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School Name: Lawrence, KS

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2015 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2015-05-30 Woods, JD (2016) B-100 10.91 w(2.7)KS 6A Championships (#2)
2015-05-30 Woods, JD (2016) B-200 22.15 KS#3 pre w(1.5)KS 6A Championships (#1)
2015-05-30 Woods, JD (2016) B-200 22.47 w(2.8)KS 6A Championships (#5)
2015-05-30 Shorter, Tae (2015) B-TJ 45'8" NWIKS 6A Championships (#1)
2015-04-17 Shorter, Lavontae (2015) B-TJ 43'10.5" KS#4 w(2)Kansas Relays (#9)
2015-05-30 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.65 KS#2 pre KS 6A Championships (#1)
2015-06-28 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-200 25.99 pre NWIAAU JO Region 15 Qualifier (#7)
2015-06-28 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-200 26.07 NWIAAU JO Region 15 Qualifier (#6)
2015-05-30 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 58.24 KS#8 pre KS 6A Championships (#5)
2015-05-30 Pope, Marissa (2015) G-400 58.96 KS#11 pre KS 6A Championships (#4)
2015-05-30 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 59.00 KS 6A Championships (#4)
2015-04-17 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 59.10 Kansas Relays (#12)
2015-05-30 Pope, Marissa (2015) G-400 59.54 KS 6A Championships (#6)
2015-06-28 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-400 59.96 KS#31 AAU JO Region 15 Qualifier (#5)
2015-05-30 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-800 2:17.53 KS#3 KS 6A Championships (#2)
2015-05-30 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-LJ 17'8" NWIKS 6A Championships (#2)
2015-06-28 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-LJ 16'0.75" NWIAAU JO Region 15 Qualifier (#9)
2015-05-30 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 40'9" KS#13 KS 6A Championships (#3)
2015-05-30 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 40'8.25" KS#14 KS 6A Championships (#4)
2015-04-17 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 37'5" Kansas Relays (#13)
2015-04-17 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 36'10" Kansas Relays (#17)
2015-05-30 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 149'3" US#34 KS#1 KS 6A Championships (#1)
2015-04-17 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 144'5" US#70 KS#4 Kansas Relays (#3)
2015-04-17 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 142'6" Kansas Relays (#5)
2015-05-30 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 137'5" KS 6A Championships (#2)
2015-05-30 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:54.96 KS#1 pre KS 6A Championships (#1)
2015-05-30 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:55.55 KS 6A Championships (#1)
2015-04-17 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:03.40 Kansas Relays (#7)

