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School Name: John Marshall, VA

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-27 Addison, Mikaela (2015) G-200 25.45 NWIVA 3A East Region (#3)
2015-06-06 Addison, Mikaela (2015) G-200 25.70 w(2.6)VA 3A State Meet (#5)
2015-05-27 Addison, Mikaela (2015) G-400 58.78 VA#56 VA 3A East Region (#3)
2015-04-25 Addison, Mikaela (2015) G-400 59.25 Real Deal HS Classic (#2)
2015-06-06 Addison, Mikaela (2015) G-400 59.31 VA 3A State Meet (#3)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-01-17 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.63 VA#56 Martin Luther King Jr Holiday Invitational (#3)
2014-12-13 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.67 Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#5)
2014-12-13 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.68 pre Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#4)
2015-01-17 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.71 pre Martin Luther King Jr Holiday Invitational (#4)
2014-12-06 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.74 St. Christopher's Indoor Meet #1 (#2)
2015-03-10 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.78 VA 3A Indoor State Meet (#10)
2015-01-17 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.80 pre Martin Luther King Jr Holiday Invitational (#11)
2015-01-17 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.80 Martin Luther King Jr Holiday Invitational (#9)
2015-03-10 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-300 36.56 VA#46 VA 3A Indoor State Meet (#2)
2014-12-06 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-300 36.62 St. Christopher's Indoor Meet #1 (#2)
2014-12-13 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-300 37.48 Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#12)
2015-03-10 Addison, Mikaela (2015) G-300 42.42 VA#56 VA 3A Indoor State Meet (#3)
2014-12-13 Addison, Mikaela (2015) G-300 42.66 Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#9)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-06-07 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-100 10.85 VA#7 pre w(1.6)VA 3A State Meet (#2)
2014-05-28 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-100 10.96 NWIVA 3A East Region (#1)
2014-05-28 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-200 22.06 NWIVA 3A East Region (#1)
2014-06-07 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-200 22.09 VA#14 w(0)VA 3A State Meet (#2)
2014-06-07 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-200 22.09 pre NWIVA 3A State Meet (#2)
2014-04-12 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-200 22.46 NWIPanther PR Classic (#1)
2014-05-03 Addison, Mikaela (2015) G-400 59.54 VA#77 Virginia Beach Invitational (#5)
2014-06-07 Addison, Mikaela (2015) G-400 59.74 VA 3A State Meet (#5)
2014-05-28 Addison, Mikaela (2015) G-400 59.77 VA 3A East Region (#3)
2014-05-03 Scott, Danielle (2015) G-HJ 5'4" VA#18 Virginia Beach Invitational (#1)

2014 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-01-20 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.49 US#60 VA#18 Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#1)
2014-03-01 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.57 pre VA Class 3A Indoor State Championships (#2)
2014-03-01 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.59 VA Class 3A Indoor State Championships (#3)
2014-01-20 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.66 pre Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#1)
2014-02-22 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.67 pre VA Class 3A East Region Championships (#1)
2013-12-14 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.69 pre Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#2)
2014-02-22 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.69 VA Class 3A East Region Championships (#2)
2013-12-14 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.70 Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#6)
2014-02-17 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.72 VA Class 3A Conference 26 (#2)
2014-02-17 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.78 pre VA Class 3A Conference 26 (#2)
2014-01-20 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.78 Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#5)
2013-12-14 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.80 Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#10)
2013-12-14 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.83 pre Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#9)
2014-01-20 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.84 pre Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#7)
2014-01-20 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-300 36.85 VA#61 Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#2)
2013-12-14 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-300 37.33 Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#5)
2014-01-20 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-300 37.74 Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#6)
