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School Name: Staunton, IL
State Division: A

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-30 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 10.65 IL#6 w(1.6)IL 1A Boys State Finals (#1)
2015-05-18 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 10.75 NWICapital Area Classic (#1)
2015-05-12 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 10.79 NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#1)
2015-05-21 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 10.81 NWIIL 1A Staunton Sectional (#1)
2015-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 10.96 pre NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2015-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.01 NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2015-05-28 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.10 pre w(-1.8)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#3)
2015-06-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.25 NWISenior Spotlight Meet (#5)
2015-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-200 22.49 NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2015-05-12 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-200 22.52 NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#1)
2015-05-30 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 23'2.25" w(2.5)IL 1A Boys State Finals (#1)
2015-05-18 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 23'0" NWICapital Area Classic (#1)
2015-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'4.25" NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2015-06-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'4" NWISenior Spotlight Meet (#6)
2015-05-28 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'0.75" pre w(3.3)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#2)
2015-05-21 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'10.25" NWIIL 1A Staunton Sectional (#2)
2015-05-12 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'10" NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#1)
2015-05-30 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 46'2.25" w(3.1)IL 1A Boys State Finals (#1)
2015-05-18 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 45'7.5" NWICapital Area Classic (#2)
2015-05-21 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 44'2" NWIIL 1A Staunton Sectional (#1)
2015-06-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 43'2.25" NWISenior Spotlight Meet (#7)
2015-05-28 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 43'0.75" pre w(2.2)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#2)
2015-05-08 Glynn, Andrew (2017) B-PV 13'0" Macoupin County Meet (#1)
2015-05-18 Glynn, Andrew (2017) B-PV 12'6" Capital Area Classic (#2)
2015-05-21 Glynn, Andrew (2017) B-PV 12'6" IL 1A Staunton Sectional (#2)
2015-05-12 Glynn, Andrew (2017) B-PV 12'6" South Central Boys Conference Meet (#3)

2015 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-27 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.02 IL#16 pre Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#2)
2015-03-27 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.03 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#3)
2015-03-07 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.05 pre Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)
2015-03-07 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.10 Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)
2015-03-07 Fairman, Colin (2015) B-HJ 5'10" Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#4)
2015-03-27 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'2.75" IL#10 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#1)
2015-03-07 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'10.75" Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#2)
2015-03-27 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 44'3.5" IL#17 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#2)
2015-03-07 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 42'3" Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-22 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.06 NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#2)
2014-05-22 Kinder, Blake B-100 11.24 NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#3)
2014-05-22 Kinder, Blake B-100 11.33 pre NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#4)
2014-05-22 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.36 pre NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#3)
2014-05-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.40 pre NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#1)
2014-04-08 Bruhn, Jake (2014) B-HJ 6'2" IL#87 Staunton Co-Ed Quintangular (#1)
2014-05-22 Fairman, Colin (2015) B-HJ 6'1" IL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#2)
2014-05-08 Fairman, Colin (2015) B-HJ 6'0" Macoupin County Meet (#1)
2014-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'9.5" NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2014-05-31 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'2" w(0.1)IL 1A Boys State Finals (#2)
2014-05-29 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'2" IL#12 pre w(0.1)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#2)
2014-05-22 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'1.5" NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#1)
2014-05-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'1" NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#1)
2014-04-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'3.5" NWIStaunton Co-Ed Quintangular (#1)
2014-04-18 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'0.5" NWIStaunton Invitational (#2)
2014-05-22 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 43'4.5" NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#2)
2014-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 43'4" NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2014-04-18 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 42'1.5" NWIStaunton Invitational (#1)
2014-05-29 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 41'7" IL#43 pre w(1.5)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#13)
2014-05-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 41'6.5" NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#2)
2014-05-29 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.87 pre IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#6)
2014-05-22 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.99 IL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#1)
2014-05-19 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.19 Capital Area Classic (#3)
