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School Name: Ottawa Township, IL
State Division: AAA

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2015 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-10-03 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-3m_XC 15:47.00 LaSalle County Invitational (#1)

2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-08 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 1:57.57 IL#80 John McCormick Invitational (#2)
2015-05-21 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 1:58.30 IL 3A Plainfield North Boys Sectional (#5)
2015-05-15 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 2:01.32 NIB-12 Boys Conference Meet (#6)
2015-04-18 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 2:01.74 Ottawa Boys ABC Invitational (#4)
2015-05-01 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-1600 4:27.29 Sterling Night Relays (#2)
2015-05-21 Taylor, Nathaniel (2017) B-1600 4:34.72 IL 3A Plainfield North Boys Sectional (#16)
2015-04-04 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'2" Gene Shipley Invitational (#1)
2015-05-08 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'2" John McCormick Invitational (#2)
2015-05-21 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'1" IL 3A Plainfield North Boys Sectional (#7)
2015-04-24 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Metamora Boys ABC Invitational (#1)
2015-05-01 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Sterling Night Relays (#2)
2015-04-18 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Ottawa Boys ABC Invitational (#3)
2015-04-24 Fox, Eric (2017) B-DT 150'6" IL#88 Metamora Boys ABC Invitational (#2)
2015-05-11 Fox, Eric (2017) B-DT 148'3" Illinois Valley Invitational (#3)
2015-04-24 Mcnutt, Brent (2016) B-DT 147'6" Metamora Boys ABC Invitational (#2)
2015-05-11 Mcnutt, Brent (2016) B-DT 142'3" Illinois Valley Invitational (#4)
2015-05-14 Reinhardt, Grace (2018) G-HJ 5'1" IL 3A Naperville North Girls Sectional (#5)
2015-05-01 Girls Relay G-4x800 10:21.30 Sterling Night Relays (#6)
2015-05-11 Girls Relay G-4x800 10:24.35 Illinois Valley Invitational (#1)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-09 Smith, Caleb (2014) B-100 11.32 NWIMcCormick ABC Invitational (#6)
2014-05-12 Smith, Caleb (2014) B-200 23.04 NWIIllinois Valley Meet (#1)
2014-05-12 Poundstone, Adam (2017) B-200 23.20 NWIIllinois Valley Meet (#2)
2014-05-22 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 2:00.67 IL 3A Joliet West Boys Sectional (#9)
2014-05-09 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 2:03.57 McCormick ABC Invitational (#3)
2014-05-22 Taylor, Nathaniel (2017) B-800 2:04.82 IL 3A Joliet West Boys Sectional (#20)
2014-05-12 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 2:04.84 Illinois Valley Meet (#2)
2014-04-25 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-1600 4:39.23 Metamora ABC Boys Invitational (#2)
2014-05-09 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'2" IL#87 McCormick ABC Invitational (#4)
2014-04-25 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Metamora ABC Boys Invitational (#1)
2014-04-05 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Gene Shipley Invitational (#2)
2014-05-12 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Illinois Valley Meet (#4)
2014-04-25 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-SP 48'11.5" Metamora ABC Boys Invitational (#2)
2014-04-05 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-SP 48'6" Gene Shipley Invitational (#3)
2014-05-09 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-SP 47'7.5" McCormick ABC Invitational (#3)
2014-05-12 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-SP 47'7.5" Illinois Valley Meet (#3)
2014-05-12 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-DT 170'10" IL#12 Illinois Valley Meet (#1)
2014-05-09 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-DT 161'3" McCormick ABC Invitational (#2)
2014-04-19 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-DT 155'5" Ottawa ABC Boys Invitational (#2)
2014-05-17 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-DT 149'11" NIB-12 Boys Conference Meet (#2)