2014-01-20 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.43 VA#37 Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#1)
2014-03-01 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:35.78 VA Class 3A Indoor State Championships (#5)

2013 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-12-15 Moses, Daquawn (2013) B-300 36.96 VA#83 CNU Winter Frolic (#5)
2012-12-08 Moses, Daquawn (2013) B-500 1:09.28 VA#89 VA St. Christopher's Meet #1 (#2)
2012-12-15 Moses, Daquawn (2013) B-500 1:10.17 CNU Winter Frolic (#8)
2013-02-02 Moses, Daquawn (2013) B-500 1:10.71 Atlantic Coast Invitational (#14)
2013-02-02 Scott, Danielle (2015) G-HJ 5'2" VA#21 Atlantic Coast Invitational (#4)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-24 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-200 22.23 VA#14 w(0)VA Central Region Championships (#2)
2012-07-15 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 48.83 VA#9 pre AAU Club Nationals YM YW (#4)
2012-04-21 Kempton, Moore B-400 48.91 VA#12 Norfolk State Invitational (#1)
2012-05-24 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.42 VA Central Region Championships (#1)
2012-01-01 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.99 Colonial District Championships (#1)
2012-05-24 Hopkins, Leonard B-TJ 44'3.75" VA#24 w(0.2)VA Central Region Championships (#7)
2012-03-31 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:32.58 VA#10 Conn Madden Relays (#2)
2012-04-21 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-100 12.28 NWINorfolk State Invitational (#3)
2012-05-24 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-100 12.39 VA#15 pre w(0)VA Central Region Championships (#1)
2012-05-24 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-100 12.43 w(-1.4)VA Central Region Championships (#1)
2012-01-01 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-100 12.47 pre w(0)Colonial District Championships (#1)
2012-01-01 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-100 12.49 w(0.5)Colonial District Championships (#2)
2012-01-01 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-200 25.06 VA#18 w(1.2)Colonial District Championships (#2)
2012-01-01 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-200 25.74 pre NWIColonial District Championships (#1)
2012-06-02 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-200 25.85 w(3.3)VA AAA State Championship (#17)
2012-01-01 Addison, Mikaela (2015) G-400 59.66 VA#78 pre Colonial District Championships (#5)
2012-01-01 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-300H 45.16 VA#17 Colonial District Championships (#1)
2012-05-05 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-300H 45.57 Virginia Beach Invitational (#2)
2012-01-01 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-300H 46.25 pre Colonial District Championships (#1)
2012-05-24 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-300H 46.95 VA Central Region Championships (#6)
2012-04-28 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-300H 47.60 Elite Classic (#5)
2012-03-31 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:45.03 VA#3 Conn Madden Relays (#1)
2012-04-07 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:01.40 VA#22 Colonial Relays (#2)

2012 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-01-30 Thompson, John B-55 6.63 VA#52 Jamestown Winter Festival (#4)
2012-01-30 Thompson, John B-55 6.71 pre Jamestown Winter Festival (#4)
2012-01-14 Thompson, John B-55 6.75 pre Suffolk Stars Invitational (#15)
2012-02-18 Thompson, John B-55 6.75 pre Central Region Indoor Championships (#8)
2012-02-11 Thompson, John B-55 6.80 Colonial District Championships (#1)
2012-02-11 Thompson, John B-55 6.80 pre Colonial District Championships (#1)
2012-02-18 Thompson, John B-55 6.81 Central Region Indoor Championships (#8)
2012-02-25 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-300 35.70 US#78 VA#13 VA AAA State Meet (#6)
2011-12-03 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-300 35.90 Peninsula Ice Breaker (#1)
2012-01-14 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-300 36.28 Suffolk Stars Invitational (#1)
2012-01-30 Thompson, John B-300 37.50 Jamestown Winter Festival (#7)
2012-01-14 Moses, Daquawn (2013) B-300 37.54 Suffolk Stars Invitational (#11)
2012-01-30 Hopkins, Leonard B-300 37.87 Jamestown Winter Festival (#13)
2012-01-30 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-500 1:08.09 VA#49 Jamestown Winter Festival (#3)
2012-02-11 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-500 1:09.87 Colonial District Championships (#1)
2012-02-11 Hopkins, Leonard B-LJ 21'1" VA#57 Colonial District Championships (#1)
2012-02-18 Hopkins, Leonard B-LJ 21'0.25" Central Region Indoor Championships (#7)
2012-02-25 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:33.18 VA#32 VA AAA State Meet (#16)
2012-01-14 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.61 Suffolk Stars Invitational (#8)
2012-02-25 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:30.87 VA#28 VA AAA State Meet (#11)
