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School Name: Dunbar, DC

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-22 Dubose, Derricka (2015) G-100 12.50 NWIDCSAA Championships (#2)
2015-05-22 Dubose, Demetria (2015) G-200 25.24 NWIDCSAA Championships (#1)
2015-05-14 Dubose, Demetria (2015) G-200 25.95 NWIDCIAA Championships (#2)
2015-05-14 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-400 57.97 DC#3 DCIAA Championships (#1)
2015-05-14 Dubose, Demetria (2015) G-400 59.13 DC#9 DCIAA Championships (#4)
2015-05-22 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-100H 15.00 w(2.2)DCSAA Championships (#1)
2015-05-14 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-100H 15.14 NWIDCIAA Championships (#1)
2015-05-22 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-300H 45.14 DC#1 DCSAA Championships (#1)
2015-04-18 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-300H 45.64 Walt Whitman Viking Invitational (#1)
2015-05-14 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-300H 45.80 DCIAA Championships (#1)
2015-04-04 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-300H 46.52 Dunbar Crimson Tide Invitational (#1)
2015-04-18 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-300H 46.80 DC#6 Walt Whitman Viking Invitational (#3)
2015-05-14 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-300H 47.00 DCIAA Championships (#4)
2015-03-21 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-300H 47.28 Screaming Eagles Invitational (#1)
2015-05-14 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-LJ 17'9" NWIDCIAA Championships (#1)
2015-04-25 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 37'0.5" DC#1 w(1.7)Penn Relays (#12)
2015-05-14 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 37'0" NWIDCIAA Championships (#1)
2015-05-22 Neal, Dameece (2016) G-TJ 36'1" NWIDCSAA Championships (#1)
2015-04-18 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 35'9" NWIWalt Whitman Viking Invitational (#1)
2015-04-02 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 35'3" NWILargo Lions Invitational (#1)
2015-04-04 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 35'1.5" NWIDunbar Crimson Tide Invitational (#4)
2015-05-22 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.54 DC#1 DCSAA Championships (#1)
2015-04-18 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:44.05 DC#1 Walt Whitman Viking Invitational (#2)
2015-05-22 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:44.09 DCSAA Championships (#1)
2015-04-02 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:44.98 Largo Lions Invitational (#1)
2015-03-21 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:45.97 Screaming Eagles Invitational (#1)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-01-28 West, Tyrone (2015) B-300 37.41 DC#9 DCIAA HS Indoor Championships (#5)
2015-02-10 West, Tyrone (2015) B-300 37.64 DCSAA Track & Field Championships (#9)
2015-02-10 Dubose, Demetria (2015) G-55 7.48 DC#2 DCSAA Track & Field Championships (#2)
2015-02-10 Shelton, Nisa (2016) G-300 42.87 DC#5 DCSAA Track & Field Championships (#5)
2015-01-10 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-500 1:19.34 DC#4 Montgomery Invitational (#10)
2014-12-13 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-500 1:21.49 Howard County Winterfest (#7)
2015-01-07 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-55H 8.67 DC#1 DCIAA HS Invitational (#1)
2015-01-03 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-55H 8.73 Southern Maryland Indoor Track Classic (#5)
2015-01-07 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-55H 8.77 pre DCIAA HS Invitational (#1)
2015-01-10 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-55H 8.77 Montgomery Invitational (#8)
2015-01-03 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-55H 8.79 pre Southern Maryland Indoor Track Classic (#7)