2014-05-02 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-DT 148'6" Sterling Night Relays (#1)
2014-04-05 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-DT 143'7" Gene Shipley Invitational (#1)
2014-04-25 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-DT 140'6" Metamora ABC Boys Invitational (#1)
2014-05-02 Boys Relay B-SMR 3:44.01 IL#16 Sterling Night Relays (#1)
2014-05-15 Carrera, Mia (2017) G-800 2:26.06 IL 3A Minooka Girls Sectional (#12)
2014-05-12 Carrera, Mia (2017) G-800 2:26.90 Illinois Valley Meet (#2)
2014-05-09 Carrera, Mia (2017) G-800 2:27.44 NIB-12 Girls Conference Meet (#1)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-10 Price, Christian (2013) B-110H 15.82 pre NWINIB-12 Conference Boys (#1)
2013-05-06 Price, Christian (2013) B-110H 15.98 NWIIllinois Valley Co-Ed Meet (#1)
2013-05-17 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 21'10" NWIIL 2A Plano Boys Sectional (#3)
2013-05-25 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 21'7.75" IL#21 w(0.3)IL 2A Boys State Finals (#5)
2013-05-24 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 21'2.75" pre w(2.7)IL 2A Boys State Prelims (#7)
2013-03-30 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 21'1" NWIGene Shipley Invitational (#2)
2013-04-26 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 20'11.5" NWISterling Night Relays (#6)
2013-04-05 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 20'8.75" NWIPlainfield Central Boys Triangular (#1)
2013-04-26 Burant, Austin (2013) B-TJ 42'10" NWISterling Night Relays (#4)
2013-05-17 Burant, Austin (2013) B-TJ 42'8" NWIIL 2A Plano Boys Sectional (#4)
2013-04-26 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 13'3" IL#76 Sterling Night Relays (#1)
2013-04-05 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 13'0" Plainfield Central Boys Triangular (#2)
2013-05-06 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 12'9" Illinois Valley Co-Ed Meet (#1)
2013-05-10 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 12'9" NIB-12 Conference Boys (#4)
2013-05-17 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 50'6.5" IL#78 IL 2A Plano Boys Sectional (#5)
2013-05-06 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 50'3.5" Illinois Valley Co-Ed Meet (#1)
2013-05-10 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 48'11.75" NIB-12 Conference Boys (#2)
2013-04-05 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 48'8" Plainfield Central Boys Triangular (#1)
2013-04-26 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 47'8" Sterling Night Relays (#1)
2013-04-13 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 47'0" Ottawa Boys ABC Meet (#6)
2013-04-13 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-DT 145'3" Ottawa Boys ABC Meet (#3)
2013-04-26 Rayfield, Cyrano (2014) B-DT 141'7" Sterling Night Relays (#2)
2013-05-17 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:33.25 IL 2A Plano Boys Sectional (#6)
2013-05-06 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:33.81 Illinois Valley Co-Ed Meet (#1)
2013-05-17 Boys Relay B-4x800 8:36.62 IL 2A Plano Boys Sectional (#4)
2013-05-06 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-100 12.71 NWIIllinois Valley Co-Ed Meet (#1)
2013-05-09 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-100 12.86 NWIIL 2A Princeton Girls Sectional (#4)
2013-05-09 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-100 13.02 pre NWIIL 2A Princeton Girls Sectional (#5)
2013-05-09 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-200 26.79 NWIIL 2A Princeton Girls Sectional (#3)
2013-05-03 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-200 26.80 NWINIB-12 Girls Conference (#3)
2013-05-06 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-200 26.96 NWIIllinois Valley Co-Ed Meet (#1)
2013-05-09 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-200 27.42 pre NWIIL 2A Princeton Girls Sectional (#5)

2013 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-03-16 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 21'0.5" IL#68 NIB 12 Indoor Conference Meet (#1)
2013-03-16 Burant, Austin (2013) B-TJ 41'0.5" NIB 12 Indoor Conference Meet (#3)
2013-03-16 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 46'7" NIB 12 Indoor Conference Meet (#3)
