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School Name: Northeast, GA

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2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-04-28 Robinson, Perfect B-100 10.85 NWIClass AA Section East (#2)
2012-04-07 Robinson, Perfect B-100 10.87 NWIBibb County - Alvin Copeland Invitational (#1)
2012-04-19 Robinson, Perfect B-100 10.89 NWIRegion 4-AA Championships (#2)
2012-04-28 Pleasant, Evarius B-200 22.37 NWIClass AA Section East (#6)
2012-05-12 Sullivan, JaDarrell B-HJ 6'6" GA#8 Georgia 2A Boys State Outdoor (#4)
2012-04-28 Sullivan, JaDarrell B-HJ 6'4" Class AA Section East (#3)
2012-04-28 Hurst, James B-LJ 22'0.25" NWIClass AA Section East (#3)
2012-04-07 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.08 Bibb County - Alvin Copeland Invitational (#2)
2012-04-19 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.43 pre Region 4-AA Championships (#3)
2012-04-28 Wilson, Whitney G-SP 39'5.75" GA#24 Class AA Section East (#1)
2012-05-05 Wilson, Whitney G-SP 39'5" Georgia 2A Girls State Outdoor (#2)
2012-04-07 Wilson, Whitney G-SP 36'11.5" Bibb County - Alvin Copeland Invitational (#1)
2012-04-19 Wilson, Whitney G-SP 36'6.25" Region 4-AA Championships (#1)
2012-04-07 Mallard, Smyra G-SP 35'0" Bibb County - Alvin Copeland Invitational (#3)
2012-04-28 Wilson, Whitney G-DT 128'11" GA#12 Class AA Section East (#1)
2012-04-07 Wilson, Whitney G-DT 124'1" Bibb County - Alvin Copeland Invitational (#2)
2012-05-05 Wilson, Whitney G-DT 124'0" Georgia 2A Girls State Outdoor (#2)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-05-14 Wilson, Whitney G-SP 35'0" GA#71 GA Girls 2A State (#8)
2011-05-14 Wilson, Whitney G-DT 125'0" GA#13 GA Girls 2A State (#1)

2010 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2010-05-15 Pleasant, Evarius B-200 22.14 pre NWIGA 2A Boys State (#2)
2010-05-15 Pleasant, Evarius B-200 22.28 NWIGA 2A Boys State (#2)
2010-04-27 Gastin, Dante B-TJ 43'11" NWIGA 2A Region 4 (#3)
2010-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.43 GA#41 pre GA 2A Boys State (#2)
2010-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.56 GA 2A Boys State (#3)
2010-04-27 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.42 pre GA 2A Region 4 (#1)
2010-04-27 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.51 GA 2A Region 4 (#1)
2010-04-27 Wilson, Whitney G-DT 126'11" GA#12 GA 2A Region 4 (#1)

2009 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2009-05-07 Nelson, Quintavious B-300H 41.16 GA#100 pre GA State Boys 2A (#4)
2009-04-24 Nelson, Quintavious B-300H 41.40 GA Reg 4-2A Boys (#2)
2009-05-07 Nelson, Quintavious B-300H 41.97 GA State Boys 2A (#7)
2009-04-24 Mosley, Jigaro B-TJ 45'3" NWIGA Reg 4-2A Boys (#1)
2009-05-07 Mosley, Jigaro B-TJ 43'9.5" NWIGA State Boys 2A (#8)
2009-05-07 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.20 GA#77 pre GA State Boys 2A (#5)
2009-04-24 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.84 pre GA Reg 4-2A Boys (#1)
2009-04-24 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.96 GA Reg 4-2A Boys (#1)
2009-05-07 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:24.09 GA#41 GA State Boys 2A (#2)
2009-05-05 Travet, Erica G-LJ 17'8.75" NWIGA Reg 4-2A Girls (#1)
2009-05-14 Travet, Erica G-LJ 17'0" NWIGA State Girls 2A (#7)
2009-05-14 Travet, Erica G-TJ 36'6" NWIGA State Girls 2A (#2)
2009-05-05 Travet, Erica G-TJ 35'11" NWIGA Reg 4-2A Girls (#1)