2014-05-31 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.22 IL 1A Boys State Finals (#7)

2014 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-03-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.32 pre Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)
2014-03-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.33 Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#3)
2014-03-28 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.40 pre Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#18)
2014-03-08 Fairman, Colin (2015) B-HJ 6'0" IL#79 Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#4)
2014-03-28 Fairman, Colin (2015) B-HJ 5'10" Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#14)
2014-03-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'1.5" IL#54 Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)
2014-03-28 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 20'6.75" Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#4)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-04-12 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.38 pre NWIStaunton Invitational (#1)
2013-05-13 Vaughn, David (2013) B-HJ 6'4" IL#49 Capital Area Classic (#1)
2013-05-16 Vaughn, David (2013) B-HJ 6'3" IL 1A Litchfield Boys Sectional (#2)
2013-05-10 Vaughn, David (2013) B-HJ 6'2" Gillespie Invitational (#1)
2013-05-23 Vaughn, David (2013) B-HJ 6'1" pre IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#13)
2013-05-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'6.25" NWICapital Area Classic (#1)
2013-05-16 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'5.75" NWIIL 1A Litchfield Boys Sectional (#1)
2013-05-23 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'5.75" IL#23 pre w(1.7)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#4)
2013-05-25 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'5.75" w(1.7)IL 1A Boys State Finals (#4)
2013-04-09 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'1" NWIHighland F/S Boys Invitational (#1)
2013-04-12 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 20'9.25" NWIStaunton Invitational (#1)
2013-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.76 IL#90 IL 1A Litchfield Boys Sectional (#2)
2013-05-25 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.79 IL 1A Boys State Finals (#7)
2013-05-23 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.88 pre IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#6)
2013-05-10 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.20 Gillespie Invitational (#1)
2013-05-13 Boys Relay B-4x100 44.29 Capital Area Classic (#3)
2013-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:33.84 IL 1A Litchfield Boys Sectional (#4)
2013-05-10 Boys Relay B-4x200 1:34.60 Gillespie Invitational (#2)
2013-04-12 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-100 13.12 NWIStaunton Invitational (#1)
2013-05-13 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-200 27.33 NWICapital Area Classic (#2)
2013-05-18 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-400 58.20 IL#37 IL 1A Girls State Finals (#3)
2013-05-09 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-400 58.86 IL 1A Carlinville Sectional (#1)
2013-05-16 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-400 58.89 pre IL 1A Girls State Prelims (#8)
2013-04-12 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-400 59.79 Staunton Invitational (#1)
2013-05-13 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-400 1:00.37 Capital Area Classic (#1)
2013-04-12 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-HJ 5'1" IL#95 Staunton Invitational (#1)
2013-05-18 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-TJ 36'7.25" IL#13 w(1)IL 1A Girls State Finals (#3)
2013-04-30 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-TJ 36'5.5" NWISouth Central Conference Girls (#1)
2013-05-09 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-TJ 36'3.5" NWIIL 1A Carlinville Sectional (#1)
2013-05-16 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-TJ 36'2.5" pre w(2.5)IL 1A Girls State Prelims (#3)
2013-05-13 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-TJ 35'10.5" NWICapital Area Classic (#1)
2013-04-06 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-TJ 34'3.5" NWICarlinville Girls Invitational (#1)

2013 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-03-02 Vaughn, David (2013) B-HJ 6'0" IL#90 Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#5)
2013-03-22 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-400 59.64 IL#19 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#1)
2013-03-02 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-400 1:00.96 Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)
2013-03-22 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-TJ 35'3" IL#27 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#2)
2013-03-02 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-TJ 33'11.5" Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-17 Allison, Samuel (2013) B-400 52.24 IL 1A Staunton Sectional (#1)
2012-05-17 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 56'4" IL#16 IL 1A Staunton Sectional (#1)
2012-04-21 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'7" Rochester Invitational (#1)
2012-04-28 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'6" Jokisch-Grandone Invitational (#1)
2012-03-31 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'6" Staunton Invitational (#1)
2012-05-26 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'5.75" IL Boys State Finals (#5)
2012-05-03 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'4.75" Macoupin County Boys Meet (#1)
2012-04-17 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'2" Carlinville Relays (#1)
2012-05-24 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'1" pre IL 1A State Prelims (#5)
2012-05-14 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 53'11.5" Capital Area Classic (#1)
2012-04-03 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 53'1" Gillespie CoEd Triangular (#1)
2012-05-26 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 165'8" IL#26 IL Boys State Finals (#2)
2012-04-03 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 163'8" Gillespie CoEd Triangular (#1)
2012-05-24 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 163'7" pre IL 1A State Prelims (#2)
2012-05-14 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 163'1" Capital Area Classic (#2)
2012-04-28 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 162'2" Jokisch-Grandone Invitational (#3)
2012-05-17 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 158'1" IL 1A Staunton Sectional (#1)
2012-04-21 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 150'11" Rochester Invitational (#3)