2013-03-16 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-200 28.25 NIB 12 Indoor Conference Meet (#6)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-18 Coleman, Laron (2014) B-300H 41.64 IL 2A Ottawa Sectional (#3)
2012-05-11 Burant, Austin (2013) B-TJ 42'1.25" NWINIB XII Boys Conference (#1)
2012-05-07 Burant, Austin (2013) B-TJ 41'7" NWIIllinois Valley 2012 (#1)
2012-05-11 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 12'9" NIB XII Boys Conference (#5)
2012-04-14 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 12'6" Ottawa ABC Invitational (#3)
2012-05-18 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 50'11" IL#76 IL 2A Ottawa Sectional (#3)
2012-05-11 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 49'11" NIB XII Boys Conference (#2)
2012-04-14 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 49'9" Ottawa ABC Invitational (#3)
2012-05-25 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 49'7.25" pre IL 2A Boys State Prelims (#22)
2012-05-07 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 49'1" Illinois Valley 2012 (#1)
2012-03-31 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 48'1" A Shipley ABC Invitational (#2)
2012-04-20 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 48'1" Metamora ABC Invitational (#3)
2012-05-07 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-100 13.17 NWIIllinois Valley 2012 (#1)
2012-05-07 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-200 26.99 NWIIllinois Valley 2012 (#1)
2012-05-04 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-200 27.40 pre NWINIB-12 Girls Conference
2012-05-07 Mussatto, Alyssa (2012) G-DT 124'1" IL#26 Illinois Valley 2012 (#1)
2012-05-04 Mussatto, Alyssa (2012) G-DT 118'0" NIB-12 Girls Conference (#1)
2012-05-19 Mussatto, Alyssa (2012) G-DT 116'6" IL 2A Girls State Finals (#11)

2012 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-03-17 Martin, Justin (2012) B-55 6.87 NIB XII Indoor Conference (#7)
2012-03-17 Burant, Austin (2013) B-HJ 5'10" NIB XII Indoor Conference (#6)
2012-03-17 Moore, Bill (2013) B-PV 12'3" IL#97 NIB XII Indoor Conference (#4)
2012-03-17 Pointer, Travis (2013) B-SP 45'5.5" NIB XII Indoor Conference (#7)
2012-03-17 Harsted, Haley (2013) G-55 7.75 NIB XII Indoor Conference (#7)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-05-09 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-100 11.07 NWIIllinois Valley Invite (#1)
2011-05-19 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-100 11.24 NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#3)
2011-05-13 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-100 11.31 pre NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#4)
2011-05-13 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-100 11.38 NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#4)
2011-05-09 Martin, Justin (2012) B-100 11.38 NWIIllinois Valley Invite (#4)
2011-05-19 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 22.44 NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#2)
2011-05-19 Wiebe, Shaun B-200 22.46 pre NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#2)
2011-05-19 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 22.47 pre NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#3)
2011-05-27 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 22.84 IL#64 pre w(0.8)IHSA 2A Prelims (#22)
2011-05-19 Wiebe, Shaun B-200 22.87 NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#3)
2011-05-09 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 22.92 NWIIllinois Valley Invite (#1)
2011-05-13 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 23.01 NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#3)
2011-05-09 Wiebe, Shaun B-200 23.07 NWIIllinois Valley Invite (#2)
2011-05-13 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 23.23 pre NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#2)
2011-05-06 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-400 50.40 IL#96 McCormick Invitational (#1)
2011-05-09 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-400 51.35 Illinois Valley Invite (#2)