2014 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-05-31 Shields, Logan (2015) B-HJ 6'4" KS#23 KS Class 6A Championships (#8)
2014-05-31 Shorter, Tae (2015) B-TJ 45'5" NWIKS Class 6A Championships (#4)
2014-04-19 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 45'1" w(2.3)Kansas Relays (#7)
2014-05-23 Shorter, Tae (2015) B-TJ 45'0.25" NWIKS 6A Regional SM South (#2)
2014-05-23 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 44'4.5" NWIKS 6A Regional SM South (#4)
2014-04-11 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 44'3.5" NWITopeka Relays (#2)
2014-05-09 Shorter, Lavontae (2015) B-TJ 43'10" NWIShawnee Mission North Relays (#5)
2014-05-09 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 43'7" NWIShawnee Mission North Relays (#7)
2014-05-31 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 43'5" NWIKS Class 6A Championships (#11)
2014-05-09 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.62 KS#30 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#6)
2014-05-23 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.85 KS 6A Regional SM South (#3)
2014-05-31 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 58.89 KS#14 pre KS Class 6A Championships (#3)
2014-05-31 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 59.28 KS Class 6A Championships (#4)
2014-05-09 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 59.47 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#3)
2014-05-23 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 59.48 KS 6A Regional SM South (#1)
2014-05-23 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-LJ 17'0.5" NWIKS 6A Regional SM South (#1)
2014-05-23 Broadwell, Caitlin (2014) G-TJ 35'3" NWIKS 6A Regional SM South (#4)
2014-05-09 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 38'10.5" KS#25 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#2)
2014-05-09 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 37'7.5" KS#38 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#4)
2014-05-31 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 37'5" KS Class 6A Championships (#5)
2014-04-19 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 37'4.5" Kansas Relays (#11)
2014-05-23 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 37'0" KS 6A Regional SM South (#1)
2014-04-11 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 37'0" Topeka Relays (#1)
2014-05-31 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 36'2" KS Class 6A Championships (#7)
2014-05-23 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 36'0.5" KS 6A Regional SM South (#2)
2014-04-26 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 35'2" Topeka Seaman Relays (#4)
2014-05-23 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 144'4" US#77 KS#3 KS 6A Regional SM South (#1)
2014-05-09 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 142'4" Shawnee Mission North Relays (#1)
2014-05-31 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 141'10" KS Class 6A Championships (#1)
2014-05-31 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 139'9" KS#4 KS Class 6A Championships (#2)
2014-04-11 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 137'0" Topeka Relays (#1)
2014-04-19 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 136'9" Kansas Relays (#4)
2014-04-19 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 135'8" Kansas Relays (#5)
2014-05-23 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 135'6" KS 6A Regional SM South (#2)
2014-05-09 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 132'10" Shawnee Mission North Relays (#2)
2014-04-26 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 126'1" Topeka Seaman Relays (#2)
2014-04-11 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 123'10" Topeka Relays (#2)
2014-05-31 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.70 KS#12 pre KS Class 6A Championships (#5)
2014-05-31 Girls Relay G-4x100 49.86 KS Class 6A Championships (#5)
2014-05-31 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:55.19 KS#1 KS Class 6A Championships (#1)
2014-05-23 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:59.29 KS 6A Regional SM South (#1)
2014-05-31 Girls Relay G-4x400 3:59.50 pre KS Class 6A Championships (#1)
2014-05-09 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:00.41 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#1)
2014-04-19 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:01.26 pre Kansas Relays (#2)
2014-04-11 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:04.89 Topeka Relays (#1)

2014 Indoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2014-01-26 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 43'7.75" KS#4 Jayhawk Indoor Open (#3)

2013 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2013-05-25 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 44'3" w(2.4)KS 6A State Champs (#4)
2013-05-17 Morgan, Grace (2013) G-3200 11:22.30 KS#6 KS 6A Regional Meet #2 (#2)
2013-05-17 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 36'2" KS#66 KS 6A Regional Meet #2 (#2)
2013-05-25 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 35'10.5" KS 6A State Champs (#8)
2013-05-25 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 35'7" KS#72 KS 6A State Champs (#9)
2013-04-26 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 35'2" Topeka Seaman Relays (#4)
2013-05-25 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 139'11" US#100 KS#2 KS 6A State Champs (#1)
2013-04-19 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 136'3" Kansas Relays (#5)
2013-05-25 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 135'7" KS#5 KS 6A State Champs (#2)
2013-05-17 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 135'3" KS 6A Regional Meet #2 (#1)
2013-05-17 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 134'4" KS 6A Regional Meet #2 (#2)
2013-04-26 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 126'1" Topeka Seaman Relays (#2)
2013-04-19 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 123'0" Kansas Relays (#9)
2013-05-17 Howard, Monica (2013) G-JT 120'0" KS#33 KS 6A Regional Meet #2 (#3)
2013-05-17 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:00.14 KS#2 KS 6A Regional Meet #2 (#1)
2013-05-25 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:00.60 pre KS 6A State Champs (#1)
2013-05-25 Girls Relay G-4x400 4:02.47 KS 6A State Champs (#1)