2003 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2003-06-14 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-100 11.86 US#33 GA#2 w(-0.2)AOC Outdoor Nat (#8)
2003-03-29 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.68 NWISmith-Benson Relays (#1)
2003-05-10 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.84 NWIGirls 3A State (#1)
2003-06-14 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.93 US#19 GA#3 w(0.8)AOC Outdoor Nat
2003-06-22 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.00 w(-1.5)USA Nationals (#5)
2003-06-22 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.04 US#1 GA#1 USA Nationals (#1)
2003-05-31 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.14 Golden South (#1)
2003-07-20 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.23 p Pan Am Juniors
2003-05-10 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.77 Girls 3A State (#1)
2003-03-29 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 55.87 Smith-Benson Relays (#1)
2003-05-10 Sanford, Moteak (2003) G-100H 14.41 NWIGirls 3A State (#1)
2003-05-10 Sanford, Moteak (2003) G-300H 44.08 US#74 GA#4 Girls 3A State (#1)
2003-03-29 Girls Relay G-4x100 47.90 US#86 GA#7 Smith-Benson Relays (#2)
2003-05-10 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:51.84 US#44 GA#5 Girls 3A State (#2)

2003 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2003-01-11 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-55 7.09 US#10 GA#2 p LSU Inv (#4)
2003-01-11 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 58.38 GA#4 LSU Inv (#3)

2002 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2002-07-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.88 US#10 GA#2 w(0)YAC YM/YW (#1)
2002-07-15 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.08 w(1.4)USATF regional (#1)
2002-05-04 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.08 NWIStateMeet Girls - 3A (#2)
2002-07-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.89 US#14 GA#1 YAC YM/YW (#1)
2002-07-15 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 54.84 USATF regional (#1)
2002-05-04 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 55.52 StateMeet Girls - 3A (#1)
2002-05-04 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:55.56 US#96 GA#8 StateMeet Girls - 2A (#1)

2002 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2002-02-16 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-55 7.21 GA#3 Volunteer Classic (#1)
2002-03-10 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.16 US#7 GA#1 National Scholastic (#4)
2002-03-10 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 56.77 US#24 GA#1 p National Scholastic
2002-02-16 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 57.70 Volunteer Classic (#1)

2001 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2001-06-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-100 11.61 p +0.0 NWIJr Nationals (#5)
2001-07-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-100 11.85 US#23 GA#1 w(-2)YAN Intermediate (#1)
2001-07-29 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-100 11.90 w(-1.1)USATF JO Nat Inter (#2)
2001-06-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.46 w(2.9)Jr Nationals (#3)
2001-04-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.64 US#8 GA#1 w(0.3)Mobile Champions (#1)
2001-05-12 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.65 NWIState 3A girls (#1)
2001-07-29 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.91 w(-0.9)USATF JO Nat Inter (#2)
2001-07-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.12 w(2.2)YAN Intermediate
2001-03-24 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.61 NWITupelo Inv (#1)
2001-07-29 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.11 US#2 GA#1 MR USATF JO Nat Inter (#1)
2001-07-15 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.19 World Youth Ch (#1)
2001-06-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.38 Jr Nationals (#1)
2001-04-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.98 MR Mobile Champions (#1)
2001-05-12 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.09 State 3A girls (#1)
2001-07-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.41 YAN Intermediate (#1)
2001-05-12 Sanford, Moteak (2003) G-100H 14.48 NWIState 3A girls (#1)
2001-05-12 Girls Relay G-4x100 46.97 US#31 GA#3 State 3A girls (#1)
2001-04-14 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:49.00 US#22 GA#1 Northeast Macon (#1)
2001-05-12 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:54.29 State 3A girls (#1)

2001 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2001-02-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-60 7.67 US#17 GA#2 p U-Ky Inv (#2)
2001-02-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.21 US#8 GA#1 U-Ky Inv (#1)
2001-03-11 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.89 p National Scholastic
2001-03-11 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 54.58 US#4 GA#1 National Scholastic (#2)
2001-03-03 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 55.44 Georgia HS Inv. (#1)
2001-02-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 56.03 U-Ky Inv (#1)
2001-01-14 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 57.44 LSU Indo (#2)

2000 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2000-05-13 Smith, Rufus (2000) B-110H 14.44 NWI4A State (#3)
2000-05-13 Smith, Rufus (2000) B-300H 38.15 US#78 GA#4 4A State (#3)
2000-07-30 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.00 US#16 GA#1 p w(0.9)USATF J.O. Finals (#5)
2000-07-09 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.22 w(-2)USATF NYA (#1)
2000-07-30 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.64 US#4 GA#1 USATF J.O. Finals (#1)
2000-05-13 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.65 p 4A State (#1)
2000-07-09 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 54.09 USATF NYA (#1)
2000-05-27 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 54.29 Golden South (#1)
2000-05-13 Curry, Jennifer (2000) G-DT 137'1" US#90 GA#2 4A State (#2)
2000-05-13 Girls Relay G-4x100 46.95 US#26 GA#3 4A State (#2)
2000-05-13 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:47.90 US#20 GA#1 4A State (#1)

2000 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2000-03-04 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 56.26 US#12 GA#2 HS Inv (#2)
2000-03-04 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:09.28 GA#5 p HS Inv (#4)