2011-05-19 Setters, James (2011) B-1600 4:39.68 IL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#8)
2011-05-09 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 14.80 NWIIllinois Valley Invite (#1)
2011-05-13 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 15.07 NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#2)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-03-17 Martin, Justin (2012) B-55 6.87 NIB XII Indoor Conference (#7)
2011-03-19 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-55 6.87 NIB 12 Indoor Conference Championships (#8)
2011-03-19 Martin, Justin (2012) B-55 6.98 NIB 12 Indoor Conference Championships (#10)
2011-05-09 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-100 11.07 NWIIllinois Valley Invite (#1)
2011-05-19 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-100 11.24 NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#3)
2011-05-13 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-100 11.31 pre NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#4)
2014-05-09 Smith, Caleb (2014) B-100 11.32 NWIMcCormick ABC Invitational (#6)
2011-05-09 Martin, Justin (2012) B-100 11.38 NWIIllinois Valley Invite (#4)
2011-05-13 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-100 11.38 NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#4)
2011-05-19 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 22.44 NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#2)
2011-05-19 Wiebe, Shaun B-200 22.46 pre NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#2)
2011-05-19 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 22.47 pre NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#3)
2011-05-27 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 22.84 IL#64 pre w(0.8)IHSA 2A Prelims (#22)
2011-05-19 Wiebe, Shaun B-200 22.87 NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#3)
2011-05-09 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 22.92 NWIIllinois Valley Invite (#1)
2011-05-13 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 23.01 NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#3)
2014-05-12 Smith, Caleb (2014) B-200 23.04 NWIIllinois Valley Meet (#1)
2011-05-09 Wiebe, Shaun B-200 23.07 NWIIllinois Valley Invite (#2)
2014-05-12 Poundstone, Adam (2017) B-200 23.20 NWIIllinois Valley Meet (#2)
2011-05-13 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-200 23.23 pre NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#2)
2011-05-06 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-400 50.40 IL#96 McCormick Invitational (#1)
2011-05-09 Ostrowski, Taylor (2011) B-400 51.35 Illinois Valley Invite (#2)
2000-05-27 Faupl, Adam (2001) B-800 1:56.23 IL#19 IL 2A State Boys (#7)
2015-05-08 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 1:57.57 IL#80 John McCormick Invitational (#2)
2015-05-21 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 1:58.30 IL 3A Plainfield North Boys Sectional (#5)
2014-05-22 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 2:00.67 IL 3A Joliet West Boys Sectional (#9)
2015-05-15 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 2:01.32 NIB-12 Boys Conference Meet (#6)
2015-04-18 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 2:01.74 Ottawa Boys ABC Invitational (#4)
2014-05-09 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 2:03.57 McCormick ABC Invitational (#3)
2014-05-22 Taylor, Nathaniel (2017) B-800 2:04.82 IL 3A Joliet West Boys Sectional (#20)
2014-05-12 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-800 2:04.84 Illinois Valley Meet (#2)
2015-05-01 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-1600 4:27.29 Sterling Night Relays (#2)
2015-05-21 Taylor, Nathaniel (2017) B-1600 4:34.72 IL 3A Plainfield North Boys Sectional (#16)
2014-04-25 Mcgettigan, Seamus (2016) B-1600 4:39.23 Metamora ABC Boys Invitational (#2)
2011-05-19 Setters, James (2011) B-1600 4:39.68 IL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#8)
2011-03-19 Schiffgens, John (2011) B-55H 8.53 NIB 12 Indoor Conference Championships (#2)
2011-05-09 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 14.80 NWIIllinois Valley Invite (#1)
2010-05-21 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 14.85 NWIIL 2A Sterling Sectional (#3)
