22.11 NWIKlein True Team (#1)
2014-04-09 Varnell, Will (2015) B-200 22.12 NWITX 5A District 14 Woodlands (#2)
2011-04-01 Webb, Blake (2012) B-200 22.18 NWIA&M Consol Giese Relays (#2)
2013-04-18 Varnell, Will (2015) B-200 22.21 NWITX 5A Area 13-14 (#7)
2014-04-26 Varnell, Will (2015) B-200 22.25 TX#82 pre w(-0.6)TX 5A Region 2 Waco (#11)
2013-04-12 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-200 22.25 NWITX District 14-5A (#2)
2009-04-17 Webb, Blake (2012) B-200 22.27 NWITX District 14-5A (#1)
2013-04-12 Varnell, Will (2015) B-200 22.31 NWITX District 14-5A (#3)
2014-04-16 Varnell, Will (2015) B-200 22.33 NWITX 5A Area 13-14 Klein (#3)
2015-04-16 Varnell, Will (2015) B-200 22.34 NWITX 6A District 16 Humble (#3)
2010-03-27 Webb, Blake (2012) B-200 22.35 NWIKlein Relays (#3)
2014-03-01 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-200 22.37 w(-2.8)Strake Jesuit Crusader Invitational (#1)
2014-02-22 Varnell, Will (2015) B-200 22.42 NWIThe Woodlands Invitational (#1)
2014-02-22 Carr, Patrick (2015) B-200 22.43 NWIThe Woodlands Invitational (#2)
2012-04-12 Green, Akeem (2014) B-200 22.45 NWITX 5A District 14 Woodlands (#5)
2010-02-27 Webb, Blake (2012) B-200 22.53 NWIThe Woodlands Invitational (#2)
2010-02-27 Julius, Chistopher B-200 22.72 NWIThe Woodlands Invitational (#3)
2015-05-02 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.22 US#7 TX#3 TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#1)
2015-05-16 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.34 TX 6A State Meet (#2)
2015-04-04 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.64 Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#1)
2015-06-20 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.69 Brooks PR Invitational (#2)
2015-04-16 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.82 TX 6A District 16 Humble (#1)
2015-04-23 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 46.88 TX 6A Area 15-16 Humble (#1)
2012-06-02 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 47.02 US#22 TX#5 Great Southwest Classic (#3)
2008-05-10 Skidmore, Ben (2008) B-400 47.14 US#14 TX#2 TX State 5A OUT (#2)
2012-04-12 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 47.29 TX 5A District 14 Woodlands (#1)
2008-04-26 Skidmore, Ben (2008) B-400 47.54 TX Reg 2-5A OUT (#1)
2012-05-12 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 47.60 TX 5A State Meet (#4)
2015-05-02 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 47.74 pre TX 6A Region 2 Baylor (#2)
2011-04-12 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 47.75 US#55 TX#8 TX District 14 - 5A (#1)
2014-03-22 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 47.77 US#81 TX#17 Klein Relays (#2)
2012-04-28 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 47.77 TX 5A Region 2 Waco (#2)
2012-04-12 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 47.81 pre TX 5A District 14 Woodlands (#1)
2014-04-09 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 47.88 TX 5A District 14 Woodlands (#1)
2008-04-11 Skidmore, Ben (2008) B-400 48.02 TX Distr 15-5A OUT (#1)
2011-05-14 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 48.11 TX 5A State Meet (#6)
2014-04-16 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 48.14 TX 5A Area 13-14 Klein (#2)
2011-05-03 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 48.19 TX Region II-5A (#1)
2012-04-28 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 48.31 pre TX 5A Region 2 Waco (#2)
2000-04-29 Martin, Keith (2000) B-400 48.38 TX#29 5A regional (#4)
2014-04-26 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 48.47 TX 5A Region 2 Waco (#5)
2011-03-10 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 48.53 Kingwood Park Invite (#1)
2011-04-01 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 48.55 A&M Consol Giese Relays (#2)
2011-03-19 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 48.60 Klein True Team (#1)
2014-04-26 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 48.61 pre TX 5A Region 2 Waco (#5)
2015-04-16 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 48.73 pre TX 6A District 16 Humble (#2)
2012-03-17 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 48.81 Stratford True Team (#1)
2011-06-25 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 48.84 Nike Track Nationals (#4)
2011-05-03 Janise, Eric (2012) B-400 48.85 pre TX Region II-5A (#2)
2015-04-04 Igbokwe, Obi (2015) B-400 49.02 pre Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#3)
2014-03-29 Harris, Brandon B-400 49.20 TX#63 Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#3)
2015-04-04 Blackford, Mason (2015) B-400 49.88 pre Rice Victor Lopez Classic (#7)
2009-04-24 Butler, Drew (2009) B-400 49.98 TX#99 Woodlands Regional Qualifier (#3)
2009-04-17 Butler, Drew (2009) B-800 1:50.83 US#12 TX#1 TX District 14-5A (#1)
2009-05-23 Butler, Drew (2009) B-800 1:50.96 TX 5A Region 2 (#1)
2009-03-21 Butler, Drew (2009) B-800 1:51.10 Klein Invitational (#1)
1899-12-30 Hansen, Luke (2005) B-800 1:51.32 US#10 TX#1 Region 5A
2009-06-05 Butler, Drew (2009) B-800 1:51.70 TX 5A State Meet (#1)
2008-04-26 Butler, Drew (2009) B-800 1:52.67 US#50 TX#2 TX Reg 2-5A OUT (#1)
2008-05-10 Butler, Drew (2009) B-800 1:53.02 TX State 5A OUT (#2)
2003-03-13 Sullivan, Brian (2004) B-800 1:53.40 US#79 TX#11 Woodlands tri
2009-05-23 Butler, Drew (2009) B-800 1:53.40 pre TX 5A Region 2 (#1)
2008-04-11 Butler, Drew (2009) B-800 1:53.70 TX Distr 15-5A OUT (#1)
2009-02-28 Butler, Drew (2009) B-800 1:54.12 The Woodlands Invitational (#1)
1899-12-30 Dunphy, Robert (2001) B-800 1:54.22 US#90 TX#11 District (#1)
2011-02-26 Scheffey, Andrew (2011) B-800 1:56.00 TX#46 The Woodlands Invitational (#1)
2010-04-23 Sanderson, Tom (2010) B-800 1:56.12 TX#43 TX Regional Qualifier The Woodlands (#4)
2011-04-12 Johnson, Zachary (2011) B-800 1:56.33 TX#54 TX District 14 - 5A (#3)
2012-03-08 Emery, Logan (2014) B-800 1:56.61 TX#65 Kingwood Park Invitational (#3)
2011-04-01 Scheffey, Andrew (2011) B-800 1:56.62 A&M Consol Giese Relays (#2)
2010-04-01 Bradley, Tyler (2010) B-800 1:56.83 TX#57 Tiger Relays (#2)
2012-03-17 Hedges, Brigham (2013) B-800 1:56.99 TX#75 Stratford True Team (#2)
Continue with next 125 performances