2012 Cross Country
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-10-20 Fischer, Gavin (2013) B-5k_XC 16:14.10 KS#23 KS 6A Blue Valley West Regional (#2)
2012-10-20 Morgan, Grace (2013) G-4k_XC 15:14.78 KS#14 KS 6A Blue Valley West Regional (#1)

2012 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2012-05-26 Hill, Steven (2012) B-TJ 45'11" NWIKS 6A Outdoor State Meet (#2)
2012-05-11 Hill, Steven (2012) B-TJ 45'8.75" NWISunflower League Championship (#1)
2012-05-04 Hill, Steven (2012) B-TJ 45'8.5" NWIShawnee Mission North Relays (#3)
2012-05-11 Ballard, Alex B-PV 14'0" Sunflower League Championship (#2)
2012-05-04 Ballard, Alex B-PV 14'0" KS#20 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#5)
2012-04-30 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 61'1" US#34 KS#1 Seaman Relays (#1)
2012-05-04 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 60'10.5" Shawnee Mission North Relays (#1)
2012-04-07 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 60'10" Topeka Relays (#1)
2012-04-21 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 59'4" Kansas Relays (#1)
2012-05-11 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 58'2" Sunflower League Championship (#1)
2012-05-26 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 53'9.5" KS 6A Outdoor State Meet (#2)
2012-04-30 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-DT 169'11" KS#6 Seaman Relays (#1)
2012-05-26 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-DT 167'3" KS 6A Outdoor State Meet (#3)
2012-05-26 Broadwell, Caitlin (2014) G-TJ 35'0.5" NWIKS 6A Outdoor State Meet (#8)
2012-05-11 Barhum, Natasha G-SP 36'5.5" KS#57 Sunflower League Championship (#4)
2012-05-04 Barhum, Natasha G-SP 36'3.5" Shawnee Mission North Relays (#7)
2012-04-30 Barhum, Natasha G-SP 35'6" Seaman Relays (#4)
2012-05-11 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 35'5.5" KS#78 Sunflower League Championship (#6)
2012-05-26 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 133'4" KS#8 KS 6A Outdoor State Meet (#4)
2012-04-21 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 128'2" KS#15 Kansas Relays (#6)
2012-05-11 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 127'10" Sunflower League Championship (#2)
2012-04-30 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 126'11" Seaman Relays (#2)
2012-05-04 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 125'9" Shawnee Mission North Relays (#1)
2012-04-07 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 120'3" Topeka Relays (#3)