2011-05-13 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 15.07 NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#2)
2010-05-21 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 15.19 pre NWIIL 2A Sterling Sectional (#4)
2011-05-19 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 15.25 NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#3)
2010-05-14 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 15.26 NWINCIC -Reagan Conf Meet (#2)
2011-05-13 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 15.26 pre NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#3)
2011-04-02 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 15.38 NWIShipley Invitational (#2)
2011-05-19 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 15.47 pre NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#3)
2011-05-09 Schiffgens, John (2011) B-110H 15.58 NWIIllinois Valley Invite (#2)
2010-05-28 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-110H 15.58 pre NWIIHSA Boys 2A and 3A Prliminaries (#9)
2013-05-10 Price, Christian (2013) B-110H 15.82 pre NWINIB-12 Conference Boys (#1)
2013-05-06 Price, Christian (2013) B-110H 15.98 NWIIllinois Valley Co-Ed Meet (#1)
2011-05-19 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-300H 41.20 IL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#5)
2011-05-06 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-300H 41.30 McCormick Invitational (#3)
2011-05-09 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-300H 41.46 Illinois Valley Invite (#1)
2012-05-18 Coleman, Laron (2014) B-300H 41.64 IL 2A Ottawa Sectional (#3)
2011-05-13 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-300H 41.67 NIB 12 Boys Championships (#3)
2010-04-04 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-300H 42.43 Gene Shipley Invite (#3)
2011-04-29 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-300H 42.83 Sterling Relays (#6)
2010-05-14 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-300H 42.99 NCIC -Reagan Conf Meet (#2)
2011-04-02 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-HJ 6'4" IL#47 Shipley Invitational (#1)
2011-05-28 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-HJ 6'4" IHSA Boys State Finals (#5)
2011-05-19 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-HJ 6'3" IL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#3)
2015-04-04 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'2" Gene Shipley Invitational (#1)
2015-05-08 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'2" John McCormick Invitational (#2)
2011-05-27 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-HJ 6'2" pre IHSA 2A Prelims (#3)
2011-04-29 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-HJ 6'2" Sterling Relays (#3)
2014-05-09 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'2" IL#87 McCormick ABC Invitational (#4)
2011-05-06 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-HJ 6'1" McCormick Invitational (#3)
2011-05-13 Braley, Garrett (2011) B-HJ 6'1" NIB 12 Boys Championships (#3)
2015-05-21 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'1" IL 3A Plainfield North Boys Sectional (#7)
2015-04-24 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Metamora Boys ABC Invitational (#1)
2014-04-25 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Metamora ABC Boys Invitational (#1)
2015-05-01 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Sterling Night Relays (#2)
2014-04-05 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Gene Shipley Invitational (#2)
2015-04-18 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Ottawa Boys ABC Invitational (#3)
2014-05-12 Bilyeu, Bryce (2016) B-HJ 6'0" Illinois Valley Meet (#4)
2012-03-17 Burant, Austin (2013) B-HJ 5'10" NIB XII Indoor Conference (#6)
2013-05-17 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 21'10" NWIIL 2A Plano Boys Sectional (#3)
2011-05-19 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-LJ 21'9" NWIIL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#2)
2010-05-21 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-LJ 21'8.25" pre NWIIL 2A Sterling Sectional (#3)
2010-05-21 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-LJ 21'8.25" NWIIL 2A Sterling Sectional (#4)