2014-12-13 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-55H 8.83 Howard County Winterfest (#4)
2015-01-10 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-55H 8.84 pre Montgomery Invitational (#7)
2015-01-03 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-55H 8.85 pre Southern Maryland Indoor Track Classic (#5)
2015-03-15 Parker, Taylor (2016) G-55H 8.95 DC#4 pre USATF National Youth Indoor Championships (#11)
2014-12-13 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-55H 8.97 pre Howard County Winterfest (#5)
2015-02-10 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-LJ 17'4.5" DC#2 DCSAA Track & Field Championships (#1)
2015-01-07 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-LJ 17'3" DCIAA HS Invitational (#1)
2015-01-03 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-LJ 16'10.75" Southern Maryland Indoor Track Classic (#4)
2015-01-28 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-LJ 16'9.5" DCIAA HS Indoor Championships (#1)
2015-01-24 Parker, Taylor (2016) G-LJ 16'8.5" DC#4 Last Track to Philly Invitational (#5)
2015-01-24 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 38'3" US#51 DC#1 Last Track to Philly Invitational (#1)
2015-01-28 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 38'1.25" DCIAA HS Indoor Championships (#1)
2015-03-15 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 37'5.25" USATF National Youth Indoor Championships (#1)
2015-01-03 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 36'6" Southern Maryland Indoor Track Classic (#3)
2015-02-10 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 36'1" DCSAA Track & Field Championships (#1)
2015-03-15 Neal, Dameece (2016) G-TJ 35'10" DC#3 USATF National Youth Indoor Championships (#4)
2015-02-10 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-SP 33'2.75" DC#2 DCSAA Track & Field Championships (#2)
2015-02-10 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:47.23 DC#1 DCSAA Track & Field Championships (#1)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-04-12 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-200 22.38 DC#4 pre w(0.4)Crimson Tide Invitational (#3)
2014-04-12 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-200 22.38 NWICrimson Tide Invitational (#3)
2014-05-12 Morris, Andre (2014) B-400 49.55 DC#5 DCIAA Championships (#2)
2014-04-02 Reynolds, Trymel (2014) B-TJ 43'6" NWIDCIAA Relays (#1)
2014-04-26 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.16 DC#2 Penn Relays (#34)
2014-04-12 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.70 Crimson Tide Invitational (#3)
2014-04-19 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.75 McNamara Mustang Invitational (#9)
2014-04-02 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:29.65 DC#2 DCIAA Relays (#1)
2014-04-12 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:23.98 DC#1 Crimson Tide Invitational (#1)
2014-05-22 Dubose, Demetria (2015) G-200 25.69 DC#3 w(0)DCSAA Championships (#3)
2014-05-12 Dubose, Demetria (2015) G-200 25.94 NWIDCIAA Championships (#2)
2014-04-05 Brown, Mecca (2014) G-200 26.00 pre NWIWaldorf Track Classic (#4)
2014-04-05 Freeland, London (2014) G-400 57.64 DC#2 Waldorf Track Classic (#1)
2014-05-22 Parker, Taylor (2016) G-100H 15.24 DC#3 pre w(0.8)DCSAA Championships (#2)
2014-04-12 Freeland, London (2014) G-300H 44.54 DC#1 Crimson Tide Invitational (#1)
2014-05-12 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-300H 45.31 DC#2 DCIAA Championships (#1)
2014-05-22 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-300H 45.40 DCSAA Championships (#1)
2014-04-05 Freeland, London (2014) G-300H 45.92 Waldorf Track Classic (#1)
2014-04-19 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-300H 45.96 McNamara Mustang Invitational (#1)
2014-04-05 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-300H 46.44 Waldorf Track Classic (#2)