2011 Outdoor
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2011-04-29 Edwards, Trent (2011) B-100 11.00 pre NWISeaman Relays (#6)
2011-04-29 Edwards, Trent (2011) B-200 21.94 pre NWISeaman Relays (#6)
2011-05-28 Flory, Austin (2011) B-TJ 45'1" KS#7 w(1.5)KS 6A State (#3)
2011-05-06 Flory, Austin (2011) B-TJ 43'7.5" NWIShawnee Mission North Relays (#2)
2011-05-28 Hill, Steven (2012) B-TJ 43'4.5" w(2.5)KS 6A State (#7)
2011-04-29 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 62'9" US#24 KS#1 Seaman Relays (#1)
2011-04-23 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 59'8.75" Kansas Relays (#1)
2011-03-29 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 59'6" Lawrence Tri (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Performances by Event
Date NameEventPerformanceNotesMeet
2003-05-31 Fulton, Chris (2003) B-100 10.59 US#26 KS#2 w(2)6A State Meet (#2)
2015-05-30 Woods, JD (2016) B-100 10.91 w(2.7)KS 6A Championships (#2)
2011-04-29 Edwards, Trent (2011) B-100 11.00 pre NWISeaman Relays (#6)
2003-05-31 Fulton, Chris (2003) B-200 21.56 US#53 KS#3 w(0.9)6A State Meet (#2)
2011-04-29 Edwards, Trent (2011) B-200 21.94 pre NWISeaman Relays (#6)
2015-05-30 Woods, JD (2016) B-200 22.15 KS#3 pre w(1.5)KS 6A Championships (#1)
2015-05-30 Woods, JD (2016) B-200 22.47 w(2.8)KS 6A Championships (#5)
2010-05-29 Wedge, Roy (2010) B-3200 9:29.76 KS#4 KS 6A State Meet (#2)
2010-05-07 Wedge, Roy (2010) B-3200 9:37.78 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#1)
2006-04-22 Logan, Kevin (2007) B-HJ 6'8" US#82 KS#3 Kansas Relays (#1)
2007-05-04 Logan, Kevin (2007) B-HJ 6'8" US#79 KS#4 SM North Relays OUT (#2)
2006-05-26 Logan, Kevin (2007) B-HJ 6'8" KS State 6A (#3)
2014-05-31 Shields, Logan (2015) B-HJ 6'4" KS#23 KS Class 6A Championships (#8)
2012-05-26 Hill, Steven (2012) B-TJ 45'11" NWIKS 6A Outdoor State Meet (#2)
2012-05-11 Hill, Steven (2012) B-TJ 45'8.75" NWISunflower League Championship (#1)
2012-05-04 Hill, Steven (2012) B-TJ 45'8.5" NWIShawnee Mission North Relays (#3)
2015-05-30 Shorter, Tae (2015) B-TJ 45'8" NWIKS 6A Championships (#1)
2014-05-31 Shorter, Tae (2015) B-TJ 45'5" NWIKS Class 6A Championships (#4)
2011-05-28 Flory, Austin (2011) B-TJ 45'1" KS#7 w(1.5)KS 6A State (#3)
2014-04-19 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 45'1" w(2.3)Kansas Relays (#7)
2014-05-23 Shorter, Tae (2015) B-TJ 45'0.25" NWIKS 6A Regional SM South (#2)
2014-05-23 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 44'4.5" NWIKS 6A Regional SM South (#4)
2014-04-11 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 44'3.5" NWITopeka Relays (#2)
2013-05-25 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 44'3" w(2.4)KS 6A State Champs (#4)
2015-04-17 Shorter, Lavontae (2015) B-TJ 43'10.5" KS#4 w(2)Kansas Relays (#9)
2014-05-09 Shorter, Lavontae (2015) B-TJ 43'10" NWIShawnee Mission North Relays (#5)
2014-01-26 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 43'7.75" KS#4 Jayhawk Indoor Open (#3)
2011-05-06 Flory, Austin (2011) B-TJ 43'7.5" NWIShawnee Mission North Relays (#2)
2014-05-09 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 43'7" NWIShawnee Mission North Relays (#7)
2014-05-31 Parrish, Erik (2014) B-TJ 43'5" NWIKS Class 6A Championships (#11)
2011-05-28 Hill, Steven (2012) B-TJ 43'4.5" w(2.5)KS 6A State (#7)
2010-05-29 Flory, Austin (2011) B-TJ 43'0" NWIKS 6A State Meet (#7)
2012-05-11 Ballard, Alex B-PV 14'0" Sunflower League Championship (#2)
2012-05-04 Ballard, Alex B-PV 14'0" KS#20 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#5)
2011-04-29 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 62'9" US#24 KS#1 Seaman Relays (#1)
2012-04-30 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 61'1" US#34 KS#1 Seaman Relays (#1)
2012-05-04 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 60'10.5" Shawnee Mission North Relays (#1)
2012-04-07 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 60'10" Topeka Relays (#1)
2011-04-23 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 59'8.75" Kansas Relays (#1)