2013-05-25 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 21'7.75" IL#21 w(0.3)IL 2A Boys State Finals (#5)
2010-05-14 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-LJ 21'5" NWINCIC -Reagan Conf Meet (#1)
2013-05-24 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 21'2.75" pre w(2.7)IL 2A Boys State Prelims (#7)
2011-05-28 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-LJ 21'2.5" IL#32 w(0.6)IHSA Boys State Finals (#10)
2013-03-30 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 21'1" NWIGene Shipley Invitational (#2)
2013-03-16 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 21'0.5" IL#68 NIB 12 Indoor Conference Meet (#1)
2013-04-26 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 20'11.5" NWISterling Night Relays (#6)
2011-05-27 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-LJ 20'10" pre w(1.5)IHSA 2A Prelims (#10)
2010-05-28 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-LJ 20'9.25" IL#23 pre w(1.6)IHSA Boys 2A and 3A Prliminaries (#3)
2013-04-05 Burant, Austin (2013) B-LJ 20'8.75" NWIPlainfield Central Boys Triangular (#1)
2010-05-10 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-LJ 20'7.25" NWIIllinois Valley Meet (#1)
2011-05-13 Friedle, Jimmy (2011) B-LJ 20'7" NWINIB 12 Boys Championships (#1)
2013-04-26 Burant, Austin (2013) B-TJ 42'10" NWISterling Night Relays (#4)
2013-05-17 Burant, Austin (2013) B-TJ 42'8" NWIIL 2A Plano Boys Sectional (#4)
2012-05-11 Burant, Austin (2013) B-TJ 42'1.25" NWINIB XII Boys Conference (#1)
2012-05-07 Burant, Austin (2013) B-TJ 41'7" NWIIllinois Valley 2012 (#1)
2013-03-16 Burant, Austin (2013) B-TJ 41'0.5" NIB 12 Indoor Conference Meet (#3)
2003-05-16 Mangold, Aaron (2003) B-PV 15'0" US#69 IL#4 Section
2011-04-02 Halm, Jimmy (2011) B-PV 13'6" IL#60 Shipley Invitational (#1)
2010-05-29 Halm, Jimmy (2011) B-PV 13'6" IL#41 IL 2A / 3A State Finals (#5)
2013-04-26 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 13'3" IL#76 Sterling Night Relays (#1)
2011-05-19 Halm, Jimmy (2011) B-PV 13'3" IL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#4)
2010-05-21 Halm, Jimmy (2011) B-PV 13'3" IL 2A Sterling Sectional (#5)
2011-04-05 Halm, Jimmy (2011) B-PV 13'0" Sterling Outdoor Invitational (#1)
2010-05-28 Halm, Jimmy (2011) B-PV 13'0" pre IHSA Boys 2A and 3A Prliminaries (#1)
2011-03-19 Halm, Jimmy (2011) B-PV 13'0" NIB 12 Indoor Conference Championships (#1)
2011-05-27 Halm, Jimmy (2011) B-PV 13'0" pre IHSA 2A Prelims (#11)
2013-04-05 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 13'0" Plainfield Central Boys Triangular (#2)
2011-03-26 Halm, Jimmy (2011) B-PV 13'0" IL#37 IPTT Classic - Class 2A (#6)
2013-05-06 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 12'9" Illinois Valley Co-Ed Meet (#1)
2011-05-13 Halm, Jimmy (2011) B-PV 12'9" NIB 12 Boys Championships (#1)
2010-05-07 Halm, Jimmy (2011) B-PV 12'9" Geneseo McCormick Invite (#1)
2013-05-10 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 12'9" NIB-12 Conference Boys (#4)
2012-05-11 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 12'9" NIB XII Boys Conference (#5)
2011-05-19 Moore, Bill (2013) B-PV 12'9" IL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#6)
2010-05-21 Webb, Corey B-PV 12'9" IL#100 IL 2A Sterling Sectional (#7)
2012-04-14 Moore, Billy (2013) B-PV 12'6" Ottawa ABC Invitational (#3)
2012-03-17 Moore, Bill (2013) B-PV 12'3" IL#97 NIB XII Indoor Conference (#4)
2011-05-09 Pena, Jon (2011) B-SP 55'0" IL#28 Illinois Valley Invite (#1)
2011-05-19 Pena, Jon (2011) B-SP 53'10" IL 2A Rochelle Sectional (#1)
2011-05-13 Pena, Jon (2011) B-SP 53'6" NIB 12 Boys Championships (#1)
2011-05-06 Pena, Jon (2011) B-SP 53'0" McCormick Invitational (#1)
2011-04-02 Pena, Jon (2011) B-SP 51'9.5" Shipley Invitational (#2)
2011-05-27 Pena, Jon (2011) B-SP 51'8.25" pre IHSA 2A Prelims (#8)
2011-05-28 Pena, Jon (2011) B-SP 51'8.25" IHSA Boys State Finals (#9)
2010-05-21 Pena, Jon (2011) B-SP 51'7.5" IL#78 IL 2A Sterling Sectional (#4)
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Ortiz, Alex Olivet Nazarene University, IL (Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference)

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