2012-02-25 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-55 7.18 US#89 VA#13 pre VA AAA State Meet (#8)
2012-01-30 Allen, Mary (2012) G-55 7.20 US#99 VA#16 Jamestown Winter Festival (#2)
2011-12-03 Allen, Mary (2012) G-55 7.26 Peninsula Ice Breaker (#3)
2012-02-25 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-55 7.28 VA AAA State Meet (#10)
2012-01-30 Allen, Mary (2012) G-55 7.29 pre Jamestown Winter Festival (#2)
2012-01-30 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-55 7.29 Jamestown Winter Festival (#3)
2012-01-30 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-55 7.32 pre Jamestown Winter Festival (#3)
2011-12-03 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-55 7.32 Peninsula Ice Breaker (#4)
2011-12-03 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-55 7.33 pre Peninsula Ice Breaker (#3)
2011-12-03 Allen, Mary (2012) G-55 7.35 pre Peninsula Ice Breaker (#4)
2012-02-18 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-55 7.38 pre Central Region Indoor Championships (#2)
2012-02-18 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-55 7.45 Central Region Indoor Championships (#2)
2012-02-11 Allen, Mary (2012) G-55 7.45 pre Colonial District Championships (#2)
2012-02-11 Allen, Mary (2012) G-55 7.48 Colonial District Championships (#2)
2012-02-11 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-55 7.49 pre Colonial District Championships (#3)
2012-02-25 Allen, Mary (2012) G-300 40.18 US#30 VA#6 VA AAA State Meet (#5)
2012-01-30 Allen, Mary (2012) G-300 40.70 Jamestown Winter Festival (#1)
2012-02-25 Taylor, Breanna (2012) G-300 41.45 VA#30 VA AAA State Meet (#14)
2011-12-03 Allen, Mary (2012) G-300 41.61 Peninsula Ice Breaker (#1)
2012-02-18 Allen, Mary (2012) G-300 42.49 Central Region Indoor Championships (#2)
2012-02-25 Allen, Mary (2012) G-500 1:16.52 US#17 VA#11 VA AAA State Meet (#5)
2012-01-30 Allen, Mary (2012) G-500 1:16.86 Jamestown Winter Festival (#1)
2012-02-18 Allen, Mary (2012) G-500 1:18.27 Central Region Indoor Championships (#1)
2012-02-11 Allen, Mary (2012) G-500 1:19.39 Colonial District Championships (#1)
2012-02-25 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:44.47 US#47 VA#9 VA AAA State Meet (#8)
2012-02-03 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.66 Atlantic Coast Indoor Invite (#2)
2011-12-03 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:49.58 Peninsula Ice Breaker (#2)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-06-04 King, Sherrod (2011) B-200 22.34 VA#25 pre w(1.1)VA 3A State Meet (#16)
2011-04-16 King, Sherrod (2011) B-200 22.37 NWITallwood Challenge (#4)
2011-05-21 King, Sherrod (2011) B-200 22.41 w(0.1)VA 3A Dist Colonial (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-01-20 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.49 US#60 VA#18 Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#1)
2009-01-10 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-55 6.54 VA#22 CNU Showcase (#5)
2014-03-01 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.57 pre VA Class 3A Indoor State Championships (#2)
2014-03-01 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.59 VA Class 3A Indoor State Championships (#3)
2009-12-05 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-55 6.60 VA#35 Peninsula Ice Breaker (#2)
2015-01-17 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.63 VA#56 Martin Luther King Jr Holiday Invitational (#3)
2012-01-30 Thompson, John B-55 6.63 VA#52 Jamestown Winter Festival (#4)
2014-01-20 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.66 pre Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#1)
2010-01-09 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-55 6.66 CNU Showcase (#3)
2014-02-22 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.67 pre VA Class 3A East Region Championships (#1)
2014-12-13 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.67 Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#5)
2010-02-12 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-55 6.68 VA Colonial District (#1)
2010-02-27 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-55 6.68 pre Virginia AAA Statemeet (#22)
2014-12-13 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.68 pre Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#4)
2013-12-14 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.69 pre Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#2)
2014-02-22 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.69 VA Class 3A East Region Championships (#2)
2013-12-14 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.70 Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#6)
2012-01-30 Thompson, John B-55 6.71 pre Jamestown Winter Festival (#4)
2015-01-17 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.71 pre Martin Luther King Jr Holiday Invitational (#4)
2010-01-09 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-55 6.71 pre CNU Showcase (#5)
2014-02-17 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.72 VA Class 3A Conference 26 (#2)