2011-03-29 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 59'6" Lawrence Tri (#1)
2011-05-28 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 59'4" KS 6A State (#1)
2012-04-21 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 59'4" Kansas Relays (#1)
2011-05-06 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 58'10.25" Shawnee Mission North Relays (#1)
2011-07-03 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 58'6" AAU Area 11 Ntl Qualifier (#1)
2012-05-11 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 58'2" Sunflower League Championship (#1)
2010-08-07 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 56'3.25" KS#5 AAU JO Nationals Intermediate (#1)
2011-03-17 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 56'3" Topeka West Mid-Winter Relays (#1)
2010-03-30 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 54'6" Lawrence Tri (#1)
2009-05-30 Dawes, Chebon (2009) B-SP 54'0" KS#6 KS 6A State Meet (#1)
2012-05-26 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 53'9.5" KS 6A Outdoor State Meet (#2)
2010-01-31 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 52'6" KS#3 Jayhawk Open (#2)
2010-05-29 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 50'11.25" KS 6A State Meet (#6)
2009-05-18 Dawes, Chebon (2009) B-SP 50'10" pre KS Sunflower League Championships (#3)
2009-05-18 Dawes, Chebon (2009) B-SP 50'10" KS Sunflower League Championships (#3)
2010-04-30 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 50'9.5" Seaman Relays (#3)
2009-05-01 Dawes, Chebon (2009) B-SP 50'9.5" Seaman Relays (#3)
2010-05-07 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 50'7.5" Shawnee Mission North Relays (#3)
2010-01-17 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-SP 49'1.75" Kansas State Wildcat Inv (#4)
2012-04-30 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-DT 169'11" KS#6 Seaman Relays (#1)
2012-05-26 Hocking, Blake (2012) B-DT 167'3" KS 6A Outdoor State Meet (#3)
2009-05-30 Smith, Chris (2009) B-JT 183'8" KS#11 KS 6A State Meet (#5)
2009-04-17 Smith, Chris (2009) B-JT 177'7" Kansas Relays (#6)
2015-05-30 Boys Relay B-4x100 42.65 KS#2 pre KS 6A Championships (#1)
2014-05-09 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.62 KS#30 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#6)
2011-05-06 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.79 KS#26 Shawnee Mission North Relays
2014-05-23 Boys Relay B-4x100 43.85 KS 6A Regional SM South (#3)
2001-12-30 Boys Relay B-4x800 7:55.90 US#64 KS#1 Swenson list
2000-06-17 Boys Relay B-4x800 7:56.47 US#71 KS#2 FL Outdoor Nat (#10)
2001-06-16 Boys Relay B-4x800 7:56.84 AOC Outdoor Nat (#10)
2002-05-25 Boys Relay B-4x800 7:57.37 US#89 KS#4 State Meet 6A (#1)
2009-05-30 Boys Relay B-4x800 8:01.74 KS#10 KS 6A State Meet (#5)
2010-05-29 Boys Relay B-4x800 8:02.28 KS#5 KS 6A State Meet (#4)
2015-06-28 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-200 25.99 pre NWIAAU JO Region 15 Qualifier (#7)
2015-06-28 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-200 26.07 NWIAAU JO Region 15 Qualifier (#6)
2015-05-30 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 58.24 KS#8 pre KS 6A Championships (#5)
2014-05-31 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 58.89 KS#14 pre KS Class 6A Championships (#3)
2015-05-30 Pope, Marissa (2015) G-400 58.96 KS#11 pre KS 6A Championships (#4)
2015-05-30 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 59.00 KS 6A Championships (#4)
2015-04-17 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 59.10 Kansas Relays (#12)
2014-05-31 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 59.28 KS Class 6A Championships (#4)
2014-05-09 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 59.47 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#3)
2014-05-23 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-400 59.48 KS 6A Regional SM South (#1)
2015-05-30 Pope, Marissa (2015) G-400 59.54 KS 6A Championships (#6)
2015-06-28 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-400 59.96 KS#31 AAU JO Region 15 Qualifier (#5)
2015-05-30 Edwards, Jensen (2015) G-800 2:17.53 KS#3 KS 6A Championships (#2)