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-04-28 Robinson, Perfect B-100 10.85 NWIClass AA Section East (#2)
2012-04-07 Robinson, Perfect B-100 10.87 NWIBibb County - Alvin Copeland Invitational (#1)
2012-04-19 Robinson, Perfect B-100 10.89 NWIRegion 4-AA Championships (#2)
2010-05-15 Pleasant, Evarius B-200 22.14 pre NWIGA 2A Boys State (#2)
2010-05-15 Pleasant, Evarius B-200 22.28 NWIGA 2A Boys State (#2)
2012-04-28 Pleasant, Evarius B-200 22.37 NWIClass AA Section East (#6)
2000-05-13 Smith, Rufus (2000) B-110H 14.44 NWI4A State (#3)
2000-05-13 Smith, Rufus (2000) B-300H 38.15 US#78 GA#4 4A State (#3)
2009-05-07 Nelson, Quintavious B-300H 41.16 GA#100 pre GA State Boys 2A (#4)
2009-04-24 Nelson, Quintavious B-300H 41.40 GA Reg 4-2A Boys (#2)
2009-05-07 Nelson, Quintavious B-300H 41.97 GA State Boys 2A (#7)
2012-05-12 Sullivan, JaDarrell B-HJ 6'6" GA#8 Georgia 2A Boys State Outdoor (#4)
2012-04-28 Sullivan, JaDarrell B-HJ 6'4" Class AA Section East (#3)
2012-04-28 Hurst, James B-LJ 22'0.25" NWIClass AA Section East (#3)
2009-04-24 Mosley, Jigaro B-TJ 45'3" NWIGA Reg 4-2A Boys (#1)
2010-04-27 Gastin, Dante B-TJ 43'11" NWIGA 2A Region 4 (#3)
2009-05-07 Mosley, Jigaro B-TJ 43'9.5" NWIGA State Boys 2A (#8)
2010-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.43 GA#41 pre GA 2A Boys State (#2)
2010-05-15 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.56 GA 2A Boys State (#3)
2012-04-07 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.08 Bibb County - Alvin Copeland Invitational (#2)
2009-05-07 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.20 GA#77 pre GA State Boys 2A (#5)
2010-04-27 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.42 pre GA 2A Region 4 (#1)
2012-04-19 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.43 pre Region 4-AA Championships (#3)
2010-04-27 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.51 GA 2A Region 4 (#1)
2009-04-24 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.84 pre GA Reg 4-2A Boys (#1)
2009-04-24 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.96 GA Reg 4-2A Boys (#1)
2009-05-07 Boys Relay B-4x400 3:24.09 GA#41 GA State Boys 2A (#2)
2003-01-11 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-55 7.09 US#10 GA#2 p LSU Inv (#4)
2002-02-16 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-55 7.21 GA#3 Volunteer Classic (#1)
2001-02-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-60 7.67 US#17 GA#2 p U-Ky Inv (#2)
2001-06-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-100 11.61 p +0.0 NWIJr Nationals (#5)
2001-07-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-100 11.85 US#23 GA#1 w(-2)YAN Intermediate (#1)
2003-06-14 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-100 11.86 US#33 GA#2 w(-0.2)AOC Outdoor Nat (#8)
2001-07-29 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-100 11.90 w(-1.1)USATF JO Nat Inter (#2)
2001-06-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.46 w(2.9)Jr Nationals (#3)
2001-04-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.64 US#8 GA#1 w(0.3)Mobile Champions (#1)
2001-05-12 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.65 NWIState 3A girls (#1)
2003-03-29 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.68 NWISmith-Benson Relays (#1)
2003-05-10 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.84 NWIGirls 3A State (#1)
2002-07-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.88 US#10 GA#2 w(0)YAC YM/YW (#1)
2001-07-29 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.91 w(-0.9)USATF JO Nat Inter (#2)
2003-06-14 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 23.93 US#19 GA#3 w(0.8)AOC Outdoor Nat
2003-06-22 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.00 w(-1.5)USA Nationals (#5)
2000-07-30 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.00 US#16 GA#1 p w(0.9)USATF J.O. Finals (#5)
2002-07-15 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.08 w(1.4)USATF regional (#1)
2002-05-04 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.08 NWIStateMeet Girls - 3A (#2)
2001-07-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.12 w(2.2)YAN Intermediate
2002-03-10 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.16 US#7 GA#1 National Scholastic (#4)
2001-02-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.21 US#8 GA#1 U-Ky Inv (#1)
2000-07-09 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.22 w(-2)USATF NYA (#1)
2001-03-24 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.61 NWITupelo Inv (#1)
2001-03-11 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-200 24.89 p National Scholastic