2014-12-06 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.74 St. Christopher's Indoor Meet #1 (#2)
2009-12-05 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-55 6.74 pre Peninsula Ice Breaker (#3)
2012-01-14 Thompson, John B-55 6.75 pre Suffolk Stars Invitational (#15)
2012-02-18 Thompson, John B-55 6.75 pre Central Region Indoor Championships (#8)
2010-02-12 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-55 6.76 pre VA Colonial District (#1)
2015-03-10 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-55 6.78 VA 3A Indoor State Meet (#10)
2014-02-17 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-55 6.78 pre VA Class 3A Conference 26 (#2)
2010-02-12 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-55 6.78 VA Colonial District (#3)
2014-01-20 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.78 Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#5)
2012-02-11 Thompson, John B-55 6.80 Colonial District Championships (#1)
2012-02-11 Thompson, John B-55 6.80 pre Colonial District Championships (#1)
2013-12-14 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.80 Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#10)
2015-01-17 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.80 pre Martin Luther King Jr Holiday Invitational (#11)
2010-02-12 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-55 6.80 pre VA Colonial District (#2)
2011-01-31 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-55 6.80 Jamestown Winter Festival (#3)
2015-01-17 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.80 Martin Luther King Jr Holiday Invitational (#9)
2012-02-18 Thompson, John B-55 6.81 Central Region Indoor Championships (#8)
2010-02-20 Barmoh, Keon (2011) B-55 6.82 pre VA Central Region (#11)
2010-02-12 Barmoh, Keon (2011) B-55 6.83 VA Colonial District (#4)
2013-12-14 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.83 pre Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#9)
2014-01-20 Woody, Clifton (2017) B-55 6.84 pre Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#7)
2014-06-07 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-100 10.85 VA#7 pre w(1.6)VA 3A State Meet (#2)
2014-05-28 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-100 10.96 NWIVA 3A East Region (#1)
2014-05-28 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-200 22.06 NWIVA 3A East Region (#1)
2014-06-07 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-200 22.09 VA#14 w(0)VA 3A State Meet (#2)
2014-06-07 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-200 22.09 pre NWIVA 3A State Meet (#2)
2012-05-24 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-200 22.23 VA#14 w(0)VA Central Region Championships (#2)
2011-06-04 King, Sherrod (2011) B-200 22.34 VA#25 pre w(1.1)VA 3A State Meet (#16)
2011-04-16 King, Sherrod (2011) B-200 22.37 NWITallwood Challenge (#4)
2010-06-04 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-200 22.39 VA#24 pre w(-1.5)VA 3A State Meet (#11)
2011-05-21 King, Sherrod (2011) B-200 22.41 w(0.1)VA 3A Dist Colonial (#1)
2010-05-20 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-200 22.43 w(-0.7)VA 3A District - Colonial (#1)
2011-05-21 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-200 22.43 VA#30 w(0.1)VA 3A Dist Colonial (#2)
2010-05-01 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-200 22.44 NWILandstown Invitational (#6)
2014-04-12 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-200 22.46 NWIPanther PR Classic (#1)
2011-04-16 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-200 22.46 NWITallwood Challenge (#5)
2009-05-22 Ingram, Thomas (2009) B-200 22.49 VA#35 pre w(-1.2)VA Central Reg (#4)
2012-02-25 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-300 35.70 US#78 VA#13 VA AAA State Meet (#6)
2011-12-03 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-300 35.90 Peninsula Ice Breaker (#1)
2011-01-31 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-300 36.20 VA#40 Jamestown Winter Festival (#1)
2010-12-11 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-300 36.24 Real Deal Classic (#1)
2012-01-14 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-300 36.28 Suffolk Stars Invitational (#1)
2010-01-09 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-300 36.49 VA#35 CNU Showcase (#3)
2015-03-10 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-300 36.56 VA#46 VA 3A Indoor State Meet (#2)
2014-12-06 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-300 36.62 St. Christopher's Indoor Meet #1 (#2)
2014-01-20 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-300 36.85 VA#61 Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#2)
2009-12-05 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300 36.92 VA#56 Peninsula Ice Breaker (#2)
2011-01-31 King, Sherrod (2011) B-300 36.93 Jamestown Winter Festival (#3)
2012-12-15 Moses, Daquawn (2013) B-300 36.96 VA#83 CNU Winter Frolic (#5)
2010-01-09 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300 37.06 CNU Showcase (#4)
2011-02-26 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-300 37.28 VA AAA State Meet (#21)