2014-04-26 Fauntroy, Nalo (2014) G-300H 46.50 DC#5 Viking Invitational (#1)
2014-05-12 Fauntroy, Nalo (2014) G-300H 46.81 DCIAA Championships (#2)
2014-03-29 Johnson, Deja (2015) G-300H 46.94 Early Bird Invitational (#1)
2014-04-19 Fauntroy, Nalo (2014) G-300H 46.97 McNamara Mustang Invitational (#3)
2014-05-22 Fauntroy, Nalo (2014) G-300H 47.29 DCSAA Championships (#6)
2014-04-26 Freeland, London (2014) G-400H 1:02.26 US#62 DC#1 Penn Relays (#6)
2014-06-15 Freeland, London (2014) G-400H 1:02.47 NB Outdoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#5)
2014-04-19 Freeland, London (2014) G-400H 1:02.76 McNamara Mustang Invitational (#1)
2014-04-26 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-LJ 17'7" NWIViking Invitational (#1)
2014-04-12 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-LJ 17'6" NWICrimson Tide Invitational (#1)
2014-05-22 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 38'6" NWIDCSAA Championships (#1)
2014-04-19 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 38'0.75" NWIMcNamara Mustang Invitational (#1)
2014-04-26 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 37'8" NWIViking Invitational (#1)
2014-04-12 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 36'11.5" NWICrimson Tide Invitational (#1)
2014-07-27 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 36'4.25" NWIUSATF National Junior Olympics 15-16 (#11)
2014-05-12 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 36'4" NWIDCIAA Championships (#1)
2014-06-15 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 36'3.5" DC#2 w(0.2)NB Outdoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#10)
2014-04-02 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 36'0.5" NWIDCIAA Relays (#1)
2014-07-13 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 36'0" w(-0.1)USATF JO Region 3 (#5)
2014-04-05 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 35'11.5" NWIWaldorf Track Classic (#2)
2014-04-26 Parker, Taylor (2016) G-TJ 35'5" NWIViking Invitational (#6)
2014-05-03 Dozier, Ayana (2016) G-TJ 35'4" NWIClash of the Titans (#1)
2014-05-22 Parker, Taylor (2016) G-TJ 35'1.75" NWIDCSAA Championships (#3)
2014-04-26 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.41 DC#1 Viking Invitational (#1)
2014-06-15 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.44 pre NB Outdoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#12)
2014-05-22 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.45 DCSAA Championships (#1)
2014-04-19 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.64 McNamara Mustang Invitational (#6)
2014-06-15 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:43.43 DC#1 NB Outdoor Nationals - Emerging Elites (#3)
2014-05-22 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:43.44 DCSAA Championships (#1)
2014-04-19 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:44.50 McNamara Mustang Invitational (#2)
2014-04-02 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:44.94 DCIAA Relays (#1)
2014-04-26 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:46.41 Viking Invitational (#1)
2014-03-22 Girls Relay G-4x200 1:47.00 Screaming Eagles Invitational (#2)
2014-04-19 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:00.97 DC#1 McNamara Mustang Invitational (#2)
2014-04-19 Girls Relay G-SMR 4:17.10 DC#1 McNamara Mustang Invitational (#2)

2014 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-01-29 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-55 6.62 DC#3 DCIAA Championships (#2)
2014-02-11 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-55 6.69 DCSAA Championships (#3)
2014-02-11 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-55 6.77 DCSAA Championships (#1)
2014-01-29 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-55 6.77 pre DCIAA Championships (#3)
2014-02-11 Harvey, Davalier (2015) B-55 6.82 DC#14 DCSAA Championships (#3)