2003-06-22 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.04 US#1 GA#1 USA Nationals (#1)
2001-07-29 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.11 US#2 GA#1 MR USATF JO Nat Inter (#1)
2003-05-31 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.14 Golden South (#1)
2001-07-15 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.19 World Youth Ch (#1)
2001-06-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.38 Jr Nationals (#1)
2000-07-30 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.64 US#4 GA#1 USATF J.O. Finals (#1)
2001-04-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 52.98 MR Mobile Champions (#1)
2001-05-12 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.09 State 3A girls (#1)
2003-07-20 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.23 p Pan Am Juniors
2001-07-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.41 YAN Intermediate (#1)
2000-05-13 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.65 p 4A State (#1)
2003-05-10 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.77 Girls 3A State (#1)
2002-07-07 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 53.89 US#14 GA#1 YAC YM/YW (#1)
2000-07-09 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 54.09 USATF NYA (#1)
2000-05-27 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 54.29 Golden South (#1)
2001-03-11 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 54.58 US#4 GA#1 National Scholastic (#2)
2002-07-15 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 54.84 USATF regional (#1)
2001-03-03 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 55.44 Georgia HS Inv. (#1)
2002-05-04 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 55.52 StateMeet Girls - 3A (#1)
2003-03-29 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 55.87 Smith-Benson Relays (#1)
2001-02-17 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 56.03 U-Ky Inv (#1)
2000-03-04 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 56.26 US#12 GA#2 HS Inv (#2)
2002-03-10 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 56.77 US#24 GA#1 p National Scholastic
2001-01-14 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 57.44 LSU Indo (#2)
2002-02-16 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 57.70 Volunteer Classic (#1)
2003-01-11 Smith, Stephanie (2003) G-400 58.38 GA#4 LSU Inv (#3)
2003-05-10 Sanford, Moteak (2003) G-100H 14.41 NWIGirls 3A State (#1)
2001-05-12 Sanford, Moteak (2003) G-100H 14.48 NWIState 3A girls (#1)
2003-05-10 Sanford, Moteak (2003) G-300H 44.08 US#74 GA#4 Girls 3A State (#1)
2009-05-05 Travet, Erica G-LJ 17'8.75" NWIGA Reg 4-2A Girls (#1)
2009-05-14 Travet, Erica G-LJ 17'0" NWIGA State Girls 2A (#7)
2009-05-14 Travet, Erica G-TJ 36'6" NWIGA State Girls 2A (#2)
2009-05-05 Travet, Erica G-TJ 35'11" NWIGA Reg 4-2A Girls (#1)
2012-04-28 Wilson, Whitney G-SP 39'5.75" GA#24 Class AA Section East (#1)
2012-05-05 Wilson, Whitney G-SP 39'5" Georgia 2A Girls State Outdoor (#2)
2012-04-07 Wilson, Whitney G-SP 36'11.5" Bibb County - Alvin Copeland Invitational (#1)
2012-04-19 Wilson, Whitney G-SP 36'6.25" Region 4-AA Championships (#1)
2012-04-07 Mallard, Smyra G-SP 35'0" Bibb County - Alvin Copeland Invitational (#3)
2011-05-14 Wilson, Whitney G-SP 35'0" GA#71 GA Girls 2A State (#8)
2000-05-13 Curry, Jennifer (2000) G-DT 137'1" US#90 GA#2 4A State (#2)
2012-04-28 Wilson, Whitney G-DT 128'11" GA#12 Class AA Section East (#1)
2010-04-27 Wilson, Whitney G-DT 126'11" GA#12 GA 2A Region 4 (#1)
2011-05-14 Wilson, Whitney G-DT 125'0" GA#13 GA Girls 2A State (#1)
2012-04-07 Wilson, Whitney G-DT 124'1" Bibb County - Alvin Copeland Invitational (#2)
2012-05-05 Wilson, Whitney G-DT 124'0" Georgia 2A Girls State Outdoor (#2)
2000-05-13 Girls Relay G-4x100 46.95 US#26 GA#3 4A State (#2)
2001-05-12 Girls Relay G-4x100 46.97 US#31 GA#3 State 3A girls (#1)
2003-03-29 Girls Relay G-4x100 47.90 US#86 GA#7 Smith-Benson Relays (#2)
2000-05-13 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:47.90 US#20 GA#1 4A State (#1)
2001-04-14 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:49.00 US#22 GA#1 Northeast Macon (#1)
2003-05-10 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:51.84 US#44 GA#5 Girls 3A State (#2)
2001-05-12 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:54.29 State 3A girls (#1)
2002-05-04 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:55.56 US#96 GA#8 StateMeet Girls - 2A (#1)
2000-03-04 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:09.28 GA#5 p HS Inv (#4)

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