Mpagi, Tessa The University of Texas at Austin, TX (Big 12 Conference)
Golden, Daniel The University of Texas at Austin, TX (Big 12 Conference)

Igbokwe, Obi University of Arkansas Main Campus, AR (Southeastern Conference)
Kroon, Eric The University of Texas at Austin, TX (Big 12 Conference)
Carr, Patrick University of Colorado at Boulder, CO (Pacific-12 Conference)
Sims, Macey University of Houston, TX (American Athletic Conference)

McLellan, Madi Rice University, TX (Conference USA)
Lindsey, Kaitlynn Baylor University, TX (Big 12 Conference)
Emery, Logan The University of Texas at Austin, TX (Big 12 Conference)
Zuspan, Kara The University of Texas at Austin, TX (Big 12 Conference)

Irvin, Craig The University of Texas at Austin, TX (Big 12 Conference)
Brady, Alana United States Naval Academy, MD (Patriot League)
Guidot, Ashley University of Oklahoma Norman Campus, OK (Big 12 Conference)
Feeney, Abby Dartmouth College, NH (Ivy Group)
Hedges, Brigham Oklahoma State University-Main Campus, OK (Big 12 Conference)
Willard, Katie Texas A & M University, TX (Southeastern Conference)
Davidson, Adam Rice University, TX (Conference USA)

Janise, Eric University of Arkansas Main Campus, AR (Southeastern Conference)
LeGassey, Kenneth University of Arkansas Main Campus, AR (Southeastern Conference)

Lyons, Margo Texas A & M University, TX (Southeastern Conference)

Andrews, Sarah University of Oregon, OR (Pacific-12 Conference)
Gooch, Haley Texas A & M University, TX (Southeastern Conference)
Foster, Sunday Sam Houston State University, TX (Southland Conference)
Charbonnet, Justine Baylor University, TX (Big 12 Conference)
Cathey-Harper, Jonelle Lipscomb University, TN (Atlantic Sun Conference)
Ortegon, Joaquin The University of Texas at San Antonio, TX (Southland Conference)

Wells, Callie The University of Texas at Arlington, TX (Southland Conference)

Whittenmyer, Dave University of Arkansas Main Campus, AR (Southeastern Conference)
Dittoe, Brad University of Arkansas Main Campus, AR (Southeastern Conference)

Dunphy, Robert United States Air Force Academy, CO (Mountain West Conference)
Esselborn, Chris Georgetown University, DC (Big East Conference)
Wells, Sarah College of William and Mary, VA (Colonial Athletic Association)

Hedges, Nic Adams State College, CO (Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference)

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