2014-02-01 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-300 36.64 DC#5 Virginia Tech Invitational (#16)
2014-01-29 Morris, Andre (2014) B-300 36.90 DC#6 DCIAA Championships (#2)
2014-01-04 Morris, Andre (2014) B-300 37.83 Southern Maryland Indoor Classic (#13)
2013-12-21 Given, Kyrie (2014) B-300 37.88 DC#21 PR Holiday Invitational (#17)
2013-12-14 Given, Kyrie (2014) B-300 37.93 Howard County Winter Track Festival (#16)
2013-12-14 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-300 38.00 Howard County Winter Track Festival (#18)
2014-02-01 Morris, Andre (2014) B-500 1:08.61 DC#2 Virginia Tech Invitational (#15)
2014-01-29 Morris, Andre (2014) B-500 1:08.93 DCIAA Championships (#3)
2013-12-14 Jackson, Deontay B-55H 7.89 DC#4 Howard County Winter Track Festival (#2)
2014-03-09 Thompson, Kevin (2014) B-55H 7.97 DC#6 pre USATF National Youth Indoor Championships (#7)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2006-02-07 Davis, Vontae (2006) B-55 6.44 US#27 DC#2 DCIAA Champs (#2)
2001-02-27 Summers, Andre (2001) B-55 6.44 US#21 DC#1 Eastern States (#4)
2009-02-03 Long, Deon (2009) B-55 6.47 US#54 DC#1 DC Champs (#1)
2005-01-12 Smith, Darnell (2005) B-55 6.49 US#38 DC#2 DCIAA Invitational (#1)
2005-02-08 Smith, Darnell (2005) B-55 6.49 DCIAA champs (#2)
2001-01-27 Summers, Andre (2001) B-55 6.51 p VA Tech Inv (#5)
2011-02-02 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.52 DC#1 DCIAA Championships (#1)
2009-02-03 Anthony, Drake B-55 6.52 US#86 DC#2 DC Champs (#2)
2008-02-05 Scott, Steven (2010) B-55 6.53 DC#2 DCIAA Champs IN (#2)
2013-01-05 Witherspoon, Patrick (2013) B-55 6.54 DC#1 Southern Maryland Track Classic (#2)
2012-01-07 Walker, Curlee B-55 6.56 DC#2 Hispanic Games (#3)
2012-12-29 Witherspoon, Patrick (2013) B-55 6.59 Friends of Indoor Track (#2)
2011-03-06 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.59 pre Mid Atlantic Classic (#3)
2012-02-01 Walker, Curlee B-55 6.60 DCIAA Championships (#2)
2012-02-01 Walker, Curlee B-55 6.62 pre DCIAA Championships (#1)
2014-01-29 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-55 6.62 DC#3 DCIAA Championships (#2)
2001-01-11 Summers, Andre (2001) B-55 6.63 DCIAA Inv (#1)
2013-01-09 Witherspoon, Patri (2013) B-55 6.63 DC#3 DC DCIAA Invitational (#2)
2012-12-13 Austin, Carlos B-55 6.63 DC#3 MD BCPSS League #3 (#4)
2011-01-12 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.64 pre DCIAA Invitational (#1)
2010-02-03 Boomer, DeAngelo (2010) B-55 6.64 DC#5 DCIAA Championships (#3)
2011-03-06 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.65 Mid Atlantic Classic (#3)
2012-02-01 Witherspoon, Patri (2013) B-55 6.66 DC#3 pre DCIAA Championships (#2)
2012-12-29 Witherspoon, Patrick (2013) B-55 6.66 pre Friends of Indoor Track (#2)
2013-01-30 Witherspoon, Patri (2013) B-55 6.66 DC DCIAA Championships (#2)
2011-01-29 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.66 Virginia Tech Inv (#6)
2011-01-29 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.66 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#7)
2012-01-07 Walker, Curlee B-55 6.67 Hispanic Games (#4)
2011-12-28 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.67 DC#4 pre Friends of Indoor Track (#5)
2013-01-30 Witherspoon, Patri (2013) B-55 6.68 pre DC DCIAA Championships (#2)
2012-01-07 Witherspoon, Patrick (2013) B-55 6.68 DC#5 Hispanic Games (#5)
2011-02-02 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.69 pre DCIAA Championships (#2)
2014-02-11 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-55 6.69 DCSAA Championships (#3)
2013-01-09 Witherspoon, Patri (2013) B-55 6.69 pre DC DCIAA Invitational (#3)
2013-02-02 Witherspoon, Patrick (2013) B-55 6.69 pre Virginia Tech Inv (#9)
2012-01-11 Witherspoon, Patri (2013) B-55 6.71 pre DCIAA Invitational (#2)
2010-02-03 Reddick, Jayvon B-55 6.71 DC#7 DCIAA Championships (#4)
2011-12-28 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.71 Friends of Indoor Track (#8)