2013-12-14 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-300 37.33 Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#5)
2009-12-05 Bowen, Garth (2010) B-300 37.34 Peninsula Ice Breaker (#4)
2014-12-13 Cook, Daryll (2015) B-300 37.48 Glouchester Pre-Holiday Invitational (#12)
2012-01-30 Thompson, John B-300 37.50 Jamestown Winter Festival (#7)
2011-01-31 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300 37.53 Jamestown Winter Festival (#7)
2012-01-14 Moses, Daquawn (2013) B-300 37.54 Suffolk Stars Invitational (#11)
2010-12-11 King, Sherrod (2011) B-300 37.73 Real Deal Classic (#9)
2014-01-20 Duncan, Eric (2014) B-300 37.74 Martin Luther King Jr. Invitational (#6)
2011-02-12 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-300 37.82 VA Colonial District (#1)
2011-01-31 Barmoh, Keon (2011) B-300 37.87 Jamestown Winter Festival (#10)
2012-01-30 Hopkins, Leonard B-300 37.87 Jamestown Winter Festival (#13)
2012-07-15 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 48.83 VA#9 pre AAU Club Nationals YM YW (#4)
2012-04-21 Kempton, Moore B-400 48.91 VA#12 Norfolk State Invitational (#1)
2011-07-03 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.05 VA#21 AAU Area 3 Ntl Qualifier (#1)
2011-05-28 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.29 VA 3A Region Central (#2)
2011-06-04 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.36 pre VA 3A State Meet (#6)
2011-05-07 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.41 Virginia Beach Invitational (#1)
2012-05-24 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.42 VA Central Region Championships (#1)
2011-07-03 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.47 pre AAU Area 3 Ntl Qualifier (#1)
2011-08-05 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.63 pre AAU JO Ntl Championships Day 7 (#25)
2011-05-21 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.91 VA 3A Dist Colonial (#1)
2012-01-01 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.99 Colonial District Championships (#1)
2011-05-28 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-400 49.99 pre VA 3A Region Central (#2)
2011-01-31 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-500 1:08.09 US#87 VA#41 Jamestown Winter Festival (#2)
2012-01-30 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-500 1:08.09 VA#49 Jamestown Winter Festival (#3)
1999-01-30 Lawrence, Marcus (1999) B-500 1:08.82 VA#22 Virginia Tech Inv (#34)
2011-01-08 King, Sherrod (2011) B-500 1:08.84 VA#66 Southeastern Invitational (#3)
2010-12-11 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-500 1:08.96 Real Deal Classic (#3)
2012-12-08 Moses, Daquawn (2013) B-500 1:09.28 VA#89 VA St. Christopher's Meet #1 (#2)
2011-01-31 King, Sherrod (2011) B-500 1:09.36 Jamestown Winter Festival (#5)
2011-01-08 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-500 1:09.74 Southeastern Invitational (#7)
2012-02-11 Moore, Kempton (2012) B-500 1:09.87 Colonial District Championships (#1)
2010-01-09 King, Sherrod (2011) B-500 1:10.05 VA#69 CNU Showcase (#8)
2012-12-15 Moses, Daquawn (2013) B-500 1:10.17 CNU Winter Frolic (#8)
2013-02-02 Moses, Daquawn (2013) B-500 1:10.71 Atlantic Coast Invitational (#14)
2011-02-26 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-55H 7.59 US#55 VA#9 VA AAA State Meet (#7)
2011-02-26 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-55H 7.74 pre VA AAA State Meet (#10)
2011-02-12 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-55H 7.80 pre VA Colonial District (#1)
2011-01-31 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-55H 8.00 Jamestown Winter Festival (#1)
2010-06-04 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 38.53 VA#4 pre VA 3A State Meet (#5)
2009-05-22 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 38.86 VA#8 VA Central Reg (#1)
2010-06-04 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 39.14 VA 3A State Meet (#3)
2010-05-01 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 39.34 Landstown Invitational (#1)
2010-04-17 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 39.37 Tallwood Team Challenge (#1)
2009-05-29 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 39.38 VA State 3A (#7)
2009-05-02 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 39.48 Landstown Invite (#1)
2010-05-20 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 39.48 VA 3A District - Colonial (#1)
2009-05-29 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 39.54 pre VA State 3A (#6)
2009-05-22 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 39.56 pre VA Central Reg (#1)
2009-05-14 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 39.74 Colonial District Championships (#1)
2009-05-14 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 40.10 pre Colonial District Championships (#1)
2009-04-18 Jones, Tyler (2011) B-300H 40.51 VA Peninsual Relays (#2)
2011-05-21 Graves, Terrance (2011) B-300H 40.92 VA#69 pre VA 3A Dist Colonial (#3)
Continue with next 125 performances

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