2012-05-03 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 147'7" Macoupin County Boys Meet (#1)
2012-03-31 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 145'5" Staunton Invitational (#1)
2012-04-28 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-200 26.49 NWIJokisch-Grandone Invitational (#1)
2012-05-14 Fairman, Sophie (2013) G-200 26.92 NWICapital Area Classic (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-03-27 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.02 IL#16 pre Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#2)
2015-03-27 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.03 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#3)
2015-03-07 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.05 pre Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)
2015-03-07 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.10 Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)
2014-03-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.32 pre Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)
2014-03-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.33 Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#3)
2014-03-28 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-60 7.40 pre Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#18)
2015-05-30 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 10.65 IL#6 w(1.6)IL 1A Boys State Finals (#1)
2015-05-18 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 10.75 NWICapital Area Classic (#1)
2015-05-12 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 10.79 NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#1)
2015-05-21 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 10.81 NWIIL 1A Staunton Sectional (#1)
2015-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 10.96 pre NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2015-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.01 NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2014-05-22 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.06 NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#2)
2015-05-28 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.10 pre w(-1.8)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#3)
2014-05-22 Kinder, Blake B-100 11.24 NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#3)
2015-06-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.25 NWISenior Spotlight Meet (#5)
2014-05-22 Kinder, Blake B-100 11.33 pre NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#4)
2014-05-22 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.36 pre NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#3)
2013-04-12 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.38 pre NWIStaunton Invitational (#1)
2014-05-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-100 11.40 pre NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#1)
2015-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-200 22.49 NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2015-05-12 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-200 22.52 NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#1)
2012-05-17 Allison, Samuel (2013) B-400 52.24 IL 1A Staunton Sectional (#1)
2013-05-13 Vaughn, David (2013) B-HJ 6'4" IL#49 Capital Area Classic (#1)
2010-04-16 Fairman, Anthony B-HJ 6'4" IL#53 Granite City Invite (#3)
2010-04-19 Fairman, Anthony B-HJ 6'4" Granite City Invite (#3)
2013-05-16 Vaughn, David (2013) B-HJ 6'3" IL 1A Litchfield Boys Sectional (#2)
2013-05-10 Vaughn, David (2013) B-HJ 6'2" Gillespie Invitational (#1)
2014-04-08 Bruhn, Jake (2014) B-HJ 6'2" IL#87 Staunton Co-Ed Quintangular (#1)
2010-05-06 Fairman, Anthony B-HJ 6'2" Macoupin County Meet (#1)
2010-05-27 Fairman, Anthony B-HJ 6'2" IHSA 1A Boys State Prelims (#14)
2010-03-06 Fairman, Anthony B-HJ 6'2" IL#52 Illinois College High School Invite- Class A (#2)
2010-04-03 Fairman, Anthony B-HJ 6'2" Staunton Invite (#2)
2010-05-20 Fairman, Anthony B-HJ 6'1" IHSA 1A Boys Carlinville Sectional (#1)
2013-05-23 Vaughn, David (2013) B-HJ 6'1" pre IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#13)
2014-05-22 Fairman, Colin (2015) B-HJ 6'1" IL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#2)
2010-05-11 Fairman, Anthony B-HJ 6'0" South Central Conference Meet (#1)
2014-05-08 Fairman, Colin (2015) B-HJ 6'0" Macoupin County Meet (#1)
2010-04-29 Kinder, Brett (2011) B-HJ 6'0" Staunton Invite (#1)
2011-04-23 Kinder, Brett (2011) B-HJ 6'0" Rochester Invite (#2)
2011-05-05 Kinder, Brett (2011) B-HJ 6'0" Macoupin County Meet (#2)
2011-04-30 Kinder, Brett (2011) B-HJ 6'0" Jokisch-Grandone Invitational (#4)
2014-03-08 Fairman, Colin (2015) B-HJ 6'0" IL#79 Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#4)
2013-03-02 Vaughn, David (2013) B-HJ 6'0" IL#90 Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#5)
2014-03-28 Fairman, Colin (2015) B-HJ 5'10" Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#14)
2015-03-07 Fairman, Colin (2015) B-HJ 5'10" Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#4)
2015-05-30 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 23'2.25" w(2.5)IL 1A Boys State Finals (#1)
2015-05-18 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 23'0" NWICapital Area Classic (#1)
2014-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'9.5" NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2013-05-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'6.25" NWICapital Area Classic (#1)
2015-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'4.25" NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2015-06-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'4" NWISenior Spotlight Meet (#6)
2015-03-27 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'2.75" IL#10 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#1)
2014-05-31 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'2" w(0.1)IL 1A Boys State Finals (#2)
2014-05-29 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'2" IL#12 pre w(0.1)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#2)
2014-05-22 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'1.5" NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#1)
2014-05-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'1" NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#1)
2015-05-28 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 22'0.75" pre w(3.3)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#2)
2015-03-07 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'10.75" Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#2)
2015-05-21 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'10.25" NWIIL 1A Staunton Sectional (#2)
2015-05-12 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'10" NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#1)