2005-02-19 Valencia, Alysha (2006) G-3000 10:19.60 US#21 KS#1 U-Missouri Allcomers (#1)
2005-06-18 Valencia, Alysha (2006) G-3200 10:51.33 US#84 KS#1 c e Nike Outdoor Nat
2005-04-16 Valencia, Alysha (2006) G-3200 10:53.16 K.T. Woodman (#1)
2013-05-17 Morgan, Grace (2013) G-3200 11:22.30 KS#6 KS 6A Regional Meet #2 (#2)
2005-06-18 Valencia, Alysha (2006) G-2Mile 10:55.13 US#33 KS#1 Nike Outdoor Nat (#19)
2011-04-23 Green, TaMiya (2011) G-300H 47.15 KS#22 Kansas Relays (#9)
2011-04-29 Green, TaMiya (2011) G-300H 47.62 Seaman Relays (#1)
2015-05-30 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-LJ 17'8" NWIKS 6A Championships (#2)
2014-05-23 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-LJ 17'0.5" NWIKS 6A Regional SM South (#1)
2015-06-28 Severa, Kyleigh (2016) G-LJ 16'0.75" NWIAAU JO Region 15 Qualifier (#9)
2014-05-23 Broadwell, Caitlin (2014) G-TJ 35'3" NWIKS 6A Regional SM South (#4)
2012-05-26 Broadwell, Caitlin (2014) G-TJ 35'0.5" NWIKS 6A Outdoor State Meet (#8)
2015-05-30 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 40'9" KS#13 KS 6A Championships (#3)
2015-05-30 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 40'8.25" KS#14 KS 6A Championships (#4)
2014-05-09 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 38'10.5" KS#25 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#2)
2014-05-09 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 37'7.5" KS#38 Shawnee Mission North Relays (#4)
2015-04-17 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 37'5" Kansas Relays (#13)
2014-05-31 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 37'5" KS Class 6A Championships (#5)
2014-04-19 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 37'4.5" Kansas Relays (#11)
2014-05-23 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 37'0" KS 6A Regional SM South (#1)
2014-04-11 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 37'0" Topeka Relays (#1)
2015-04-17 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 36'10" Kansas Relays (#17)
2012-05-11 Barhum, Natasha G-SP 36'5.5" KS#57 Sunflower League Championship (#4)
2012-05-04 Barhum, Natasha G-SP 36'3.5" Shawnee Mission North Relays (#7)
2013-05-17 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 36'2" KS#66 KS 6A Regional Meet #2 (#2)
2014-05-31 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 36'2" KS Class 6A Championships (#7)
2014-05-23 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 36'0.5" KS 6A Regional SM South (#2)
2013-05-25 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 35'10.5" KS 6A State Champs (#8)
2013-05-25 Finley, Matia (2015) G-SP 35'7" KS#72 KS 6A State Champs (#9)
2012-04-30 Barhum, Natasha G-SP 35'6" Seaman Relays (#4)
2012-05-11 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 35'5.5" KS#78 Sunflower League Championship (#6)
2014-04-26 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 35'2" Topeka Seaman Relays (#4)
2013-04-26 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-SP 35'2" Topeka Seaman Relays (#4)
2015-05-30 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 149'3" US#34 KS#1 KS 6A Championships (#1)
2015-04-17 Finley, Rebecca (2015) G-DT 144'5" US#70 KS#4 Kansas Relays (#3)
2014-05-23 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 144'4" US#77 KS#3 KS 6A Regional SM South (#1)
2015-04-17 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 142'6" Kansas Relays (#5)
2014-05-09 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 142'4" Shawnee Mission North Relays (#1)
2014-05-31 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 141'10" KS Class 6A Championships (#1)
2013-05-25 Finley, Matia (2015) G-DT 139'11" US#100 KS#2 KS 6A State Champs (#1)
Continue with next 125 performances

Finley, Rebecca Colorado State University, CO (Mountain West Conference)

Hocking, Blake University of Missouri-Kansas City, MO (Western Athletic Conference)

Wedge, Roy Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA (New England Women's & Men's Athletic Conference)

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