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School Name: Farmington Hills Mercy, MI

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2014 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-11-01 Eads, Allysen (2015) G-5k_XC 19:22.60 MI D1 LP State Meet (#82)

2012 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-09-29 Eads, Allysen (2015) G-5k_XC 19:21.90 Coaching Legends Invitational (#32)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-06-09 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-300H 44.95 MI#4 Midwest Meet Of Champions (#5)

2012 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-01-21 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-55H 8.24 US#56 MI#4 U of Findlay HS Invitational (#2)
2012-03-11 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-55H 8.37 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#21)
2012-01-21 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-55H 8.42 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational (#1)
2012-02-25 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.65 US#13 MI#2 MI MITS State (#2)
2012-02-25 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.72 pre MI MITS State (#3)
2011-12-17 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.78 pre SVSU-MITS Meet #1 (#1)
2011-12-17 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.89 SVSU-MITS Meet #1 (#1)
2012-02-25 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.90 pre MI MITS State (#2)
2012-02-04 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.92 Ohio State HS Open #2 (#1)
2012-01-14 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.92 Jerome Fields Open (#1)
2012-02-18 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.92 U-Kentucky Invitational (#5)
2012-02-18 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.95 pre U-Kentucky Invitational (#5)
2012-03-11 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 9.02 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#21)
2012-02-04 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 9.05 pre Ohio State HS Open #2 (#1)
2012-03-03 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 9.12 Arnold Classic HS Invitational (#2)
2012-01-14 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 9.22 pre Jerome Fields Open (#1)
2012-03-03 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 9.28 pre Arnold Classic HS Invitational (#3)

2011 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-10-29 Smith, Heather (2012) G-5k_XC 18:31.73 MI#43 MI D1 Region 6 (#5)
2011-11-05 Smith, Heather (2012) G-5k_XC 18:59.40 MI D1 LP State Meet (#36)
2011-11-05 Irwin, Victoria G-5k_XC 19:04.00 MI D1 LP State Meet (#42)
2011-10-29 Dillon, Teagan (2014) G-5k_XC 19:12.79 MI D1 Region 6 (#20)
2011-09-16 Irwin, Victoria G-5k_XC 19:24.00 MSU Spartan Invitational (#16)
2011-10-29 Irwin, Victoria G-5k_XC 19:24.10 MI D1 Region 7 (#6)
2011-10-14 Irwin, Victoria G-5k_XC 19:24.60 River Rat Open (#2)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-07-30 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.32 pre w(3.3)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 5 (#8)
2011-07-10 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.36 NWIUSATF JO Region 5 (#2)
2011-07-30 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.46 pre NWIUSATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 5 (#10)
2011-07-03 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.53 NWIAAU Area 9 MI Ntl Qualifier (#1)
2011-07-10 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.67 MI#6 pre w(0.6)USATF JO Region 5 (#3)
2011-04-30 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.96 w(-0.5)Shumake Scholar Ship Relays (#2)
2011-04-30 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 15.15 pre NWIShumake Scholar Ship Relays (#1)
2011-04-30 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-300H 46.86 MI#32 Shumake Scholar Ship Relays (#1)
2011-05-14 Lovat, Abbey G-SP 35'1.75" MI#62 River Rat Invitational (#4)

2010 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-10-30 Smith, Heather (2012) G-5k_XC 18:54.20 MI#97 MI Regional XC D1 (#13)

2009 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-05-30 Lovat, Abbey G-HJ 5'5" MI#7 MI D1 LP State Meet (#5)

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-01-21 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-55H 8.24 US#56 MI#4 U of Findlay HS Invitational (#2)
2012-03-11 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-55H 8.37 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#21)
2012-01-21 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-55H 8.42 pre U of Findlay HS Invitational (#1)
2012-02-25 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.65 US#13 MI#2 MI MITS State (#2)
2012-02-25 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.72 pre MI MITS State (#3)
2011-12-17 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.78 pre SVSU-MITS Meet #1 (#1)
2011-12-17 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.89 SVSU-MITS Meet #1 (#1)
2012-02-25 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.90 pre MI MITS State (#2)
2012-02-04 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.92 Ohio State HS Open #2 (#1)
2012-01-14 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.92 Jerome Fields Open (#1)
2012-02-18 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.92 U-Kentucky Invitational (#5)
2012-02-18 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 8.95 pre U-Kentucky Invitational (#5)
2012-03-11 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 9.02 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#21)
2012-02-04 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 9.05 pre Ohio State HS Open #2 (#1)
2012-03-03 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 9.12 Arnold Classic HS Invitational (#2)
2012-01-14 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 9.22 pre Jerome Fields Open (#1)
2012-03-03 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-60H 9.28 pre Arnold Classic HS Invitational (#3)
2011-07-30 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.32 pre w(3.3)USATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 5 (#8)
2011-07-10 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.36 NWIUSATF JO Region 5 (#2)
2011-07-30 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.46 pre NWIUSATF Ntl JO YMYW Day 5 (#10)
2011-07-03 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.53 NWIAAU Area 9 MI Ntl Qualifier (#1)
2011-07-10 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.67 MI#6 pre w(0.6)USATF JO Region 5 (#3)
2011-04-30 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 14.96 w(-0.5)Shumake Scholar Ship Relays (#2)
2011-04-30 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-100H 15.15 pre NWIShumake Scholar Ship Relays (#1)
2012-06-09 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-300H 44.95 MI#4 Midwest Meet Of Champions (#5)
2011-04-30 Sims, Laticia (2012) G-300H 46.86 MI#32 Shumake Scholar Ship Relays (#1)
2009-05-30 Lovat, Abbey G-HJ 5'5" MI#7 MI D1 LP State Meet (#5)
2011-05-14 Lovat, Abbey G-SP 35'1.75" MI#62 River Rat Invitational (#4)
2011-10-29 Smith, Heather (2012) G-5k_XC 18:31.73 MI#43 MI D1 Region 6 (#5)
2010-10-30 Smith, Heather (2012) G-5k_XC 18:54.20 MI#97 MI Regional XC D1 (#13)
2011-11-05 Smith, Heather (2012) G-5k_XC 18:59.40 MI D1 LP State Meet (#36)
2011-11-05 Irwin, Victoria G-5k_XC 19:04.00 MI D1 LP State Meet (#42)
2011-10-29 Dillon, Teagan (2014) G-5k_XC 19:12.79 MI D1 Region 6 (#20)
2012-09-29 Eads, Allysen (2015) G-5k_XC 19:21.90 Coaching Legends Invitational (#32)
2014-11-01 Eads, Allysen (2015) G-5k_XC 19:22.60 MI D1 LP State Meet (#82)
2011-09-16 Irwin, Victoria G-5k_XC 19:24.00 MSU Spartan Invitational (#16)
2011-10-29 Irwin, Victoria G-5k_XC 19:24.10 MI D1 Region 7 (#6)
2011-10-14 Irwin, Victoria G-5k_XC 19:24.60 River Rat Open (#2)

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