2013-05-16 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'5.75" NWIIL 1A Litchfield Boys Sectional (#1)
2013-05-23 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'5.75" IL#23 pre w(1.7)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#4)
2013-05-25 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'5.75" w(1.7)IL 1A Boys State Finals (#4)
2014-04-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'3.5" NWIStaunton Co-Ed Quintangular (#1)
2014-03-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'1.5" IL#54 Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)
2013-04-09 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'1" NWIHighland F/S Boys Invitational (#1)
2014-04-18 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 21'0.5" NWIStaunton Invitational (#2)
2013-04-12 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 20'9.25" NWIStaunton Invitational (#1)
2014-03-28 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-LJ 20'6.75" Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#4)
2015-05-30 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 46'2.25" w(3.1)IL 1A Boys State Finals (#1)
2015-05-18 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 45'7.5" NWICapital Area Classic (#2)
2015-03-27 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 44'3.5" IL#17 Illinois Top Times Championships - Class 1A (#2)
2015-05-21 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 44'2" NWIIL 1A Staunton Sectional (#1)
2014-05-22 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 43'4.5" NWIIL 1A Carlinville Boys Sectional (#2)
2014-05-08 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 43'4" NWIMacoupin County Meet (#1)
2015-06-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 43'2.25" NWISenior Spotlight Meet (#7)
2015-05-28 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 43'0.75" pre w(2.2)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#2)
2015-03-07 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 42'3" Jacksonville Small School Invitational (#1)
2014-04-18 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 42'1.5" NWIStaunton Invitational (#1)
2014-05-29 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 41'7" IL#43 pre w(1.5)IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#13)
2010-05-27 Fairman, Anthony B-TJ 41'6.75" NWIIHSA 1A Boys State Prelims (#18)
2014-05-13 Sitko, Marcus (2015) B-TJ 41'6.5" NWISouth Central Boys Conference Meet (#2)
2015-05-08 Glynn, Andrew (2017) B-PV 13'0" Macoupin County Meet (#1)
2015-05-18 Glynn, Andrew (2017) B-PV 12'6" Capital Area Classic (#2)
2015-05-21 Glynn, Andrew (2017) B-PV 12'6" IL 1A Staunton Sectional (#2)
2015-05-12 Glynn, Andrew (2017) B-PV 12'6" South Central Boys Conference Meet (#3)
2012-05-17 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 56'4" IL#16 IL 1A Staunton Sectional (#1)
2012-04-21 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'7" Rochester Invitational (#1)
2012-04-28 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'6" Jokisch-Grandone Invitational (#1)
2012-03-31 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'6" Staunton Invitational (#1)
2012-05-26 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'5.75" IL Boys State Finals (#5)
2012-05-03 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'4.75" Macoupin County Boys Meet (#1)
2011-04-30 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'4.5" IL#32 Jokisch-Grandone Invitational (#2)
2012-04-17 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'2" Carlinville Relays (#1)
2012-05-24 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'1" pre IL 1A State Prelims (#5)
2011-04-23 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 54'0.75" Rochester Invite (#2)
2012-05-14 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 53'11.5" Capital Area Classic (#1)
2012-04-03 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 53'1" Gillespie CoEd Triangular (#1)
2011-05-05 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 53'0.5" Macoupin County Meet (#1)
2011-05-16 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 52'6" Capitol Area Classic (#2)
2011-05-28 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 52'1.25" IHSA Boys State Finals (#7)
2011-05-26 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 52'0.25" pre IHSA 1A Boys State Prelims (#5)
2011-05-19 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 51'5" IL 1A Litchfield Sectional (#1)
2010-03-06 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 48'5" IL#81 Jacksonville Invite
2010-03-26 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-SP 48'3.25" Illinois Prep Top Times Indoor Classic Class A (#13)
2012-05-26 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 165'8" IL#26 IL Boys State Finals (#2)
2012-04-03 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 163'8" Gillespie CoEd Triangular (#1)
2012-05-24 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 163'7" pre IL 1A State Prelims (#2)
2012-05-14 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 163'1" Capital Area Classic (#2)
2012-04-28 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 162'2" Jokisch-Grandone Invitational (#3)
2011-05-05 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 159'5" IL#45 Macoupin County Meet (#1)
2011-04-23 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 159'4" Rochester Invite (#2)
2012-05-17 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 158'1" IL 1A Staunton Sectional (#1)
2012-04-21 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 150'11" Rochester Invitational (#3)
2011-05-19 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 148'6" IL 1A Litchfield Sectional (#3)
2012-05-03 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 147'7" Macoupin County Boys Meet (#1)
2012-03-31 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 145'5" Staunton Invitational (#1)
2011-05-16 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 144'5" Capitol Area Classic (#5)
2011-04-30 Mahin, Jake (2012) B-DT 140'3" Jokisch-Grandone Invitational (#4)
2013-05-16 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.76 IL#90 IL 1A Litchfield Boys Sectional (#2)
2013-05-25 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.79 IL 1A Boys State Finals (#7)
2014-05-29 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.87 pre IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#6)
2013-05-23 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.88 pre IL 1A Boys State Prelims (#6)
Continue with next 125 performances

Mahin, Jake University of Central Missouri, MO (Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association)

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