2011-01-12 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.72 DCIAA Invitational (#5)
2011-12-28 Witherspoon, Patrick (2013) B-55 6.72 pre Friends of Indoor Track (#9)
2012-01-07 Witherspoon, Patrick (2013) B-55 6.74 Hispanic Games (#8)
2010-12-28 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.75 pre Friends of Indoor Track (#12)
2014-02-11 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-55 6.77 DCSAA Championships (#1)
2014-01-29 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-55 6.77 pre DCIAA Championships (#3)
2012-01-14 Witherspoon, Patrick (2013) B-55 6.77 pre Southern Maryland Classic (#5)
2012-12-22 West, Tyrone (2015) B-55 6.78 DC#8 PR Holiday Invitational (#13)
2010-02-03 Boomer, DeAngelo (2010) B-55 6.78 pre DCIAA Championships (#4)
2010-02-03 Reddick, Jayvon B-55 6.78 pre DCIAA Championships (#4)
2010-12-18 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.78 PR Holiday Invitational (#8)
2012-02-01 Witherspoon, Patri (2013) B-55 6.79 DCIAA Championships (#5)
2010-01-02 Reddick, Jayvon B-55 6.79 pre Prince George Holiday Inv (#7)
2012-02-01 Wheeler, Leon (2013) B-55 6.80 DC#10 pre DCIAA Championships (#6)
2011-01-08 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.82 pre Montgomery Invitational (#19)
2014-02-11 Harvey, Davalier (2015) B-55 6.82 DC#14 DCSAA Championships (#3)
2012-01-14 Witherspoon, Patrick (2013) B-55 6.83 pre Southern Maryland Classic (#13)
2012-01-11 Wheeler, Leon (2013) B-55 6.83 pre DCIAA Invitational (#8)
2010-01-13 Reddick, Jayvon B-55 6.83 pre DCIAA Invitational (#9)
2012-12-29 Wheeler, Leon (2013) B-55 6.84 DC#11 pre Friends of Indoor Track (#14)
2012-01-07 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-55 6.84 Hispanic Games (#20)
2001-03-11 Summers, Andre (2001) B-60 7.00 US#40 DC#1 p Nike Indoor Champ.
2011-03-13 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-60 7.18 DC#3 pre New Balance Indoor Nationals (#48)
2009-04-04 Long, Deon (2009) B-100 10.83 NWICrimson Tide Classic (#3)
2012-05-10 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-100 10.83 NWIDCIAA East/West Championship (#3)
2011-05-24 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-100 10.86 NWIDCIAA City Champs (#1)
2011-05-24 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-100 10.88 pre NWIDCIAA City Champs (#1)
2013-05-23 Witherspoon, Patrick (2013) B-100 10.96 NWIDC DCIAA Champs (#2)
2002-08-10 Summers, Andre (2001) B-200 21.41 US#20 DC#1 w(0.6)AAU JO YM/YW (#5)
1899-12-30 Summers, Andre (2001) B-200 21.44 NWIAAU Reg YM/YW (#1)
2012-05-24 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-200 22.12 pre NWIDCIAA City Championship (#3)
2012-05-24 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-200 22.19 pre NWIDCIAA City Championship (#5)
2010-05-27 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-200 22.35 pre NWIDCIAA City Champs (#3)
2014-04-12 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-200 22.38 DC#4 pre w(0.4)Crimson Tide Invitational (#3)
2014-04-12 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-200 22.38 NWICrimson Tide Invitational (#3)
2011-05-24 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-200 22.43 NWIDCIAA City Champs (#1)
2012-05-24 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-200 22.50 NWIDCIAA City Championship (#4)
2010-02-03 Boomer, DeAngelo (2010) B-300 35.47 US#41 DC#1 DCIAA Championships (#1)
2013-02-02 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-300 36.09 DC#3 Virginia Tech Inv (#9)
2013-01-30 Smith, Michael (2013) B-300 36.13 DC#4 DC DCIAA Championships (#2)
2010-01-02 Boomer, DeAngelo (2010) B-300 36.18 Prince George Holiday Inv (#2)
2000-01-29 Summers, Andre (2001) B-300 36.27 DC#3 Virginia Tech Inv (#14)
2012-01-14 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-300 36.42 DC#3 Southern Maryland Classic (#4)
2014-02-01 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-300 36.64 DC#5 Virginia Tech Invitational (#16)
2014-01-29 Morris, Andre (2014) B-300 36.90 DC#6 DCIAA Championships (#2)
2012-02-01 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-300 36.93 DCIAA Championships (#4)
2011-12-28 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-300 37.10 Friends of Indoor Track (#17)
2011-12-28 Wheeler, Leon (2013) B-300 37.17 DC#8 Friends of Indoor Track (#19)
2012-02-01 Wheeler, Leon (2013) B-300 37.24 DCIAA Championships (#5)
2012-01-11 Izegwire, Olu (2012) B-300 37.30 DC#9 DCIAA Invitational (#7)
2012-12-29 Smith, Michael (2013) B-300 37.35 Friends of Indoor Track (#5)
2011-02-02 Evans, Howard B-300 37.40 DC#3 DCIAA Championships (#2)
2015-01-28 West, Tyrone (2015) B-300 37.41 DC#9 DCIAA HS Indoor Championships (#5)
2013-01-12 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-300 37.44 Montgomery Invitational (#18)
2011-02-02 Wright, Rashaan (2012) B-300 37.54 DCIAA Championships (#3)
2011-01-12 Wright, Rashaan (2012) B-300 37.54 DC#4 DCIAA Invitational (#5)
2015-02-10 West, Tyrone (2015) B-300 37.64 DCSAA Track & Field Championships (#9)
2014-01-04 Morris, Andre (2014) B-300 37.83 Southern Maryland Indoor Classic (#13)
2013-12-21 Given, Kyrie (2014) B-300 37.88 DC#21 PR Holiday Invitational (#17)
2013-12-14 Given, Kyrie (2014) B-300 37.93 Howard County Winter Track Festival (#16)
2012-12-22 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-300 37.95 PR Holiday Invitational (#15)
2013-01-05 Wheeler, Leon (2013) B-300 37.97 DC#17 Southern Maryland Track Classic (#26)
2012-01-14 Wheeler, Leon (2013) B-300 37.98 Southern Maryland Classic (#24)
2013-12-14 Patterson, Malanta (2014) B-300 38.00 Howard County Winter Track Festival (#18)
2011-01-29 Wright, Rashaan (2012) B-300 38.00 Virginia Tech Inv (#20)
2012-05-24 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-400 48.66 DC#1 DCIAA City Championship (#1)
2010-05-27 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-400 49.19 DC#3 DCIAA City Champs (#2)
2012-05-10 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-400 49.54 DCIAA East/West Championship (#1)
2014-05-12 Morris, Andre (2014) B-400 49.55 DC#5 DCIAA Championships (#2)
2011-05-07 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-400 49.76 DC#1 T.C. Williams Invitational (#4)
2013-05-23 Smith, Michael (2013) B-400 49.77 DC#4 DC DCIAA Champs (#1)
2011-04-23 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-400 49.98 McNamara Mustangs Invitational (#5)
2011-03-11 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-400 50.75 DC#1 NBIN Emerging Elite (#10)
2010-03-12 Boomer, DeAngelo (2010) B-400 51.30 DC#5 pre Nike Indoor Nat (#40)
2011-03-06 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-400 51.40 Mid Atlantic Classic (#3)
2011-03-06 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-400 51.66 pre Mid Atlantic Classic (#5)
2010-02-27 Boomer, DeAngelo (2010) B-400 51.83 pre Mid Atlantic Classic (#11)
2013-02-02 Smith, Michael (2013) B-500 1:06.92 US#44 DC#1 Virginia Tech Inv (#8)
2012-12-22 Smith, Michael (2013) B-500 1:07.01 PR Holiday Invitational (#4)
2012-01-11 Alston, Ervin (2012) B-500 1:07.75 US#94 DC#4 DCIAA Invitational (#1)
2013-01-05 Smith, Michael (2013) B-500 1:07.98 Southern Maryland Track Classic (#4)
2012-01-14 Wright, Rashaan (2012) B-500 1:08.48 DC#6 Southern Maryland Classic (#2)
2012-02-01 Wright, Rashaan (2012) B-500 1:08.48 DCIAA Championships (#5)
2014-02-01 Morris, Andre (2014) B-500 1:08.61 DC#2 Virginia Tech Invitational (#15)
2010-12-28 Wright, Rashaan (2012) B-500 1:08.74 DC#3 Friends of Indoor Track (#5)
2010-02-03 Boomer, DeAngelo (2010) B-500 1:08.93 DC#5 DCIAA Championships (#2)
2014-01-29 Morris, Andre (2014) B-500 1:08.93 DCIAA Championships (#3)
Continue with next 125 performances

Freeland, London The University of Tennessee, TN (Southeastern Conference)

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